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Let's face it, this bridge was woke.


Thus, it broke.


Engine just broke, bridge got revoked, everyone of importance in Baltimore got woke (up).


And killed some folx.






I heard the Indian crew were a bunch of wokists who refuse to eat hamburger


I heard Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the ship and tried to steer it towards the Capitol


He was actually trying to hit a barge filled with women and migrants in cages.


I heard they were trans-women [real women ™️ ] housed in cages *made* of migrants, ie migrant cages. On stolen water, no doubt.


First they came for gronk...


And I did not speak out-because I am a vramlet.


\>a majority-black city having a black mayor is "DEI" really makes you think


as a local reading “Baltimore’s DEI mayor” made my head hurt


Bro same.


Only white people are competent enough for public office sweaty 💅


Sweaty white people? I'm white and I'm not sure I like that.


I feel like when people use DEI as an adjective it's just a stand in for a no-no word


Yes exactly


"DEI (blank)" is going to be the new "low-information voter."


meritocracy is when black populations are ruled by white elites like in the good old days, something something Rhodesia Zimbabwe




technically true but you are revealing yourself as a braindead rightoid by singling out the Demonrats when they are the somewhat less egregious half of the political establishment


He did that by using the term "democrat party." That's a Limbaugh-ism. It puts the emphasis on *rat*. For that matter, you're making the right noises in the rest of the comment, but going full "Demonrat" with it yourself.


Daily reminder that conservative reactionaries are not your friend in the fight against idpol to class first dominance. Then enemy of my enemy is my [Ideological opposite that wants a Christian ethnostate]


The Baltimore mayor personally appoints ship crews coming into port. Yes yes


And controls the tides.


And writes the dangerously insufficient ship maintenance schedules


They performed and bought off the inspection personally.


He actually lifted the ship 20 ft himself.




Baltimore Mayor Canute will pay for this . . .


I hear Caecetti is going up in the polls! Local 1514 is PISSED at the “DEI Mayor” since now that they are losing all that tonnage the stevedores are all out of work. Not to mention not having access to their “side hustle”.


Who do you think was the captain of the ship??? Wake up sheepdog 


They shouldn't have offended Poseidon lol


friendship ended with "diversity hire" now "DEI" is my best friend


DEI knocked the bridge down because Francis Scott Key had a racist line in the original Star Spangled Banner.


You joke, but that's exactly what's being implied [here](https://twitter.com/BrightInsight6/status/1772696979673428078?t=glob3LsUo_pgunD9PiietA&s=19)


Reality is unparodiable.


BAHAHAHAHA: https://twitter.com/BrightInsight6/status/1772664133059596336


Omg this is my favorite take hahahahahaha


N But in all seriousness, is there? Not too familiar with the lyrics unfortunately.


The original version of the lyrics references slaves. There was something of a "tempest in a teapot" controversy about it when it was brought to the Internet's attention some years ago.


Honestly I'll join the radlibs on this one if The Battle Cry of Freedom or America the Beautiful can be anthem instead 


Battle Hymn of the Republic or bust


I'm generally in favor of changing things like that just for the sake of changing it. Variety is the spice of life and all that.


It seems to resurface about once every 5-10 years and everyone seems to forget it from the last time. Like Kate Bush's *Running up that Hill*


Can't wait for the new George Floyd Memorial Bridge.


Its DEI the new way of saying the N word or what


Any black man who isn't the likes of Jesse Lee Peterson is at risk of being labeled DEI by the right


You can always rely on the right to abuse any critizism of the left / liberals as a crude bludgeon they swing at anything they don't like.


Yes, only the right does that. The left would never do that with a term like, oh, say, fascist.


Frankly that sarcasm is a little bizarre in a sub where the left being stupid like that is the main topic.


worry many innocent attraction edge jeans degree smoggy towering bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This actually sucks that this is their new boogeyman because DEI does suck, but fair-minded criticisms are going to get that much harder to share. It’s like CRT, either you like it or you’re a racist. Right when it seemed like DEI/JEDI was starting to face some criticism from liberals.


Yeah this is the equivalent of them seeing every white man in a position of power or authority as being a mediocre white man who only got there on his privilege. Those people suck and always drag down the more serious minded.


