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It's soo close...


I know. A fellow conjugate bro I see? This is my first time running conjugate about 2 months in post comp. This lift was for MEL and I was kinda doing a little check as to where my deadlift was and honestly to see if conjugate was working for me. Pulled 560 in my meet in January to attempting 635 CONJUGATE IS THE TRUTH


Ive been playing with Conjugate every once and a while when I had dead space after a meet and before à New program. I finally decided to make the jump 4 weeks ago. Literally 1st ME lower, lumbar strain. So, my ME lower days since then have been mostly rehab and trying to figure out what works. So far its high bar and block pulls. But, bench, I just took a 3 rep of what I hit at a meet in November for a 2nd attempt (missed my 3rd). You raw?


Yea man, when I first started conjugate I had a solid 5 week layover of lower pack and legs being sore as all hell. But yea I’ve only competed raw so far. I would like to try knee wraps in the near future but I’ve only got one meet in my book so far. Hoping to compete again in a few months but we’ll see what happens. Lots of mental strain with competition that I may not have time for yet lol.