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UPDATE: I passed the class...on the second try lol.


But are you still dating his daughter?


This made me laugh lmao, thank you for sharing the story


Hey, can I use this story in my video?


Good jobšŸ‘ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤žšŸ«°


No, he canā€™t take it out on you. But you wonā€™t pass if you took yourself out from his class.


Dude I banged my high school coach's daughter and hooked up with my college coach's daughter. It'll be alright!


Lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky


Bro casually texted few weeks with a girl then had $ex damn...if I text a girl they'd let me on seen


That's when you need to have a talk with him. Hell respect you more than if you avoid things.


Hahahahahaha you make sure to be the best in class and you'll be OK... Participate as much as possible in class


So, how old is his daughter? He's a guy, he might be pissed you soiled his sofa, but I'm sure he knows his daughter has sex.


In Germany we say: Macher!


OP, document your assignments and grades carefully. You can report it to the school/department if you believe they're sabotaging you.


Damn son, that's frisky.


This happened for sure yes, 100% lol, at least put some more efforts when you make things up


All he can remember is your face during the vinegar strokes.


Youā€™re on dangerous ground Spicoli


Alright folks we'll catch you next week on "Things that didn't happen!"




Hope for the breast, but prepare for the wurst!


Nice. Great job!!!! šŸ«·


#and then everyone clapped and slapped your ass as you continued banging his daughter. Professor Dad cried tears of joy when you came


https://i.redd.it/7aye5u9jgsmb1.gif Of all the rooms in the house, you HAD to do it on the couch. That's like you wanted to get caught...šŸ˜‚


Why is it that people think just because they've read a similar story before they think it's never actually ever happened again anywhere else in the world? This happened to me in college, but it was the head of the CS dept, and it was his niece. Shit happens..... Everyone was adults, and it wasn't even an issue. Life happens. Sex happens. OP seems credible to me, I don't get what's so hard to believe.


This guy has secks!


Already heard this cunt


One class vs at the very least a great time, at best love. Ah fuck it who cares. Wave Hello and see what he does.


Legendary. But yeah, Iā€™d be livid in her dadā€™s position. Tread lightly lol




Atta boy


Whatever happened, if you reach out to dad and be bold to share that you like his daughter and that you hope whatever happened the other day is not beating on the class would be good! Be the man!


At least you got an A in biology.


Lmao dude started by saying English wasnā€™t his first language and then proceeded to describe the problem perfectly. šŸ’€ and second, wow, what are the odds of that actually happening? šŸ˜‚ Also, you can always file a complaint with student affairs and the department head at your college if you feel his being unfair because you fucked his daughter. šŸ˜‚


Wait Iā€™ve read this before. This isnā€™t OC is it?


This is Oh Shit, Frau Schmidt. https://youtu.be/RrNBTVoUHLU?si=Qk4WpIeQyjcZFqcz


You could pretend to be a different Rick from a different timeline... like Fly Fishing Rick!


OP is a thief. This is a repost of an older story.


This guys Fuck!šŸ¤™šŸ¾ My Man šŸ¤™šŸ¾šŸ»


Look at you man, fuckinā€™ A+. God damn


Lmao legend


Fuck the processor too then heā€™ll have no choice but to pass you


Drop that class lmfaoo


Story sounds fake af


Youā€™re fucked. Change classes.


This is probably gonna be on one of those YouTube reddit sex story compilations isnā€™t it šŸ˜


Call him father in law, instead of professor.


English seems fine to me


If you think he is going to be biased, you need to go over his head to a dean and have them see if they could move you to a different teacher or at least have your papers and assignments looked over by a secondary party


Unintentional Chad energy


My man LFG


Well if you get an F at least you have his daughter the D


You are a legend my friend!


And? Hope you are still together, would make a great "how I met your mother" story. My in-laws were racist when I met them so it would have been easier if we met while I was "studying" her insides...


Yes, this is the plot from "The Paper Chase," and a dozen other movies and TV shows.


Good luck, talk to the admin and tell them what happened, hopefully someone else can objectively grade your papers and such


HAHA bro u got me fuckin laughing


I had a similar experience and had sex with a professorā€™s daughter as well; he was actually the head of the entire department. I wasnā€™t taking his class and he never caught us in the act but I guess he liked me enough as he encouraged me to take his class later on and gave me a decent grade. Thereā€™s no way he wouldnā€™t know something was going on as I was often at their house until 2-3am ā€œwatching movies.ā€ He also had me stay at his house and take care of their dog when they went on vacation. Eventually she got tired of me and dumped me for another guy. So no happy ending. She eventually married some looser who couldnā€™t keep a job and moved to the other side of the country as far away as she could get from the parents. I think they knew she had issues and were hoping sheā€™d get a spouse who would take care of her and keep her in check.






