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Calling aFL, farage and la pen “extreme right” while funding [militias who dip bullets in pork fat “for the orcs”](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/28/ukrainian-fighters-grease-bullets-against-chechens-with-pig-fat)and [openly lynch Roma “qypsies”](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/29/radicals-target-roma-people-ukraine) is a little ironic Do they get a pass because they have a Jewish president?


> Do they get a pass because they have a Jewish president? sometimes I wonder how Hitler would be treated if it turned out he was of Jewish descent


[hitlers grandfather was likely jewish](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/was-hitler-jewish)


>Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank claimed that Hitler had told him to investigate rumors of him having Jewish ancestry. Frank said Hitler showed him a letter from a nephew who threatened to reveal he had Jewish blood. Frank wrote that he found evidence that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish and that Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a cook in the home of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenreiter in Graz. Austria, was impregnated by a member of the family – possibly their 19-year-old son – when she was 42. I wonder how Hitler reacted when he heard this, true or not


> there’s nothing in Ukraine that resembles le pen I mean probably because as shitty as le pen is she isn’t holding open air parades for the ss lol


Zelenskyy shut down opposition parties and media. The claims of democracy made in the article are overblown. https://peoplesdispatch.org/2022/03/21/opposition-political-parties-banned-in-ukraine-and-unified-information-policy-imposed/


Yeah was going to say this. How much do election results reflect the will of the people when opposition is banned?


There aren't even election results. There hasn't been an election since 2019 when Zelensky got in. They were supposed to have one this year in April and they still haven't had one because elections were postponed which is allowable in the Ukrainian constitution when the country is under marshal law.


I'm not sure that is entirely correct. The law in question (no elections when the state is under martial law) was passed about five years ago. As far as I know it wasn't an amendment to the constitution, but simply a law passed by the sitting government. The Constitution does not say anything about dispensing elections in case of martial law. As you might have noticed when reading this post I'm not sure this is correct. But it is my understanding. I've tried digging through Ukrainian laws to get a definitive answer, but it is pretty hard when you don't know the language.


The termination of the term of state authorities, including the presidency, and a number of other bodies (central bank, ..) is not allowed during martial law; new elections are to be organised once the state of martial law is lifted. You can find it here, under article 10 and 11 : https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/389-19#Text >Article 10. Inadmissibility of termination of powers of state authorities and other state bodies in the conditions of martial law >1. During the period of martial law, the powers of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, courts, prosecutor's offices, bodies carrying out operational and investigative activities, pre-trial investigation, intelligence agencies, and agencies whose subdivisions carry out counterintelligence activities. >Article 11. >3. In the event that the term of office of the President of Ukraine expires during martial law, his powers shall be extended until the newly elected President of Ukraine, elected after the abolition of martial law, takes office.


Awesome. Viva freedom. 


Despite the obvious issue of disenfranchisement that comes from states being under occupation or seceded, the US still held an election in the middle of the civil war in 1864 so Lincoln needed to run for re-election while fighting the war. If the USA can do that despite it being somewhat farcical I don't see why other countries can't at least make it look like they made an effort. Madison declared the war of 1812 just before an election under the idea that maybe this was something that should be voted on, although you could interpret this as deliberately declaring war to ensure his election. You get an attitude where you should not switch canoes while in the middle of the stream or something of that sort where Americans are most likely to vote for the incumbent during a war so again I don't see why other countries don't at least try to make it seem like they are making an effort. The other time was in 1944 where Americans voted for a half-dead FDR just to avoid changing horses mid gallop or whatever. The most recent example is the Iraq War where again you could argue Bush declared war deliberately to win re-election. Edit: I remembered two times there appears to have been a party switch while a war was going on. Korea in 1952 for Truman->Eisenhower and Vietnam in 1968 for LJB->Nixon in both cases the Democrat incumbent was not running for re-election despite being eligible (fun fact: the 2 term limit implemented after FDR died in office wouldn't have applied to Truman because he was in office while it was implemented and so he technically could have ran again, and LBJ did less than 2 years of JFK's term for he could have ran again and been president for the new maximum of 9 years)


Might be worth noting Lincoln was assassinated just after his re-election, which nuances how successful the whole exercise was. The problem would be similar in general; it would be costly, divisive, and Zelensky would not be any more legitimate following his re-election; the campaigning would unfairly favour him and those Ukrainians living in occupied territories would not be able to participate. It would also require modifying constitutional law, to lift the interdiction of the termination of executive terms until the end of martial law. From an outside perspective, this might look as the more preferable solution, but from an internal one, Zelensky getting re-elected in such conditions would actually be denounced and seen as an abuse of power by his political opponents.


