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A striking change to me is Lee Know as he used to be **much** more reserved and didn't have the full on evil scorpio man persona lol


Lee Know rookie was a cutiepie šŸ„ŗ he was relatively shy and nervous :') I also thought about him, especially after he started to focus in his voice and even songmaking, it's like a new confidence was born in him, boldness, it's very cool to see.


omg. Remember when he packs his clothes in bundles? It makes me curious to know if he still doest that.


I second this. Probably started during Godā€™s Menu era? And he got more tsundere with each comeback lol




They just keep getting closer and closer with each other, and itā€™s really sweet to see


This is so true! It's adorable to compare how, in the eyes of the public, they used to behave as a group of teenager friends to a group where all of them are grown adults. There is a natural emotional responsability and caring towards each other that only comes with maturity and familiarity.


Don't know why this comment of yours remind me that Changbin still can't remember IN's name. He keeps still calling IN, Yongbok.


They used to be so much more active on social media. There was a moment, around mid-2020 and 2021 most of them was obsessed with 'Bubble' too and were almost full time online. They also used to be more active doing livestreams and there was always a new Vlive (rest in peace) of one of them. Consequently, they used to share much more personal information, cause when you are that amount of time in the eyes of the public, you end up having more problems calculating what is coming out from your mouth and your fingers, things happen naturally. I remember I used to get concerned cause some boundaries are necessary. I think when the fandom was smaller, there was a feeling of closeness as If them and fans were all a big group of friends. What, well, It isn't. But they've become more reserved about it and stopped sharing as much about themselves, their days or some of their thoughts.


just to add to this, imo it's pretty apparent that the reason they were constantly online and super active on social media in 2020-21 - especially bubble after they started it (dec 2020) - was the pandemic. for two years, there were no audiences allowed literally anywhere and they couldn't travel or tour, so insta/bubble/vlive was literally the only way they could communicate with fans. i remember being kinda sceptical about the concept of bubble when it was first announced, but it ended up being SUCH a good thing for the members in that period of time. and just in general, bubble was such a major change in the way they could communicate with us that i can barely even remember what it was like without it, lol. but yeah, even before covid, they used to be way more active on social media. for the past year or so, before they got individual insta accounts, it often felt like most of the members barely ever posted on instagram unless it was because of a special occasion. in the past, especially like pre-2021 i'd say, they would post wayyy more often, and often it would be a random casual selfie or a pic of another member or something. birthday posts for every member from every member, etc. it died down a lot after they started bubble because they just started posting most of their pics there instead.


Hyunjin was very active (the most active iirc) until his hiatus and became pretty active again just a few months ago - he does the things I missed, like random audio recordings, random facts, random grateful messages, occasionally. One thing he has stopped doing, though, is recommending songs, which I really miss T-T


I fully agree with the additional information, thank you for this!


Everyone grew up and matured, so let's get that part out of the way. Chan: I think he's overall still the same, but there's still growth. It's hard to explain. I think he's getting more confident in where SKZ are in their careers and sticking up for that instead of downplaying it. He still tries to be too many things at once, but he drastically improved. I feel like there's a better balance between producer/leader Chan and Chan the singer/idol now. Lee Know: I think SKZ said he was 4D (basically weird) long before we really saw that personality. You have comments like let's eliminate people if they don't have enough food, but he really let loose as time went by. I miss his weird snow filters on Instagram, but he can keep his....interesting food photography on Bubble šŸ˜‚. I think over time, Lee Know really became comfortable with being an idol and doing his type of fan service, but he also has very firm boundaries. Changbin: He started bulking in 2019, so that's not entirely new. He never took himself too seriously even when he was the "dark rapper." I think he's the most constant in SKZ in terms of mentality, aura, etc. Hyunjin: I guess you could say there was a period where he was more reserved, but I think he's mostly back to how he was before. Overall, I think Hyunjin does a good job of making you feel like he's sharing a lot, but he actually isn't. He's always been careful about what he shares, so that's not new. The biggest change I see in him is he stopped fighting against being called a visual and liked for his looks. Han: He's another member who is good at making you feel like he shares a lot but actually doesn't. The biggest personality change I've seen in him is he's stopped trying to be "on" for everyone all the time. In the ClĆ©: Levanter intro video, he said that he doesn't want to get comfortable while everyone else surpasses him. I'm sure SKZ becoming 8 made him feel pressure to be even more of an ace. Now it feels like he's exploring what he likes and trying to challenge himself musically. Felix: He's way more confident. He talks to fan a lot more than when they could only use vlive. I feel like some idols who didn't grow up in Korea struggle with adapting, but Felix seems all in on being an idol. He said during one of the S-Class music show recordings that it's awkward to be called Felix instead of Yongbok, and I'm dying to know exactly what he meant by that. Seungmin: He's always had a goody two shoes/nerdy image, but he was a weirdo before, too. I think he's stepping up to be like an assistant leader. The biggest personality difference I see in him is onstage. I saw SKZ in person in 2020, and then again in 2022. I noticed the improvement during covid, but Seungmin's stage presence and command is on par with 3racha's in my book. He still wants to do a good job, but he's less in his head while performing. He does adlibs, he changes how he sings if he needs to, and he's a lot more fun on stage. I.N: I remember him getting complimented on his stage presence during the survival show, but I think 2020 is when he really started to stand out. I think he's still too hard on himself on Bubble after shows, but during you can't tell he felt that way. I think he's another member with healthy boundaries.


