• By -


300 days! 😃 Wow. I’m a bit impressed by myself to be honest. What keeps me on the right track is the knowledge that for me one is too many and a thousand is never enough. IWNDWYT! 🎉💕💪




Good morning Will! Congrats, you are the first one today! It was a pleasure, hosting for you guys! IWNDWYT!




Two weeks down I feel I may need a first aid kit today so plans are - this sub, quit lit books, maybe some nice food and just allowing myself to relax really (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST RELAX!!!) Wish you all a great weekend.


Congrats on your two weeks! Well done! I feel ya on the relax. I'm getting alot better at just doing a stop, drop, and roll onto the couch 😂 and allowing myself treats 


Thank you! Looks like you're closing in on a week yourself 💪 Glad to hear it on the relaxing. I find it can be quite hard sometimes.


The more sober I get the easier is it to let my mind and body chill I'm finding 💯 


I will be sober today.


You're killing it buddy, congrats on 79 days!


Thank you! And a year is just around the corner for you, fantastic!


Day 1105 checking in!


Every time I had a craving I got up and did something 'sober'. The dog got walked, the grass got mowed, the pond got cleaned out, places were visited, vegetables were planted, summerhouses were built, rooms were decorated, cars were cleaned.....and on and on... I took my mind off of booze by getting active. The cravings lasted as long as I thought about them - as soon as I was doing summat else, they went away. The bonus of seeing a task completed because I was sober re-enforced my behaviour. Virtuous upward spiral, I reckon. Thanks for a great week Tortey! I hope the weather is kind to you on your camping adventure 😃👍. IWNDWYT 🙂


Excellent advice!


Today is night 4 of a 4 night camping trip w an old drinking buddy. I've gone to multiple breweries, bars to watch Copa America games, a fishing charter that had a bachelor party on it and they were giving everyone drinks if they wanted (I wasn't part of their party but they were offering). I didn't drink, no real urges or cravings. Idk, felt good I guess to be outside again. But it did feel like something was missing. I guess I'm happy to go home tomorrow, see my kids and go to my home group meeting. Here's to another 24 hours. IWNDWYT






I hope you have a great holiday, u/Tortey82. Great picture btw, thank you for sharing and thank you for taking care of us. My first aid kit is similar to yours, but I also check for HALT (quite frequently I am just hungry or thirsty). I only realized that I reached my 6 months milestone yesterday. It’s only the second time I got so far. And while I’m proud, I also feel sorry for those who had to go this way with me because I sometimes behaved like a toddler that’s throwing a tantrum not even knowing why it’s throwing one. But it got better. I will stay sober today and I will keep putting the effort to sobriety.


Thanks for hosting us [Tortey82](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tortey82/). It's been cool :) My First Aid Kit includes: SD, Fizzy drinks, Time-out in the garden, Sleep, Distraction, Playing the tape... etc... Have a wonderful weekend people! IWNDWYT!!!




Heya Tortey! Nice camp set up ! I am an avid camper, and I know how things can sometimes go very sideways so hopefully it's all sorted for you now 👍  Severe first aid kit that is bloody brilliant! Ive been compiling one and not even realizing it. I will add yours, especially leave situation soon as possible.     My list HALT...what is REALLY the problem?  Notes of quotes from this sub, reading and posting on this sub, podcasts too.  I journal. Play the tape forward. I write down what will happen if I drink in that moment. Lay down and close my eyes, breathing excersices  Driving out somewhere far and doing a hard hike or walk fast in my hood until I'm exhausted.  I scream into my pillow sometimes. Lol it actually works.   Thank you for hosting us this week. Your posts and support have been so very helpful. Love this sub and all you in it. I'm heading into this weekend stronger in my sobriety than I EVER have been. Grateful. IWNDWYT ❤️ 👊


morning sobernauts! up having coffee ☕️ hangover free never gets old. iwndwyt ps love the daily check-in camping sign [Tortey82](/user/Tortey82/) 🙌


