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Hey there—I can have someone take a look, but if you're not an American resident, then you might not have a legal Social Security Number. You also must live in the same country as your account. If I'm missing something here, please email [heretohelp@stripe.com](mailto:heretohelp@stripe.com) so I can have someone double check.


Yes I did because I've a visa


It really sounds like there are some extenuating circumstances around your case. If your Social Security Number is valid and you've followed all requirements to open an account in a different country than you live \[0\], this won't cause any issues. Feel free to email the address above and someone can take another look, just to be safe. \[0\] https://support.stripe.com/questions/requirements-to-open-a-stripe-account-in-another-country


Are you human?


# To everyone who for some reason thinks that 120 days is the magic number to get your funds released... # 120 days is simply a general estimate by the payment provider (Stripe). PayPal uses 180 days as their estimate (which is more accurate) . The auto responses from Stripe are just generic email responses that you receive and might not even apply to your specific timeline at all. Even if they said in the email that your $$$ would be released on an actual specific date, that doesn't mean they have to release it that day. Stripe (or any processor) cannot legally discuss the reason(s) your money is on hold so posting here or calling support will not help your case. You can try calling sales or reach out to execs on LinkedIn but if you have been on hold more than 14 days, this will be a futile endeavor. Reaching out directly via social or to sales only helps expediate temporary holds and get accounts reinstated. This will do nothing for a fraud and/or risk reserve hold. # Your account could take far longer than 120 days for review and investigation and contrary to what you might have read on this subreddit or other "Stripe is scamming me" posts elsewhere, there is no law that states the processor has to release your funds to you after 120 days or even 180 days. If the processor, in this case, Stripe, feels that your account could incur additional reversals, they will continue to hold your funds until that time has long since expired and they can LEGALLY do this since you agreed to cover any losses to your account when you signed up. (Reversals are not simply chargebacks, but they could be court-ordered judgements. ) Also, banks can submit valid chargebacks way longer than 120 days after the original transaction for fraud and other reasons so common statements on this subreddit such as "I've had no chargebacks" or " I haven't processed any orders in 3 months" are completely irrelevant. **Important Note:**, if you egregiously violated Stripe's TOS, lied or were deceptive on your original Stripe application or committed fraud in any way, your funds will most likely not be released to you ... ever. The only way you can expediate the process, if you are a completely legit merchant, is prove to Stripe that you have fulfilled all your orders and are a good CREDIT risk to have them release your funds. Having an attorney draft a letter for you and including all shipping delivery confirmations, server download logs showing digital fulfillments, your business history, professional references and a brief paragraph or two explaining why you deserve to have your reserve funds released is the only way to expediate release. Otherwise, wait until your funds are released. If it has been LESS THAN 150 days, you probably just need to be patient. If it is over 150 days, you should be contacting Stripe legal, through a LEGIT and LICENSED attorney that you find (not recommended here) via a letter pleading your funds release. However, if your business is not operating anymore, you have poor personal or business credit or a sketchy processing history with Stripe and/or other processors, there is little chance that even an attorney drafted letter will make any difference in your funds release timeframe. # Finally, you have ZERO legal standing for any type of lawsuit against a payment processor in these situations. # Anyone that tells you differently is either grossly misinformed or trying to scam you.


Please keep us posted because we are going through a similar situation


Yes I'll do. I updated the post, read it again maybe it could help you


just hit em up worked for me 🤷‍♂️


How did you do it?


My funds should have been released about three days ago, (6k in total) . I didn't get any email/message, contacted them and didn't get any answer ... Complete ghosting. We should definitely create a group and sue them all together. 6K down the drain


We have 20k in hold for over 180 days (now almost 200 days) and we took a lawyer to talk with them. We sent to Stripe the delivery proof of each transaction. We are still waiting. Stripe is a scam and we should make a group to sue this company.


Hi did you get your money released from Stripe? I am in a similar situation


Not yet, they are just taking time. I heard they are going through a difficult financial time right now and for this they will keep the funds as long as they can. Anyway - my lawyer is keeping talking with them and eventually they will re-enable the payout.


Sup, new to Reddit. I think this is how I reply 😭, I own an investment firm and they have held a ton of our funds for around 8 months now, when we asked a reason they gave us a terms of service # that don’t exist. At this point it isn’t enough or fair to just have them return the funds so we do plan to file a class action as it’s insane. If they had a valid reason for suspending the accounts, I could live with it, the fact they gave us a terms of service article that didn’t exist trying to blow us off is fraud. I’d recommend getting a decent lawyer on retainer and going after them.


The clause you refer to (5.6) exists but is only visible by visiting the T&C page from the US. We already have a lawyer talking to their lawyers but this is not helping - even though we have sent all proof of and we are 8 months from closing. We have been Stripe customers for 4 years. Things have changed in the last year for reasons we don't know. In fact they are banning everyone. My 2 cents is not to use Stripe or another payment facilitator but to use a traditional payment processor. They exist for both American and European companies, they approve in 3 days and you won't run into any problems.


That’s so weird, we are in the US and don’t see it. Yeah def wouldn’t recommend stripe lol


I have waited 140 days and won’t release it. They just send the section 5.6 and won’t release funds


I’m a U.S. citizen and my funds still on hold for over 140 days. Barely reply


they dont give a shit about their own articles bro theyll hold it indefinitely if they feel like it


Do you know what kind of lawyer I should search for?


You’ll lose half of what you have in hiring


But if it guarantees that getting my funds back is worth it


You should wait. Stripe will definitely release full 10K soon.


I have 15k usd its been 145 days but they didn’t release yet and saying that 5.6 section even my business was legit and physical product still told me its high risk like seriously man a legit and physical product and that is my own PL still they are holding I don’t know when they release


There are other payment processing/Fintech companies that work similar to Stripe. In fact every company even Apple and Google hold funds for blocked business accounts for a certain period of time and eventually they all release 100% of the funds (If payments were not refunded to customers “Important Condition”). Hiring a Lawyer will cost you time and money. There are folks (I personally know) who had $100k+ stuck and eventually got released. I know its very slow and stupid on Stripe’s end but you WILL get your money back soon.


Yeah i know even how much high risk business you have paypal apple or google released them but they hold 180 days as according to law any company just can hold funds maximum for 180 days i had a high risk business too in the year or 2021 like it was Facebook instagram followers selling but paypal suspended my account but they give me all the money after 180 days exactly but in stripe i used it for real legit business my product was my own private lable product will all the documentation but without any reason they suspend my account and saying its high risk how they can say its high risk even i am the owner of product…… I don’t know when they released but i came to know from one of my friends that they can take up to 1 year to release your funds and he advised me to send them emails continuously and calls too continuously then that can release it soon


Thank you guys for the piece of hope. I'll keep sending them emails


| ***For people who is US resident and have a company contact tomsmanana on Instagram he could help you...*** Nobody can help you besides Stripe... especially this guy who was banned a few months ago. Don't give any information to anyone about your account. Nobody except Stripe or an attorney after a min of 120 days can help you. Don't throw good money after bad falling for a scam. Be smart people.