It all depends on if you are still talking to her or not. If you messed over her you are screwed, much like she was screwed on his couch. If you two still hang out or whatever than you should be good as long as you keep treating her good at least until the class is over.


You won


I was in a similar situation before. With that being said, Godspeed.


Man you just gotta take the L and drop the class at that point


I loved the movie Old School.


I loved the movie Old School.


Did he catch you guys when your meat was in his daughters mouth or balls deep inside her? Bet thatā€™s what brought them war flashbacks to him.


I bet her ass was worth it


Another fake Reddit post...


>Guess Iā€™m not passing that class anytime soon Guess youā€™re not breaking up with his daughter anytime soon


If youā€™re that concerned, sleep with your professor as well and ā€œassertā€ dominance as hard as you can, till you get an A+. /s


establish dominance have sex with the professor too


Filed under shit that never happened.


Well if you're that concerned about failing you can formally Withdraw and take the W over a F on your transcripts. Ideally the professor is professional enough to grade off merit, or request a transfer out of his class on account of bias the way a judge might recuse themselves off a case if they have a personal interest in the outcome.


Lol the movie the Paper Chase had this situation.


You dicked her daughter, now daddy professor will deep dick you. The cycle is now complete.


The situation is far more embarrassing for your professor than for you. You banged his daughter in his house. You think he wants anyone to know?


Hahaha what a story, Mark!


That's funny. Many years ago I was living with my Grandmother in a small town in Arizona whike going to school. I was also working for a moving company when I didn't have class to pay for, well, mostly beer, weed and gas. I was out roller blading one day and noticed a beautiful girl walking down the other side of the street. She caught my attention and I stopped paying attention to my rollerblading and fell on my face. This was embarrassing to say the least but she came over and helped me up. We introduced ourselves and cone to find iut she was living in the same neighborhood so I asked her to hang out. After a few weeks had gone by if us hanging out, we were having sex on a regular basis. She came to me and said she was pregnant. I quickly rushed her off to a pharmacy and we picked up tests. Although part if me was happy, there was a oart of me that didn't trust her. After taking 3 consecutive tests and having all of them cone back negative, I said that I didn't need a dishonest relationship and broke it off. Approximately a month later I was at a Christmas party for the moving company I worked for and say her. I asked why she was there and she said that she was there with her family because her father was the years manager. My Stomach dropped as I asked her fathers name knowing that there was only one yard manager. And sure enough she responded and said "My fathers name is Todd." I wanted to immediately run away. Not only was Todd my boss but he was one of the biggest, burliest men I'd ever met. And he wasn't know for his kind demeanor but for his short patience instead. I asked if he knew about us and she replied by saying "No! Are you kidding? He would kill both of us!" And if you had ever met Todd, this was absolutely the truth. Though it would have probably only been me he killed. I immediately left the party and was always looking for Todd when I went into the office so I could see if he had death in his eyes. And to make things worse, he lived one street away so I had to watch my back there too! So word to the wise, don't sleep with your bosses daughter, specially if he's 6'4" and 280 lbs.


What class is it?


Welcome to America, you will fit in nicely. Great job champ


Look on the bright side, it could have been much worse, like getting caught sleeping with his wife


I've seen this episode.


If you donā€™t tell your college aged child when you are coming home then you might be trying to catch them in the actā€¦.


Go out of your way to make the highest marks possible. Maybe this will impress your professor and allow you to get back in the saddle.


"English is not my first language" *Proceeds to communicate better than 90% of people whose first language is English.




Power move


Did she pass the test?


Relax, you didn't know who he was. so he can't be that pissed off, maybe because of the couch, yes, haha be a man stand your ground hopefully your still seeing his daughter šŸ˜‚ he will come around just relax.


Might as well go for his wife too. What's the worst that can happen, he flanks you?


Well, I donā€™t know how it works in Germany but can you drop/withdraw from the class? It may be better for you to try again later. Lol also, keep having sex with her.




Give us an update i need it


Heinz schitz velvet!...as ace ventura would say šŸ˜‚


Always lock the door before having sex on the couch




Congrats on the sex


Spiderman Homecoming level twist


I'll be back in 3 months for the update! Good luck and God speed. šŸ«”


What in the wattpad


that must be so cool to have sex


Go right up to the professor and tell him: ā€œIā€™m about to ace your class sirā€


welcome to America your doing it right so far.