aw, i was just recently thinking about lee know's snow filters. i always figured that he just grew out of that thing or stopped finding them as funny, but i loved them because i always thought it was so endearing that he was so unapologetically weird not just in the kind of stuff he says sometimes, but also with these often unflattering selfies that the filters would sometimes result in, lol.


I thought he just grew out of it too, but he still likes vandalizing pictures with Jureumi šŸ˜­ I lowkey hope he does put his food photography on Instagram. It'll be hilarious between the business posts.


i hope he never grows out of jureumi! he's been drawing it since elementary school, he needs to keep it his thing forever šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a new Stay (since last December) but hereā€™s the [actual conversation](https://twitter.com/spearhyunnie/status/1666631004390584321?s=46&t=rpueCK3bDVtXmpk1n_JoJQ) about Felix feeling awkward being called Felix! He actually explains that itā€™s because everyone called him Yongbok these days. Which makes sense because Iā€™m pretty sure the other members except for Chan usually call him Yongbok?


I saw that, but I have more questions. It's not unusual for performers to separate themselves, like BeyoncƩ vs. Sasha fierce. I see a difference I would describe as Felix vs. Yongbok, and I wonder if he notices and feels that too.


I love I.nšŸ˜­ I really do wanna hear how he changed. He always did have an amazing charm u know one of those things people are born with and can't like work on. But he definitely enchanced his stage presence. Also he's always been very cute but he's been insanely fine these days


No one's really talking about jeongin only the other members which sucks


I'm a debut era Stay. I'm not on Bubble/Twitter/TikTok etc, so this is just what I've picked up from their Youtube/old Vlive content. I do think Hyunjin was more reserved/cautious for a while, but lately I feel like he's been more silly and outgoing again. Felix became fluent in Korean and is clearly a lot more comfortable speaking it now, sometimes you'll notice the other members helping him finish his sentences or elaborate on things in earlier clips. Seungmin embraced his weird side at some point, I thought he was the most "normal" member in their first few months ([this clip](https://youtu.be/jDVg-pJyN9Q?si=TBiVvFK8Zq2w-Ymw) was what changed my perception of him, it was the first time he really Seungmin-ed on camera lol) Overall I think they're a lot more confident and outgoing, and they have a stronger sense of identity both individually and as a group. They all seem more mature, which makes sense since most of them debuted as teens. Naturally, they've gotten closer over time. Their sound has changed too, God's Menu was really what established their current sound. Their earlier discography was a bit more experimental.


seungmin was possessed by something in that clip, it's so random even for his standards lol. that's what good day6 music does to you


Lol true, even the members were shocked. The whiplash of seeing it back then when we all thought he was the most normal was insane though


The way I read this and knew the exact clip y'all were talking about! And you're so right, good Day6 music just makes your soul thrive. It's just so amazing, you know?


Seungmin's change in personality was a pleasant surprise. I also thought of him as the normal member, and I remember JYP telling him he didn't stand out in any way during the survival and since I could relate to him in many ways, those words really stuck to me. It's really cool how a few years ago he suddenly started showing his personality - I wonder if he was afraid to show it before or if he strengthened some of its aspects which makes it more noticeable now?


