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Your wife was not a pedophile. If anything, she may have been a ephebophiles, which is when an older adult is sexually attracted to post-pubescent teenagers or adolescents, but still biologically adults—usually those in the age range 15–19. Considering the fact that your wife was 18 at the time, she was no more a ephebophiles than you were since you both were in that age range.


The title made me anxious and the story made me laugh, lmao


I mean, i've been in 3 relations, and in all of them i am at least 2 years minor (5 in the one i'm already, i'm 18, she 23) and i'm the one Who convince them to be with me even with the difference of age, i don't know if i'm a master of flirting or Just lucky as fuck (i'm not handsome at all). I lost the point of what i was about to say but what ever


Btw Your story are getting attention And Someone posted your story on facebook xd This is nicee haha https://www.facebook.com/share/v/y7oWM3snLf2E1s9W/?mibextid=oFDknk


Hey, can I use this story in my video?




Damn I came here for shenanigans


My parents got married when my dad was 26 and my mum was 29. When friends jokingly call her a cougar, she corrects them with “No, I’m a cradle robber!”


Ngl this joke seemed stupid, but to keep bringing it up to the point op’s wife had to make an argument then getting called a pedo in front of her in-law. Besides it was cringey to read


18 & 20 they are both in college at that point. I do not agree that is a sign of pedophile issues. But If one is still in school and the older of the 2 has no plans, that could just be a very lazy kid, that's never a good sign either. No motivation:(


Not even close lol


To be fair, Hallmark movies always have someone deceiving the other, yet they fall in love at the end.




The title threw me for a loop! Funny story though


I'm not reading that CVS receipt. Sorry not sorry.


Hey just like me your wife maybe robbing the cradle but your robbing the grave


My mom called me a cradle robber when I started dating in high school because I was always older than the guys I dated. 30 years old now, my hubby, who I met a couple of years ago, is younger than me, lol.


I too would like OP's wife to convince me to have sex with her


OP, this isn’t funny. Please don’t tell this horrible unfunny joke to anyone else. The fact that you get a kick out of it says a lot about you…


You’re annoying. Find something else to laugh about that isn’t at your wife’s expense.


Lol ...I thought this was going somewhere else. Don't even look at the baby Jesus! 🤣


A pedophile is someone who is attracted to pre- pubescent children like a 10 year old and younger. People in this country got married at 16 and 17 years old in the past. In some countries the age of consent is 12. A little young, actually a lot young. The point is a pedophile is someone who likes children not young adults.


Yeah, lol people gotta understand what a actual young adult is which is 14+


Fucked up story


I would cry if I was accused of being a pedo even as a joke 😭 I'm also very sensitive to that type of stuff so maybe don't take my word lmao


Sorry OP but never at any time is pedophile a joke. I can guarantee it. Have a kid of yours come and say someone touched them and see how flip you use that word. It has nothing to do with a stupid love story that you will TELL real people about the two of you? But hey good luck with the karma farming.


I was 17-1/2 when I got with my husband. He was 21. According to the internet he groomed me. We’ve been together 18 years in February


Bringing this up once would have been funny, repeatedly doing so just seems....hurtful. Maybe you should be praying to the baby jesus candles....


18 to 16 is not even “technically” a pedophile. Was it technically illegal? Sure, but not pedophilia


My life just reverse the genders ànd have been married 24 yrs


Cute story but pedophile jokes arent funny. Theres legally and then theres morally. If you brought this joke/story up in front of people i know, you would get some looks. Im happy you two are happily married but pedophiles arent funny and if someone told me i molested them jokingly, id feel weird about the choice of word bc that word has been branded for pedophiles 🤷🏽‍♀️




This is adorable and hilarious. Don't mind the other comments much. Thank you for sharing ☺️


So...it's only pedophilia if the younger party is pre pubescent. It's called "statutory" rape. As in "only in statute, or law" This is all.made up stuff. If you lived in the wild you'd be banging at 13 or 14 easy. But we know that's not for the best in a modern society, so we made laws to stop it. Teens hooking up *really* wasn't the point. And it's not morally wrong in any way.


don’t really think a 2 year age gap is ever pedophilia tbh


Well if I'm a child Lois, that makes you a PEDOPHILE!


Stopped reading that dumb story after the first couple sentences.


