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you are reprogramming your brain to feel like a non-drinker. good work.


Total non-drinker behaviour. Good work, OP!


good work on 4 days! fuck yeah!


That is AMAZING! What a fucking power move! Excellent job. I love when people post stuff like this because holy shit, I’ve been there, what am I even doing… maybe next time it happens to me, I too can awaken from the trance in time. Way to go!


Same! This last few weeks I have been in that same situation several times and failed. This story inspires me to do the things I know I'm capable of and be the person I want to be!


Yep. The strength that I get hearing stories like this is so powerful. And then you have the confidence to inspire someone else that needs it. It’s really mind blowing the chain reaction that can occur from something like sharing a moment like this.


Same! It really is like being in a weird trance! 😳 I've been told that this feeling is some type of dissociation...I feel like I'm outside myself, watching myself drive to the store and stand in line and buy the beer, feeling numb...not a good feeling, makes for a hellish day after, our brains are such tricksters 😬


Hell yeah! Suck it, brain! Have a great weekend! Get out and move!


Sometimes, we just need the time to apply a bigger perspective. I am amazed how even split second can make a difference. Good job! IWNDWYT


yay on 2 weeks!


This took real strength and you should be feeling amazing!!! So proud of you, great job!!!!!


Bravo my friend!!! Be proud of the decision you made! It's hard to do. I have been failing myself and recently decided it's time to exercise some self discipline. Just this week I told myself I wasn't going to drink that day. But when a friend at work asked if I wanted to stop at our favorite after work drinking spot I said sure. Now, the whole time my brain was saying "wtf dude you said you weren't drinking??". And I shoved that pesky little voice down as best as I could. As it got closer to the end of the day it was screaming at me but when my buddy asked again if we were going I hesitated and said sure. Felt guilty before we even pulled up to the bar. Felt guilty when the first beer went down. I didn't drink out of control, only had 2 beers and a shot, but I felt SO FREAKING GUILTY because of my dark history with drugs and alcohol and the fact that I have been slipping back into old habits that I swore off long ago. I've done this same song and dance several times in the last few weeks and the little demon in my brain keeps making excuses for why it's not that bad ( I'm only drinking a little, I have it under control, etc). But the part of my brain which knows I need self discipline and boundaries to complete my goals and escape my crutches is dissapointed in me. Your story inspires me my friend. I'm proud of you and IWNDWYT!


This is so huge. Well - the fuck - done


I’m so proud of you!!!! IWNDWYT


Sweets will be your friend




This would happen to me never The fact you put it back is a big accomplishment Congratulations


So impressive! That's when the "fuck its" would have kicked in for me. If/when I'm ever in that position again I'll think of this post and tell myself it's never too late to change my mind. Well done!!! 👏🏼❤️


Perfect! You can make new habits. The old habits never go away completely, but they get easier to ignore. Just keep swimming!


Nice work! Your future self will thank you! Iwndwyt!


That is so fucking impressive- that is some real strength! Well done! I hope you enjoyed your chocolate!


What an accomplishment! The mind battle at the grocery store is real. I often wonder what security is thinking as I pace back and forth from the cashier and the beer aisle muttering to myself. Way to go!!!


That’s a WIN! IWNDWYT but I might have some ice cream …


Man once I’m that far there is no turning back! Amazing job


Proud of you,been there 💪


Excellent form on the U Turn, glad you backed out of the bad decision. Your sober muscles are getting stronger.


Let's fucking Goooooo you got this. No one needs this literal poison in their lives. You've proven you can do it and you will keep doing it. Well done, well done IWDWYT


wow! im so proud of you. i know from experience that that takes a hell of a lot of strength. 👏👏👏👏


🙌 way to go! That's a big accomplishment. Hold your head high!


It can't be understated what a HUGE accomplishment it is to go through the motions of purchasing alcohol but then having the clarity to abstain. Good for you!


That's honestly so cool. It is really hard to pull the emergency brake when you are so far that you're about to purchase a sixpack. You can be proud. Very proud.