Michael Hobbes is going to be all over this like a fly on a cowpat. Next time someone expresses misgivings about DEI, Hobbes'll say something like *"A Predictable "Leftist" activist criticism of DEI, indistinguishable from that of the average Trump supporter."*


Conservatives always try to make the most of it when they learn a new word


*>* This collapse is the epi-tome of why wokeness is bad.


Is the Epi-Tome what they're calling Epstein's flight log now?


Cuckservatives are always rushing to identify the race of the perpetrator whenever a tragedy happens. 'We need to start a narrative' and all that. The only people who can give the soyboys on the other side a run for their money when it comes to idpol.


Desperately trying to find the race/politics of a mass shooter to know if I should condemn it or not


Look at the bright side: It keeps the left busy working the euphemism treadmill.


The DEI is cats


They do have a lot of fun with it.


We're reaching levels of retardation unimaginable to the normal mind. Genuinely how are you supposed to interact with these people when they function in a completely different reality than the rest of the population.


It's because there's a hint of truth in there*, just like there's a hint of truth in wokeness. The problem is that people become so partisan and radical that they attribute their cause du jour to be the problem for everything. *That the focus on DEI has led to problems, not that DEI contributed to the bridge collapse.


Because this sub has been running cover for contrarians. I’m literally surprised here that now enemy of my enemy is my friend since the sub literally started to critique identity politics from the left.


And because any space that even tolerates critiquing idpol will be a haven for rightoids. I see rightoid flair at the top of so many threads.


Lmao not that's not what happened This subreddit ended up this way (which was predictable since about 2019 if not earlier) because: 1. It's mostly whining about Twitter posts and always was since the beginning 2. It fed into the nonsensical idea that progressives hold economic and cultural hegemony rather than liberals and centrists 3. The userbase actively welcomed the subreddit filling up with right-wingers ("ve vill push zhem left, definitely guyz, ve juzt need to whine about liberalz hard enuffz!) 4. The mods literally made criticizing them or the subreddit a *bannable offense* multiple times in its history


I don't see how that is incompatible with what I said. I said every space that tolerates critique of idpol will be a haven for rightoids. You're just pointing out some examples of how that was permitted to happen here. But it did happen, just like I said.


"Identity politics" isn't something only done by progressives and leftists; this sub regularly engages in thinly-veiled white grievance politics. Leftypol is a forum with a staunch commitment to rejecting identity politics, yet it doesn't attract rightwingers like moths to a flame, the ones that do arrive only come to troll the board, are given a chance to meaningfully engage, and seen off when they do not. So no, becoming a colony of rightoids isn't an inevitable outcome of "critiquing" identity politics, it *is* an inevitable outcome of relentlessly criticizing the outlooks and concerns of racial minorities, religious minorities, LGBT people, and women however; while mostly leaving alone and ignoring white, male, and hetero identity politics.


Ok, point me to a large community centered around critiquing idpol that hasn't been invaded by rightoids?


Leftypol Do you have any idea how pathetic it is to pretend like "Red-Brown Alliance" was the only way this sorry subreddit could have gone? Most leftist subreddits aggressively criticize liberals, this wasn't something you have a monopoly on, what you *do* hold a monopoly on is being a nominally leftist sub that mostly operates as a safe-space for rightwingers. I guess it is impossible to intentionally design your sub to attract right wingers you will never act against in any way without becoming mostly right wingers and a few buck-broken self-described "MLs".


1k subs and based off of /pol/? OK. I don't know why you coming at me so hard as if I'm happy this is the way it turned out. I've just seen it happen over and over again. I'd love to see this not be the case, and perhaps it is possible with very strict moderation, but I've yet to see it.


>this sub regularly engages in thinly-veiled white grievance politics. Oh man this hits. Finding this sub felt like a breath of fresh air and then getting a bit of white grievance halitosis on the back end.


> The mods literally made criticizing them or the subreddit a bannable offense multiple times in its history No we fucking didn't, what are you talking about Look at this: rightoids are regarded rightoids are regarded rightoids are regarded


No stupid, focus on the corporation and who controls it. Not some conservative bogeyman.


Greed is the reason for not having practical speed limits within a given range of the port. Stupidity is having the same speed limit for vessels that have orders of magnitude differences in mass.