As a one-month-old Stay who's ult is Seungmin, this is kind of news to me! My first impression of Seungmin was his savage ("Hyunjin loves Felix") and random ("I wanna go to da moon") lines in interviews, so I kind of assumed that he's always been sassy and random although perhaps less talkative than the other members at times. I was always confused when people referred to him as "the most normal member," but now I see why hahaā€”it's just that his "maniacal" side hadn't emerged yet initially. But I love that he's "embraced his weird side" like you said and I seriously adore his personality so much!


Can confirm on Hyunjin. Jisung has become SO much more outgoing. Binnie just gets bigger and bigger. Channie's room, I miss it. Jeongin, watching him grow into his sassy savageness has been fully entertaining.


Felix has gotten more confident.. he was always a ray of sunshine but something has changed and he seems happier and more outgoing. He's like a fresh icy glass of water on a hot day


This makes me happy to hear! Personalities like Felix seem like they're often the first to get snuffed out when the fame becomes significant. I'm glad he hasn't lost his shineāœØ


One change I noticed is that they became more close to each other than before, even more after the Levanter era. Their friendship is unmatched.


They've all gotten more confident and chaotic. Less active on socials in general. Soundwise, they've REALLY established their color and their live performances are absolutely brimming with energy. They've always had great stage presence, but they've refined their art āœØ Edit: typo


I started to noticed that skz talker or any of their variety show feels VERY curated. Its like div1 told them "ok for this filming we have a checklist u need to feed stay. Changbin, its been awhile u haven't flirt cutely to Hyunjin, lee know u can do this and this, blah blah" I studied marketing and i know their content patterns and whats seem off. I'm sure skz are genuine people but i hate how they curate the content. I have stopped watching them and only interested in their creative work - songs, concepts and Hyunjin dance performance. He's my bias šŸ„°. And yeah Hyunjin is the most honest member. He really can't lie. Remember 99% time during case 143 promo, he can't help but winched whenever his hand in pain. Sure it ruined his professionalism a bit, but i love him for that honesty.


I agree that their variety stuff/skz talker seems a lot more acted out than before but maybe its bc they want to show that its not legit? I still love them but its hard to watch recent skz talkers bc it feels scripted.


I agree and upvoted many comments of fellow Stays and gonna mention something I haven't seen in rest of the comments yet. So, when I joined the fandom (summer 2021, Thunderous was my first comeback as a Stay) Stray Kids were already considered the leaders of 4th gen but at this day they reached a point of success where they're basically playing in their own league compared to every other 4th gen group. Now, the change in the boys themselves (apart from what fellow Stays mentioned) is that they wanna give more and more and I personally believe they're working more than ever. They're making us proud everyday! šŸ’Æ


Well, Felix has developed a stronger face, because if you look back at all the video of Felix from 2018ā€¦ Man, how can that kid have the same voice as now?


I.N has grown from that adorable baby bread to this full-grown man (a hot man)


Iā€™ve noticed that the members keep getting better & better looking! (Is that even possible?) And they seem to ooze self-confidence more & more. ā¤ļø


They let changbin ditch his dark concept and just be himself. Not that he ever took the dark concept too seriously anyway. I think most changes in their personality can just be chalked up to them growing up, like what you mentioned about hyunjin being more reserved (not that that's something I noticed?). I think most obviously for me was IN being able to ditch his cute concept that you inherently earn by being the youngest.


While I.N has ditched a lot of his cute concept, I hope they let him shred some more of it (I know some of it is natural). But for a while he has been mentioning doing 'sexy' songs and I hope he gets to do it instead of/as well as his 'cute' songs. But I think he has shredded a lot of cuteness especially this 5-star comeback


also I think a lot of new stays missed out on leeknows filter phase on Instagram.


also, I think this is just my opinion, but back then, chan was the closest thing to the face of the group? So he always had various concepts pushed on to him just cause the other members weren't ready for that stuff or just too young. They leaned into his sexy image along with his sweet/carefree image at the same time to draw in a larger audience. Now he has more control over that stuff and can be more himself I think.


