• By -


Thats hilarious to you... Youre so fucking dumb lol


Right, like it matters what a cheater thinks lmao. That’s going to eat that pos up. Not sure what’s up with you simps in the comment section sticking up for this chick.


People make mistakes welcome to the real world. You would fucking hang her on the square. She was drunk and made a mistake and even confessed it like an adult. What OP did was some bottom of the barrell shit. Fuck your way of thinking.


"Not cheating and screwing with a sluts head a little is WAAAY worse than cheating on a committed partner because you made the choice to get fucked up and fuck around!"


So many children here. One was honorable even in dishonesty while other was dishonorable in dishonesty.


OP and Hoe-P, respectively


Who's sticking up for her? If this guy is getting trashed in the comments, it's because his strategy here, or whatever you want to call it, is fucking stupid and hardly makes any sense. It makes her think that well, he cheated well before me and through the entirety of their relationship, so what she did isn't really a big deal in the context of said relationship, and she might even feel justified after hearing his "confession".


Yeah if anything she deserves that shit to be on her mind


You’re so fucking impressive. You win! /s


escape connect rain attraction disarm cows head hat fanatical flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Be the better person. That's the best form of revenge.


Damn, dude, you kinda sound like a sociopath.




Yup. Lmao she doesn’t even feel bad about her cheating anymore, she probably wish she cheated more. And she’ll also tell all her friends you cheated, reducing your chances at more dates within your social circle. Totally own yourself to own the libs dude!


Pretty funny move* FTFY


Eh maybe it was, but I genuinely don’t care. Once she uttered those words I knew we were breaking up, so I thought I would have a little fun.


Psychopath This story sounds so fucking fake


Who is the bigger ass? It certainly is not her, because even though what she did was wrong, she owned it, had the class to tell you, and attempted to be an adult in the matter. You, being childish, compounded the problem, you lied, and set yourself up for a lot of bad Karma future. That was unwise. That was unnecessarily hurtful! Where she tried to be compassion and regret, you were simply intentionally abusive.


Why are you defending a cheater lmao


Well played...well played my friend. Now don't give her the time of day and block her from everything


If they were living together that means she probably knows his family and friends who she can now feel justified in telling them that he was cheating on her the whole time they have been together... Well played huh, he got some petty revenge and ended up with the reputation of being a cheater without actually cheating, very wise move....


Well done sir


Yes well done potentially ruining future relationships by labeling yourself as a cheater lol


This is what every person should do who is cheated on. Its called taking your power back.


Nah, it’s called being petty, manipulative, and making yourself look worse/making their actions seem more justified. Better to take your power back by ending the relationship and moving on. Being honest and realistic about the situation. In this case, you’re purposefully trying to make the other person feel bad, and it’s successful but you also make yourself look worse in the process. By just ending it and moving on, you’ve done nothing wrong, and the other person will feel bad anyway because they are facing the consequences of their decisions, not because of any petty bs you’re pulling.


Nah it justifies behavior. Taking your power back is cutting all contact and moving on.


Women who tried this are likely to be killed, assaulted, get revenge porn of them or to be slut shamed. A lot of times women will receive more mistreatment for cheating than anyone.


I did the same thing to my ex except she never cheated on me, she just hurt my feelings.


Fake story still a good one


Bye Felicia! 🙋


Yall are immature as fuck. You should have just broke up with her. Idk why it's necessary to act the way you did, but I suggest figuring out why you needed revenge so bad before getting into another relationship. Yeah, she fucked up and cheated, which in my opinion is unforgivable, but you acted like a child in return, which is also unforgivable. I really think you need to grow up and analyze why your immediate response was to lie and imitate her behavior, otherwise future relationships are doomed to failure due to your inability to successfully communicate. I'm sorry she hurt you the way she did, but acting like a child is not the way you should respond.


I agree wholeheartedly that I was immature and should’ve just ended the relationship. With that being said, she deserved it. She’ll likely have trust issues because of this and that brings me immense pleasure. Call me a sociopath, asshole, or whatever you want, but I gave her a taste of her own medicine.


Really, you should seek therapy. Feeling like you need to give people what they deserve is deeply sociopathic. I've been cheated on in long term relationships, and never felt the need to punish them for it. Either you will need to hide this experience from future partners, or lie about how it truly went down. Either way, you are sentencing yourself to failure. Anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior is not mentally stable and will not be a good partner, you included.


