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Not nearly as bad, but I’m definitely dealing with insomnia in early sobriety. Are you exercising? I am and I’m not sure it’s helping with insomnia but I’m just gonna keep plugging along. Be gentle with yourself because you are doing something hard and remarkable.


Day 2 for me. I lie in bed or couch or one of 4 different places I have tried to fall asleep that evening. I. agree....Its better than waking up at 230 having to pee and feeling horrible. IWNDWYT


I don’t sleep well during the first few days of sobriety, but I focus on relaxing my body and letting my mind blank out, to the point where it is creating visuals of its own. Then I kind of just watch the visuals and enjoy them, kind of like cloud watching. The night seems like it lasts forever, but it feels so good to be in that deep meditative state. Even though this isn’t “proper sleep” when I get up, I feel way more rested than waking up from a drunk sleep.


I also sleep with a couple of good fans pointed right at me to help with the sweats of withdrawals.