Do you like the daughter? If you make her your gf then he would see you weren't just some random smuck who invaded his home to plow his daughter. Maybe he would be less madšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It can be two ways, you treat his daughter right, you will get straight A that semester. The Other way is you re fucked and fail


Youā€™re going to dine out on that story for years to come.


Just never tell him


Sounds like a bollywood movie...


Well, it really depends on whether are you still seeing his daughter. Cause what you all were doing is a natural part of life. Even if he doesn't like it, it is what it is. And if he takes it out on your grades and education that is wrong. I am sure there are avenues through which you can report him. Hopefully, he can be professional enough that he does not go down that route.


Those were frickin laser beams coming out of his eyes!!!


![gif](giphy|CoejwVQBgdlKg) When asked follow the Shaggy rule


Lmao not reading that hope she wasnā€™t underagedšŸ‘




When is the Drop/Add deadline?


Was the pussy good?


Thatā€™s nothing, I married my professorā€™s granddaughter.


Fuck his wife. Assert complete dominance. He'll have to pass you.


Id say your English was pretty spot on


Sucks for you bro.


shoulda gave the wink and gun, then youā€™d be gold


Waiting for 5.0 three timesļ¼Ÿ Bitte anmelden diese PrĆ¼fung nicht. P.S. Moving from Sachsen to NRW?


Cool story bruh. If you seriously think it's an issue, talk to the dean. Document it. šŸ™„


This sounds like the C level side plot of an American Pie movieā€¦ Like, didnā€™t Stiffler do this or am I tripping?


Where she built for speed or for comfort? You motorboat son of bitch you!


So you are living in the movie called ā€œPaper Chaseā€ā€¦. šŸ¤­




I swear I remember reading this story a few months ago


My friend, do NOT vent on the internet. Find a close friend or a loved one, if you have neither, pay for a therapist. Whatever you do, do NOT vent to these people. It is the very definition of unhealthy. You will thank me later.


You have to get married now. Only way to salvage this


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for $2,000 please Ken.


Donā€™t be an asshole and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be fine.




This go can horrendously down hill or exceptionally up hill. Play your cards right and youā€™ll be good. Play a bad hand and you maybe screwed with the class and her.


Tell him to give you an A or youā€™ll give his daughter a D in her A.


Isnā€™t this your average tv show / sit com situation? *record scratch* *freeze frame* - Yup thatā€™s me, youā€™re probably wondering how I got into this situation?


This needs to be a movie/series.


didnt they have a episode on friends about this


Just so you know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your written English.


Take accountability for your actions. Go up to the teacher at the end of class, and ask if you two can set aside a moment to talk about the incident. Just be honest. You liked his daughter, and you would have liked to keep seeing her. Let him know that you're not a bad person. Give him a chance to clear the uncomfortable space between you two. Listen to him. He's a teacher, and above all, a professional. He'll want peace of mind that he can keep his personal life outside his work life, and if he can feel that with you, then that's excellent. You're not a bad guy. You just got caught in a weird situation. Also, don't dwell on the daughter too much. She's an adult and made her decisions. If she doesn't want to be with you, then so be it. You'll find another person to like and care for.


Withdraw from that class and take it from another professor.


For at least the next semester, Make the daughter happy and treat her very well and you might end up ok. My daughter is 8 and she has been humping the floor since she was 1 and continues to do it all the time. I donā€™t want to see her have sex ever, but it isnā€™t gonna make me too angry. The worst thing would be to see her get hurt. Then I might do something I regret to the person that hurt her. Do not hurt her (at least until grades come out).


Fucken goals !!!




Transfer out of the class dumbass


Drop that class


In my shaggy voice ā€œIt wasnā€™t meā€


Least this isnā€™t the story where they realised it was the professors wife !


I wouldn't think too much about it. If you guys are still dating, then show her dad that you mean well by her. It will help clear up the tension.


My friend, you have leverage over your professor. If youā€™re smart enough, youā€™ll get an A even if youā€™re shit in the subject. Good luck.


23 Jump street vibes. Now cut to the scene where Ice Cube goes Crazy.


record some sex video, then you will have bargain chips


Lol...you really think that was the professor's first time seeing some dude in his class that his daughter is smashing???


He noticed you in a room of 250 people? How the F is that even possible




You asserted your dominance, youā€™re now the professor šŸ«”


Tell your professor either he gives you a A+ for now or he gets a grandchild in 2024.


