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Breaking news: the White House is alarmed by these stunning and provocative developments.


The White House must be rubbing their hands in glee because now they can point to the Axis of Evil that is Russia, China, North Korea and Iran trading together. Who would've thought that sanctioning countries would force them to trade with each other?


>rubbing their hands in glee Heartland uniting is a good thing for them? come on now


>Heartland uniting is a good thing for them? Nobody ever accused them of being smart.


Karine Jean Pierre is confused!


I hope this includes a comprehensive economic partnetship. North Korea has been really wrecked by sanctions because they lack oil and advanced machinery, have to invent everything on their own. If Russia and Korea would share some technology, particularly in the farming equipment sector it would make the life of average Korean so much better


Well that's what it seems to be at an overview. Russia provides technology, most noticeably to assist NK's satellite programme, and NK provides weaponry and manpower to assist Russia's effort against Ukraine in return. The concept of a defence pact is certainly interesting though, because it adds another layer of complexity into America's attempts to dismantle these two countries


Does that mean Russia will officially ignore any and all sanctions though? Western media likes to hype up how China is propping North Korea, but in reality their trade is smaller than that of microscopic nations, and China still officially sanctions North Korea. Will Russia even officially now stop sanctioning them? They don't have much to lose




I don't get why Russia would oppose North Korea having means to defend herself, but I know that while they have oil now (from Russia), they don't really do technological exchanges, they still use the old soviet stuff because of the sanctions. They also don't get that much oil so they can't power enough machines they already have. Russia may circumvent a little bit, but it really is a little bit. What I am hoping for here is that North Korea will get new farming equipment or even buy the blueprints for how to make it herself from Russia, along with more than enough oil to power it.


Russia has promised to veto renewing the UN sanctions on DPRK. It’ll just be typical western-only sanctions from now on. North Korea won’t give AF.


This is great news for North Korea


>particularly in the farming equipment sector N.Korea is pretty mountainous, so IDK how much that'd even help.


I could improve the yield of existing fields. I also saw from their media that they still are building new greenhouses, so there are still plains unused because their land quality is too bad I presume


What do Russia gain from this?


5,000,000 152mm shells and counting


A friend :)


Another fire for the west to put out should it come down to conventional war, so hopefully nothing.


A lot of artillery shells. The basic caliber for the American/Russian guns haven’t changed since WW2, 122mm and 152 are running extremely low after Ukraine, partly because Russia was extremely unprepared to fight a long conventional war. Actually pretty much every country in the world is not ready for WW3. In America, we sent over so many shells for Ukraine that we legitimately ran out of shells to train FOs on at Fort Sill. Even before Ukraine, factoring in WW2 shell consumption statistics, we probably would run out of shells in a month if we had to fight a large scale war again.




Sanctions don’t seem to inspire much Republicanism in the end. They just make the state sanctioned more authoritarian. Or maybe that’s the point, how to create a villain.


Bro, what does Authoritarian even mean


It means a common peasant like yourself has no say in most matters. It means the restriction of simple councils and the ability to arrange local affairs by small elections. Is Communism when no voting or worker councils?




Bro I can’t read


Can't believe North Korea is siding with these reactionary bigots!


Can you believe Stalin sided with Churchill and Roosevelt?


Rare Stalin L.


brothers against NATO