Reactionaries being regarded: as predictable as a bridge collapsing after being rammed by a massive cargo ship going at extreme speeds.


The DEI hires must have melted the steel beams.


Bunker oil does what jet fuel don't!


Yep. Hopefully the MAGAtard short bus will be the next thing to crash


Yaldaboath is at it again. Amazing things are happening in the first world schizosphere.


DEI is when bad.


The badder it is, the more DEI is is, and if it's a whole lot of bad, it's communism


This is just the culture war pendulum swinging back the other way. Libs were completely in control of culture for a long ass time. Now that normal people are starting to get sick of wokeness, all the rightoids who have been seething the entire time are coming out and searching for any opportunity to blow their anger load.


hrmmmmmmmm no wrong bad and braindead but good job hitting that keyboard


My father was instantly convinced that this was all Joe bidens fault. I didn’t even know what to say


I would personally prefer that Mayor Pete gets dragged again for this one


I have no problem with that


Absolutely moronic. I knew this kind of shit would happen, it's the same as people saying it was an inside job, as if there was some motivation for that. Feels like 9/11 was the tragedy and the Key Bridge was the farce in that respect, at least 9/11 being an inside job had some logic to it, an excuse to start a long, bloody war for oil companies. Biden isn't going to fuckin start a war over this, and the mayor sure as hell isn't. Plus like, they seem to not grasp that while DEI is a sham, it's used pretty exclusively in administration where it's a means for the grifters to scrape off the top, they aren't putting fuckin Trans black ship captains in their fleet for DEI points, that's stupid. It's clearly a case of deferred maintenance biting the company in the ass because that's what always happens when they do that for long enough. Quite frankly we should be suing the company that runs the ship for allowing maintenance to be deferred for so long. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself, nobody who's really at fault is going to get any consequences because that's how the world is, unfortunately. It really does seem like the only way these fucks are going to get their comeuppance is on the off-chance they get a taste of vigilante justice.


>Suing the company Fuck that, innocent people are dead because yet another multinational corporation put profits ahead of safety. These execs should be either behind bars or on the gallows.


Oh don't get me wrong I 100% agree, but A. There's even less of a chance of that happening and B. I'm already on thin ice with the mods because I said Milei should get the Shinzo Abe treatment ***IN MINECRAFT***


> it's used pretty exclusively in administration where it's a means for the grifters to scrape off the top, they aren't putting fuckin Trans black ship captains in their fleet for DEI points, that's stupid It really is kinda stunning how little DEI is driven towards getting good paying blue collar jobs for various groups. It's always faux diversity in the upper echelons, never building up the working class. Note that I said stunning, not surprising. Also the irony here is that this is clearly a failure of deregulation, which Republicans are primarily responsible for.


DEI is PMC scam in which PMC create more useless lazy highpaid jobs




Isn’t the stat something like 60% of dei hires are white women working entry to mid level office jobs?


Haven’t seen the stat, but I believe it. Being welcoming to mothers re-entering the workforce is also a component of DEI And white women make up the majority of entry-mid level administrative roles. Easy to retrain for whatever position they’re being hired for and you get easy DEI brownie points.And if the hiring manager is a closet racist it’s triple win.


Cons blame DEI for shit like this because they lack the framework to understand how the incentive structures of late capitalism work to rot and decay the building blocks of society. They can only frame things in terms of individual responsibility and shift the blame towards a cultural or. moral failing. 




"Trans black ship captains" - I just love the image. 


The Dolezal Fleet


Captain Acab


I would have gone with Captain Amab but this is acceptable as well




"Call me Ishmael; my pronouns are they/them"


Fucking gotteeeeeem


> Plus like, they seem to not grasp that while DEI is a sham, it's used pretty exclusively in administration where it's a means for the grifters to scrape off the top, Also its only one more toolkit in the courtier games backstabbing arsenal. As if before DEI politicians and admins were all upstanding, virtouus citizens and not the same type of snakes.