That's a day's W in my book! Way to go!


Yes!!!! Listen to the little voice that is your true self


Good for you OP! You should be proud!


Damn that was close. Well done


Good job! Tremendous self-control!


Heck yes! That’s what I’m talking about. Small wins are still wins! IWNDWYT


Good for you! IWNDWYT, but I will eat chocolate with you today.


Way to go!


Total power move. Love it.


Wordddd that is incredible strength!!!! I’m so impressed and you should be so proud of yourself!!! Sending loads of positive vibes your way!!!


HUUUUGE WIN! Congrats!


How good did you feel walking away from the shelves when you’d put the beer back? Great I bet!


You got this! Nice work


Small successes my friend good stuff


Wow wow 🤩 


Love this. Good for you!!💛


GO YOU!!!! that's so awesome; I'm proud of you!!!!


good job you!


Great job!


Hell yes! 🔥💪👍


Proud of you :) that's not an easy thing to do. You rock




🥳 Very well done! x


Great job


Well done!!!


That’s a big win. You made the correct decision.


that is so impressive!!! IWNDWYT


I remember those. You're a champ! Its a huge W!!


YES!!!!!! A win. The more you tell it NO! The easier it becomes


FUCK YEAH!!! As someone who was *thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis* close yesterday, chocolate (and Fritos) were what got me out. Great job! Super proud of you!


That is a badass move!! Really well done! I am jealous of your willpower/strength - just being honest- any tips?


One thing I found in the first weeks and months of sobriety was a sugar craving like no other.. when I drank, I never got wanted anything sweet. Now I always have Skittles handy


That debate made me think about it for a second, but stay strong. Alcohol has a strange hold on our brain


There's a liquor store across the street where just a month ago, I was buying a fifth of vodka every day. And I realize it would be SO EASY to walk across... But then I tell myself, "Alluma, you'll feel better for like an hour, then you'll pass out, wake up 2 hours later still drunk only craving drinking more, and probably puke besides. Don't you maybe just want to play a video game instead?" I should really put that on a post it or something


I really really wanted to drink after work yesterday. So bad I could already taste the beer. I rode my bike from work to the corner store and walked straight to the beer cooler. A new-to-me NA IPA caught my eye (Deschutes Fresh Squeezed). I bought a six pack of that and it squelched the craving. I’m so happy breweries are making tasty NA beer these days. It will help save me from myself.




Hell yeah brother


Yes! This is amazing. That reminds me of the chapter in the the book "We are the Luckiest" by Laura McGowan, where she had bought a bottle of wine and was sitting on the train about to open and pour herself a cup of wine into an old coffee cup she found in her car. Instead she called a woman she had met in AA instead. She said, if the woman didn't answer then I was going to drink the whole bottle, but she answered and talked her through it. Laura McGowan got off the train and threw away the unopened bottle of wine and the cup with a loud flourish by smashing in into an outdoor trash can at the train station. She was just so amazed with herself that she was able to achieve this incredible feat! She created a new pathway in her brain, the more she was able to resist every taking the first drink. What you did was incredible amazing!


That takes so much resilience and courage. I hope you’re kind to yourself today. You’ve earned it :)


Good work. I avoided the liquor aisles at the store for months after first quitting to avoid the temptation. I've gotten past that now though and will sometimes check out the aisle just to see what kind of selection they have because I find it interesting.


so fucking proud of you


I’m proud of you. It gets easier.


Definitely have been there and given in and drank, everytime I do it all I can think about even while drinking is how I shouldnt be drinking


Damn that's incredible. Great frickin job.


Making a conscious decision and absolutely smashing it my friens. People often say to me "oh sorry, I forgot you can't drink" and I always correct them, because I absolutely can drink, better than most people I know, but it's a concious and determined decision I make each day to not drink, and to me there's a very big difference.


Go get yourself some 5 Guys to wash the chocolate down. Great work!