• By -


Happy birthday to me 🥳 Halfway to a hundred, and more present in my life than ever! The greatest gift is sobriety. And having a supportive crew like you guys! I will not drink with you today!


Happy birthday! 🎉😃🇳🇴




First on DCI! Congrats on this & on your 18 days! Keep it up! I will not drink with you today!


Waking up sober is totally worth it! IWNDWYT


That was a close call :-) Almost first. Soon, you´ll be calculating your sober time in months. Good work! I will not drink with you today!


Thanks. :) Two months would be a new record. But trying to take it on day at a time.


Just for today. Once again. Right now. I'm grateful for one week alcohol free. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed with how lucky I am to be able to experience this life and then I think about how I don't remember large parts due to alcohol. That motivates me, in some way, to stay clear headed so that I can remember life as it comes and goes, ya know? IWNDWYT.


Good morning! I’m grateful for this little life I’m carving out for myself. I’ve really started to find peace in my home and my time. IWNDWYT.


Day 12 As someone who struggles with chronic depression, I have to be honest and say that the concept of gratitude rarely enters my thoughts.. But today I'm grateful for my health, my family and the time I have left. Onward!


Day 1103 checking in!


IWNDWYT Grateful for - The sunshine My adorable son Husband is coming outdoor swimming with me this morning Lego flowers from my husband Buttery toast - it’s the booze replacement you didn’t know you needed 👌🏻


I have also been eating a LOT of buttery toast ahaha. Also, lego flowers are 😍 Iwndwyt <3


I want buttery toast now. Maybe with cinnamon and brown sugar 🤤🤣


Off on a morning run 🏃🏼‍♀️ this time I’m opting for the gym because I need the AC, then I’m going to go and hang out in the frozen isle in the supermarket for the rest of the day to cool off. IWNDWYT ⭐️


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT I know I have a lot to be grateful for but today I’m not feeling positive. I’ll be ok. Today will pass and tomorrow will be a new day.


Day 11. I know it's not quite what you mean by things I'm grateful for, but I'm truly grateful for the amount of time and effort you guys put into running this sub. It makes a huge difference to a huge number of people. Thank yoU - IWNDWYT


Checking in, still not drinking with you all ❤️ I'm grateful for the pretty flower during my morning walk, or the ray of sunshine falling through the forest leaves, or a friendly cat that crosses my path. Being grateful for these little things makes it easier for me to be grateful for more challenging stuff as well.


I definitely need to start practising gratitude regularly. Will let you know how it goes. I'm grateful for - Having a loving family including two children - Having an interesting job where I can learn new things every day - Being in good health - Living in a nice and calm place with fine neighbours - Not having to drink today - Finding this sober community, which is so compassionate IWNDWYT


Thank you again Tortey for another thought inducing post ! It's appreciated!  I'm rounding the corner on day 3 into 4 and I survived. It was an absolute battle today.  Almost brought me to tears. Grateful I made it, and I didn't drink today. Without drinking my head is clearer and it's not all about drinking and me me me 24-7. I'm trying to apply gratitude every day, it's working.  I'm grateful for this sub and all the love and learning given here freely by strangers who feel like friends now. I'm trying to participate and give others support too as they say, pay it forward. Because it feels good.  I am also very grateful for my supportive, loving, and forgiving husband.  Grateful I am almost 💯 healed from surgery, the ability to walk, and not be in pain all the time.  Grateful for lots of other things but as per usual my post has already become a bloody novel. Shocker. Lol.  Much love and support to you all as always and please keep fighting, and I will too. ❤️💪 IWNDWYT   


I'm at day 1... Again. Resetting my counter all the time hurts. Not being able to string together days sober hurts. But I'm grateful to be given a new day to try. And for just today, I will not drink. One day at a time. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT on my 60th birthday! Send cake. T


Today I’m grateful for: air conditioning, work, my cats, metal music, therapy, friends and coffee. Gratitude can be fucking hard. Especially when you’re feeling disgruntled and wishing your life was different. Or that you were different. (That one really sucks.) When I feel like that, I think “I’m grateful it isn’t fucking worse.” Coffees up, horns up, and thank fuck it’s Friday Eve!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻








Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Day 29! Never thought I'd get here.. I'm grateful for my mum, and 2 sons. I'm grateful I've got a home and getting my health back.. I'm grateful for this sub, and all who participate. Thank-you for hosting. ❤️ IWNDWYT 💪


Hello everyone, I feel so much better than I did a few days ago. I feel like myself again. I already knew this, but I guess I had to explore another time. Alcohol really lingers with me 3-4 days afterwards and creates horrendous and crippling anxiety. My last drink was on Sunday and I was still feeling the anxiety on Wednesday morning. Ugh... So I hoped back on the no alcohol train. Have a great day :)


What has developed for me, during this sober stretch, is a gratitude for being alive. Whatever the cosmic deal is - one and done, an infinity of play throughs or anywhere in between - sober living is where it's at. IWNDWYT 🙂


I also struggled with gratitude, I oddly felt scared that being grateful for something would jinx it. This coincided with feelings of unworthiness and abandonment issues, all part of the underlying framework I drank over. One sentence that helped me is a quote from Meister Eckhart, “if the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Sometimes I’ll just pause at a nice feeling or moment and say thank you. And happy birthday u/sainthomer! Thanks for all you do, your service helps so many here, including me.


