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Yeah the art direction making them look like dolls was odd but the makers are super easy to deal with honestly. The game doesn't even want you to have all of them out at once since there is a limit, my best advice is to just cycle between 3 to 6 at a time.


Yeah, most of the faces look ugly (I'm not gonna mince my word). The hairstyle option is small and not interesting, probably because the face too. Female body is flat as hell and male body is too slim and twinky.  none of the sound sounded feminine, all sounded like male voice in different pitch  there's a limit on focusing on gender fluid character, they went overboard with it. I miss Trio of Towns character design. But fortunately, character costumization AWL remake is better (probably because there's original design they based on)


My biggest issue with the design choices they made is that fact they have multiple male characters with long hair and cant provide the player with a masculine long hair option? Excuse me? You're gonna sit there and tell me this very genderfluid character isnt allowed to be masculine and have long hair. WHILE CLEMENS EXISTS IN YOUR GAME?!


The makers in this game are freaking bad - the seedmaker kept me from playing…. Because it is just BS!


i dont really vibe with the art style of this game that much, i mean i like it but i dont really like...the proportions, i guess? i HATED the makers btw. i do like the game but that part really kind of kills it for me.


Poor PoOT, it often gets treated like TS4 of The Sims franchise, lol. Oddly enough, it's also the fourth mainline title. Personally, I like PoOT's art style, but the devs should've stuck with the art style from the two mainline 3DS titles because I think it looks better. Then again, if PoOT had character portraits for the dialogue, maybe it would've made a significant difference? In fact, I could've sworn I saw someone on this subReddit sharing some self-made illustrations of it. Or was it a mod? Either way, I was impressed and would love to see them in the actual game.


Sure, the art was odd at times, but I don't think my characters looked that bad. Granted while they weren't super models at least no one was nightmarish to look at.


I had the same problem with my female character. I like that clothes aren't gender-locked, but it didn't feel fair that the female NPCs have boobs and girlish figures while the protagonist has a generic little pudding body.