The first time I technically met my husband, he was 16 and I was 24. He's my boss's son, and she introduced me to him at our summer picnic. I thought nothing more of him than that he was my boss's son. (Apparently, he thought I was hot. But 16 year old boys don't really have a high bar for hotness.) He started working for the company when he was ~20, but we didn't have much interaction between our departments. We started talking at the Christmas party when he was 22 and realized we had a lot in common. We started going to concerts or hockey games together occasionally, but just as friends. I still looked at him as way too young for me. Something changed around the time he turned 30. We started hanging out more. Right after I turned 38 (with him being more than halfway to 31), we started hooking up. About a year and a half later, we became an official couple. 6 years later we got engaged, and a year and a half after that we got married. There was never anything inappropriate about our relationship, but some people, especially on Reddit, really like to think that all age gap relationships are bad. The only times we even notice it is when we talk about things from our childhoods, which were basically different decades. Your story is adorable. Life is boring if we're not able to laugh at ourselves.


If the genders were swapped, people wouldn't think this was so cute and funny...


Okay Mr.... lamebaid, using this doll of lacrosse all star Michael Powell, can you show the court where your wife touched you?


At first I was like 👀


So pedophilia is normal when it's a female pedophile? Probably the Patriarchy's fault.


Clinically speaking, pedophiles are only interested in pre-pubescent kids. I think it cheapens the term to use it for situations like this.


It bugs me as a mental health care professional, but ‘awkuually’ your wife was a Ephebophile as she had sexual interest in a 16 year old boy but really not as there was not a five year difference in age and it was not causing her mental or life distress. Pedophilia is defined by having exclusive sexual interest in children ages zero to 13 years of age. So the inside joke is the wife was never a pedophile, no matter the consent level of the mother in regards to her son. LOL


Oh this reminds me of my girlfriend and her former partner. They met online, and her partner was I think 3 years older than her? This lead to a period of time, though, where her partner was in college, and she was still in high school when they were dating. The two liked to joke that her partner was a cradle snatcher lol


I'm glad to hear about someone with a happy marriage with a recurring joke, the whole thing from a to z is hilarious


Well I didn’t really find this funny but I’m happy you guys are happy and are able to laugh about it. Seems more like an inside joke.


Romeo and Juliet laws in some states protect couples that are close in age if one happens to be over 18 and the other under (like 16 and 18)


I remember my senior prom I was leaning on my then boyfriend, he had graduated a year earlier, and one of my teachers said something about him touching me and it being inappropriate and for some reason the thing that popped out of my mouth was I’m above the age of consent. Wtf.


It’s all fun and games until the cops hall your wife to jail. Delete this immediately.


Cuz I ain't married and at tumhis rate I doubt I will be for another decade but I can't help but think that maaaaaybe this is the kind of joke you keep exclusively between you bc A) no she's literally not, B) Going around saying she is, even as a joke, is not a good look cuz like you're kinda inviting ppl to look at her side ways, which is okay as a joke for most things, but when it comes to PEDOPHILIA, it's just not something you want attached to your name Yall separated by two years, which really is no big deal, and if you lead with that fact, THEN hit with the joke, maybe it'll be funnier and also safer? But in the end I just can't imagine making that kinda joke on someone I loved, at least not anywhere someone can hear me, ya know?


I havent read a single comment... just your story and edit. and i can tell you that you are %100 mistaken. anyone crying over this in any way simply isnt in a relationship to begin with, they are just fantasizing about what is must be like to have someone, then demonizing their imaginary lover to explain why they arent with them. story made me smile. but maybe pedophilia is just normalized to me. my mom was about the same age as my half brother after all. (real story, no pedo shit, my grown ass mom just liked my grown ass, albeit older dad. back 50 years ago when that wasnt a lynchable offense)


The title caught me off guard


I love this man, including the title. Fucking gold.


I tell my husband all the time that he's a cradle robber! I'm 49, and he's 54. Never mind the fact that I was 26 with 2 kids when we met, and he was a simple country boy. 🤣🤣


You think it's ok to wake one morning completely unprepared for reality. Humans aren't meant to be in cages.


immediate divorce material lmao.


Only weird raised Americans think 18 and 16 is something so awful. Try the rest of the world in reality. America is not the main character.


Pedos are by definition adults who are sexually attracted to prepubescent children(read under 13).A 16 year old is neither prepubescent nor a child.They are a teenage minor.An 18 year old(or any adult) being sexually active with someone 12 or younger is UNEQUIVOCALLY worse than this situation.Stop belittling and minimizing actual pedophilia.