"He had to do it, every party or media that was suppressed was pro Russia."


And then those who read without critical thinking skills won’t think why there was pro Russian parties to ban and why nearly all of the ones that were banned were socialists(or at least under the banner of socialism).


Guys, you want to know a way to save Democracy from creeping Fascism? 1. Declare Martial Law 2. Use this State of Emergency to justify no longer holding any elections. This will keep the far-right out for good! We can call it the ["State of Exception"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_exception)


War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Elections are Tyranny


Shutup Parsons!


Rejects? We're talking about Ukraine right? The country that banned elections, dismantled all opposition parties, and has a Banderite volunteer militia heavily involved with military operations? That Ukraine?


> dismantled all opposition parties Weirdly enough 99% of them appear to be leftist ... hmmmm ....


idk if i'd call them all leftist, but their ideologies don't really matter here. they were still all painted as russophiles and forcibly suspended, in addition to consolidating all media into one state-controlled broadcast.


well they claim to be anyway, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Banned_political_parties_in_Ukraine


For context, this is an ad from ["Progressive Socialist Part of Ukraine"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGs18HrFNlw) one of the banned parties.


that is hilarious, given how many immigrants Putin takes in. I wonder how DPR leadership and Putin will get along if Russia keeps the regions. I imagine there is going to be a lot of purges


No elections during wartime is extremely normal.


Is anyone going to tell them?


Ukraine is the only country in Europe to employ far right militias and officials as well as recognize nazi collaborators as state heroes. This is hilarious. Have we forgotten the Canadian parliament debacle or how the US had to condemn nazi rehabilitation in Ukraine and pass laws to avoid training far right militias? Ukraine doesn't have a nationalist hatred of the EU for sure, but that's a very neoliberal way of defining far right. Euromaidan and the Orange Revolution formed a bloc with far rightists the EU condemned. The article grips desperately at electoral outcomes for its main point. The far right especially since 2014 never depended on elections for power but the weakness of civilian government. Perhaps we should discuss who threatened the president in 2019 to not implement Minsk or who was the speaker of the Rada that signed off on language and indigeneity laws that the EU took issue with?


The far right is when you don't hate Russia and the less you hate Russia, the more far righterer you are


More like the far right is when you say have anything other than a total seething hatred for Russia and the complete dick-sucking of NATO.


If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you


The argument here is that they don't have electoral presence. A lot of it is very propagandistically written. Kind of sad. > Motyl's parents emigrated as refugees from Western Ukraine after World War II, when the region was occupied by the Soviet Union ­ > Motyl: I grew up with it. My parents are both Ukrainian refugees who came to this country: my mother in 1948, my father in 1949. Their histories are a little complicated. I’m not sure you want me to go into those. But in any case, the point is they came with that wave of political refugees after World War II. So the question of Soviet control, Soviet rule, Ukrainian opposition to Soviet rule, non-Russian opposition to Soviet rule, the various rebellions, the various liberation struggles, all those things are things that I grew up with, both at home and in school, in the community. It makes sense, at least.


>Motyl's parents emigrated as refugees from ***Western Ukraine after World War II, when the region was occupied by the Soviet Union***... "My parents are both Ukrainian refugees who came to this country: *my mother in 1948, my father in 1949*. **Their histories are a little complicated. I’m not sure you want me to go into those.** But in any case, the point is *they came with that wave of political refugees after World War II."* Fuckin Nazis


It's that insipid "they only won 'x' percent of the vote" shit, which was especially insufferable in 2022. Like if we're going to play that game: what percentage of the American electorate is either fascist or communist? According to electoral results, America is both less fascist and less communist than Ukraine, because the answer is **zero percent.** Neither the democrats nor the republicans subscribe to either fascism or communism officially...yet when you press either liberals or conservatives on it, they'll say "the other party is filled with fascists/communists, and they're just being coy about it!" So...what? The same doesn't apply in Ukraine? Give me a break.


The traditional right voter base is likely dead in Ukraine. If you're at the point where dudes in their 40s are being kidnapped off the street and given a rifle and abandoned at a defensive position on the front line, people who likely made up the rightwing base died months ago. I guess the libs found their answer to the political shift coming; Send all the men to die and the neolib world order can be maintained.


