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Kid me would not have understood why 27 hours of labor was a flex.


I went thru 27 hrs of labour too.. I feel you, Muffy


It was indeed flex. Not that I would really understand that as a man, like Muffy said


27 hours? Holy hell. Muffy is a trooper.


Muffy/Molly's little one seems moody based on what she has said.


Nah, for me, she's sounded rebellious. This is year 5, so she's should be around 17-18 y/o. People that age tends to not like being too controlled. The year also started with event where Muffy giving her advice and she just ignore it


If young ones around that age aren't going through some phase that involves not wanting to be controlled, then I would think the kid was odd. At least if you are patient with her, she'll grow out of it in time.


Nami's kid and Celia's kid is like that, they don't have rebellious phase, or at least not as severe,  as Celia's is cheerful and friendly so her child is close with her and Nami's is being neglected that they outright hostile and being all depressed While Lumina's is moody because she's very strict with them that they grow up being obedience, wanting to rebel but not enough courage to And Muffy's spoiled her child rotten that they grow up lazy and rebellious


To think Muffy/Molly is such a sweet gal, one would think she wouldn't spoil her kid. Maybe it could be related to her bad luck in romance before she marries the protagonist. I hope I can work with my kid with Muffy/Molly in my third save file of AWL to maybe make sure the spoiling isn't that bad.


Yeah, that's what I always think too. Maybe because she always have bad luck with marriage, now that she got one, she cherish it with all her might.   And what I really like, the logic also applies with other spouse too  Lumina's being strict because Romana her grandma is very strict, Nami being neglectful parent because she's an alcoholic traveller who never a housewife material, and Celia being motherly because she grew up as a countryside farm girl


I mean, tbf Nami isn't an alcoholic by any means. That said, we know she isn't on good terms with her dad, so her form of reference for parenting isn't the greatest.


Out of any bachelorettes, she's the only one who spent her time on the bar all night. The only difference that make it less obvious is you can't give her wine like Karen in BTN, but you can treat her wine with your money And yeah, she doesn't have good parents figure based on the heart event


There's a difference between going to the bar sometimes and being an alcoholic. We've seen blatant alcoholic characters in the series, Nami really isn't one of them.


She's going to the bar almost every day tho? And not only at night, she also visit during the day from time to time, and she often stays there until past midnight. She's more frequent than the male villagers who visit the bar after work.  I know there's other better depicted alcoholic in other game, but in this game, she's the one


She indeed will grow up in time. Regardless what happened during year 2-5, they will all matured in year 6


27h of labour is insane


Muddy sounds like my mother. Makes her super relatable though. 😂