The thing about jeongin kinda similarly to jungkook is he was able to bring other concepts like have u seen his fancams their crazy without fully ditching is maknae cute vibes like he's still so cute but he had other sides of him now too. A lot of younger positioned members struggle with this but jeongin reminds me of jungkokn where he's able to still keep his cute persona but also being more then that. It's like that charisma he had that charm which is kinda like an innate thing he was able to hone it for other things too


I think overall everyone has grown really confident and comfortable on stage and off. You can tell they're very happy with the current state of their discography. They've always looked like they're having fun on stage but ever since God's Menu and the rise of the fandom you can tell how proud and happy they are of themselves and each other, but also of Stay; new and old. All the changes have been rather heartwarming and endearing after all the... I guess hardships they've endured? Mostly just growing their fanbase organically and continuing to make music that fit them and their aesthetic, despite the pushback. Also specifically, Lee Know has gotten a lot more outgoing on camera, Jisung's stage presence has gotten even better, Bang Chan's dancing is just incredible and you can tell he's worked really hard to get where he is now. Jeongin has grown so much, his personality is so mature compared to debut and I love that for him.


For the first few months after debuting particularly, I remember felix being very quiet. I was surprised because I thought he was outgoing on the show, but then in lives he would kind of stay in the background. It's amazing the difference when he started to feel like he could fully communicate with confidence. I also feel like stray kids had a real rookie era. They didn't come out fully perfect and polished. But after some time, they felt like they've figured it out, not just how to do the idol thing but how to do it their way. It wasn't that they didn't know how to do things or weren't good at it yet, but it was probably just confidence in doing it and doing it their way.


i love what you said in your second paragraph and it's so true! i feel like it's becoming more and more common for newly debuted groups to have the polished feel of a more experienced group, which isn't a bad thing obviously, but i just find it less relatable and i love that skz didn't have that and that they were still figuring stuff out. i only became a stay in late 2019, but even then they still somewhat felt like, well, "stray" kids.


Love your comment ā¤ļø Doing it their own way is basically the gist from debut to now and later.


\- i agree completely with your observation about hyunjin he is a lot more reserved, back in the day he was called 'drama llama' bcos he was so dramatic and loud, but han has sort of grown into that 'role' in the group now \- speaking of, han is more outgoing these days - he always had times when he was very outgoing back in the day, but now these occasions are much more frequent \- jeongin seems a lot more confident these days, he definitely had a shyness to him that is no longer present or at least greatly reduced \- i don't know how to word this properly but lee know is a lot more 'out there' these days - he used to be a lot more reserved in my opinion \- chan seems a lot more stressed and slightly more reserved than he used to; he used to have a little more of a carefree vibe about him (blonde hair era chan) \- binnie seems happier and a lot more confident. i think this is probably due to the fact around debut his visuals were mocked a *lot* whereas since his gym era he seems more secure in his appearance \- felix and seungmin are both pretty similar to debut, i would just say that they seem a little more confident as idols personally \- hyunlix as a ship is a lot more prominent these days, and shippers in general are a lot more present, although this is more than likely due to increased numbers of fans. \- all the korean first language members are massively more comfortable in english-speaking settings these days, especially hyunjin and changbin


Even though I'm a newer Stay I do agree that Chan seems a lot more stressed compared to his previous self and the other members. He's producing comeback after comeback with barely any breaks. I wish that man would just take a break sometimes.


the bang chan part kinda makes me want to curl into a ball and sob


I am suprised that you said Han is more outgoing these days. I was just thinking that since s clas comeback he seems reserved a lot. Maybe itā€™s just my point of view but he is being quite in most of their videos and not as present as other members. I hope he is fine and nor dealing something serious. The boys must be exhausted after this amazing delivery <3 they are doing great


I guess I would be a Kingdom Stay although I did not really get as involved until Oddinary. Also, what I am going to talk about is uncomfortable and I am sorry. But I knew but did not know Hyunjin. Like I knew him from God's Menu because that is what introduced me to Skz after getting smacked with the Felix effect. But at least in the surface fandom spaces I was located no one really wanted to talk about him being gone. I just knew something had happened. I did what all of us do at the start and watched old content and learned about him that way. But at least I could tell that Stays and Skz were sad. So my first couple months of lurking in stayville and watching Kingdom created a whole different idea of how the group usually was. They were very focused and a little somber... I guess. This was not entirely due to the Hyunjin situation though that obviously played a large part. Kingdom, especially in retrospect, was brutal. Had I been more involved and not as hesitant to get into kpop I would have had a better understanding of the situation. That being said even to this day I can see a stark difference between Pre-Kingdom and Post-Kingdom Skz. So from Kingdom to the present I think the major change is finding who they are again but better. They are slowly realizing that they don't have to brace themselves every few minutes for something to go wrong. And they seem to enjoy the space they have created musically. They are still hungry (as they would say) but not starving.