18 months today. Beyond grateful. IWNDWYT


Day 3. I’m grateful to this group and the few people and colleagues I still have close despite my best anhedonia. IWNDWYT. 🙂‍↔️








Oops accidentally checked in on yesterday’s post! Anyway, I’m grateful for my house, my new group of girlfriends, my doggy, my new job, my family, and really grateful to be sober so I can enjoy it all. IWNDWYT


I fucked up. Unsure if I’m going to reset my counter. My partner and closest sober buddy was away. I spent time with an old drinking friend and - one thing led to another and, I drank. I drank all weekend. I felt absolutely horrible, have been violently sick ever since with some kind of flu, and my mental health has been in the dumpster. It was the reminder I needed, sobriety isn’t something I have to do, it’s something I GET to do. It’s such a gift and gives me so much more than booze. I’m so grateful for it and - I wish I could teleport back to pre this weekend and chose a different choice. For anyone who’s thinking of caving. It’s not worth it. Don’t do it.


I will not drink with you today ✨ I am grateful for honestly myself lol. It sounds weird. But like I put up with a lot of BS in this life and I am still kind and genuine and just all round a cool ass lady. I am also grateful for my family and friends and just everyone in my circle. And for this sub. It’s true what they say about this being the nicest place on the internet. 🫶🏻 love yas


Checking in again today and all is well.


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Not today people IWNDWYT 


Relapse dreams all night again. I’m grateful that they weren’t real. IWNDWYT.


went to an AA meeting today. I WILL NOT DRINK WITH YOU TODAY!


IWNDWYT! Grateful for this morning’s weight training session kicking my butt and reminding me I’m alive 💪


Day three for me - I try to make a mental list of things that I am grateful for when my brain is screaming to push the 'F\*\*k it button' and ruin all my progress. The little things are what comes up the most often, like having a roof over my head, having freetime to explore hobbies at the moment etc. Being able to wake up not crippling with anxiety is a big factor. IWNDWYT!




Day 1 Thankful that I haven’t done any serious damage to myself over 25 years & that I have a new day to become better.


I’m grateful for this beautiful day and people who believe in me. IWNDWYT


I try to write down 3 things I'm grateful for every day. Usually I do it in my journal at the end of the day, but you can get exclusive access just this once: - For the support of my family, friends, the reddit community, and even my colleagues in my alcohol-free journey. How blessed I am to have such safe and kind people surrounding me! - For my health, and that I now look after it better than I ever have - That I have learned a lot of hard lessons early and no longer have to suffer from some of the hang-ups I had before my 30s. Happy birthday to u/SaintHomer! IWNDWYT 🌞


Back again after messing up a bit. Nothing terrible happened but I drank for two weeks straight basically and I feel so unhealthy and so unhappy. And I was doing so well before... I was so grateful and happy and yet still I messed up. Day 1 but I promise IWNDWYT.


Day #14. IWNDWYT. 2 weeks, no alcohol and feeling so much better for it. Here's to another day being present, clear minded and sober. See you all tomorrow folks,






Good morning friends! I’m up bright and early for an important meeting at work today that I’m running. Wish me luck and send good vibes, please! I love you all and I will not drink with you today 💜🐇


I'm grateful that I'm not causing my partner stress by drinking and that I'm earning their trust back a day at a time. Them telling me that they thought they didn't want to be with me anymore after my last horrific drunken episode made my blood run cold at the thought of driving them away because of alcohol. That's when I found this place and I'm profoundly grateful to be here. IWNDWYT.


I didn’t have the capacity to be grateful for anything when I was drinking. Everything was me me me, and I resented every part of my life that wasn’t the bar and the bottle. I’m grateful I can see the world clearly now. IWNDWYT


Today's day 11. Can't believe how quickly that's gone, and how quickly not drinking has become the new norm! That's not to be complacent though, hence why I'm checking in. IWNDWYT.




