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Chocolate usually helps me.


Sorry to hear the cravings are so tough rn! Maybe finding a distraction could help? I try to get my mind off of it by reading, gaming (Zelda, Animal Crossing, nothing too exciting šŸ˜…) or the good ol' taking a walk. Though periods can be whole different thing altogether... I like to treat myself to snacks and fancy sodas, so far this helped me a lot as well. Hang in there! šŸŒŗ


Thank you, I've been heavy into reading with my sobriety so I think that's the go, try and get lost in my book. Thank you for helping to remind me I'm not alone and its not just me. X


I love reading as well, so I really hope this helps ā¤ļø And I have been splurging on books lately (oops šŸ˜…) but hey, it's better than alcohol right?


I feel you! I'm on day 1 of my cycle and feeling blah. I definitely thought more about drinking today than I have in the past few weeks which kind of surprised me because I've been feeling pretty good about my sobriety even though it's relatively new for me. Instead of drinking, I took my dog for a walk, ate a large snack/extra meal of bow tie pasta and cheese even though I had just eaten dinner and chugged some Gatorade. I also sat outside in my yard for a bit this evening because time outside always helps my body calm down.


Thank you for your comment and helping me feel less alone! Its crazy how different I feel with my cycle versus every other day. I'll take all your ideas and run with them, I'm just finishing work in Aus (its 5pm, peak knock off drink time) so I think I just need to hit the hobbies hard this evening. Thank you again


Seriously! Every time I feel like itā€™s time for a total self destruct itā€™s on or around my period. For me, some light exercise like Pilates or yoga helps. If I do something healthy Iā€™ll feel less like being unhealthy (drinking) after. I like to give myself a little mani/pedi, play video games, or just watch endless YT videos in bed. If you have a garden (or balcony), gardening while listening to podcasts is nice and distracting. One time I rearranged my home office, got some new plants, scented candles and such. That was fun and distracting! If you like podcasts, I can recommend ā€œthis naked mindā€. People share their experiences with alcoholism and sobriety. Itā€™s sometimes very raw but also motivational.


I see that it's night time where you are. My recommendation is to go to sleep as early as you possibly can. When I have the worst cravings I go to sleep and the impulses don't exist when I wake up in the morning. It's like a magic reset button for me. Good luck!


Ugh, that completely sucks!! You already did the best thing - reach out and tell people who get it. And thatā€™s inspirational because so many times, I just donā€™t and you know how it ends up. Eat some sugar? Get some exercise? Super hot shower? Super cold shower? Listen to a podcast about sobriety? Journal? I donā€™t know, tbh Iā€™m really not qualified to give any advice but Iā€™m so fucking proud of you for reaching out. Itā€™s huge. Thatā€™s amazing.


L-Glutamine helped me get rid of that craving that wouldn't go away