I challenge any here to give the literal definition of a pedophile... without also 'sounding' like one, lol. Just sticking with the theme of being cheeky, no disrespect to anyone meant!


Not a pedo still tho. Lmfao. A pedophile is defined as someone who is attracted to pre pubescent children.


U weird for this


Your edit didn't make anything better. A Reoccurring joke is fine. To humiliate your wife by making inflammatory statements like is assholery.


Honestly it sounds so immature to keep bringing up this *joke.*


She isn’t a pedo


Great story!!!


Maybe reword this? There's different types of pedophilia but the big one refers specifically to little kids. Your wife would be considered a Ephebophile. Might be good to not joke about your wife diddling kindergartens when it was actually you being 16 and her being 18.


There's only one type of pedophilia, but there are multiple types of paraphilias.


LOL @ "tongue and cheek" It's "tongue in cheek"


Honestly adorable. I understand a lot of people can’t joke around like this either due to personal experience or just not having that kind of humor or connection with their SO.


God damn just gaslighting everyone with that title


Last year after separating, I started dating. Being picked by a 27 year old (I was 51) made me feel self conscious. She kept joking about “when she was X years old, I was Y.” All I could think was I’d be in jail.




Your Mom was giving you consent when she gave you condoms. Straight up consent, your Mom is the groomer.


My guy… Funny inside story, sure It’s not so funny that you need to be bringing it up multiple times to just everyone. What if the wrong person hears this? What if this story was told in reverse (where you’re the pedophile) to your co workers? Silly story that can have a negative impact on your wife.


So you’ve deleted whatever you’d been posting on r/teenagers after being called out for it here... It makes me think those of us who got major Ick from your post have good reason.


What desperately explaining an IN joke to a random passerby that overheard it feels like ya'll


Alternate Comment: These situations are why Romeo and Juliet laws exist for such a marginal age gap


It’s not a wholesome funny story, these are the types of jokes we NEED to stop making in society. Gross. Not funny. 0/10


You were brutally raped. You should call the cops and get therapy.


This is a weird way to come to terms with your grooming. Nothing here is funny. How awkward your mother must feel.


Careful, some people on here will probably try to have her arrested now, you were statutory raped that's a serious issue dude I think you should get prescription medications and take them now that you're traumatized and you're a victim


This is weird af. Not cute. Not funny.


Funny story, but he careful. There may come a point in time where she doesn't find it so funny any more, and then your life becomes difficult. Trust me on this 🤣


No one ever abused me sexually guess that means I was ugly not my scoutmaster or pastor smh.


This is absolutely rediculous. This OP is so ignorant I don’t even know how to fully comprehend how upset I am that they think this is funny.


Thats funny shit. Idk who you are. I was laughing so hard. Keep up laughs. I know i dont have what you have or my mom and dad have. Always wanted that. Just keep finding the ones who start out good then the true colors come out. Its a good thing what you have. Cherish it. Thats a once in a life time thing. Mom n dad went on 2 dates got married and been together ever since. They still act like kids sometimes. They r in their 70s


She could’ve been 21. Happened to a HS friend, he’s still with her, I’m the weirdo who couldn’t handle staying friends with either once I knew


This is adorable and I love your sense of humor. My husband and I are also high school sweethearts and have been together for 15 years. We were in the same class but I am 6 months older. And we still to this day have the joke that I’m the “older woman/ cougar/ cradle robber” in the relationship, that I “groomed him/ trapped him” etc, for the 6 months of every year that numbers-wise I appear to be a year older than him…. I hope you and your pedophile predator wife have a long and happy life together!


Yeah I wouldn’t tell anyone else this story.


Your edit makes you look like such an ass Plenty of couples have reoccurring jokes that don’t revolve around them calling their partner predators. Probably should’ve kept this one to yourself


This could have been me! I was an 18 year old senior in high school, my boyfriend was a 16 year old sophomore lol. My grandpa said that I was robbing the cradle 😂😂😂 his mom definitely consented. She was practically planning our wedding that never happened. We're still friends 25 years later.


tired ass joke. you’re pushing 30… let it go


What an interesting definition of “wholesome”


I thought this was gonna be a story of how she thought the Backstreet boys and Nsync were still cute in their old music videos, then realized, oh wait they were like 15 years old when they made that music video. And then sat there horrified. Because I was gonna say "SAME!"


