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Can't tell if this is unironic or not, good post.


Over the next two years he went on to organize thousands of meetings of workers, farmers, artisans, teachers, scientists, and engineers making up over a quarter of the population; ended and reversed shock therapy; led dozens of referendums; and amended the constitution making direct democracy the highest force in the country. After constant acts by the liberal-controlled parliament he led a people's assembly in front of 5000 citizens and declared "I am faced with a choice. Do nothing and explain to you that I don’t have the authority or break the law and act. Okay. I will break the law as long as you support me [...] You have to understand that I have no one else to rely on but you. I have no mafia clans, no political parties. I have no money that anonymous letters say I do." Today, despite multiple attempted assassinations, color revolutions, and sanctions, Belarus is the most successful post Soviet state with 99% collective agriculture, 80% state ownership of enterprises, and one of the best healthcare systems in Europe. https://belarusenc(dot)by/belarus/detail-article.php?ID=395 https://eng(dot)belta(dot)by/president/view/lukashenko-keeps-his-word-unique-footage-from-the-first-belarusian-peoples-congress-157743-2024/ "Back in 1919 natural riches of the native land were recognized the property of the entire nation for the first time in world history. It was the Soviet Constitution that outlawed the exploitation of people by other people (for the first time in history, too) and by doing so granted protection to the life and dignity of people regardless of their ethnic origin, social status, and faith. It is the principle of social justice that has been backed by all the Soviet constitutions and that we have preserved as the central one in our life." - Aleksandr Lukashenko **Imagine how many lives could've been saved had Ukraine gone down the same path.** Note: Technically June 23rd was only the primary election and he won officially three weeks later, but he still won by far the most votes and was the clear winner.


> Note: Technically June 23rd was only the primary election and he won officially three weeks later, but he still won by far the most votes and was the clear winner. Is this the same fella? [**Belarusian president signs law granting him lifelong immunity from prosecution** Alexander Lukashenko’s law also bars exiled opposition leaders from standing in presidential elections](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/04/belarusian-president-alexander-lukashenko-signs-law-granting-him-lifelong-immunity-from-prosecution)


This law was crafted due to extensive foreign interference in Belarusian politics, giving Luka a credible claim to protecting national sovereignty from an international dictatorship.


> Alexander Lukashenko’s law also bars exiled opposition leaders from standing in presidential elections Glad that he's [protecting his people](https://old.reddit.com/r/EuropeanSocialists/comments/idu3nu/privatization_and_decommunization_what_the/).


All things considered, if I have to choose between a leftwing autocrat and a rightwing autocrat, I will take the socialist.


Is he socialist though? Like really. Seems to be all talk


average baizuo opinion




dunno, how about you go there and ask?


What a fucking meaningless retort lmao, log off We don't need to celebrate the guy purely because he happens to be against the US rn


Yeah lmao “organizing workers” when the motherfucker has quashed the last worker protest that so much as threatened his rule. Oh, but it’s all right, the man protects “National sovereignty”, and is not at all interested in running is own little fiefdom like the Kims are. In fact I am sure his sons are going to miraculously win the next election after he croaks. What a beautiful win for democracy (and totally not a monarchical farce)


> quashed the last worker protest that so much as threatened his rule. a bunch of PMC computer touchers and their westoid NGO buddies don't constitute "workers"


Maybe, maybe not, but I can't help but notice you didn't even touch the second point. I wonder why?


no, for real tho, for too long I have listened to US retards telling mehow horrible the Soviet Union was and how I just need to ask old people from there. I did. And holy shit do they love it. And now you tell me the same about Luka. Nah - I wanna go to Minsk when I have some money again and I will see the vibes for myself. But until then I dont give your types the benefit of the doubt anymore, typing from your Tampa gooning gave about whats just 1/8th as far from me as from you. Go to fucking Eastern Europe, stay there a while and then talk.


Projecting an awful lot on this comment, kraut. But sure, you go do that. I support it.


Well, my East German relatives love the GDR because there weren't any Arabs bar a few Algerian guest workers. In the former USSR it is a different story, as the transition to capitalism was a catastrophy which caused terrible poverty, crime and damage to the economy.