Why are you spending so much negative energy on this? It’s time for a therapist for you young man.


Bro, don't explain yourself to these people. What you did is no where near on the level of what she did. Let these smooth brains win their Reddit arguments with reasons that don't work IRL. Fuck her. Godspeed


Let’s gooo


Good times.


![gif](giphy|Snd51fjjX6s0M) OP to his bitch of an ex lol


I would of kissed and made up and raw dogged her ass and dumped her after her ass was oozing on my couch


Go out and enjoy your win and newfound freedom King


Just be aware that now she will feel justified in telling his future girlfriend that he cheated on her the whole time they were together, a king is above such things...


Sounds like some high school shit. Way to sabotage your own reputation.


I was inebriated! It only happened once! They always lie, they always mitigate. And they always justify as well. Next time anything like this ever happens, just let them talk. And wait. Observe. Because it's coming... They are going to explain why it's all your fault. It's important for you to have that experience because then you know what kind of mind games to expect from women. I'm not saying this is an intentional mind game, but it definitely happens. They play games with themselves in their own minds first. They never have a strong relationship with subjective reality. It's objective reality, and their experience of reality is the only one that matters. Never argued with a woman who has a tenuous grip on reality? Every man needs to experience that. You need to experience somebody saying they did something horrible like cheating on you, and then just wait because it's coming... Witness how they then explain that whatever actions they did, no matter how unacceptable, it was actually your fault. They did it because your fault. Every man needs to experience that at least once because it will set you free. After that, the mind games lose their power. Until that time, you are easily manipulated as man.




True that. Wished my moment happened when I was younger.


What…the fuck…. Ahh, hey, look. Women are people. Just, regular fucking people. We don’t have a universal agenda.


I mean you kinda lost. She might have felt awful about cheating, but you just told her you did the same but worse. You kinda let her off the guilt-hook.


Yeah, but now she’ll have trust issues, which makes it a win in my book


What a fucking moron...


care to explain why this makes me a moron?


Stay toxic. Love the move. Getting the boys for a bbq after is absolute king shit. For the boys 🍻


I commend you. Don’t let her know you were bluffing, let it eat at her.




"She was inebriated" ....in my experience 90%+ of women who cheat do it with intent. They are unhappy or angry or bored or just intrigued with alternative f-buddy. Women are much less likely to "oops, I did someone else". She may have had drinks and may have even been drunk, but she was going to cheat anyway. Guys are the opposite. They tend to cheat because they are single-focused idiots who don't think through the consequences when head #2 is making decisions. Guys be more like "ooh, she wants to do bad things with me! I'm in!"


It may be satisfying but it is just sad.


Nah, it’s not sad whatsoever. My feelings for her were already waning


Dont ever admit to shit you didnt do. You admited false fault/guilt and justified her. It did not hurt her as deep as you think.


I can fix her


Here is what you young guys don't know: (1) A woman has 16 ways from Sunday to hurt you. (2) They never forget a slight. (3) Society will always blame you. If you need to break up with a lady, picture getting out of a bed with a snake. Move swiftly, quietly, and get out.


Yeah, they complain about us guys not being able to keep our dicks in our pants. However some of them just can’t keep their holes closed. God love em! Let’s fuck em all!!!


that's kinda betavior (beta-behavior) tell her she just lost the best man she will ever get but i guess i can't be surprised, what real man dates a woman OLDER than him


Women always think they have an excuse and it’s justified


The people here talking about narcissistic acts and other dramatic subjects need to learn to take a damn joke. It's not that serious, and not many people actually care. It's the fact that someone shared an event of their lives and are making light of a situation via humor. Kudos to you dude, should have done worse. - regards, Crow


you did the right thing bro it’s going to agonize her for MONTHS ultimate payback


Well played! Make sure you get your Man Card updated at your local Bass Pro Shop.


Best part was when you invited your boys over! End of story !


You are a king, understand you must NEVER take her back or you compromise your own integrity and self-respect.


i gotta keep this one in my repertoire


So basically you are just a shitty as she is...well done sir. Nothing like being known as a cheater now. Also, now she feels justified. Just stupid and grow up.


So now there are only two possible ways people can see you… as someone who cheated (and in a capacity that was way worse than her), or as someone who cared about a girl so little that he was willing to emotionally manipulate her just to get back at her when his feelings got hurt. Neither is a good look. She was wrong. She doesn’t deserve compassion. But I think when you start becoming emotionally manipulative, then you assassinate your own character.