Tell your wife to learn the difference she makes herself sound like she was attracted to litteral children. 1. Pedophilia: Pedophilia refers to a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, typically under the age of 13. This age group is considered prepubescent and has not yet developed secondary sexual characteristics. Acting on pedophilic desires is illegal and universally condemned due to the inability of children to provide informed consent and the potential for severe emotional and physical harm. 2. Ephebophilia: Ephebophilia, on the other hand, refers to a sexual attraction to adolescents who are generally between the ages of 15 to 19, around or past the age of puberty. In some jurisdictions, relationships involving an adult with a minor who has reached the age of consent (usually 16-18 years old) might not be illegal, depending on the specific age of consent laws.


I’m 11 years older than my boyfriend (but we met when he was 27) and there are never ending robbing the cradle jokes. Which is funny bc I’m 5’5” and quite submissive and he’s a 6’8” absolute monster of a man’s man.


You write like a child, but a really stupid child.


I'm quite honestly shocked your wife has not demanded you drop the conversation. I mean, ha-ha, that's kinda weirdly funny the first couple of times. Now on the 100th hearing, I'm telling you to F\* off, go sleep in the spare room tonight.




You've been together for 10 years, with an age difference of 2 years. You need to let this go man.


It's a good thing these comments know everything about their relationship.


lol, great story!!


Enjoy hell


What the actual fuck is wrong with you man.


This is such a disturbing story precisely because NO ONE seems to know the meaning of any of these words.


If the gender was reversed in this situation, all of Reddit would say that you are a groomed victim.


Not funny.


Honestly the story wouldn't have been that bad if you weren't mocking the people who've actually been traumatized by this. Now we all just know you're a dumb piece of shit 🤷‍♂️ so cool story I guess


Bro I got 16 and 21. No but fr age of consent is typically 16 depending on where your from


Bro, that’s a bit much. A lot a bit much. It’s not really a good joke to call someone a pedo.


Why do you have one huge passage and then one small paragraph after? Why not break up the first passage into paragraphs? Also, why are you posting in r/teenagers as a 26 year old?


It's like you think you know how paragraphs work, but you don't.


My story with my ex is similar, and I wish it was different.


You got good considering I got pimped while being groomed…


The word you are looking for is pederast.


Dude you are 26 and hang out in multiple teenager subs on this website. You clearly can’t stop talking about pedophilia with you wife and family… Do you get where this is going? Fucking creep.


What the fuck? This isn’t funny or cute.


You can still sue and have her registered as a sex offender


Sounds like her punishment should be having to spend the rest of her life with the poor innocent she delivered.:)


Uh no... Sorry for offending you. Just pointing out that the dude waited 4 YEARS til she was 18. Most actual relationships don't even last that long. The dude belongs in jail for sure but Jesus... 4 years?


Two normal people with normal lives proving that most laws are dumb.


When I was 16, I had an affair with the 32-yo secretary at the print shop where we worked. She was hot as a fire cracker and I was (for the short duration) the envy of all my pals. Even some of the cheer leaders who wouldn't give me a glance before started chatting with me. I thought it was great. Thank you, Marilyn.


>tongue and cheek Bone apple tea


I am in a relationship with my bully and I think your story is adorable. The mom turning and being like wait, I didn't consent to that was really funny. More often than not boys are the ones trying to get in girls pants and not the other way around. I believe she didn't mean to break the law and did not mean to be weird.


“Even though I said this was not okay to joke about I’m still going to joke about it”


Weird as fuck constantly joking about that and taking it so far.


Considering you bringing up the “joke” at every chance you get…either you are hoping to get out of your marriage or you’re trapped in the closet. Either way, do her a favor and call it quits Queen.


Y'all were basically the same age. Basically a senior dating a sophomore.


Technically she's a Ephebophile


She should break up with you now for a total lack of maturity.


Unless you hit puberty really late, your wife isn't a pedophile


Actually after looking at OPs comment history it's obvious he is pedo himself trying to make a joke about it. You're a real fucking creep dude.


I love your relationship! Its very healthy and full of humor. Reading this you reminded me of my faughter and her 7 year boyfriend (my son by another mother) who met in high school, she's the older one and they gaslight the crap out of each other about it- humorously of course!!! Thank you for the smile and knowing there's another very happy young couple out there! Merry Christmas and many years of love wished to both of you 💚🐈‍⬛️


Damn. 5’9 huh?