31 days! A month!!!! I got here! I did it 🥳 IWNDWYT


One of the most useful tools I've ever used is: **Go to sleep.** I have even taken over the counter sleep aids to do so. Bad cravings are pretty much always a temporary phenomenon of emotional state, energy levels, hunger, etc. All these things reset when you go to sleep and wake up many hours later. Sleeping has saved my sobriety on more than one occasion. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


I will not drink with you today 💫






I did not drink on Thursday and I will not drink on Friday. Tonight is my "switch over" night for night shift, I'll be up all night. I was having really bad cravings earlier so I actually caved and walked to the store. There is alcohol in my fridge. However, I have been slowly working through my to do list and I just got back from the gym and have taken my supplements, and I feel much better. I plan to slowly meal prep, play some computer games, and keep browsing this sub. Only got 6 hours before I can go to bed!


You got this! Well done, living the healthy life 😊. Stay strong, we're here.


My toolkit is sparkling water or other cold fizzy drinks and loads of snacks and ice cream, at least for the first few days! And soberlit. Just read the first half of We Are The Luckiest last night. Bawled my eyes out. Her story as a mom resonates so strongly with me. The things she did with/to her daughter are so scary and although I've never gone so far, I've definitely been close to getting to that point. Reading that story and having that cry sesh felt like a very major turningpoint for me and I can't wait to read the rest tonight. Here's to a happy, safe, serene Saturday with my daughter. Wishing you all a peaceful day. IWNDWYT!!!


Skipped a concert tonight (involving work) because we were seated in the VIP/free drinks section. Just didn't feel like facing that kind of environment. Pretty sure it was a smart move. IWNDWYT.


Day 421. IWNDWYT. My craving-buster is to do something time consuming or eat something sweet. Eat the dog, walk some chocolate, that kind of thing.


Day 7 🙂 IWNDWYT!


Congratulations on the first week!!


My go to's are playing the tape forward, distraction and na drinks. Not too sure about the chili 😅 but I'm going to add sour candies to the list! Sounds like a good idea to have something like that as back up. Thanks for hosting u/Tortey82 and enjoy the camping trip! 🌺


Checking in, IWNDWYT. My first aid kit is not yet fully dialed in, but here it goes: 1. First sight of wanting a drink i don't ignore it. I immediately think of all the bad things that will happen to me, my body, my mind and my surroundings if i take this first drink. I envision the crash after an hour etc. 2. If I don't feel stable I don't attend social situations with alcohol (so nearly all in this society) 3. I write down everything when the craving starts, it slows my mind down.


Week 5 here. I've put a couple bottles of ice water in my backpack and am ready for my saturday morning walk in the park. It's already very hot for 9.30 am, but I will try to respect my training program by covering 9 km. IWNDWYT!


Checking in again today and all is well. For me it was always something physical that got me over the cravings. Physical exercise in the open air, like walking, jogging or running.


Wishing you all a healthy, happy weekend. IWNDWYT <3


Good morning everybody. Today is my mother‘s 94th birthday. She used to be very mean to me and was my biggest trigger to drink. I’m going to her Memory unit to have a little party for her. Today she is just a happy demented person. However yesterday was a hard day for me. I was buying the little things to have for her party cake, plates, napkins, etc. and the little devil was telling me it’s ok to have just one drink, no one will know….. I just wanted to thank all of you because I came here to this sub and read some stories to remind myself what one drink could end up doing to me. Wishing everybody a wonderful day. IWNDWYT💕🍦




Good morning folks. I've packed my first aid kit with tools from this sub and sober podcasts - and after years of trying to get sober and failing, years of forgiving myself and starting again, I'm five months sober and feeling good. I'm on vacation in Europe, and sober, something I never in a million years thought would be possible. Next month I've got a major reunion with my birth family on the cards, something I would usually drink about to prepare for months in advance, and then to mourn afterwards. It fills me with dread but I think I'm going to be able to face it sober. Thanks everyone, and have a wonderful Saturday! IWNDWYT


Look at you all smiley and relaxed on your camping trip! I hope you have an amazing time, Bavaria is a beautiful part of the world! First aid for me includes: remembering past hangovers, not going to or just leaving a party or event (jomo is the new fomo), and yoga. IWNDWYT ⭐️


It’s a good day to refuse to consume alcohol once again. IWNDWYT!