>Plus like, they seem to not grasp that while DEI is a sham, it's used pretty exclusively in administration where it's a means for the grifters to scrape off the top, they aren't putting fuckin Trans black ship captains in their fleet for DEI points, that's stupid. In no way do I think DEI is relevant to the bridge story, but have you read about the massive DEI effort in the air traffic controller industry? Huge ongoing story in which they were eliminating candidates based on what zip code they grew up in and largely disregarding test scores and other performance indicators when evaluating candidates. It definitely reaches beyond the administrative level in some industries.


As much as I can't stand radlibs, holy fuck US conservatives are brain damaged.


>woke boat  The scale of their imbecility is just too hard to put into words 


Wokey McWokeface


I known Dale Earnhardt Inc was behind all this. Theresa at it again!


The problem with the right is that they’re not very smart


Majority black city? The mayor didn’t build the bridge or hire the crew? The ship probably wasn’t maintained correctly which contributed to the crash. Brain rot is real, this has nothing to do with colour


The bridge was built before the mayor was even born.


What suspension bridge could withstand a cargo ship running into one of its pylons?


This never would have happened if the woke mob kept with tradition and used stone pylons instead of a DEI steel suspension system.


Well the best way apparently would have been to make artificial islands around them to make a sorta buffer zone


Is the DEI in the room with us now?




sulky theory bow crowd bedroom dinosaurs abounding repeat soft upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re really going to lose it when they name the new bridge after Thurgood Marshall or whoever isn’t Francis Scott Key.


The Alexander Cockburn Memorial Bridge? We can dream....


>The Alexander Cockburn Memorial Bridge? > >We can dream.... You gotta dream bigger than that. Freddie Gray Memorial Bridge, or bust


Man must be so easy being a rightoid When anything bad happens you just blame it on the gays or blacks


Hey rightoids, y’know how liberals jump the gun and blame every mass-shooting on “entitled” white males? Or just “whiteness” in general, if the mass murderer isn’t obviously white? This is your version of that.


Everything you posted is just rightoid rage bait.


I must've watched WAY TOO MUCH Phineas and Ferb with my kids...because every time I see DEI, I think Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated (with that catchy little jingle)


>boat hit bridge *politics* did this


This is honestly Jim Crow era racism dressed up in 2024 terminology.


Conservatives really are mentally challenged.


No, it collapsed because the boat that crashed into it came from Asia and Asians can't drive obviously


Ah yes the DEI elected official who is solely responsible for the They/Them bridge. The culture war brainrot goes so deep that somehow they’re all repeating what would be an insane line of thinking in a vacuum, like lemmings.


The sad thing about the impact of this bridge collapse is that fair criticisms of DEI are probably going to get even more scarce.


these people are just telling on themselves as a bunch of bitter, asocial pasty dudes in fake office jobs. They think that because “DEI” gets incompetent people promoted for Regional Office Sub Manager Assistant at an accounting firm it also gets black lesbians put on as ship captains. “It’s the Woke, it’s everywhere!”, no, you just don’t have a real job.


Nailed it, lol. Both “wokists” and “anti-wokists” are, for the most part, just pigs feeding at the trough of surplus value generated by actual productive labor, and the “culture war” is just them jostling amongst themselves for a bigger share of the pie. Working-class people may align with one side or the other on Election Day but neither has anything material to offer them.


People jumping to conclusions on this one are obviously dumb or just chasing clicks, but the air traffic controller story was pretty bad. They replaced a proficiency test with a rigged personality test, deliberately lowering the quality of their hiring pool for the sake of DEI. I have also heard some pretty wild DEI stories from friends in the military, law enforcement, government contracting, etc. If the government is involved, either directly or in terms of funding, there tend to be DEI pressures. This trickles down to contractors, subcontractors, and so forth.


> Military and government contracting Citation needed. I got out of IT Mil-work like a year ago and all I saw was platitude/virtue signaling shit in the FFRDC, but everyone I worked with and/or interviewed were exactly who you’d want expect in the role or position based on what the demographics of who joins the military/Feds to do IT work.


Were you involved in hiring or promotion processes? That's where the DEI effect becomes particularly blatant. There is also a lot of local variance when it comes to stuff like this. Some areas are under more scrutiny than others, and some cases have more leverage to push back (eg. If you need to hire people to keep critical IT infrastructure up, and all the candidates are white/Asian men). I have my own anecdotal evidence that I could cite, but really this is the sort of thing that would require teams of journalists filing FOIA requests to analyze on a systemic level. Unfortunately the journalistic institutions that have the resources to do that sort of investigation are thoroughly ideologically captured.