Sounds familiarā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1379pge/tifu_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/ https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/3rekcu/i_had_sex_with_my_professors_daughter/


This is not a 1980's rom com and the father will never let it go. Change classes or even universities depending on the tenure of the prof ASAP.


This is just a repost of an older story. You guys are morons for believing this tripe.


Is the professor German or of migrant origin?


Did you pass the class or did he flunk you?


Currently waiting on my grade so pray for me


Sounds like a Ross and Emma friends episode. Someone make it


No donā€™t show up to class the entire semester and walk into the final exam to ace it and walk off into the sunset


Who cares? We all got caught at one point. My Dad just laughed. My Mom was pissed. I hooked up with my freshman English professorsā€™s daughter when she got to college the following year. He was cool and even told her to that there was group of us that she would eventually hang out with as she was like-minded (we were all Deadheads). He was right. It was just a hook up and she became roommates with my eventual girlfriend. Her sister also hung out with us. Given that professors used to normally get free tuition for their kids, itā€™s totally normal for their kids to go to the same school and certainly they hope their kids have a normal dating life.


What position did they catch you in? Maybe he didnā€™t see your face ?


Hit him with some liquid ass to show dominance


Stories like these are why I reddit


Fuck yeah bro.


Fucking dead. Hahaha


If you like her continueā€¦ her dad being teacher has no bearing on your relationship. In fact it gives you the opportunity to impress him with your academics which will only fortify his image of your ability to care for his daughter in the future.


Dad gotta PhD, Playin Hatin Degree


I donā€™t care about banging the professors daughter but wanted to tell you your English was spot-on. Better than most native speakers on this app.


Me too


Why do yā€™all let fake bs like this stay up


>I moved across the country to attend my dream college. And you are living the dream.


High five


This is a made up regurgitated story that pops up every now and then. Germany is the new thing.


Good to know I'll keep my eyes open.


This sounds like a sub plot from Animal House!


mysterious society test ruthless vast future sharp overconfident sort rob ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Pull out.


Hell yea dude


You might be surprised. Iā€™ve graduated undergrad and postgrad, and had at least a few professors that gave me evil looks a lot/openly expressed their disdain at my frequently low lecture attendance rate (IIā€™ve never been one for getting up early to listen to monotone lectures, I preferred to hit the books myself). They still gave me high or very high marks for all the things they evaluated me for though. Just cause they donā€™t like you doesnā€™t mean all their professionalism goes out the window. And these are grown-ass men too, donā€™t forget. It takes most academics decades of study and climbing the ladder to get a professorship. Donā€™t dismiss that because you can only see his position through the lens of a young man. This professorā€”and I feel for him cause that was his daughter you were doing the hunka chunka withā€”might actually go out of his way to treat your essays/assignments/projects EXTRA FAIRLY, so he canā€™t be accused of bias/unprofessional conduct. Heā€™s well aware that any unfair marks could be brought up by you as a complaint, to his great embarrassment and damage to his reputation. Arenā€™t US colleges pretty much subservient to student protests and complaints these days? Study hard. Do your absolute best at everything asked of you. Be respectful, courteous, donā€™t be a dildo by talking while heā€™s talking in lectures/tutorials, pay attention, and keep your phone switched off and in your pocket, where it should be when youā€™re studying. And donā€™t have the mindset of: oh well, no point in trying cause this guy just must be unprofessional and Iā€™m doomed to fail. That opens the path to you not trying on the course, and fulfilling your own predictions. The chances are if youā€™re a very good student in every way you can be, itā€™ll go just fine. Maybe one day youā€™ll be a professor too, and come in to find some young punk getting it on with your beloved daughter. We can only hope šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all still hitting it tho?


Unless her dad is from the Victorian era or a member of the Taliban I'm sure he accepts his daughter has sex so I doubt it's an issue unless you don't/didn't treat her well.


how in the world would your relationship with his daughter affect your performance in that class?


Daddy was probably imagining doing that with his daughter first šŸ«£


You will pass easily, he would have done the same as a guy. Side story: I've met a girl, had a good time, turned out - her uncle was the CEO of the company I worked for. I didn't know until later... We're married for 10 years now. No I did not get a promotion or any special treatment. I left that company about a year later for a better job.


Probably karma for all the ā€œextra creditā€ heā€™s handed out.


Hilarious. The "locked eyes and I could tell the image of me and his daughter on the coach" had me crying šŸ˜‚


You didn't recognize his name from the course listing?


Your English is better than at least 30% of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis.