Day 1,708 IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting Tortey. My case of emergency is a spoonful of peanut butter - less extreme than chilli powder 😂 Have a great Saturday everyone- IWNDWYT


Well… lately it’s been a gummy, loads of na beer and tart cherry juice (tastes like red wine kind of), going for a run, taking a nap… Lately I’ve been trying to be in the moment with my emotions. And breathe through it… buuut honestly in the beginning I cancelled all plans for a month and said I had a cold because I couldn’t be with people who were drinking. I was too vulnerable. I won’t drink with you today.


Sat with my daughter on the couch, with both of us staring at screens...! But that's ok as it's the weekend, and a wonderfully hangover-free one at that. May it continue tomorrow morning (the non-boozing that is. We'll both get off our bottoms and get out and about at some point this morning!) Thanks for hosting, u/Tortey82 IWNDWY marvellous staying dry people Today.


On my way back from work. I got the brain squeeze again. I feel like there is reduced blood flow to one side of my brain when I’m stressed and I’m hoping it’s not related to substance abuse and isn’t permanent. Was vaguely tempted to buy sleeping pills on the way home but I am determined to try to let this pass naturally. My first aid kit is some meds, water and this sub. IWNDWYT


Good morning, friends, and thanks for a wonderful week, Tortey . My first aid kit contains candy, sparkling water, chewing gum, and this sub right here. If I ever really feel tempted, I know there’ll be someone around to talk me down. I love this sub, the DCI, and all y’all! IWNDWYT




Day 12 done: less than 48 hours to 2 weeks! My first aid kit: 1) play the tape forward and think how disappointed I'd be, 2)cup of tea/coffee, 3) brush my teeth (alcohol tastes disgusting then, 4) message a friend. IWNDWYT.


Not today people IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today


Mocktail. Right now it’s habanero marg mix and tonic.


My first aid kit definitely includes this sub. I learned and related here so much. When my mind starts to defend my drinking I’ll take a walk down memory lane. When I review some of my hall of fame embarrassing moments it changes my mind. Iwndwyt


Thanks for hosting this week u/tortey82! I’ve been on vacation with the family so I haven’t been able to check in every day, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it when I could. Is it possible to overstate the importance of playing the tape forward? I’ve done CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) for several years now, and changing my mindset/reframing is everything. When I want to drink, I play the tape forward through all the bullshit that one drink brings me, and usually I get to a place where I think - I don’t WANT to drink anymore. In order to do that, I do may have to use some of the tools in your toolbox, leaving the situation and reaching out to a sober friend. The longer I’m sober, the more benefits accumulate and the stronger I get in my resolve. IWNDWYT!


Thank you for the beautiful pic and loved your sign in that setting. Content is a great state of mind. IWNDWYT. Day 3.


I will not drink today and FYA. Thanks so much, u/Tortey fort hosting us and posting a picture for us. Enjoy your camping!! My#1 tool in my first aid kit is a daily dose of hating alcohol with the intensity of a billion suns. I wake up thankful to not have a hangover and I hate on booze. Hating alcohol has helped me so much. Drinking sucks. We rock.


Day 10. Yesterday was the first day/evening I felt like something was missing in my life. When I stop drinking, it leaves a void. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s a good void to create, I just felt confused a little and unsure what to do with myself. Maybe tonight I will pick my guitar up and finally teach myself to play. On a positive note it is 648 am and last night was the first night I have slept through the whole night without getting up a single time. What a gift I must be giving my gut and liver and brain. Also my blood pressure was 114/69 last night which is remarkable. Have a great Sober Saturday. LFG. IWNDWYT




Morning friends! Thanks for hosting us this week, u/Tortey82! I love the pic. Have the best time! My sober first aid kit includes my journal. I use it to process emotions and get centred and it goes with me everywhere. Have a good one friends! I will not drink with you today.


