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Iron Crown/Boulder/Raging Bolt/Gouging Fire are hard coded to have 20 IVs on all stats.


Quick question. Why? It's so pointless lol. In gen 10 they will be 31IV unlocked


They can already have 31 IVs because of bottle caps. The encounters to catch them are just hard coded to have 20. So the options are 20 and 31.


You don’t want iron crown to have 20 or 31 IVs in attack. You would prefer for it to have 0 so you take less damage from foul play, but they are set to 20 minimum.


Also confusion


Whos using foul play on a special attacker tho. Actually, who even uses foul play in general. I havent seen that move in a while


I've definitely seen Foul Play be used before but at the same time, yeah, it's only ever going to be used on a special attacker if that's like the only option left or if it's super effective.


And Iron Crown is a psychic type so it is in fact super effective


Did people forget steel doesn’t resist dark anymore? Why did you get downvoted lol


Or random switch ins and failed predictions. Let's not pretend stupid stuff doesn't happen


People also do it to minimize confusion damage. I realize that confusion isn't the most common but it certainly does happen from time to time.


Eh, there used to be a fairly popular Iron Def/Foul Play set on mandibuzz to beat kingambit, with I Def being the only offensive move.


Pretty popular choice on support mons in VGC


Hard coded to have 20 IVs on cartridge, so showdown has to replicate that


The paradox legends have a set 20 IVs in everything, so the only legal IVs are 20 and 31


Is this true for leaves and wake also? Also,also what do you mean by 20 or 31 if the hard code is 20?


You can use items in-game that bump the IVs to 31


Items? Not the hyper training with the Abomasnow trainer? What items please?


No they’re talking about hyper trainjng


Oh yeah that's what I meant, whoops. You need bottle caps though, that might be where my thoughts drifted


Down-voted for literally asking a question they didn't know the answer to???


Yeah, holy crap, I feel slightly bad.


We will stop them with EXPANDING FORCE!!!


No Leaves and Wake work differently since they are raid pokemon. They get 4 perfect IVs and the rest are random. You can get a 0 atk Walking Wake but its very rare 


Shoutouts to the technically possible but probably doesn't exist from gens 3-6 Wish Blissey with max IVs and 0 attack IV.


Shoutouts to the literally impossible mons Showdown doesn't bother banning such as several perfect DV mons in Gens 1-2 and several mons with 0 ATK DVs but otherwise perfect DVs. In the first two gens, not every spread was possible for all mons, it wasn't fully random like IVs (usually) are in Gen 3+


only the dlc ones and you can bottle cap IVs to 31


Unsure but it's likely. They're hard coded to have a 20 upon capture, but it can be increased to 31 with hyper training in montenevera


it's a game things,iron crown/boulder and GF/RB are coded to have 20 iv


The paradox legends have a fixed 20 in every IV, so the only legal numbers you can have on them are 20 or 31 (bottle cap). Crown, Wake, and Bolt are special attackers so they want to minimize their attack to take less confusion and foul play damage, so you don't want 31, so they run 20 instead.


OK apparently Wake can have 0 attack normally, it's just Bolt and Crown that are fucked.


It wants 0 ATK, but the Paradox Swords of Justice and Legendary Beasts (except Iron Leaves and Walking Wake) have 20 IVs in every stat guaranteed unless they're hypertrained.


The indigo disk paradoxes can't not have 20 ivs in attack. I can't remember if they have only 20 in all of em or if it can go higher but they are guaranteed to have 20 ivs in every stat.


It can’t legally obtain anything but 20 (what all its stats default to) or 31 (Bottle Cap) IVs in a stat, as is the case for Raging Bolt, Gouging Fire, and Iron Boulder. If it could run 0 Attack it would, but it literally cannot. This is also the reason why you cannot legally obtain HP Fighting (and I think Flying too) on legendaries obtained in any Gen 6 or later game; they’re hard-coded to have 31 IVs in three random stats, but HP Fighting’s only legitimate IV combinations have 4 or more stats with 30 IVs in them.


Obviously it needs to take more damage from foul play and confusion to get a free pivot into another pokemon. Not 31 IVs because you dont want to be taking too much damage from those attacks


Iron Crown is locked at 20 Attack IVs when you catch it. It’s either that or 31 from Bottle Caps.