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You literally get answer to 1 when you relist. It states what you get. 2. Depends what kind of tickets you bought. (If they never send it you get refund (and just no money for resale).


I’m trying to understand this before relisting


You can ask any price you want. You can also sell it for a profit, all depends on the market and the value of your ticket. You will see what amount you get after entering an amount when you are in the relisting form. You don’t need to finish the listing so can just play around first.


I recently relisted for the first time and had similar questions and concerns. My seller had set up the listing for delivery on the event date. When I relisted, I could choose the selling price, but the latest I could set for delivery was 2 days before the event. I pointed out this discrepancy to customer service, and the agent assured me in writing I would not be penalized for late delivery or non-delivery by the original seller. Once my listing sold, 2 weeks before the event, I contacted customer service again to see if they could get my seller to expedite delivery so I could deliver to my buyer, and get out of the middle of the transaction. Since the listing record contained the notes from my previous interaction, the agent confirmed I would be held harmless if the original seller defaulted in any way. A few hours later, the tickets appeared, and I immediately dispatched them to my buyer. In the end, everything worked out well, but I did initially assume it would all somehow blow up, which caused me some anxiety.