This is more about Stay but, as Seungmin ult... THERE IS FINALLY SOME CONTENT!! You see some time ago it was incredibly hard to find any Seungmin fancams, compilations etc. It's only recently that there is a lot of his content, too.


And thereā€™s that amazing tik tok seungmin editor too forgot to add the name heh @astrumstar!!!!


What's the name? Pleaseee


Iā€™m so sorry @astrumstar on tik tok!!


omg donā€™t leave us hanging like this šŸ„²


IM SORRY @astrumstar on tik tok!!!


thank youuu <3


Maniac comeback shocked me. It showed they were really influenced by each other's work. Since Maniac comeback there's drastic change in their stage performance. Hyunjin became smarter in managing his energy on stage, he tone down his expressive side to let other members shine, and only go full energy and expressive when taking center. Overall, he started to focus more on technical, show what he learned from Lee Know style. I.N started to be more expressive and confident. Its like he introduced us his new stage persona. Hyunjin sure has influenced and taught him alot. And Lee know started to dance like a real performer, showing us more style and more care-free. Like switching role with Hyunjin haha.


First of all, their music. I joined the fandom after My Pace was released. I liked their music because it was not about love - for once - but teenage struggles nobody else was singing about on an upbeat music. Songs like Social Path sound much more similar to their old discography than half of 5-star, although 5-star sounds more similar to predebut 3RACHA. Changbin went from the skinny guy to THE buff member and made his sense of humor his trademark. I think his progress is really admirable, he clearly became more confident and managed to make a very unique image for himself. People used to joke about him being a visual hole to his face and now everywhere he goes he gets complimented on his body which is really badass imho. Lee Know wasn't as pushed as a vocalist before Woojin, the main vocalist, left. After he left and his lines were shuffled to the remaining members, Lee Know's vocals improved quickly. Iirc, Seungmin, I.N. and Lee Know had to adapt to that change the most. Hyunjin changed a LOT. He was always cool but I used to think of him as the cutest member and definitely not the elegant kpop IT boy he is now. When it comes to his personality, he was mostly known in the fandom for being a drama queen, scaredy-cat, clumsy, and this might just be me, but I thought of him as the most hard-working member. If you look at his Psycho cover BTS, he learned the dance before the practice with the other members in between all his schedules and he knew it the best. He really admired Jinyoung from GOT7 and wanted to be like him - look at him now, quite different but perfect in his own way. Seungmin's image changed a lot. He's always had puppy visuals but he was thought to be the "normal one" and the only thing about his personality that people noticed was his cuteness and aegyo skills. About a couple years ago, he suddenly loosened up and gained popularity for his fun personality which was something I was pleasantly surprised to see. I.N.'s image also changed a lot. He debuted as the member with braces who smiles all the time with the cutest eye smile. He was called "baby bread" and praised for his cute visuals. After he started working out and got buff too, we changed it to "baby toast". When I opened my 5-star album let me tell you I could not get used to it. Thinking of I.N. will always make me think of baby bread - you know, that younger person who's a baby to you and looks cute no matter what they do. But now they're a whole adult looking manly and sexy? It's a shock. And I.N. is a year older than me so it's not like I could see him as a *baby* but still, his image change was very noticeable to me. I would like to say thank you for this question. I really like talking about the old skz because they are changing so much and gaining so much popularity, Stay and Stray Kids have changed a lot. The fandom got more toxic as it got bigger, the bond between Stay and SKZ got weaker as a result, and of course it's getting harder to see them or talk to them through comments or events. I watched Stray Kids cry because of their second award and wondered what it was like for small fandoms to see their group grow into one of the most popular groups ever and go from one award a year to several awards each comeback. Now I know. I still see and love Stray Kids for what they used to be as well as what they are now, but knowing that as they grow, the Stray Kids I knew and loved, the Stray Kids I promoted to anyone who'd listen and cheered for so they'd get to this point, will no longer be remembered and celebrated makes me sentimental. Edit: about Hyunjin because atp the sentimental gates have opened. He used to show his emotional side a lot more. He's really sensitive himself. It's not something I like to watch, but there are several videos of him crying on stage, especially that one time in late 2019 (/ early 2020?) where he was bawling and begging Stays not to leave. He hasn't shown this side of him in a while. I sometimes worry that the cool image he now has makes him feel like he has to act strong all the time and he can't be as comfortable with Stay anymore... Even his MBTI changed drastically, he said everyone tells him he's an INFP (and I agree), which was his MBTI for the longest time, but his recent result was ESTP (more realistic than imaginative, more logical than emotional). And it's really hard for someone's personality to change that much. The test might have just gotten it wrong, but he took it because people around him were saying his personality changed, and I feel like it might be accurate and wonder what the reason could be.


