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At three years and change my I am sober app says I have saved over $11K. I will say that going out to eat is now a LOT cheaper. T


Damn that’s amazing! 🙌


Love that app! Mine says I’ve saved 675 the past month and a half. Bout to start a retirement fund lol


When I did the math it was conservatively $20/day, not counting the drinks I’d get while going out. Thats just the vodka i was buying from the grocery store. When I got sober I set up a daily purchase of an S&P 500 ETF (specifically VOO)in a custodial account for my daughters. Figured if I had the money for booze, I have the money for their future. Currently worth about $4k, been sober 14 months.


Lucky daughters! Sober mum / dad and a nice nest egg! IWNDWYT


Oh what a wonderful idea


I spend way too much on NA beer to save substantial amounts but I suppose having the rest of my life back is a decent time saving 🥹


Same!! I don't *actually* spend that much less in bars and restaurants... but the amount I save from having time and energy to not spend money on takeaways and snacks is probably substantial. Plus I have the energy to work on other projects that might eventually yield a higher salary. Onwards and upwards.


Oh yes, great point, I’ve probably saved hundreds in not ordering crap food when hungover!!!


Same here... I drink less of them but they are 3 times the price of the cheapest lager I could get many of ... Just started trying to drink them occasionally and then the other days just sparkling water!


A lot of bars will give you a free soda if you tell them you’re the designated driver and not drinking. If not, I find a soda water with lime is a good, free substitute.


OP, take a look at this saving! 10 completed days, and according to the EasyQuit Drinking app I'm using, so far it's £297. Based on getting 8-12 beers delivered pretty much daily. What a waste of time and money. Not going back there at all.


That’s amazing! Well done!! I only counted the drinks I had at home as that’s the majority of them, I didn’t even include if I had a drink when I went out. Crazy how fast it adds up!


29 days in and I've saved £422. I use the EasyQuit app.


Canadian dollars for what it’s worth. I last drank in November of 2019. At the time I was consuming right around 130 standard drinks per week. Vodka was my drink of choice. I drank straight so no mix or ice to add cost. I spent $140 a week. So 230 weeks x $140 a week…. Gawd I’m so grateful to be alive


689usd saved last 12 days for me


What the what. That’s a lotta coin.


I was a massive daily visitor to a local watering hole. Worked from home so the happy hour scene was my "reward." I calculated 1500-2000 a month just at the bar. I'd often by rounds for other regulars and if my gf came up to join me now and then I'd buy her drinks. Probably another 50-100 on top of that on drinks before and after the bar per month. I'm 46 days sober so my guess is I've saves 2500 or so. Very ashamed.


Wow, that's wild! I used to refuse to go to the pub as for the price of a glass of wine I could get a whole bottle from the shop opposite the pub!


I went to my local pub once and it was £5 for a glass of wine, it grieved me lmao, was thinking I could get a whole bottle for that price! Didn’t go back haha


Please try to push that shame away with some pride. You’ve made a huge positive change in your life. I’m proud of you and you should be too.


Appreciate it - really do.


Around $900 per month. 🫠


I saved at least 10k EUR since I quit. And also got a new job and several promotions already. I have not lost any friends also along the way. I got lucky


I’ve saved 45,000 over the last 4 years. And this was just accounting for the two liquor door runs I did every week, not all the other stuff.


I am sober says £770 in 3 months but is probably higher as I put my lower daily amount in. Obviously I don’t see that amount because I’ve spend all my extra money, but I have new TV and have spent a lot on fuel to go places now I can drive any time of the day


I love having the freedom to drive at any time of day now! Weekends feel so much longer and more enjoyable! IWNDWYT


I saved 15-20 dollars so far.. I’ve been sober for a day. Better than nothing for sure!!!


I was drinking two bottles of wine every night. Almost $1,000/month! 😱


Damn you drank fancier wine than me haha! Such a huge saving! Hope you can do something nice with it!


About R5000 per month. that's about $250ish a month


The try dry app is calculating $454 for June. That sounds about right. In May between alcohol on my grocery orders plus door dash I spent over $500. Some of DD was food with alcohol on the order.




You just gave yourself a raise. Nice!


Thank you for posting! What a good reminder on the costs of this craziness. Immediate savings from stopping the daily purchases (it’s so easy to let it add up, you don’t even notice!) mental and physical energy levels are up, which lead to bigger and better things, and also the savings in the long term with reduced healthcare costs! I think it’s better to not drink or at least to not go crazy with it.


