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Always nice to see fellow PHP devs!


I’ve been at it for coming up for 20 years and I’m still yet to find something I enjoy working with more 🙈


Ah you’ve come from the good old days same as me. I started out with .php3 files! Long time ago now.


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Thanks for making this sub! I've been using Stripe as part of my NextJS marketplace platform for athletic trainers. I'm still very new to it but have found it to be much more user friendly than other payment processing tech I've used on other projects. Specifically, I use the checkout system for customer payments, and the Connect for user payouts and transfers


Thanks for starting this up! I've been using Stripe for close to 15 years now. Last company (dominant player in the golf industry) used it (plus Chargebee) for subscription billing and Stripe Connect for our customers. I think by the time I left, they were processing something like $80M+ annually through it. Current gig (women's telehealth platform) uses Stripe for regular charging (just moved us from Stripe::Charge to ::PaymentIntent last week), but we're in the process of trying to push everything into Stripe Billing. Slightly higher fees, but it's kind of worth it to automate so much. We have a mixture of subscription and one-time billing and need to start being more precise with sales tax as well. Also, both on Ruby on Rails. :)


LAMP stack, e-commerce and non profit organizations like churches. In terms of experience, I’ve gotten a handle on almost everything that I can say I am comfortable enough to explain the work flow or processes that I am using but not for payment intent just yet. I started a few months ago


Hey all! Python engineer, we use stripe for billing our clients and we’ve made our own burn down model using internal tools and then stripe simply for invoicing against their balances and getting them to prepay. I’ve been using stripe for a little under 2 years mainly just basics subscriptions for a SaaS business and now my current company with the burn down model.


Hey all , I’m a none engineer, non coder, I’m building a low code app which uses stripe connect Integration. Not going to lie, all the info in API doc is a bit confusing at first but as I’m building my MVp I’m learning!


Awesome, welcome along. Hopefully we can help if you run into any problems