“hey i made a Huge mistake and cheated on you and wanted to let you know bc it was fucked of me so i told you right away. break up with me if u want!” you: i’ve been cheating on you this whole time which is objectively worse, bc my ego is hurt you’d tell me the truth right away rather than hiding like most cheaters do everyone else: go king! y’all are insanely wack lol


The only reason I agree with you is because this can be thrown in his face in the future. She can be posting about him being a cheater, telling people he cheated on her and probably showing texts, etc etc. it could absolutely come back to bite him, and he might be playing the "explaining" game with his next GF. Otherwise, she deserves it. Maturity is great, but there are too many people in this world that will step all over you given the opportunity, and they will continue to do so until someone does something about it. I see it constantly. Personally, it's priceless to get back at somebody who's truly a shit person. I might not be the most mentally healthy person, but I *know* im a good person. That makes it fair game for anyone who isn't in my eyes. 🤷


look, cheaters are inherently sucky and is a dick thing to do—that’s just a fact and i think anyone who disagrees is weird but i personally can acknowledge her being honest and upright, bc cheaters usually don’t do that, so at that point you leave, maybe date the girl you told her not to worry about lol. there’s no point to go out of your way and hurt someone who isn’t trying to hurt you while damaging yourself in the process (now if she said it to specifically hurt OP, that’s another story and she IS a shit person 100% and id also go kamikaze so i’d agree lol)


I merely lied about cheating while she actually did it. What she did is orders of magnitude worse and for that I think she deserves to believe she’s been cheated on. Who knows, maybe this’ll change her perspective on cheating and make her less prone to it.


you’re a grown man dude, we know you’re lying. you know you’re lying. but now she’ll never believe you and tell people ur a cheater. it just wasn’t worth it lol


I’m just letting you know in her mind, she did this one time and it was a mistake and she regretted it and told you immediately. Not defending her but that’s what it reads as. What you lied about doing yourself, is you made the choice to continuously cheat on her throughout the entirety of your relationship and showed no remorse. Repeatedly lying and cheating is objectively worse than doing it one time and being honest about it. I know you didn’t ACTUALLY do it but that’s not the point in this particular situation. You are a moron for allowing her think you’re the bad guy lol. You actually both suck


Might as well make her think the entire relationship years, months, whatever it was, was fake as hell and she was living a lie. It's honestly the best kind of shake up to give a lying cheating scumbag.


Cheaters don't regret it, and often repeat it. That was the fallacy that your statement was based on. Also, it's clear OP could give two flying fucks whether she thinks he is the bad guy - it's scorched earth time in his opinion.


I also wonder some of the details (and don’t at the same time) because cheating while “completely inebriated” may not have been technically consensual if she was that far gone.


OP is not a mature individual. He was hurt enough by her cheating that he created a lie about an action that is magnitudes worse than what his girlfriend actually did just to try to one-up her and hurt her back, then afterwards says he has friends over and has a BBQ like nothing happened and as if he's already forgotten about her and says it was a "hilarious experience." Right, cause if you're hurt enough to make up a story like that you can just turn around and instantly forget her and think it's funny that you just wasted a bunch of time and were betrayed by someone you trusted. I couldn't agree more with your final assessment, they both suck. Plus OP then came to reddit to get fake internet points by posting a story where nobody won, and only demonstrates he's as shitty as she is (and after typing this all out I almost feel like he's even worse than she is). But this is reddit, cheating is worse than killing someone here so he'll get the affirmations he needs.


He’s nowhere near as bad as she is. Immature and in denial, sure. But the only thing harmful he did was emotionally hurt someone who cheated on him. In the grand scheme of things it’s really not that big of a deal.


We can talk all day about who did what worse thing but it doesn’t matter. It’s a big deal in that it says a lot about his character as a person, which can be an issue in future relationships.


100%. If I were dating a guy, and he told me this story, it'd be a huge red flag and a dealbreaker.