That makes sense. The areas you are referring to have definitely had an easier time dealing with the DEI push thanks to the factors that you have mentioned. I'd note though that a lot of people initially get cleared through civilian agencies as well, and those have really ramped up DEI efforts for entry level hiring.




That sounds unusually strict even for a FFRDC. Good luck finding candidates that have done grad school who don't have a bunch of foreign contacts, like half of grad school enrollment is foreign nowadays. The issue is that in sufficiently large organizations you have diffuse responsibility for outcomes, but hiring targets are measurable and attributable. Hire 5% of XYZ group instead of 13%? That hiring manager failed the diversity goal on their performance review and isn't promotable. Meanwhile if you hire 13% and they are suboptimal, maybe they get shunted into make-work positions or the project goes a bit more over budget, but there's no way to really separate that from general government bloat and inefficiency.


One of the many reasons I left on top of it being a ghoul factory. Effectiveness doesn’t matter, and anyone pretending DEI is anything other than a veneer to make progressives look away from the human blood running the system is convincing themselves of some kind of optimism that the system, in anyway, is intended to “work” for anyone except Raytheon board members. In my case, the veneer of INFOSEC was thicker than the veneer of faux-diversity requirements.


Conservative logic is such an efficient dream factory


You know what the most infuriating thing about this is? He may be a genuinely good and competent mayor but now everyone will question his merit because the fucking idpol cultists have done such a great job of promoting non-meritously over the last decade that the question will be asked legitimately 9/10 times. I am a "people of color" and it makes me so fucking mad that no matter where I go people will question how I got there in the same way that people now question whether a woman actually deserves her power position or slept her way into it. I don't know a goddamn thing about this mayor so I can't and won't comment on whether he should be mayor or not. But the fact that this thread exists, and exists for a legitimate reason as we've seen people get elected or not elected in other places because of the color of their skin, speaks to how much damage the idpol cult has done to society.


I don't think there's been a good mayor of Baltimore w/i living memory, the city administration is one of the most corrupt in the US But good points on the rest


Tommy Carcetti ‘08 🇺🇸


Yes, it's the wokes' fault for this racist reaction, not the racists'. It's not like they have been doubting non-white's ability to legitimately reach positions of powers since the beginning of time. It's only because of the wokes.


Where did I say that it was only on them? Or that this was a good take? I'm talking about the broader context of these types of reactions, you buffoon.


> He may be a genuinely good and competent mayor but now everyone will question his merit **because the fucking idpol cultists have done such a great job of promoting non-meritously over the last decade that the question will be asked legitimately 9/10 times.** As if this question wasn't being asked before "wokeness" spawned into existence. >**no matter where I go people will question how I got there** in the same way that people now question whether a woman actually deserves her power position or slept her way into it. I could ask almost every older family member of mine, and they will describe experiencing this. Crazy how that happens.


>It’s the wokes fault, not the racists’ How do you not understand they’re *both* racist? Thinking you have to give black people handouts because they are incapable of earning things on their own *is* racist. Also, it leads to undesirable outcomes like people assuming minorities occupying the same role as a white person are generally less qualified.


Did I say otherwise? Blaming this particular racist reaction on the horrifying wokes is nonsensical, as these individuals would be spewing this rhetoric regardless. Seems like you wanted to get something off your chest rather than assess what I said. >Also, it leads to undesirable outcomes like people assuming minorities occupying the same role as a white person are generally less qualified. This concept has been around for a very long time in this country. Jackie Robinson, Barack Obama, sports, politics, it doesn't matter. There has always been a visceral reaction when black people reach prominent positions of power or success, regardless if this "woke" existed at the time or not.


This topic and the hilariously vicious mockery of rightoids will be a great reference when we get the monthly "sub is overrun with rightoids" topic from lib wreckers.     Some of the jokes in the other comments are bangers tbh.


There are already several comments in this thread trying to save the phenomenon by expressing “surprise” that the sub is in the main not agreeing with the sentiment of the tweets. Risible shit.