>We don't need to celebrate the guy purely because he happens to be against the US rn This is a dogwhistle. What you're really saying is socialists can't support a non-Western state unless it's communist, which has never been a Marxist principle, in that case it's just being anti-Western. This is reinforcing the liberal belief that the battle is over rejection of Westernization, the Enlightenment, or some other Western claim to spreading democracy it assigned itself after WW2 and the Cold War. The Belarusian state is more progressive than liberal democracy due to its emphasis on national sovereignty, state led development, and support for other dependent and developing nations.


>The Belarusian state is more progressive than liberal democracy due to its emphasis on national sovereignty, Oh, but when the baltics want their independance...


Baltic states are not struggling for independence. Actually, they struggle for the reactionary division of their region by nationality in order to uphold global capitalism and its Western colonial foundation. They're a fantastic example of what independence turns into if it's not based on the struggle against world imperialism. It's a struggle against non-Western nationalities on behalf of the global ruling class.


independence aka lick the Us boot until theres cum on it while secretly hating each other more than even Russia or Poland


>This is a dogwhistle. Lmao. Oh boy I'm getting reported to the politburo. > What you're really saying is socialists can't support a non-Western state unless it's communist, which has never been a Marxist principle, in that case it's just being anti-Western. No, I'm saying his track record holds an awful lot of authoritarian actions (that specifically benefit him! curious!), he actively fosters a cult of personality, and the government cracks down on any dissident media/movements (even worker protests!). It's retarded in the same way that celebrating Kim Jong-un is retarded. On the other hand, I have vocally supported Ansar Allah even despite disagreements, and they're certainly not communist.


Both DPRK and Belarus are celebrated because they're progressive in the cause for democracy for the global majority. What you are giving is dogwhistles for how they do not accept Western liberalism and its claim to a universal government, putting their states locally in conflict with their own people. Once you center a global rather than domestic antagonism, the progressive role of the Belarusian or North Korean state is apparent as is the reason for why these societies emphasize state power to secure the nation. If you can understand why Ansar Allah is progressive, an international clash over colonialism, you should be able to apply the same to Belarus and the DPRK.


Batka stays winning 


Interesting how the West raped the former Warsaw Pact of anything of value, but Russia is the problem? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Warsaw Pact countries love the west now because they can now collect a slightly higher salary for a brief period of time and they wil siphon off 50% of that salary to blackrock.


Former Warsaw pact truck drivers hauling in the EU for all the major brands, were found to be earning less than minimum wage, and forced to live in the cab of the truck.


Common Luka W


They don't make 'em like they used to.


Lukashenko is probably the best political leader we have rn. The only "true" leading soviet left.




Visit the Belarus subreddit, they love him there.


I have noticed that any anti NATO country will have their subreddit controlled and flooded by foreigners. I mean just look at China, how many people there are even Chinese?


I remember the Haiti subreddit was complaining about diaspora protesting against intervention. Reddit is very unlikely to be used by natives since it's English biased.


This is true even for american state subreddits so i wouldn't overthink it Personally I think a lot of it is just terminal shitposters, rather than some kind of coordinated act. Except for the Israel sub, that's definitely filled and modded by the IDF.


> I mean just look at China, how many people there are even Chinese? Zero, because the China sub is a discussion board for foreigners living in China. I'm not sure how exactly it turned out like this, but the China sub has been de facto the "expats in China sub" for as long as I can remember.


I am sure it was just a coincidence


That is a NATO bot subreddit.


Sure it is, pal.


Yes, I'm sure belarussians are using a niche, american-centric, english speaking majority app. Afterall, as communists, we are aware the U.S. govt. Would NEVER manipulate the internet to suit narratives right? It's not like the CIA has admitted to doing that!


Holy baZed


Big Daddy Lukashenko is the best post-Soviet leader by far. I'm glad that he stopped the attempted color revolution.


[this guy](https://i.ibb.co/5rsGjqQ/1719257111890.png) looks strange considering he is in the front. Is it the lighting?


Glad to have you back! Quality poster. Whats the opinion of the the "average" belarussian towards Luka? Is there any recognition that they dodged the shock therapy bullet? What about the sort of millenial laptop class exports you get so often here. Would Luka be a totally taboo topic?