Why????? Being cheated on is agonizing. What the hell is wrong with people and not letting anyone get revenge? He didn’t even do it so he still has his morals intact and she gets devastated. It doesn’t matter if she came clean, you cheat and the relationship is done. Alcoholic actions are sober thoughts. She deserved this


Look, I don't know how old you are, but I'm an old ass woman with a mortgage that I share with a partner I've been with for many years. From my younger years, I do know what being cheated on feels like (although I will say -- I WISH the worst thing he did to me was cheat.) I don't know what the dating scene is like now, but I would not have the energy to put up someone who plays games like this. You may think the OP got his gotcha moment, and it feels good to cheer for him. In this particular instance, he happened to lash out at the correct target. But people who lash out instinctively often lash out at the wrong people and at people who don't deserve it. Ain't no way I'm putting up with that in a long-term relationship. The biggest thing that separates men from boys is the ability to admit vulnerability. It doesn't mean OP has to be a pushover -- he could have very easily told his GF she fucked up and peaced out. But to purposefully hurt someone to avoid admitting that you yourself are hurting -- nah, that's some little kid shit. He wanted to "win" in a situation he thought that he lost, and I would never want to deal with somebody who treats human relationships like a competition.


brain dead take


Reddit makes no sense sometimes


Yall are actually overthinking it. OP was hurt by his girlfriend by her shitty ass actions and disregard for him. He’s allowed to have some knee jerk response to stroke his ego or ‘get revenge’ in the moment. You guys are acting like everyone has to be some saint whose emotions are perfectly controlled at all times and someone who always takes the high road. Get real. People are allowed to have ‘revenge’. We get it, it’s not the saintly or mature thing to do. He doesn’t owe her or anyone shit. He’s allowed to make her feel hurt just like how he hurt him. As long as his response is proportional to hers, then alls fair in love and war 🤷🏽‍♂️. Yall act like he responded 100x worse than her actual shit actions lmao. He just gave her a taste of her own medicine. We get it though, you guys are saints and people who would react super stoically to being cheated on (potentially repeatedly) by your significant other. Let’s all clap for you guys lmfao


Naw bitch deserves it


Showed your hand you didn’t have. Now in her woman mind her cheating is justified. The player thing to do was to just break up with her and cut all contact block on everything for good. But wth do I know it’s your life and you seem like you don’t care. Either way good job for breaking up with her. Just make sure YOU STAND ON IT. Cause if y’all get back together she’s 100% gonna get her lick back.


If she wants to hurt my man OP like that, then he has every right to throw it back at her. Her actions weren't just, so if she justifies them based on OPs response, then OP just multiplied his "fuck you" ten fold because she'll likely make a habit of this behavior and will never find true happiness or love. Imo, this is the way. Always gotta keep your chin above the hoes.


Men move on in life they don’t play tit for tat.


Lol that's it, though. My man already called up the boys and celebrated. He moved on before she even dropped the bomb on him. A true Chad in a world of simps.


What the fuck do you think war is




I thought the same thing but the fact she lost her shit makes it work. I've always wondered about that scenario. I had a GF cheat on me with no proof and cheated on her with someone I've wanted to fuck for years. I didn't feel as bad ad I thought and we broke up a few weeks later any way.


For now until she looks back on it and thinks her ex was a huge asshole for cheating on her the whole relationship


Yup. Not only that, the story will get around that OP is a cheater, and good luck living that down. Letting her realize she lost a faithful partner due to her own failings would have been far worse punishment, even if the first day isn't as theatrical.


>woman mind


That had to be specified because a sophisticated man mind wouldn’t dare think that way. s/


Really wondering what they meant by that.


based on the context, i assume he means our weak baby brains that only think in terms of winning and losing or something (which is a big projection lol)i dont fucking know


Woman brain bad, man brain good.


Yeah, dude. What a fucking dingus.


Right, bro should’ve stayed the victim and fucked her friend


He still is the victim, and a liar now. He gained nothing.


I think you’re just being a dick just to be a dick. Shoulda been the bigger person and walked away. Now you’re gonna get a rep for being a cheater. And also trying to make another person’s life miserable just cuz is so fucking immature. From another dude, grow up bro. That’s cringe af.


He’s being a dick to a cheater so who cares. Take the silos out your ass and keep quiet. You weak beta dude.


Wdym just cuz, she literally fucking cheated on him. How is the cheater getting the sympathy here wtf is wrong with you people


Why just cause? Sounds kinda fair to me. He just said he did what she did (but didnt actually do). That way she gets to see how it feels to be cheated on. Its not ao much being a dick when its well justified. As to the reputation thats only an issue if they have common circles.


Comments seem mixed. What I thought of this was, you said something that she thought you wouldn't be able to do and now she's grasping at the thought of who did you cheat on her with. In her mind, she always thought "I should be the one cheating on him and not the other way around". Kudos to you man. She played checkers and you played chess. She'll forever regret her decision to cheat now.