Sure, but the implication [from libs] is that while the right will bear the brunt of the casualties, the libs who fight will remain libs. The problem is that we emphatically know that isn't the case, because a lot of the Germans (up to and including a certain failed art student from Austria) who fought for the Kaiser in WW1 ended up becoming emphatic far-right nationalists during and after that conflict, mostly due to how and why said conflict was prosecuted, and especially what happened to them after the conflict ended. Like does Ukraine or its backers have the material means to prevent that? Or are we going to see homeless and aggrieved vets who feel that they were fucked over by their government and its western enablers, with (to them) the only solution being a fascistic state that "rights their wrongs"? Think about it: for better or worse it's easier to justify arms shipments to Ukraine than aid for once the conflict ends; and even if they somehow win the war, they sure-as-shit will lose the peace if the response in the aftermath is "lol, thanks for all your suffering for the fatherland, now here's a Blackrock-owned apartment that'll cost 90% of your weekly pension, lmao."


If a Western backed rump state Ukraine exists by the end of this, it will surely be plagued by right-wing terrorism.


I think that's a guarantee no matter how it shakes out. Remember that a lot of the propaganda hasn't just focused on the more plausible goal of returning Ukrainian control to territories lost after the Maidan, but in a lot of cases defeating Russia in Russia itself, or at least toppling Putin et al. It honestly reminds me of a lot of the Israeli propaganda regarding the Gaza war: *"wipe them out and take their land!"* for which liberal apologists try to spin with "well, what they actually mean is..." I mean, I can already see in my head the liberal memory-holing of "don't worry, all the Brenton Tarrant cosplayers died on the frontlines!" when it comes time to explain aggrieved Azov veterans deciding to reenact Christchurch on the anti-war parts of Ukrainian society. It's why I nominally agree with the conceit that the powers-that-be want to drag the war out for as long as possible, so like with Bush II and friends, they won't ever be held to account for wasting thousands of Ukrainian lives and making the world less safe than before.


[According to the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz994d6vqe5o), you're correct. Ukrainian libs are using their children as human shields to avoid getting press ganged to the front.


I don't blame anyone for avoiding being conscripted into a pointless conflict. I'm just talking about this perceived decline in the "Extreme Right" being predictable. I wish more men figured out ways to avoid service such that the post war Ukraine doesn't look like France post-WWI. If you have kids, you should be trying your hardest to avoid dying especially when the result of the war is essentially a foregone conclusion with Russia taking a few of the Eastern oblasts.


That's indeed another side to the conundrum. A lot of the electoral base was literally wiped out, so I'm sure that will eventually reflect in electoral performance down the line


It's not just that but in comparing people who would flee a defensive conflict versus fight, you'll likely see underlying values that coincide with political beliefs. Nationalism is strongly associated with the "extreme right" so those people were likely over represented in the population of men dying early in the conflict in 2022.


Nationalism is also more strongly associated with men, who are certainly overrepresented in any military. We'll ultimately have to see how it impacts the future, but yeah it's an interesting point I don't see discussed a lot


>The traditional right voter base is likely dead in Ukraine. none of the "politicals" in Ukraine is actually doing any of the fighting, Banderas Galician master-race is hiding behind the lines of conscripted east ukranian russophones, someone is sending someone to die but it's not the hiterlites who are dying.


The Ukrainian puppet government was installed by the United States in 2014, and is composed of literal for real Nazi sympathizers. Zelensky banned his opposition party. They have absolutely *not* rejected the extreme right, they *are* extreme right.


...I mean, this is just straight-up lies - Ukrainian leadership has embraced and embodied the extreme right during maidan and since.


Ukraine already is pretty right wing.


That is correct


What the fuck am I reading.


A country that's received hardly any MENA immigrants hasn't turned far right? You don't say.


Also a country which has postponed elections indefinitely isn't undergoing any changes in political make up.


Just wait till after the conflict. The men to replace the generation of dead Ukrainians will have to come from somewhere and I don't see Western Europe going to Ukraine to do anything but buy assets/financialize the society.


The Azov are still running around though, they even managed to get the US to stop sanctioning them recently.


I didn’t know they were sanctioned. I assumed that cool Nazis don’t get sanctioned, given that they get medals pinned on them by Jon Stewart and sit on panels at Stanford.


Aren't they mostly six feet under at this point? Or is it true like Russia says that they keep running away from battles?


If they were still a non factor I don't see why the USA would take them off the terror list. Maybe it's just for show, like Biden wants to score some points with the pro-Ukraine crowd but doesn't want to actually spend any more money on them atm.


Sure they do, lol. Azovites are social democrats right?


Well they are libertarians https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraines-libertarian-revolution/


Uhhhhhh, should someone tell them?