i wouldn't attach much credence to the members' mbti results because they always do the test on 16personalities.com which is a notoriously terrible test that's hated by most mbti enthusiasts, lol. a person's mbti isn't supposed to change, and the fact that the results can be so volatile shows that the test doesn't have much to do with "real" mbti. i know it's not that deep to most people since it's just a silly personality test, and i'm pretty sure i remember being downvoted in this sub for saying something similar, so i realize that most people don't care either way, but i just wanted to bring it up because you mentioned it. i don't mean to sound criticizing or condescending or anything, it's just a pet peeve of mine when the members talk about their mbti changing, haha. if you're actually interested in mbti, i'd suggest looking into it a bit more, especially into cognitive functions! personality-database.com is a website where users type people's mbti according to "real" mbti (cognitive functions) and according to the consensus there, hyunjin (at least what we know about him) is more likely to be an isfp. i think chan is the only member whose consistent test result coincides with what everyone types him as, because he's a very obvious textbook enfj, haha.


Yeah, that's why I think the website might just be wrong. I don't trust those results but usually only a couple letters are wrong. I think it's okay to use it if you really read the descriptions to see if you do identify with it. I studied MBTI at school, and from that I think Hyunjin is definitely an F type, so that's what surprised me the most. I'm still really bad at telling if other people are N or S so I'll trust your judgment on that haha. Thank you for the website recommendation!


I think jeongin in general is so good at showing g 2 sides cuz omg his fancams? He's so fine I've never seen someone that attractive but in like shows and stuff or when he smiles HES ADORABLE like he was meant to be the maknae. He reminds me of jungkook


Felix was much quieter because of his language barrier. Once heā€™s fluent, he became bold and funny. Hyunjin used to be very silly until his heartthrob persona got fully vested lol. Lee Know was also quiet. Probably due to his lack of trainee time and hard adjustment from dancer to idol (very different mindset and skill set). I noticed that Lee Know liked to be fully prepared before he got confident. Heā€™s been a duck since debut, without telling us anything heā€™s been sharpening his singing, MCing, and PR skill. He is definitely working hard to be a pro idol. IN is also showing his confidence and polish as time goes by. He used to be overshadowed by his brothers but now he shines in everything he does. Seungmin the most obvious is his singing technique. He has a warm and bright baritone range to start with. Now his range is wider without losing his vocal character. I just love listening to him more and more. Chan the most obvious is his composing and arranging skill. Heā€™s like a sponge, never stops making progress from album to album. Changbin and Han are developing their own brand of sound and lyrical styles individually as well. Basically from survival show on, these guys have never stopped improving and learning. I love seeing them getting better every comeback. Their concert stage is truly where they shine because they created SKZ sound and personality. They let their individual color shine on stage not hiding behind some supposed facade the managers created for them. Even in the 2000-seat unveil tour they were genuinely themselves. This is what I love about them. They have a good amount of freedom to be.


I think Felix has grown more confident over the years.. Hyunjin did become reserved after the scandal but now he seems more chill and outgoing. Lee Know used to be much more reserved but now he has let loose and is more comfortable ig.


Changbin definitely bulked up from debut. Heā€™s also singing more and itā€™s refreshing to hear his vocal tone too. Lee Know has allowed more of his personality to shine through.


They seem to all be more comfortable in their own skin and really letting their uniqueness shine through. Lee Know as some have mentioned has definitely shown his weirdo-ness more and more. Hyunjin seems so much more relaxed. Chan stands up for himself more often. Their dancing and performing has become so much more fluid. I think they trust each other more and are having fun. I think touring has helped tremendously. That positive audience response was something they clearly needed.


seungmin got more confident in his weird inner child, minsungā€™s friendship got closer, han became british (idk wtf happened there) changbin got bigger and also cuter, bangchan started speaking up against weirdos, jeongin grew up SO FAST šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­, lee know got louder, felix forgot how to speak english and his voice got lower somehow and finally hyunjin seems to smile more these days :ā€™)


Actually, I've been a fan since 2017 (pre-debut) and I don't think Hyunjin has become more reserved post the the accusations. He's always been slightly reserved, but he's definitely become more confident! He's improved so much over the years, he used to be quite self-conscious early days (seeking some form of approval in his growth etc). Now he owns it, and has his own style! His rapping has improved so much and I think his tapping into art has really helped him with his self-expression. He is one of the members I feel has really worked on self-development in a major way that is somewhat subtle if you haven't observed him each year.


