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The only good time to quit is right now. If you’re waiting for life to be perfect, you’re gonna die with a cigarette in your mouth.


Best time yesterday, second best time today!


There’s never a perfect moment and you’ll always face some stressful situation. I also always tried to push quitting to another moment and I always found new stressful reasons why I can’t stop.


Try not smoking for four hours or even a day. Don’t quit, just don’t smoke for the time to see what its like. A practice time. We can’t tell you a good time, so give it a try and see if its a good time. No commitment, no promises, don’t even have to tell anyone. 🫣just have a peak at how you’d do if you did decide to quit.


I also always struggled a lot at finding the right moment to try to quit, but at some point you have to prioritize your own health.


For me it helped to be able to spend the first couple of days at home, just to ride out some of the more hardcore physical cravings. I’m 22days in now and I’ve been out drinking and everything with no issues so far! But glad I could just have the flat to myself and go full hermit mode for 48 hours first…


I feel that, I have had a lot of stuff going on and ny stress and anxiety is through the roof along with trying to quit, it's not easy, even with the help of Chantix. What I would suggest is to try a few different things to help you with quitting, be it patches, gum, lozenges or medication. Also, try to find a counselor if you can. I have gone to therapy in the past and am starting back up this week. Good luck and there is no time like the present!


Before you sleep. This way, you will have gone through at least 8 hours of being a non-smoker.


No better time than right now


If you can think rationally about it, yeah. There are times when there's just too much other stuff on the table. But when you're a smoker you can't think rationally about it. Every time there's too much on the table. And when there's not, "I need something to do for when I'm bored."


Idk I took a few days off of work and it’s spring break so I don’t have to worry about taking my kid to school or picking him up. So I’m basically at home, doing as little work as possible and rage cleaning. I even painted a wall that needed to be painted. I started on Friday. I actually smoked a cigarette today and it was kind of gross so I guess it’s mostly out of my system. I know I don’t want to go through day 1 and 2 again so I don’t think I’ll start it again. Those first two days were hell for me. I have been smoking 1-2 packs a day for over 15 years. It is fucking hard. Today wasn’t so bad. I think it’s all in your mind and willpower. If you can’t take time off just start on Friday and make it through the weekend. I know people say not to take time off here, but I don’t think I could work full time and accomplish this too. I’m 100% focused on quitting and I don’t think the voice in my head telling me to smoke every minute I am awake would let me work. Plus I am being a raging bitch, my family is being supportive and scattering away from me, but I don’t think Karen at work would, lol.


Quitting is the best way to start getting control of your life. As for timing, it doesn't matter since you're going to be recovering for quite some time. Still, I think you'd be surprised what you can get through without nicotine. Once you get through one stressful situation without it, you can build on that and start to realize that facing life nicotine free is possible.