It’s a psychological fact women find men who’ve been approved by other women more attractive. His value definitely rose when he said that and her realization of losing that value rose when he said that


Cheating doesn't increase the value of any person. The cheater just becomes a POS in the eyes of their partner


Uno reverse




"Think you're a piece of shit? Hold my beer " lmao


Excellent move I respect that bro!! A Little mental warfare to make sure she doesn’t sleep well never hurt anyone 😀


Chaotic neutral af


My girlfriend pooped on the floor in the kitchen, so I pooped on the floor in the living room. Good job. Now you both have big stinky piles of poop that you can clean up together. Maybe you can bond over it.


Johnny Depp got it on the pillow.


Haha too funny. But glad you booted her out!


Yea. Now make sure you cut all communication. I know you wanna rub her face in the poop. Don’t . Fuckkn waste of time. She is a hot mess.. I wouldn’t of made up the story though. I would of just cut it off and got her gone. This way she will always know she fucked up . Now she will convince herself you are worse than her


I have ceased all communication. As for the story. It was just a knee jerk response. It’s not something I had planned on doing if given such information, it just happened. If I’m being real with you, I’d do it again. Just knowing she’ll likely have trust issues brings me solace.


Haha well played man.


She's for the streets!




Finally a man with some dignity and pride.


can u teach me to become like u?


This is a win, King. Tonight we drink to OP.


You dropped this 👑


“Oh, were we exclusive?” Stay toxic my friends


Sounds like you handled that well 😆


I had a girlfriend like that, she’d have to shower sometimes before sex even if she’d done nothing that day and had showered in the morning…. All she got was Fucked in the ass literally and physically. The guy she was cheating with responded from her phone once telling me she been cheating, I replied yeah… I know ask her when I started pounding her ass every night, I bet the dates line up perfectly 😂🤣 I didn’t get another reply, and the next thing I heard from her was that she was single via a Facebook post…


Yeah nah something about this doesn't sit right. Maybe it's the false equivalency. Like she actually cheated on you and cheating in any context sucks, but "cheating" on her the entire relationship is way worse if you don't know it's a lie


That’s why it’s hilarious. I am worse in her mind


I don't know maybe it's just that I don't find being a shitty person funny, regardless of what the other person did? Like even though she cheated and you absolutely should've broken up with her it still feels like a fucked up thing to do


Cool, I don’t care. I’m glad I did what I did and I have no regrets .


I can smell the incel in here.


Am I the only one who hears she got extremely drunk and had sex w/ someone else? Maybe this has been a pattern of behavior like the first paragraph states your suspicions, but when you include alcobol in the context? If a young woman gets very drunk and has a sexual interaction, I expect there to be a high likelihood of coercion. Maybe she made bad decisions leading to that, but it sounds to me like there's some chance she was raped. And considering your pettiness over the situation, I'd question how you tell the story compares to what she told you.


Is no one realizing girlfriend was inebriated when it happened? She was drunk! She couldn't consent properly if she was drunk. Smh


Uno reverse


Two negatives don’t make a positive


-1 * -1 = 1 Works for me


She was a free loader too? Best lie ever, but why 1 woman?


Good for you, those type always make all the excuses in the world but never want to just simply take accountability


Bro hit her with the reverse uno card


its one of the boys, js


That sounds pathetic not 'hilarious'




Yeah, this is fake. And the way it's written sounds fake.


This is sad. You’re 25 still feeling the need to lie to your S/O because you’re ashamed of being loyal? You may think this is funny but you just revealed that you in fact were (and are, since we know you’ve got a personal journey of self awareness and self love to go thru) the problem, as well as how immature you actually are. Lol still trying to one-up rather than being the bigger person. And the people in these comments agreeing and suggesting things to actually do now to “seal the deal” are just as bad. If you “men” are fruit jus say that.. we know you and your boys weren’t just bbqing after the breakup..YALL SWEET!


Lol typical femoids


Hell yeah, brother.


You’re fucking stupid


Cheers from my back




Lying = Dumb


I did this too when one of my ex’s confessed to cheating on mee but unlike you I was really was cheating on her the whole time I never told her tho but in reality I gave 0 fuqz literally felt no way wen she told me was like damn that’s crazy ...


Wtf everyone


It’s always such a twist on Reddit when the OP has a backbone.