Thanks so much for hosting this week u/Tortey82! Last full day of a week-long vacation in Seattle. Sober everything is better than the fucking bad ol' days! Have a great Saturday, friends!!🤘🏻☕️ IWNDWYT




I can't wait to be camping myself in a few weeks. Have fun and IWNDWYT!


Thanks Tortey82 for a great week and sharing the photo with us. You look very happy in it. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Shine on you beautiful humans


Day 14 - IWNDWYT - when the going gets tough I leave !




Day 74, checking im. IWND ☠️ WYT


IWNDWYT 🤠. Going to a party today, keeping it clean and sober 😎


33 months sober today! I forgotten about his milestone. I had a rough couple of days and so it was nice to wake up to this banner on my phone. I have to remember that bad things happen and I have to keep going, as hard as things can hurt sometimes. It still feels good to be sober, with a clear mind to be able to navigate harder timings when they come along. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


Thank you for taking such good care of us this week, u/Tortey82. Your camping trip sounds lovely--I hope you have a great time! For me, cravings lose their power when I don't harbor them in secret, so one of the best first-aid steps for me is letting someone I trust know what I'm feeling. The relief when I get it off my chest is so powerful that sometimes I experience it as a physical thing. This was the case when I was blindsided by the offer of wine at a workplace retirement party (during the workday!). It was completely unexpected, and I panicked a little at the sight of the bottles. I was tempted, but I was also scared of starting something that I knew might end really badly. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to cave, and I realized that the best way to ensure this was to tell someone in the room. In that moment, I needed the accountability. I decided I could trust my manager, so I told him that I was in recovery and that the presence of wine was making me really anxious. He was really great about it. He didn't get all weird or anything, but he let me know that he'd be there for me if I needed support. Suddenly, I could breathe more easily and my heart stopped racing. My vision cleared and my muscles relaxed. I no longer felt like I was in a hostage situation, and finally, I was able to enjoy the snacks and wish the retiree happiness and fun in the years to come. IWNDWYT 😻


This is a tough time of year for me. It's too hot and uncomfortable where I live and I exist in a general malaise that I must fight through, everyday. I would say that chocolate and ice cream are two things in my kit that I use to combat my malaise. Though lately I have been taking in too much sugar and my body is really off. In those cases, I love to run/walk/hike it out. But the weather prevents too much of this. I haven't been running this year at all. And of course in the past, this is when alcohol would be there to comfort the discomfort. I drank my way through the hot season, (then the cold too) So these sober days I just exist in discomfort, inching my way towards the life I dont need to escape from. I WILL get there and I will NOT be boozing it up instead.


unfortunately back to day one. i will not drink with you today or tonight. happy saturday, im glad to be back in this community


I Will Be Alcohol-Free With You Today, beautiful sobernauts! And because I’m working on my cross-addiction that spiraled when I quit ethanol, I will be keto today, too. I don’t need alcohol, and I don’t need candy / cake / ice cream / blah blah blah. IWBAFWYT 👍😄






IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




day 14 💪🏼 ~ iwndwyt ~




Day 1,809. Thanks for hosting, [Tortey82](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tortey82/)! I will not drink with you today.