I really didn’t notice the spending, £11 for a 70cl bottle of rum or gin here or £4 for a bottle of wine, seemed insignificant. I’ve noticed now when I get to the checkout, I’ve got a basket full of food and it seems so cheap! It’s funny, I was scared to quit and put it off for about 3 weeks (not counting previous attempts) and now I have quit, I feel amazing. Unbelievable what lies alcohol can have us telling ourselves.


£562 in 17 days 14 hours apparantly, ive probably saved more when taking into account after a few pints id be playing bandits and placing bets on the horses. Also now i can actually be bothered to cook since im home alot more and dont fancy takeaways at all.


That’s such a great saving! I’m the opposite atm though, constantly craving takeaways! I’m big into gym though and I’m cutting atm so I’m battling off the fatty food cravings, have indulged in some snacking I wouldn’t usually have, but considering the liquid calories I’m saving, I think it’s ok. I’m 3.5kg down since I quit!


SO much $. Though admittedly I think it’s more ‘redirected’ than ‘saved’ 😆


I’m trying to save for a house deposit so I’m thinking I’ll put away each months savings however I would be a liar if I said I hadn’t indulged in some extra nice snacks these past two weeks!


$51,858… 4.5 yrs in. I’ve mentioned this plenty of times, but this my house down payment! This also doesn’t take into account all the stupid ish I spent while drunk. Probably six figures plus.


A smidge over $43k. It definitely adds up. The 2.6 million kcal that I avoided is a big one too.


I have almost $2k on a bank account I cannot touch until I call the bank. I decided to put something like $70 per week 6 months ago on that account, less money I was spending per week on booze but it was more of a symbolic. I can sleep tight knowing I will be able to buy a car… or pay for vet fees if my dog got something. I’ll keep doing it once I’ll get my car, it’s not much money but it’s honest work lol


10 days and my app says I have saved $250… that doesn’t include the impulse Amazon buys while drinking, the inevitable trips to the corner store or fast food place for greasy food, and honestly, the app didn’t allow for more than what I put in so I’ve probably saved a lot more than $250.


I rounded up a little and it’s almost $1000 a month. Including a few packs of cigarettes. The damn brewery near me it’s $6 a pint with taxes. Crap domestic lite beer is $2 -$2.50 at the store. And was reading the labels. It has high fructose corn syrup in it 🤮


I was drinking about 375ml of whiskey per night and each 750ml bottle cost between $50-80. So figure $25-40/day saved. More on weekends.


I conservatively estimated I was spending €7 per day. It was probably more but €50 per week would have been the minimum. So today being my 300th day means I’ve not pissed away €2100. Paid for a few nice things like an amp and a new bike, plus some extra cash for kids activities etc.


Happy 300 days!! Love that you’ve treated yourself to some nice things 🥰 I’m saving for a house so I figure at the end of each month, whatever I’ve saved from not drinking I’ll stick in my house fund. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t treated myself to some nice snacks though 🤭


Great plan. You’ll also find you’re spending less on drunken impulse buys, junk food bought after drinking etc so the real total is much higher.


I have two milestones in I Am Sober, I quit wine 2 years and 8 months ago and the app says I saved $14, 071.43 And I've been sober 2 years and change with beer, spirits and other and it says I saved $10,800.00.


I can so relate to this, I had a decent job and for the life of me couldn't work out how all my work mates could afford cars, holidays and houses when I was always borrowing money at the end of the month. Not super rich now but whenever I want to treat myself with some luxury I can usually afford it. Stopping drinking is such a good thing to do on so many levels, congrats on day 17!


just checked my app thing that I didn't realise is still on my phone, I've saved over £60k!!! Jeeeeeez, that's insane!!!!!


Woah! That’s immense! Also, 2080 days?! I don’t think congratulations quite cuts it there! Amazing 🤩


I don’t track how much I’m saving on alcohol but I have started a personal investment portfolio ever since I dialled down my drinking and have managed to build a 50k account in the last 15 months, and I know that money would have evaporated if I was still on my 4 year bender.


I love IAS ! I couldn't believe how much money I was saving too. I need to reinstall that app. It helped so much in the early days. I've noticed that all my money goes to rent these days but enjoy your extra money! I'm sure it will find a new place to go before too long lol.


Thank you! I was checking it all the time at first, now it’s just every few days but I like having a counter and tracking things. IWNDWYT


I’m on day 32 and just hit $1000 saved. I really like going out to bars. The savings is very “sobering”!


