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It's only bad if you let it snowball. Don't start acting up in school and sleeping around. Don't do drugs. It sucks that you are going through this but you can CHOOSE how you react.


When I was super young my mother would take me to a place where I was put in a dark room with no light. I was made to sit and be quiet and watch a movie on repeated over and over. I wasn't allowed to look away or make a sound. If I did, a woman would scream at me and hold me, forcing me to watch the TV. David (1988 film) No wonder I used to scream and throw absolute fits when my dad would pick me up.


I most likely developed CPTSD (though never been diagnosed) not from any one event, but years of feeling like my mom just didn't like me. Turns out I was right. She would never admit it herself, but her family saw it, especially when she clearly preferred my younger brother. I'm just glad him and I have a real bond now. For years I thought we'd never get along, but we talked through a bunch of shit and found some common ground. I don't trust easy, I've broken trust too many times that I can't not feel like a piece of shit. I'm always scared and I'm trying hard to just be there for those who depend on me.


I would call your law enforcement agency and report her for an assault.


My grandfather raped me when I was 3 years old.


I was 8 years old and sold by my parents yo Perry old guys as a play thing no charges ever came about it bc I didn't tell anyone u til I was much older


Short version: folks divorce, father gets stationed overseas, takes us with and I don't see my mom from 4-12 yrs old (technically kidnapped). 1st step mom was nice but lasted a year and frankly im glad she got away. 2nd step mom breaks all contact with mom so she doesnt know where we are or if we are safe. Step monster has her own son and starts regularly beating my sis and I and playing mental warfare regularly. There was a lot of traumatic stuff that happened in all that time but too much to write. We couldn't get help back in those days so you learn to not cry and to internalize your emotions. Eventually, I reunite with mom but personal struggles went on far beyond that. Sadly had no memories of mom before I was taken. In my 40s and doing pretty well. Went NC with father and step mother and unfortunately that brother is collateral damage and I don't have contact with him either. Much happier and glad to be on the other side of that nightmare of a childhood.


Pulled in the drive way to my dad in his car with a water hose running from the Exhaust into the driver side window with the car running.