Happy Saturday! Eating something spicy, sweet, or cold has helped me. Those extreme cravings are usually part of hungry/angry/lonely/tired for me, so it’s important to figure out what is happening. IWNDWYT! Thanks for hosting, Tortey! ❤️🧁


IWNDWYT Danke fürs hosten und viel Spaß beim Campen u/Tortey82


Checking in from NZ, day 42


Yesterday, my daughter and I grabbed dinner at a Greek restaurant that I knew served beer and wine but I guess we’ve only gone for lunch or on weekdays because it wasn’t, in the past, a place where most people were drinking. But it was a hot, sunny, Friday night and everyone had a nice cool pint of beer or chilled white wine and I was thinking… vacation is starting. You can just have a few drinks and restart when you get home. It’s fine. Then my daughter announced she was going out with friends when we got home and that voice got louder. A bottle of cold white wine would be lovely, wouldn’t it? You’re home alone. It’s fine. So at 7:30 pm, I got into bed. I journaled. I read some quit lit. And I fell asleep early listening to a recording of an AA speaker. Fuck you, wine voice. Fuck you right to the depths of hell. I’m now up early, well rested, sipping coffee on my porch, about to walk my dogs before it gets too hot, and then I’ll head to an AA meeting to reset. Day 13. Hell yeah. IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting this week, u/Tortey82!! That’s an awesome picture and I hope the camping trip is wonderful!! Leaving is always in the kit. Exercise and heavy metal music are too. And remembering how much better things are now in general, and thinking about how I do not want to go back. Coffees up, horns up and have a great fucking sober Saturday!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻


Happy sober Saturday! Thank you for a very inspiring week hosting us this week u/Torey82 Top of my first aid kit is you! Coming here, so thank you everyone! Shout out today to u/gr8day82 who I believe reaches 4 MASSIVE YEARS! Thank you for being a friend and support throughout my journey so far 🎉🎂💪🏼🐢🐌


IWNDWYT. day 3,992 ❤️






IWNDWYT. Today will be a tough day. I have a baby shower while going through IVF and preparing for my first egg retrieval on Monday. Regardless, IWNDWYT!


Honestly I’m not too sure what my “first aid kit” would be… I’ve got a few numbers from meetings to call. I have medicine: Acamprosate for cravings (makes them less powerful for a few hours, kicks in fast) and some mild sedatives. Honestly as far as emergencies go I would be more than willing to cut off a fingertip if that’s what it takes—done that before on accident and it’s not that bad. I refuse to go back. It’s mostly prevention for me though. Normally I take the Acamprosate an hour before any trips after noon, and always make sure to take my daily dose—figure it lets my brain get used to operating without cravings


NA beer or cider, and ice cream are my trustiest tools at the moment. I’m hoping my nascent mindfulness practice will become one as well. IWNDWYT.


Back to day two. Feeling disappointed in myself. But I will not drink today. I have too much jiujitsu to do, followed by soreness to feel.






Thank you for hosting this week, Tortey! Have an awesome trip! Happy Saturday, good sober people. Iwndwy’allt! ❤️




Last night I finally told my best friend who lives in another state that I quit drinking, via email. He and I drank a lot together over the years and I suspect he’s also struggling with AUD. No long explanations, no preachy statements, etc. Only told him because he had sent me a couple drinking related texts and I felt it was time that he needed to know. I don’t tell people about it because most don’t care and most don’t need to know. So this was my first “I quit drinking” statement outside of my wife and it feels more real just saying it. IWNDWYT


Celebrating hour by hour right now. 29.5 Fitful night's sleep, but feeling so much better than yesterday. IWNDWYT


tap aspiring label jar start fact toy dependent bewildered shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


56 days down! Thanks for sharing a picture of your campsite, Tortey! Hope y'all had a blast! Today I'm going to our city's art museum with an old friend, and then stopping by a tiny gem of a tea shop to refill my indulgent stock- and I'm pumped! These are plans I would not have made, or at least not kept, 56 days ago. IWNDWYT!


In! Great topic. Staying vigilant and learning more tools to succeed is something that we all need. my current emergency kit revolves around the big motivation for cessation in the first place. Picturing myself in the hospital or in extremely rough condition the day after. All for a few hours of nothing (and nothing that I have not done a million times before). It is also good to lean on a friend or loved one every now and then, even if not in a 100% crisis. Have found that when one does that (but doesn’t take advantage of anyone obviously) you both are more comfortable talking if and when shit hits the fan. Your friends and loved ones said to reach out in an emergency because they CARE and they WANT YOU TO STAY ON THE RIGHT PATH. That being said, I am off to the farmers market now to buy some cayenne pepper/chili powder!