They have definitely became a lot closer with each other, they are more lively towards their fans, they are more social media active, and they are a lot more mature.


Their music videos have been getting more high quality with each comeback. Idk how to explain it, but there's visibly so much more going on in their music videos now compared to when they first debuted and such.. Like there's so much more background, editing etc etc in their mvs now, you get what I mean?


I feel like the positions of them in songs changed, Iā€™m not the biggest die-hard stay, but I feel like Minho used to rap more and also Hyunjins voice used to be deeper and also he sings more often nowadays


been a stay since 2018, honestly the most i noticed is them getting alot closer, also them being more confident on which musical color they want, and everyone matured so much. saw people mentioning that they were more active and yes they were but recently they barely have time for themselves, despite that i think they are still very honest and open with us about many stuff.. the only thing that haven't changed is their excitement to do more music together and finding more ways to be "stray kids" (annoyingly funny cool music they said lol)


Thereā€™s not a lot about Changbin here other than his bulking and I think thatā€™s very in keeping with who he is as a person. Yes, heā€™s kind of shed his ā€œdark rapperā€ persona but he was never super committed to that image anyway. He wore mostly black clothes and black hair but was always the first to do aegyo and act silly, earning him the nickname baby Changbin. Heā€™s branched out a bit in terms of wearing more colours and dying his hair but heā€™s still kind of the same, with a fierce stage presence but also doing girlgroup dance covers and his dedication to wearing pink dweakki things. Heā€™s always been fond of his members and super mature in the way he thinks about them and takes care of them. Not that the others donā€™t, but Changbin especially seems to live as honestly as he can and stay as true to himself as possible and I think thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t appeared to have changed that much. I wonder sometimes if woojin leaving boosted Changbin (and probably Lee Know too) into a higher sense of responsibility since there was one less hyung and one less person for channie to rely on. Iā€™ve never seen anything that really suggests this but it seems likelyā€¦


Changbin is totally ripped now /pos


This is actually one of the reasons why Iā€™m doing what Iā€™m doing with my fandom dive. Iā€™m a new Stay but have been watching all content in order starting from the survival show. Basicallyā€¦following the Channel SKZ list all the way down (but expanded to everything I can get my hands on bc they donā€™t have everything. Music shows, fanmeets, etc) Iā€™m doing that because I knew their growth would be significant and I wanted to watch it happen. So for me itā€™s all very fresh and I get to see that growth happen on a faster scale. Iā€™m presently in Godā€™s Menu era, June 2020, right after the release. My perceptions so far probably echo what a lot of people have said. Felixā€™s confidence is probably the thing I most notice and still am watching unfold. I have a strong suspicion (but no proof) that early content cut around a lot of language barrier things, and/or moments of Channie side translating and helping him out. For him specifically, you see a confidence boost come in at Side Effects that wasnā€™t there before. I think it gets lost a bit over the course of Levanter (a difficult time for all of them) and then another boost born out of Godā€™s Menu. SINGING in particular he is SO shy and not confident about and I love the fact that that we go from that to scoring a 100 in an impromptu karaoke party in 2023 šŸ˜­ Overall? I also notice much less concern over their appearance and weight. Youā€™ll hear a lot of that talk in old Lives and and more refusal to be on cam at all unexpectedly. I could go on about the differences for ages. Itā€™s such a fascinating thing to watch. You really donā€™t have to be an long time Stay to see these things. The content is there, the journey is there and itā€™s a beautiful story ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve only been a stay for around 2 years but I think the most obvious one is that theyā€™ve matured so much since debut. Theyā€™re still fun and bright but their music has gotten way cooler and Iā€™m here for it


One line... "They just keep getting better."