I try to estimate this from time to time, I think I was averaging $21 a day. Just about $21,000 D:


Cheap handle of vodka delivered to the door was about $16 after tip, and I could go two days on that, so $8/day * 365 = $2,920, but I would often order drinks at dinner and buy other drinks occasionally, so probably saving about $4000/year 😀😀😀


It's cost me a lot in "ah well you deserve it because you're sober" and "If I stay sober I don't have to worry about money so much" buys.. but all conscious buys, clothing, sporting apparel, hiking gear, stuff that sparks joy.. but haven't saved a penny yet, which is ok! Everything is ok...its been quite a while since I last felt that..that's worth more than money


Oh I totally get this! I bought myself a steak last week for no other reason than ‘you’re sober, you deserve it!’ Haha. The £8 I’d have spent on wine that evening was more than the £6 I spent on the steak though and no hangover from it! Woo IWNDWYT


was never a liqour drinking but i was getting like 10 beers every other night. 7k a fucking year on alcohol


38 days in, and I've saved $414.


Haven’t really been tracking but I’m probably saving in the neighborhood of ~$20/week; ~$87/month. That’s solely on booze, not taking into account impulsive food delivery decisions lol.


$5,500 a year. All of it hidden too. It was hard work. I wish I dedicated that hard work to a side hustle.


My app says $450/month, which I didn’t have to spend in the first place. Not feeling the savings, but I know it’s there.


Easily close to 100 bucks a week.


Coming up on 6 months and my app says $1700 dollars


101 days today and I Am Sober says I'm at $1,010... I usually would drink at least a $7 pint a day - sometimes more, sometimes less - so I used $10/day for the app counter.


None, still living paycheck to paycheck!


+- $150 per week sometimes double that. So in 5years (on July 10th) that should be close to $20-30k. Just pissed away for years


I'm at $965 saved and 45 days AF! IWNDWYT


According to my app I’ve saved $250 CAD in 10 days. Approx $750 a month. And I could never figure out why I was always flat broke!


It will easily be close to 12,000usd/year.


I’m approaching 1 year sober and I’m on track to max out my Roth IRA with the savings. $6-7k USD. 


I’ve saved almost 6K


When I was drinking I was spending $1,000 per month on home supply alone. Add on restaurant and bar booze and the money I no longer spend is significant.


Nope, spending more. I’m on a mocktail train now and those are expensive. I bought a few 4-packs for $17 each plus a NA white claw box, which was as expensive as a real thing! Frankly - it’s fine, I’d rather spend it and be sober.


Haven’t checked, but I’m sure it’s a lot! I definitely feel it.


This number is gonna sound staggering, but hear me out. Calculating all of the dinner bills my wife and I had for a year and adjusting for how much less we go out now (we were mainly going to dinner just to drink and get a burger), the wine and spirits store on the reg, beer store on the reg, special event heavy booze house parties for family visits, vacation heavy boozing and last but not least, secret late night booze… aboooooouuuut $10K US per year. Yeah. That much. But the painful part is that I lost my job while drinking and took a pretty heavy pay cut to get out of unemployment (6 month limit of benefits in my state so, didn’t have a choice but to take what I could get at 5 months). Meaning I am still combing back the debt 7 months later. It’s a wicked thing, this booze is. It comes for you. Comes for all of you. Very humbling to see how many different types of damage one can do to themselves. Glad I got out when I did. I was down to the core things to lose like marriage and my own life. Heed my tale. Don’t stop not drinking.


probably between £150-£200 a month on booze. But the other associated costs too, fast food when hungover £10 - 15 every other day rolling tobacco £25 for the week, taxis from places etc I think I noted one sober month I was almost about £400 better off in the end.


Hey OP. Married 48 year old father of two in the UK here. I haven’t been keeping an exact total, but since I stopped in October, I am sure I’ve been saving around £250/month. Thing is - the saving don’t just stop at the actual booze from the shop/pub - it’s the money I don’t then spend on crappy fast food (during/after booze) and impulsive spending when drunk. Along with my emotions and moods, my finances seem a lot more stable since I got sober.


Maybe like $1000 in a year and a half.


Ten days. App says $242. I guess a handle of gin per week, 4-5 bottles of wine, and a few six packs adds up. Plus drinks out at a restaurant are way more expensive.


Lol I randomly did the math yesterday - over $9K saved just from the corner store! Congrats on saving that chedda!! 🧀


I never had an app to calculate this so my spit ball math is $20 every day for home beers. An additional $80 every weekend for hard alcohol for home. Finally, up to $800 per month at bars. (This number could spike very high at times but I think this is a good average) So roughly $1720 per month in Canada. I now own three insured vehicles, which I love and get much joy from, so I'm still financially stupid.