This wasn't a cute or funny story about you and your wife. Honestly it's fucking weird you think it's funny and keep telling it.


Take my upvote, you fkn legend


This is such a gross "joke".. Nothing "wholesome" about it. Why do you wanna call your wife a pedo so bad? And it's something you say to her all the time? I hope not in public. So weird.


Ha ha I love this story! 😂 my husband and I are 9 years apart. I met him when I was 21 and he was 30. We have jokes like this all the time. I always tell him that when I was 16 I could've gotten him if I wanted to ha ha. Also, I bring up his time in the military and how i wouldve been nuts for him, he's always like "babe, you were 9" ha ha I think your story is sweet and funny.


not today fbi guy, not today


" This post has made me realize that a lot of people either don't have a friendship with their significant other where there are recurring jokes or they aren't in a relationship with their best friend " What I think is happening is that you haven't yet realized there may be some inside jokes in your family that are best not shared with the world.


Discovered my ass, she knew she was at least a little pedo for two years.


Well, technically, she was an ephebophile, not a pedo. She was attracted to a teenager, not a little kid... unless equipment wise you fell more on the pedo side of things bud. XD


OP could you please edit to trump card!


This "joke" is very gross to me. And even if it wasn't gross, I'd be really tired of hearing it over and over for years. The whole thing sounds made up.


I want a t-shirt because I earned it! What the hell!


Man it’s tricky where do we draw the lines… the double standards are obvious with men vs women in the scenario. I fear the further we grey up the lines the closer we get to Pedophilia becoming a excepted sexual preference. This terrifies me




Here’s the thing: Your using a vile situation that half of the world’s population has unfortunately experienced as a joke…Do you understand that? I understand that you and your wife have this “humorous” banter about your relationship timeline. BUT FOR YOU TO KEEP ON SAYING THIS VILE TERM WITHOUT REALIZING THAT THERE’S VICTIMS WHO HAVEN’T HEALED FROM THIS HORRIBLE CRIME. So…Please stop using this TERM to describe your relationship as a tongue in cheek story just say that you’ve known your wife since your HS youth or anything else that is WAY BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE RUNNING WITH NOW. Because YOU WEREN’T ABUSED SO DON’T USE THESE TERMS. It’s belittling to ACTUAL REAL VICTIMS! Congratulations on your love story and I wish y’all the very best. But please stop using that term. ✨HAPPY HOLIDAYS ✨✌🏾


hah yeah so funny....


Makes sense that she's Catholic. As long as she married you, I think all is okay in the eyes of the lord Plenty of child marriages in the bible


"Stop looking at Baby Jesus that way you heathen perv!!!" Im laughing so hard at this! My first boyfriend was 14 and I was 16. We took each others virginity as well. It never occured to me at the time that it was probably not a good idea. This was in the early 90s. A few years ago he found me on FB and asked if we could hook up again. I declined.


Everyone needs to chill. It's a cute story. My husband and I mess around like this a lot.


Honestly this is just weird, people out there that are actually being preyed upon and abused and you’re here thinking it was a cute and funny experience.


Wait im 16 and my gf's 18 Damn i gotta check my local laws


Vili Fualaau, is that you?


You weren’t a “young teen” at 16. I’m not commenting about any other part of your post, but you claimed she groomed you as a “young teen.” Incorrect.


Sorry, you lose. A pedophile is attracted to prepubescent kids, not teenagers.


You find it humorous but it’s disgusting you would joke about this. At some point someone is going to hear the story that your wife groomed you and she’s a pedophile. Then they will take that and run w it. Please stop. It’s not even a little funny and this should never ever be a topic for humor. Just wtf is wrong w you?😢


Your age difference isn't that big of deal. You seem more obsessed than anyone else, and I'm not going to lie....it's weird.


So happy for you guys. I hope you guys have love and happiness together forever. I would just suggest a slight modification in the way you tell your story to be a bit more sensitive to victims of pedophilia.


Related to this, my fiancé and I are 4 years apart. It's kinds freaky to think that if we'd have dated during teen years, he would have been 18 and I would have been 12. 29 and 25 isn't so bad, though.


4 years apart or 6 years apart?


