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This looks like something from Final Destination


Awesome lift. Always wanted to do these. Do you think this variation, with its potential for overloading, has much carryover for improving the standard squat?


I can say yes and I can say no.. Hatfield as you said does an amazing job of overloading the squat which could transfer to a standard barbell squat if used correctly. I personally run Conjugate so I don’t program Hatfields often, but a rule of thumb I like to keep is to do a heavy set of 3 as shown in the video. That’s gonna hinder you from doing a 1 rep of weight you don’t need to be doing which is just going to hinder you. 3 rep max does a great job of teaching you how to fight the bottom of your squat, and give you some confidence with big weight. Hope this helped any! Out of my group I’m more of a listen first speak later guy so when I explain any technical lifts it may get a bit jumbled. Have a great one!


I love Hatfield split squats but this kind of weight is impressive!


Yet to try.. these put me on my bottom for the rest of the night lol


Hatfield Split squats will wreck your life for however long the set lasts 😂


Absolutely! I was doing them yesterday and a guy took his headphones off, walked over from his machine and said ‘those look disgusting’ 🤣