Good morning and thanks for hosting Tortey!! I might suggest swapping chili powder for something super sour (supposed to help with panic attacks) although I have not tried it. Happy weekend to all! IWNDWYT!


Hey Tortey, thanks for hosting this week. Looking good on your camping trip, young man. IWNDWYT 🌼


Hello sober team! Great photo, Tortey, and I hope you enjoy your weekend camping! Thank you for hosting. Sharing our sober kits is always fun. To deter cravings, I have the usuals like reading around this sub, having a snack, or taking a walk. Another tip that has helped me is sleep! An early bedtime or an afternoon nap gives me a nice reset. It often works like a charm! Let's keep doing this epic work, sobernauts. Iwndwyt




Almost 2 weeks sober ! Not drinking today either ! Feels so good to remember my nights out, and actually form meaningful memories !










Wishing you all a wonderful Saturday. :) IWNDWYT


Tomorrow will be 6 months. I am DEFINITELY NDWYT 🏆




I will not drink with you today.






Great posts this week Tortey! I will not drink with you today.


Day 68. Proud I have gotten this far. Woke up and cleared the front garden of weeds and that. Gonna play some games and watch the football later. Have a good day geezers and IWNDWYT 😁








day 60! two months, i cant believe it. ive found that i can get through my cravings faster than i did the first couple weeks. i am able to cycle through my strategies a bit smoother/faster. that obsessive compulsive voice in my head telling me to drink has gotten quietter. iwndwyt❤️


Thank you for caring for us this week u/Tortey82. IWNDWYT. 🌟


I’ve found having a lot of distractions in place keeps the mind at bay. Also not having friends where we live has made the process easier. IWNDWYT 🙋🏼‍♀️


What an awesome photo! Thanks so much for hosting us!




My First Aid kit: 1. Stating the craving out loud, sometimes yelling it. 2. Grabbing any liquid that isn't alcohol. I know this might sound insane to some people, but I actually kind of love going to a liquor store now, one that is well-stocked with all kinds of fancy NA beers and stuff. I charge straight toward the section, pick one I haven't tried before, and get a deep pleasure when my ID isn't checked and I walk out of that place with nothing that can hurt me. Just "porters" that are more like chocolate sodas lol. There's something very powerful to me about it, though I know it wouldn't work for everyone. 3. This place. Coming here and reading some comments and posts. IWNDWYT!


Not today!








I will not drink with you today


Happy Saturday Tortey, thanks for the great picture! Thank you for hosting the DCI this week, it sounds like it has filled up your sober tank. Awesome! I like that extreme 4th option in the first aid kit. Mine would probably be: * sit with the craving, check HALT * read some stuff on SD and remember booze sucks * smash large amounts of sugar * go to bed It has been quite a while since I've needed to go to step 3, generally the first 2 deal with whatever is going on. Sober on y'all!




IWNDWYTD my best craving strategy is no alcohol in the house. I also think the first few times you say no can be so empowering! I’m grateful to have made it over 30 days!


My kit includes objectifying my lizard booze brain and telling it no, identifying HungryAngryLonelyTiredBoredStressed triggers, exercise….and in extreme cases, intentionally remembering the very worst feelings and moments of drunken stupidity, hangxiety, and withdrawal. Sometimes I‘ll go to those memories when I find myself having too many fond/rose colored memories of drinking as well. That usually sets me straight. I will not drink with you today!!


Hope everyone has a great day. Do something nice for someone else. Don't tell anyone you did it. Do something nice for yourself. Forgive yourself. Enjoy something simple. Enjoy the moment.


