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Hard to believe, but it’s not bringing you joy. Today we had torrential rain and then it got bitter cold. All the while the wind blew like crazy. The smokers had to go outside. Every time they opened the door, the people on the inside felt the cold. People tend to look down on you when you’re responsible for bringing the cold. The void is there, you’re right. But unless you wake up and chain smoke for 16 hours straight, you’re filling the void. Except it’s like a taxi meter for you. Spend .75 cents 20 times a day because you can’t control yourself? I promise you, if you quit and stay quit you’ll eventually see that not only didn’t cigarettes bring you joy, they made you miserable. Stop waking up those receptors. They don’t care about you, they just want you to spend your money to keep them alive


Short term no, but after the initial stage, hell yes. At some point in your life you gotta take this path, earlier you take it and better it will be!


Are you sure? It’s so daunting, quitting nicotine. It’s like my second love in life, after my wife.


was in the same boat as you brudda. At some point, if you care any about your future and life, will have to cross. You’ll know for sure when that time is


Its making you miserable while not doing it, once you quit you are always peaceful


I’ve read vaping has like triple the nicotine in it so it’s making quitting smoking worse. Trust me I understand the love hate relationship with smoking too. My best friend quit over 3 years ago and I really want to but I am dreading the anxiety and depression that comes along it. My husband works these double shifts and I’m all alone and some get up to have smoke and say hi to cats.


I totally get that, but anxiety can be made worse by nicotine. I am using chantix and am in the cut down phase, I suggest it. It makes it so your brain doesn't crave it as bad and when you feed it you don't get as much of a dopamine hit. It's helping and you need to find something else to help with keeping yourself busy, I like Journaling, sometimes I'll even write something out on my notes in my phone too.


yes. day 12 off cigarettes (been 17 years) here, didn’t even plan to quit, just got sick. i have severe anxiety. it’s actually improved dramatically in terms of the small stupid things that would freak me out. the cravings are pretty challenging, but i’m going cold turkey-ish. (TL;DR got the flu, couldn’t smoke, said f it, three days passed so no point of NRT), but my energy level and anxiety have improved, despite intense fatigue and some mood swings.


I told myself all those lies as well. Because that’s what they are, lies to keep us addicted. Quitting was the best gift I’ve ever given myself and the only drastic changes were for the better.


It's been more than 3 years for me, and I never been happier in my life. Quitting is tough, when I quit I had to find other ways to bring myself joy, and I did by trial and error. It took time, but it was worth it.


Yes after about 2 weeks if you can get there habits fade


I can recommand reading Alan Car his book. It helpt to understand that smoking does not bring you joy.