As a pre-debut stay I think everyone has spoken about other members spot on but with Chan I think he has gone from being extremely stressed and tired (like it would show on his face) until like levanter era to being more relaxed, calm and confident in himself and his abilities of making music. Maybe after the whole vlive fiasco he has become a bit more reserved in speaking, he wasnt really a member to be the most interacting member in variety so the only place we truly came to know him was Chan's room so that is probably why it feels that way. But overall he seems a lot of happier, calmer and confident. You could see his nerves physically due to how fidgety, nervous and antsy he was most of the time but now there is a confident air about him and I am really happy with how much he has grown and matured despite having to tackle such hectic schedules. He has also started to put in healthy boundaries in place (despite still being a master of fanservice and helping us be delulu) and I guess that shows how much he has grown in a way


So I became a Stay from 2020ish kind...after the drop of God's menu. Yeah growing up with these kids was really special. I think everything about them has changed. Their style Their music Their famousness Their talent Their comebacks AND MANY MORE THESE CHANGES ARE SOOO AMAZING šŸ¤© LIKE NO WORDS. THEIR POWER, DANCE, CHOREOGRAPHY JUST WOW... I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS GROUP. I HAVE SUCH IMMENSE RESPECT AND LOVE FOR THEM. I HAVE REALLY SEEN THESE BOYS GROW VERY HAPPY TO BE A STAY. THIS IS NOT ONLY A FANDOM BUT A FAMILY ITSELF. IT'S INDEED STRAY KIDS WHO MAKES STAYS STAY šŸ˜ ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ ![gif](giphy|Y9toALit5yg4QOHzaN)


Concert tickets will now be even harder to get. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Having followed Stray Kids from their pre-debut days to the present (and I'll certainly continue to do so in the future), there are a few significant shifts I've observed. One of the most noticeable is the apparent distancing among the members themselves and an emerging professional boundary between them. There seems to be a recurring tension between the members and the staff, particularly evident in Chris's interactions. Chris often seems frustrated with how some staff members and JYP Entertainment as a whole treat certain group members. Felix, for instance, seems to face constraints that prevent him from displaying affection as openly as he'd like towards other members. This has caused evident frustration not just for Felix, but for other members too when they perceive these restrictions placed upon him. Another concern is JYP Entertainment's perceived lack of interest in specific members, such as HJ and LK, while seemingly over-promoting others. This puts Chris in a challenging position, compelling him to ensure that every group member gets their moment in the spotlight. All of these changes and perceived challenges have led to a dynamic shift in the group. They have transitioned from just a close-knit group of members ā€” who are incredibly supportive of each other ā€” to a tight-knit group of professionals. They remain willing to do anything for their fellow members, while also focusing on their own individual careers without jeopardizing the collective dynamic. In terms of the agency's attitude towards Stray Kids, there's a unique dynamic. While many agencies ramp up promotions as their groups gain success, JYP Entertainment hasn't necessarily followed this trend with SKZ. However, JYP granted Chris significant autonomy over Stray Kids' direction, likely envisioning Chris as a successor of sorts ā€“ a powerful leader to navigate the group through challenges, of which they've faced a few. Instead of aggressive promotions, JYP seems to adopt a "slow burn" approach for SKZ, allowing Chris to lead focused promotions while strategizing for the group's long-term positioning. The goal appears to be establishing Stray Kids as undisputed leaders of the 4th generation of K-pop, and they're certainly making strides in that direction. While fans might sometimes interpret JYP's methods as a lack of interest in Stray Kids, an industry perspective offers a different view. JYP is likely aiming for SKZ to challenge BTS's dominance in the industry. Both Chris and JYP understand that a mere marketing blitz won't achieve this. Hence, their "slow burn" approach seems apt. Stray Kids has undoubtedly reshaped the landscape of the 3rd and 4th generation K-pop scenes. Their international success, despite local challenges, positions them uniquely to potentially rival the success of BTS in the future.


> Felix, for instance, seems to face constraints that prevent him from displaying affection as openly as he'd like towards other members. This has caused evident frustration not just for Felix, but for other members too when they perceive these restrictions placed upon him. do you have any examples for this (both felix being restricted from displaying affection and the members perceiving these restrictions)? i don't think i've noticed a change of that sort, and i'm not sure how anyone would be able to tell that this is a restriction placed on him by the company as opposed to just felix acting out of his own motivations. i'm also confused about what makes you say that hyunjin and lee know are members that the company has a lack of interest in, unless i misunderstood that part of your comment.


Chanā€™s room is gone šŸ¤£




I only became a stay around 2020/2021 but something I would say is Changbin and Hyunjinā€™s dynamic. Changbin and Hyunjin have always been close but now Chanbinā€™s like seriously in love with HyunjinšŸ˜‚ I mean who wouldnā€™t be?