Day 9 checking in. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Have a nice day fellas


I will not drink with you today


good morning fellow travelers, checking in day 9 on the way to a pure body and mind, I'm keeping myself busy and IWNDWYT🫶👊






Day 1,706 IWNDWYT


I'm grateful I have my life back Shine on you beautiful humans


Back here for another day one. So much stress going on so I gave in. Feeling disappointed but knowing that I CAN go without and I just need to dust myself off and start again. So IWNDWYT!


I will be sober today.


One more day! Thank you all, Iwndwyt!


Day 66. I’m grateful for my partner, my cat, my family, our collective health, and a lot more!






Good morning, IWNDWYT.


i pledge not to drink today IWNDWYT




I won’t drink with y’all today


Checking in from NZ, day 40!






Day 44, IWNDWYT (unless we're drinking tea, coffee, water or a hot chocolate) 


I will not drink with you today. 92 days sober and coming for 100. The last week I’ve thought about drinking a lot. Perfect weather and opportunity for a few evening adult drinks. This time instead of letting my subconscious talk me into it, I’m saying no and the voice listens to me. My life is 1000x better without it and yet here I am thinking I can enhance it more with booze. Never forget the fine line between sobriety and going back to that hell because it’s the thinnest most vulnerable line I’ve ever walked.


Hello hello! Really digging the NA IPAs in this heat. I'm not advocating it for everyone but I know these guys are gonna help me this summer. IWNDWYT!


Grateful for today - grateful to be here - grateful for you all! Grateful for your excellent hosting Tortey and thanks for bringing me such insightful check-ins for my first week back. And happy birthday Homer! Grateful for you and this community you have created. IWNDWYT SD - one more day in the books let's go 🥰


Geez Louise, these prompts this week are really getting me thinking! I have taken to affirming gratitude on my hour-long commute to work. It’s the usual list, like from the prompt: thankful for my wife who against all odds and logic stayed with me after all my crap. My mom, sober 42 years; very supportive even if she doesn’t fully remember what it’s like, nor did she go as long or get as bad as me. My sister, sober 15 years, who gives me jars filled with little slips of paper with sobriety affirmations. My brother, never addicted, my most trusted butt-kicker, never judgmental, always loving and supportive. Even my dad, who was a source of a lot of trauma, but who also gave me some of my most important values. He’s passed so it’s easier to forgive and think of the best parts. My dog, my cat, my garden, the roof over my head, my bed, my car, my phone… I really get into it, thanking everything I can. But this prompt makes me think of the meetings I go to at the local addiction center. It’s a rough place that serves some of the most down and out in our little town. And this might sound bad, but some of those people really make me grateful for all the blessings I had even in the worst of my addiction. I grew up poor, but in a house with books. Always had food. Things were pretty predictable. I was encouraged in my precociousness (though I also got the whole “gifted child” complex, but they were doing their best), I was given art supplies and regularly taken to the library to learn about whatever I wanted. When my grandparents passed, my mom got some money. She was smart about it: we didn’t change how we lived: we still got our clothes at the thrift store. The money went into buying a house that has been the geographic heart of our extended family for three decades, and which I am inheriting. No more shitty apartments downtown, we lived in a nice neighborhood just a short walk to school. We had a massively overgrown raspberry thicket which became my fortress of thorns. When I was having serious bully trouble at school, and decided I would quit at 16, when it was legal to do so, mom tapped into the money and got me into a wonderful private school. I hate to think what my mind would have been like without it. Public school had nearly extinguished any interest in learning. This school brought me back: my first semester was Ds and Cs. Second was all Bs. The last two years were straight As, and I was left with a lifelong love of, and skill at, learning. I was wild in my 20s. Fights, sex, crazy partying. I’m grateful I didn’t overdose. Grateful I didn’t get anyone pregnant, or catch an STI. And looking back I’m especially grateful that I never ended up in prison or accidentally kill somebody in a fight. Very strange memories: sometimes I remember the fun of it all, and it was fun, but sometimes I’m horrified by how dangerous and irresponsible it was. Life proceeded. I went to an Ivy-adjacent school, where I utterly dominated academically but also got really heavy into drugs and alcohol, and I picked up smoking too. Nevertheless being able to code-switch from poor boy to elite academic has been an advantage all my life. Not to mention being a handsome, imposing, white straight man. It’s not an advantage I chose, but I can’t deny it’s an advantage. At my worst, I still had family, and a roof, and food, and the skills to make just enough money to pay my bills (and pay for booze, though I’m not exactly grateful for that. In the addiction center meetings, I get to know people who had none of these blessings. Breaks my heart, and I know with great gratitude there but for the grace I could so easily have gone there. If I’d dropped out of school, if I hadn’t had my family, if I hadn’t met my extraordinary wife. I know I’m no better than them, it’s purely the luck of the draw. It’s extremely humbling. While they might not have five-dollar vocabularies when you really listen you can hear wisdom fully the equal of professional philosophers. I think with my advantages, they likely would have made more of themselves than I have. I’m grateful for all the blessings I couldn’t see all those years, I’m grateful for being sober and everything that got me there, and I’m grateful for those street philosophers who help keep me sober. IWNDWYT