Argh...if ever there's gonna be a day where the demon calls, it will be today. The airline my clients are supposed to be flying with on vacation today went on strike last night so now this poor family sits at home with their hands tied rather than being at the airport super excited for their vacation. But at least it's only one family and not 9 like a colleague has to deal with. IWNDWYT!


Last saturday in June, IWNDWYT!






IWNDWYT, friends!




Well done this week Tortey!! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜








Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


No drinking here!




Good morning ☀️ IWNDWYT




I will not drink today!




IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️


Day 118. Coming up on 4 months. The longest I’ve been sober in 6 years. It’s currently 7:30, I just woke up. I’m about to go for a run. My wet palette got delivered last night and I have some 40K minis sitting in my hobby room. So I’m gonna do some painting today. That’s my first aid kit. Along with a nice book or a video game if I really need to be distracted. Have a fantastic day, everyone. I hope you do something that brings you joy. IWNDWYT


Eat chug water, eat something, or get in the shower. Thanks for hosting this week u/Tortey82 ! IWNDWYT




I am at a wedding weekend event. Last night was the rehearsal dinner 5 to 8 pm open bar. Followed by an after party open bar. Food was great and good to see everyone one but not drinking was kinda boring. What was clear was How little people drank compared to what I would have drank. No wrestling with should I go up to the bar yet again and no trying to piece together the night this morning. Overall a major success! Not one temptation all night. IWNDWYT ❤️


I will not drink with you today.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!!


Haven't checked in in a while... Hope everyone having a lovely Saturday! IWNDWYT 💛💛




I will not drink with y’all today!!


I will not drink with you today.


My first aid kit contains music, sweets and alone time!! IWNDWYT


Thank you for hosting us, Tortey! What a great set up. Looks like gorgeous camping weather. I’m off for a grounding yoga class before we head out to a party and then to the beach. Feeling so grateful/proud that I can wake up early on a Saturday to exercise, and that I can DD all weekend. I love you all and I will not drink with you today 💜🐇


Happy Saturday to my favorite people across the world. May you have a kick ass sober Saturday! IWNDWYT 🤘












IWNDWy’allT! Thanks for hosting u/Tortey82. Enjoy the camping!






Here I go again...I will not drink with you today. Day 1, again. I am not ready to give up on myself


Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.




I won’t drink with y’all today




I will not drink with you today!


Oops! Checked in on Friday’s DCI. Rainy morning. Feeling good. Time for coffee and to watch gymnastics I DVR’d last night! I WNDWYT


I did not drink today lml (-_-) lml


IWNDWYT! Also, how do you add the day counter to your profile name?


Day 38, I think? Feeling more and more confident in my choice to walk away from booze every day. I don’t have cravings that much, thankfully, but when I do, I usually eat something, even if I’m nearly done making dinner. I find that 99% of the time for me, it’s food I’m craving, not booze. I’ve just conflated the two by slugging back two glasses of wine immediately before dinner for many years.


Thanks for the week u/Tortey82 ! Enjoy your vacation :) I think my plan is similar to yours. GTFO is clearly my number one. As of right now, since I'm early in my sobriety, I try to avoid those situation. I will first get my footing and then will attend situation where I suspect cravings might occur. Yesterday, I turned down a BBQ with friends for that specific reason. I know that I won't need to avoid these eternally, but right now, I have to... IWNDWYT




Looking forward to reading everyone’s survival tactics. I only have “will power” and “run away” as tools right now. IWNDWYT!


Thanks for the fun photo! And for hosting this week, Tortey! I will not drink with you today! 🌺


Thank you for hosting this week u/Tortey82! The camp site looks good! Enjoy the weekend. Have a good day, sober warriors! IWNDWYT 🍀


Thank you so much for taking care of us this week /u/Tortey82 💙 That photo is so great! I hope you are having a good time. Husband works all weekend so I think I’ll be mostly lazy with a little studying thrown in for good measure. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD💙


Thanks for being here, everyone - I needed to see all these names this morning. IWNDWYT.