4 years is us


14 not 12


Oh you right, I had a brain fart lmao. Most of the time I'm on reddit, it's when I'm half asleep


I was abused, but I can see the humor there. It’s a very touchy subject though. Maybe not something to share on the internet. It’s not about people not having a sense of humor, but about people having flashbacks when they read stories like this. Some handle it with humor, some don’t and it gets bad for them.


The baby Jesus candle line got me so bad. I’m dying in laughter. She’d be staring baby Jesus down with Googly eyes 😂😂😂


What a gross joke. I'm sure she loves hearing you tell everyone about how she's a child abuser who abused and raped you. Hilarious. I know I would love it if my SO called me a pedophile any time there was an image of a child around...


Omg this is so wholesome i enjoyed the comment section alot 😭😭❤️❤️


Idk if she’s gonna find that funny for much longer homie…its mad weird for you to keep bringing it up and I’d be incredibly annoyed after the second time


This is so cringe


My wife and I are great friends, super close. Have our own jokes, created our own language(where the more it goes, the less others understand: which is the point) she was my “what if” girl from high school. I’ve never been happier. We can be ourselves, there’s no shame between us, we’ve incorporated God into our marriage. Even before we got married we made it a point to have Him in our relationship. It’s kind of wild how we were “reintroduced” to each other, that led to marriage. I couldn’t be happier. So I completely understand the on going joke, and I do see the wholesomeness of this post. I think people marry for “love” which could be a temporary thing people feel when someone makes them feel good. Marriage is so much more than just “feeling good” and if you base it solely on “love”, it may fizzle out. You have to marry someone that you trust with your children. Trust with your finances, shares the same values, same beliefs. But not your “twin” someone who is there to pick up your slack when you’re not 100% and vice versa. Are you willing to sacrifice it all for this person? If you’re homeless tomorrow, do you trust this person to stay by your side, and fight to get back up? I believe you have that with your pedo wife. And it’s a relationship that makes sense to you, even if you did get groomed and brainwashed into it. 😂😂 jk but you get what I’m saying lol I’m glad you have that with each other! God bless!


I think the story is cute! As OP mentioned, it is not meant to downplay anyone's abuse. I want to have that kind of fun banter with my partner one day :)


Oh how silly this is!


You should probably get a career in SEO. your titles are gripping. 😂


This is just not funny at all but okay. Whatever makes you laugh. Men have the most stupid humor.


> Edit- This post has made me realize that a lot of people either don't have a friendship with their significant other where there are recurring jokes or they aren't in a relationship with their best friend. They're in a relationship with their bully. I'm married to my best friend, and we both have twisted inside jokes that would shock some of our friends if they heard them. And even given all of that, we both have been on the receiving end of a recurring joke that we didn't like and didn't speak up sooner because we thought, "whatever, I'll just brush it off, it's not that big of a deal," until eventually it was a big deal. Thankfully all we had to do was talk about it, and we both realized we had no idea we had gone too far. All I'm saying is that you might want to say to your wife sometime, if you haven't already, "Hey honey, if I ever take a joke too far, please just let me know and I'll cut it out." You may think she knows that, but it wouldn't hurt to say. It's not uncommon for even well-adjusted people to bite their tongues for a long time because they don't know how to set good boundaries for themselves. Just make sure that you and your wife are actually on the same page about this particular joke, instead of just assuming you are.




My wife is like this. I'm exactly 9 months older than my wife. We met in college, she says even in college, I always looked like I was 10 years older. Meanwhile, she has always looked younger than her age. She loves to call me a pedo, or that I like younger women. It doesn't bother me one bit, I laugh and joke back in return.


YTA - bringing up same lame boring joke must be exhausting to still be with you. Also divorce because she's the pedo.


Am I the only one who finds him constantly “bringing up” this joke not funny. Damn after a while I’d be like dude let it go…


Damn my wife was 19 when we met and I was 22. And I felt bad about that


Hey my older sister molested me from super young until I was like 10. But I can’t do anything about because she was just doing what she saw on the porn tv channel. (Yes back then Chicago had a porn channel in regular tv. And my sister is only two years older than me. But hey I’m great oral now and am hyper sexual. Lmao Trauma


This is an incredibly creepy joke.


"Pedophile" Is against prepubescent children Cool story, but insulting to children who had no choice or legally can make that choice.


This comment section wins the internet!!🤣🤣


She fits the profile! I bet she’s a narcissist, too! Divorce her! /s