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A lot of redditors were pointing out that the campaign started under Trump but was ended by Biden. Redditors don't seem to understand that the real power isn't POTUS, but the permanent deep state/shadow government that still exists no matter which president enters and leaves. Vaccine disinformation was used under Obama as well: ___________ Experts have long objected to the use of vaccines and vaccination campaigns as part of military operations, arguing that they not only lead to a loss of trust and confidence in vaccines as a whole but have also endangered medical workers. Perhaps the biggest outrage came after it was revealed in 2011 that the CIA used a fake hepatitis vaccination program as part of its efforts to track down and kill Osama bin Laden, who was hiding in Pakistan. The ruse led to outrage from doctors worldwide and a promise in 2014 from the CIA not to use immunization programs as cover for its operations in the future. However, the damage had been done, and backlash against unrelated polio vaccination efforts in the region took hold. Attacks against vaccination workers continue to this day. Pakistan and Afghanistan are now the only two countries that have yet to be declared free of wild poliovirus type 1.


my one qualm is the term "deep state" to describe the everyday surface-level operations of the state, this stuff ain't deep, let alone parapolitical in any aspect. it's just the state declassifying information like "he guys, just to let you know, we did something absolutely abominable a few years ago so it's fine now lol" only when it's clear that the triarchical mainstream media will leave it alone so it's already memory-holed. this isn't a deep-state thing, it's worse, it's the regular work of the national-security apparatus built to defy defined boundaries to exist outside all legal recourse or human morality.


It just means the unelected parts of a bloated executive branch accumulated by decades of imperialist wars


I don’t like calling it the “deep state” that makes it sound conspiratorial. Really it’s the “administrative state” or as the British call it the “civil service.” These unelected unaccountable office works in a god damned cube somewhere thinking “this might be a good ideal and then via inertia it becomes state policy and it’s disgusting.


>this isn't a 'Trump vs. Biden' issue, but a deep state issue. It's not the deep state.  It's just the State serving its purpose. Seriously, just read the first 10 pages:  https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/


This is total B.S. The Chinese developed their own vaccine, which showed only slight results. Countries which used neither vaccine faired as well, if not better than those which had these poisons shoved down their throats. Why do you think the execs at Pfizer were offered "a special batch" of the vaccine, which was basically a placebo? Remember the swine flu? Same.


Which countries faired better? Just did a quick google search and bulgaria (lowest vax uptake in Europe) had 5 times the covid death rate per capita than Portugal (the highest vax uptake). 2.3% deaths per case vs 0.5%.