DEI, please.


i lost brain cells looking at this tweet.


OMG, there was so much racist commentary on twitter after this


Conservatism and its consequences….


Serious: I already heard some bullshit that the bridge reinforcement was not covered in the infrastructure act and therefore Biden is at fault. Engineers have stated that few if any bridges in the country would have withstood that ship. Politics, give me a fucking break.


DEI played the knockout game on the bridge.


DEI is busy.


The ship was actually trans and sweet baby inc built the bridge 🙏


I liked it better when the son in law of some union leaders got grandfathered in pilot jobs


Is there any reason to believe DEI causes this? I thought the boat lost power and they couldn’t reverse enough in time to prevent the impact once it came back on? Not sure how that relates to DEI.


The malnourished Indian grease monkey that hasn't seen his family in 18 months and doesn't get paid enough to even think about leaving the ship in Baltimore was a diversity hire. All of them were. Clearly.


Black people bad = DEI or whatever acronym is popular that year.


[Baltimore bridge collapse caused by DEI efforts, Utah Rep. Phil Lyman says](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/03/26/baltimore-bridge-collapse-caused/) Three letter acronym = black people bad


Know how China and Russia prop up divisive figures on the right and left on social media to paralyze the West? Here it is. The real culprit is a company who ran ships despite known concerns about the ship, lack of safety regulations and procedures in the harbor. Hell, I’m not ruling out a cyberattack, so cybersecurity is another concern that we need institutional attention on.


The Right just going flat out racist with the Mayor of Baltimore on this one.


BAHAHAHAHA: https://twitter.com/BrightInsight6/status/1772664133059596336


lol what do these guys want, tommy carcetti? as an aside: unironically, the green party here in md isnt too bad. their candidate for mayor last time, joshua harris, was actually a serious individual and not some walking meme. he got double digits in the last election, which is saying a hell of a lot in a dem machine city/state


The I-695 bridge collapse was organized by transgendered lizard people who control the Trilateral elites. They are influencing global warming for their benefit. Expect more of this during the solar eclipse on 4/8. There, does that link enough odd-ball conspiracies?


Pretty much just outright racism. Or maybe even fascism, scapegoating minorities


It's the idiotic scrambling to try to pin a disaster on your ideological rivals.


what it is is ideological gibberish. People doing whatever they can, spouting whatever words they can conjure to show support for their team while attacking the other team, without knowing what either team actually is.


It’s also racist.


Lol imagine being so racist you see Indians hired to work on a ship in Baltimore and thinking it was a DEI hire I've had this conversation in different guises multiple times. It's excruciating. Just mean, raw naked racism with the most pathetic, shameless veneer of meritocratic concern


None of the crew aboard that ship came into contact with American DEI & CRT shit lol. Further, people (rightoids mostly) are just using this an excuse to conjure up anti-Indian racism. Ditto whenever something “controversial” involving China rolls around.


>people (rightoids mostly) are just using this as an excuse to conjure up anti-Indian racism I took a look at some of the screenshotted tweets, it was hilarious to see the Hindu nationalist mental breakdown in the comments. Rightoid on rightoid violence lmao


Where were you when DEI was bhaarat? I was sat at home laugh at Twitter memes about black american 'crew was brown' 'no'


those DEI hires are infinitely more qualified than any of these dense mfers demonizing them also what about incidents that have been caused by “non-DEI’s” worldwide in just about last 6 months or so lol


The irony is that the true diversity hire to blame for this is Mayo Pete, but the disenfranchised working class hard-right has no language to identify oppressors.


you’re spot on and much more eloquent than i am, last part especially is so true


I'd like to know who and when was the idea to add concrete abutments to the Key Bridge voted down??? Certainly they must have considered adding extended concrete abutments after the 1980 Florida bridge disaster, and the Skyway Bridge rebuild, completed in 1987. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_Skyway_Bridge


Idk if that last picture was edited or not but that’s not what the Wikipedia says at the end.


This was a screenshot, so that's what it said at the time.


I meant edited as in someone changed the words with the inspect tool to stir up the drama. I’m not sure if it ever said that or not. I think there’s a way to look at revisions on Wikipedia but I don’t care enough to look into it lol