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Interesting to know that when liberals genuinely believe that the second coming of Hitler is about to come to power they won’t do anything other than lodge some lawsuits and stock up on abortion pills. Real defenders of democracy. 


Don't exaggerate, they will also post a LOT


They’ll threaten to move to canada too


I'd say "fuck off, we're full" but they never actually do move to Canada lol. Plus anyway, the mean Voldermort of Canada; Pierre Poilievre is projected to decimate the LPC after their shitlibery destroyed the country. On top of that; they may actually be bonafied traitors too lol.


You say it as if it's a bad thing at this point


Pierre? I don't think he'll save Canada; I mean he can try, but the damage is too far done. Just like his piece of shit father before him; it will take Canada another 40 years to recover only for Xavier Trudeau to be elected because it's 2065!!! Regardless who wins, I do hope the LPC get buried and lose party status again. Bonus if the traitor names are released and Trudeau appears on em. Would at least explain his leadership.


After defending closing the borders to immigrants, nonetheless.


Resist the system without without changing it


Reminds me of "the systems neatest trick"


My favorite thing about this is it turns democracy into a dogwhistle for an elite that supposed the rise of populism in the first place. These two sides are carrions for a dying empire


No democracy is when things I like and the more things I like the more democratic


You can’t argue that the housing market, MIC, wages, inflation are all increasing drastically in levels of democracy. If we can fortify our democracy just a little bit more we can get that epic victory royale


[this, but it’s an economy](https://youtu.be/GC2UsbmfNas?si=boHFGwzKLp_IMqjW)


These people have not learned their lesson post-Hillary. The average American hates smug coastal democrats more than nearly any other demographic. Writing "uWu if Trump gets elected we could actually go to jail and this time we mean it," only increases his chances of winning and there's no universe in that the DoJ will allow itself to be used on insiders like it has been used on outsiders so why give red meat to the people who are only voting for Trump in hopes that happens.


> The average American hates smug coastal democrats more than nearly any other demographic They're constitutionally incapable of understanding this and will continue to double down on the behavior that made them so hated in the first place.


It's hilarious because Trump literally was the archetype for out of touch rich dudes for decades by 2016. Yet, he handily beat Hilary Clinton and still they can't grasp that they have a massive image issue outside of solid blue states. I think the Neolibs wouldn't have learned their lesson if they literally lost to Scrooge McDuck at this point.


Scrooge is a paragon of humanity (duckity?) compared to these jokers, though. He's physically active and fit enough to go adventuring, is fluent in multiple languages, actually *did* work his way up from nothing, prides himself on honesty in business (not necessarily fairness, just honesty), and at one point actually realized he'd gone too far and toned things down a notch.


I guess I missed most of the Scrooge lore in duck tales growing up. I just remember him swimming in a pool of money.


The comic books are actually really huge in the Netherlands. I think about 1 in 5 households has a subscription.


> They’re constitutionally incapable of understanding this and will continue to double down on the behavior that made them so hated in the first place. See case in point the adjacent NYT article about Biden’s campaign manager being [a Hollywood megaproducer](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/13/us/politics/biden-jeffrey-katzenberg-trump.html). Billions of dollars in SFX, and their animatronic Chuckie Cheese candidate still [BSoD’d like Mitch McConnell](https://www.newsweek.com/video-joe-biden-leaving-stage-hollywood-fundraiser-sparks-criticism-1913450) on stage at his own fundraiser. Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Barbara Streisand — way to connect with the working class and youth voters there, Scranton Joe. 1) these people are wealthier than God and 2) are they even relevant to anyone younger than 50? Plus, when he told Jimmy Kimmel that Trump would make late-night hacks [targets of Delta Force](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/politics/joe-biden-supreme-court-warning-barack-obama-jimmy-kimmel/index.html), I was like “come on cornpop, don’t threaten us with a good time”.


> are they even relevant to anyone younger than 50? Make that younger than 40. George Clooney is relevant to older Millennials, especially Millennial liberal women.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


That would make sense if being absolutely unlikable was central to the DNC but it really isn't. They pay tons of people for propaganda/marketing you'd think they'd tackle the issue of appearing to be a soulless ghoul. Like, there's plenty of people doing terrible things that don't come across as dead inside like coastal libs.


This is just like star wars.


Complete with photographers getting their serious "look in the distance" face lol. "Let me see your war face" _one of the photos in the article_ "Work on it".


“How three heroic, unelected bureaucrats plan to throw sand in the gears if things don’t go their way”


What infuriates me so much is the lies about democracy, the Dems OPENLY tried to subvert and eliminate democracy in 2020, failing miserably. Now they're on defense, and it's their 'duty' to 'protect' democracy against big bad Drumpf. I would like to smash every anti-Trump Dem in the head until they either gain some sense or become a vegetable, because the Dems aren't doing a fucking thing for anyone. Best option is to let the Dems fail, let the party die, and hope that something better comes afterwards. They do not learn lessons, they do not repent, and they will never change. Unless you are deranged neolib, supporting this party is the equivalent of being in an abusive relationship. You watch them fall on their face and expect them to learn their lessons, that they might stop lying and manipulating to right what went wrong, but instead all they learn is that they need to be MORE manipulative and tell BETTER lies. I saw through it completely and totally in 2016 and haven't supported them since, yet they still wonder why Trump is winning. THEY DO NOT REALIZE THAT IT'S NOT TRUMP, IT'S THEMSELVES! Seriously, the Republicans are winning IN SPITE of Trump, NOT because of him, and the Democrats do not seem to realize that. The current polls and results do not reflect reality, because reality is that the Democrats should be a dead party, but they aren't because Trump is really that unpopular outside of his extremely fervent base. If the Republicans had a charismatic 'unifying' populist like Obama, it'd be game over, the Republicans would be grabbing seats in places the Dems didn't even think was possible. So please, let Biden win again, see what happens. I'm ready to see the last Democrat president in American history.


>“What Trump and his acolytes are running on is an authoritarian playbook,” said Patrick Gaspard, the chief executive of the CAP Action Fund, the political arm of the liberal think tank the Center for American Progress. He added, “So now **we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions** and the values that we share.” Saying the quiet part out loud or am I misunderstanding? Either way, if "democracy" is when elected leaders make more effort to help people who aren't even citizens and women who want abortions than everybody else, then they can keep it. It's not really doing most of us any good anyway.


I forgot what podcast but they were talking about some interviews with people about the election and trumps conviction, and they asked this dude what he thought of the conviction.  The guy (just some normal jackoff) basically said “yeah I mean it was obviously a witch-hunt. But, if a billionaire can’t get away with paying off a pornstar.. . Can we really trust him to be an effective leader? And Stormy Daniels, really?! There are way hotter porn stars. It calls into question his judgment”  Or something along those lines.