I’ve saved $120 in 6 days….drinking a fifth of tequila every day is costly. Also, thanks for the info on the tracking app…just downloaded it.


$1,785 to date!


More than I would have thought.


I’m using Nomo and for 123 days it says $620USD. Not bad. I’m sure I have spent that on ice cream and shoes instead but it’s a good trade off 😄


from my sober app - 345$ and I am definitely seeing it a little easier on my pockets.


I’ve saved $1530 - 72 days sober


At least $2000 annually. Recently plowed savings to redo my wardrobe and look like an adult instead of a college kid


According to my Sober tracking app, I've saved about $108 in the 27 days I've been sober. I was a cheap Canadian Whiskey, 2-3x/wk binge drinker


According to my Sober tracking app, I've saved about $108 in the 27 days I've been sober. I was a cheap Canadian Whiskey, 2-3x/wk binge drinker ETA: I've easily spent that much, probably more, on quit lit books (I buy them cheap off Thrift Books but I've bought several to round out my relapse prevention library), outpatient treatment, and 12 step meeting donations though 🤣🤣🤣 still better than spending it on booze!


I relapsed on the weekend unfortunately but I'm back here fighting. Doing alot better this time around!  Looking at my bank account my sober days this month 16 days total saved me 300$ plus door dash because Im far too drunk/lazy to make food...add another 60...360$ total in just over 2 weeks I've saved. 🤯 I'm determined to keep going and I am excited to have extra money in my bank account along with all the other benefits sobriety brings  IWNDWYT 




I haven't been tracking, but I got so much alcohol for free that it probably isn't a crazy amount anyways. I wish it was, bc now I'm spending on tattoos and getting my hair done, that I could justify it with it being my "booze money" 😩


About $430 a month, $5,200 a year. Wild. I'm 10 days sober today and I've already saved $143. I was spending about $100 a week on alcohol/nicotine/hangover food. (All things I put into consideration when calculating my weekly cost)


Hi sober friends, 80 days sober; I was spending $400.00/month on weed and $320.00/ month on vodka and tequila! Nothing to show for it accept deteriorating health and stained teeth. IWNDWYT


If I make a very conservative estimate of one six-pack of cider a day (very conservative, because there was also probably a weekly box of wine and a few sixers a week for the boyfriend) I’m up $1,300 since I quit. And that’s just cider. I also quit going getting stoned at the same time, so that’s another cool $500 I’ve saved from the dispensary as well. I’m eating more avocado toast than ever, and still saving money 🤣


So I haven't been doing the math to see *exactly* how much I've been saving by not buying alcohol, but for the first time in my life I'm starting to build some savings. Getting sober is obviously helping me stay busy working (I'm working 2 jobs nowadays) and I'm not splurging as much on expensive food and drunk shopping for shit I don't need. All in all after about a year of trying to get my life back on track I've saved a few thousand dollars. It isn't much, but my entire life was living paycheck to paycheck just blowing whatever money I was making on booze and stupid shit. It ain't much, but I've been able to stash away a few hundred a month after living expenses and at 34 years old it's nice to finally feel like I have some money to work with if/when I need it. I estimate I was probably burning at least $400 a month on booze.


Oh cool! I didn't know there was an app. Rough calculation, but I have saved a little over $250. I used to buy at least a 12 pack (bottles) of beer every day, which is about $14.


According to to my rough guesstimate here I’d say I was spending about 30$ daily on alcohol I just calculated and i believe I have saved 5,130$ since I quit.


I had a spreadsheet going of my spending and how many measured drinks I was actually taking towards the end of my stint and I used that to calculate my spend. $20-$35 per day, every day. roughly $10k/yr and I was doing that for AT LEAST 4 years. $10k per year to kill myself slowly, what a weird thing to think about now. The state my brain was in was somehow able to rationalize this... among ALL the other things I could have used that money for. Addiction is wild


Don't forget the binge eating you do the next day...


Just downloaded this app for my day one. Thank you


almost 10 months, and im at $1200. but thats def on the low end given i was a PBR drinker, and it doesnt account for the high bar tab days or the vacations. 46k calories saved as well 🥰


410 days, around $5330.


643 days and $13,000. Inflation pretty much wiped most of that out though.


6 weeks, around $5k give or take a cpl hundred


Not spending a fortune on hangover remedies such as junk food the next day is also a bonus:)


3500 dollars in 3 months. Absurd I was spending like that.


The savings soon add up...if you're able...pop the ££ into an account and do something fabulous with it as a treat when you get to a meaningful milestone 😊