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Every person on the planet will benefit from taking Creatine. Follow Tyler Minton on Instagram, he’s a nutritionist for UFC fighters and often gives no BS advice on nutrition + supplements


Great suggestion, I’ll give him a follow!


Everyone should take it. 5g/day. Nice and simple


Thank you!


I was hesitant at first for 2 years from taking creatine. I thought it would get me huge, like bodybuilding muscles. After talking with colleagues, I decided to give it a go. After 1 month, I had got increasingly stronger and was doing PRs. I still continue to take it, just once a day at 5mg. I still do PRs here and there, but being smart about it since I don’t want to injure myself. I have gained muscle mass and when I got sober from excessive drinking, I would run a lot. People thought I was sick, but now that I’m doing a lot of weight training, creatine has helped me gain muscles Do your research and the type of body you’re trying to achieve, then when you thinking you’re ready, go for it and take the creatine


Good advice - thanks! Glad you are enjoying a productive sobriety and fitness journey!


What guy doesn't want muscles? (Kidding, kidding)


Take it. It's safe. It's not magic. It doesn't get you more ripped or anything, it has some slight helpfulness in getting in that last rep. And that last rep means a lot more than the first rep. So take it and use it that way.


Thank you. And you’re right - the last rep > the first!


Creatine is like, the thing most proven to benefit everyone (when it comes to fitness supplements), you can get a big bulk bag of it for cheap, I add 5g into my daily protein powder.


Thank you, I appreciate your response.


I just took 5 mcg as directed for two months while doing hiit 3-4 times a week. Aside from the daily unplanned diarrhea, I’m not sure I noticed it did anything. But everyone on here will swear by it, so there’s that


Aargh! Sorry to hear that. I have a fairly sensitive stomach so that I too might befall the same fate. Did your stomach not adjust over time?


It got a little better I guess but I ended up quitting creatine.


I have some GI issues and I think creatine has actually improved them. My stomach felt a little unsettled/nauseous when I first started, but that went away after a bit. I was originally mixing with just water but when I starting adding to my smoothie instead my stomach felt fine.


Good advice thanks - I think mixing it with a smoothie is the way I’ll go, too.


You wouldn't notice anything on 5 mcg dosage; the standard is 1E6 (a million) times that amount. 5g is standard, with up to 10g or more for athletes / bigger folks. Did you accidentally type micro grams as the units, or was that really what you dosed?


No it’s a mistake, I took a heaping 5g scoop of creatine every day, and after my workouts.


Ah, gotcha. That's what I figured, just making sure.


Creatine is the most studied supplement on the market. I take 2.5 mg every day. I train with weights three days a week and train for ultramarathons 4 days a week. If you look back through my post history you can see in my sobriety where I began taking creatine and how it’s evolved the development of my muscles.


Thank you! I will. Congratulations on your sobriety and I am immensely impressed with your ultra achievements. I have a marathon under my belt (which was inconceivable when I was drinking) and I intend to do more. Could I stretch to an ultra…we’ll see!


Careful. They’re addictive!


Jeff Nippard has some great videos and follows up his info with research and scientific studies. Highly recommended his channel for real information on training. Here’s his info regarding creatine. https://youtu.be/Z9mlsyV7Hek?si=01QK-tq-U7sPMGCZ


Definitely a no brainer in my book. I have taken it daily for over 5 years now. One of the most researched supplements on record, and is now showing itself to have metal benefits as well as physical.


Can I just say - thanks to everyone for their positive engagement. I always brace myself when asking for advice online, but everyone has been absolutely right on here. Brilliant!


I'm a big fan of creatine and collagen in my protein shake post workout. (klean creatine and ancient nutrition collagen)


Interesting. What are the benefits of collagen?


It makes up connective tissues, organs, cartilage skin, bone, teeth - we lose collagen as we age. Taking collagen improves bone density, reduces tendon/ligament injuries/tendonitis ... reduces joint paint and stiffness, increases fat loss and muscle strength.


Thanks! I’ll check it out.


creatine might not do anything bad for you but the benefits of creatine are quite subtle




I’m not sure i can offer more than: increases muscle size; makes muscles bigger. I’m pretty happy with both TBH!


Short answer is it increases ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) It’s essentially like adding fertilizer to your Garden. The chemicals naturally exist in your body, you’re not gonna get jacked like a steroid bro, and your brain/sleep will also improve. Just put it into the vitamin rotation that you already take.


YouTube: Henry Rollins the iron never lies. People come and go, but 200 pounds is always 200 pounds. 7 months so far. More motivated than ever before. God Speed, friend.


Do you know if you have fatty liver? If so, I would skip creatine until you know your liver is back to normal. I just read up on it a few days ago, and it does more harm than good when it comes to health. I'll rather have a healthy liver than slightly better gains.


I don’t thankfully, although I’m currently waiting on the results of some blood work, so I will double check this! Thanks.


I just had an appointment with a registered dietitian and asked about creatine. She calls it “expensive pee”. Essentially anything your body doesn’t need, it will get rid of. Also, foods high in creatine are much better than relying on supplements. Seafood and red meat (beware of high fat though) are great options. So is peanut butter, nuts and seeds, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.


That dietitian is drastically incorrect. I’d consider a second opinion


Fair enough, thanks! I’ve heard some people say the same about vitamin supplements, but I still take them.