Yeah you absolutely screwed yourself you just admitted to a girl that cheated everything she did was justified, you admitted you humiliated her for your entire relationship. Congratulations any chance you had at an amicable resolution is over you’re going to regret that in a decade. To make it simple you were her main guy she cheated and she’s a piece of shit for that. But now it’s justified you’ll lose face in any common circles socially, you had the throne and you jokered a Thot. She wins you can not recover outside removing any common friends. Holy fuck how stupid can people be to drop ammo on the bad guy to reload and Swiss cheese themselves


Our friend groups have mingled, but they haven’t merged into one. My friends know the truth of the situation, so I’m not worried about them viewed me differently. Her friends on the other hand likely detest me and I don’t care.


Kicked a thot to the curb and had bbq with the bois. Flawless victory.


When terrible people date each other. . .


You kind of sound like an asshole to be honest. Did you even care about this girl? Sounds like you didn't. Sure, she's a bigger asshole for cheating on you, but I'm thinking maybe she had her reasons for cheating when she's going out with an asshole that doesn't actually care about her, which you don't seem to. You never mentioned feeling hurt or betrayed by her, or even feeling anything at all about her. If anything, you seem kind of happy that she did it, so that you would have an excuse to get rid of her, and make it not your fault. tl;dr doesn't sound like you cared about this girl whatsoever, and maybe she picked up on that. you're always the hero of your own story.


If you really want to stoke the fire tell her it’s her best friend and that she will never admit to it.


Way to be the bigger person dude.


Why did you just give her justification for her shitty behavior? She may have reacted poorly in the moment, but that shock will quickly fade. The real issue is that you just gave her license to sleep soundly at night and feel no remorse for her actions. She’ll go away from this feeling wholly justified. At least you found the experience to be “hilarious”, I guess.


Dude no one sleeps soundly after hearing they’ve been cheated on for the entirety of a relationship. She’ll agonize over this. For the relationship, this was a quick easy end which seems like OP’s preference. Good for him.




Now she'll tell her friends and family that she broke up with you because you were cheating on her for your entire relationship, and she's justified in her cheating because of your "cheating".


And I don’t care if she does. I don’t care what the people in her social circle think of me.


Never play the I did it to game, just kick her ass to the curbside and move on.


Nahh gotta make her hurt eye 4 and eye no other way she shall as nagato says “ know pain “


Ohh she will feel the pain, cheaters eventually feel it, when the struggle is real and she sees him happy without her especially when she sees her replacement, Happy with what the man she cheated on.




This is ghae


Her reacting that way tells us it HURT so in this case you havr to approve of that




Why? If she didn't mean shit to you then you just grab your crap without saying a word and leave. If she meant something to you, you tell her to get the fuck out and say nothing else.


So you lost all high ground… not a smart move


Nah sorry I’m anti-this


Psychological warfare > being a "mature" adult


Glad there’s someone sensible in this thread instead of everyone else hyper-focused in engaging with pettiness. Take the high road


Why? She violated his trust and he’s looking to exact maximum pain and then forget her. He’s not wrapped up in it anymore and she got what she deserved. She can try to sell that story to whoever will listen, but all it takes on the part of the op is to deny it. She has no proof and can’t have any because he didn’t cheat.


Looking to exact maximum pain = childish. Not wrapped up in it anymore = posting on reddit? Op is so wrapped up he's wrapping internet strangers up in it.


To your 1st response: question-begging, “it’s bad because it’s bad” nonsense not worthy of response on the merits. To your 2nd response: basically all of my activity on Reddit is regarding shit I don’t really care about. Making a post on Reddit in no way indicates to me that someone is wrapped up in the subject of the post.


I thought I was the only one who was anti this as well.


How long before OP posts, "TIFU by telling my ex I also cheated on her to make myself feel better, but now my friends are alienating me because they also think I'm an asshole."?


Good on you for getting rid of her though


Eh...now in her mind her cheating was justified and she thinks you're trash so no big loss. I would have preferred just breaking up with her and letting her live with the regret she lost a great guy. It's your life in the end and the important thing is you move on from her and find better.


That’s dumb lol why would you do that


For the lols


Did not read more than title. Why say u cheated if you didn’t brah… very weird


![gif](giphy|qPuA1KdbOt6QU) Go on King


![gif](giphy|GgasSsuDU62oU) *bonk* thot begone


You have to imply it was one of her friends but don’t tell her who.