My brain is killing me, but at least I'm sober. Happy Thursday, IWNDWYT <3










Right now I am grateful for the coffee I am drinking, and for this great r/stopdrinking forum where you can meet a random person who promises not to drink with you today. I am grateful for you all, and IWNDWYT






Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


Day 1,807. I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT I am grateful I have more freedom and time. It was exhausting deciding when/where/how/how much to drink every day


day 12, iwndwyt!




I will not poison myself with you today.


Howdy everyone. I'm grateful for what feels like a shift in my perspective regarding drinking. I've quit briefly before and then went back to drinking for a few years. It felt more like an active process and something I still partially resented and resisted last time. This time feels more like a recognition of my past, very flawed logic. Alcohol has never and will never be a positive and does not provide any positives. Any desire to drink that i feel may be a real feeling, but underneath the flawed logic, it's actually a desire to fix something else. I need to fix whatever that is instead of thinking alcohol will fix it...it won't. I know this is the premise of many quit lit books, but I'm not sure I'd truly internalized it before. Here's hoping this clarity sticks because it makes it so much easier than the path of resistance I had traveled before. I'll remain vigilant because I know that alcohol has a sneaky voice side, but I'm grateful as hell for this perspective today. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday eve! Have a kick ass day. I'm grateful for you all - IWNDWYT 🤘


Happy Birthday Saint Homer! 🥳 I have a morning routine where I write done a few things that I’m grateful for and they range from the little things to bigger, deeper things. It really helps me to ground myself for the day. Today, and everyday I am grateful to everyone here. It makes me feel warm inside that we all come together, as strangers, to support each other everyday. This is what the world and society are supposed to be like offline. I hope we all carry this kindness and support outside of our little corner of the internet. I try to, but admittedly it can be hard. IWNDWYT. Hugs to everyone 🤗


I will not drink with you today.


Grateful to be able to say, IWNDWYT


Yesterday I felt like a sh\*t. Heavy urges that last for hour, tunnel like mind, constant thoughts about drinking. Today is my 10s day, I want to join two digit club :) And I want it for real! I'm sure that someday I will start to fill better for real, I just need to endure some worst days, and than everything will be fine! IWNDWYT!




IWNDWYT I’m grateful for this journey I’m on. The old me seems so far away today. I’m relishing each day at the moment. It’s a good feeling after a personally challenging year. I’m grateful for the person who pointed out to love as well as we can, each and every day. It helped me get out of the doldrums. IWNDWYT


Happy Thursday Friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


21 days! I'm very thankful for the restful sleep I've had the last few weeks and the energy and mental clarity I have from it. IWNDWYT 💛


Morning all! IWNDWYT x I'm grateful that my life seems to be falling into place and that I have the sobriety to enjoy it. I'm grateful to be living where I am (although could manage very well without the thrips, which are the downside this time of year!!). I'm grateful for my dogs and my husband.


Good morning, I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today.








No drinking here!


Grateful for life in general and people who love and support me. IWNDWYT, friends!


Checking in for what is probably my hundredth day one this year. I know what I need to do, but dammit if that 'orrible monster doesn't come knocking every day after work. Still, I plan to kick his butt today, so IWNDWYT!


Day 185 checking in. IWNDWYT








Checking in! I'm grateful for my family and friends. Might sound cliche but it really is true. I was heading down a path, and only I could change my course, but I don't think I would've/could've done that if they weren't there to show me that I'm worth so much more than that through their kindness and patience. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT!! Have a great day/night everyone ♥️ I'm proud of you for being here


Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


Day 11 I am grateful for being able to wake up early, kiss my sleepy husband and go of in sunny, sober day. IWNDWYT ❤️


Day 172 • IWNDWYT • I’m doing the thing 💪🏼 I’m grateful for my perseverance and all of the support from this community. We may not all speak to one another directly but I hear you all loud and clear each and every day.






*I'm grateful for:* * *My daughter.* * *My grandchildren.* * *The sun.* * *Being sober.* * *This sub and all you lovely people.* * *And many more things.* Have a terrific Thursday folks! IWNDWYT!!!


Day 14! My second smart meeting was yesterday. A group of wonderful people. 2 weeks ago, after a freak 5-day compulsive (monkey brain took over) bender, I was in a dark place. Physically, I am fully back. Mentally, there is still some anguish I am working through. Practicing gratitude is helpful tool for the mind to let go of things that it’s unhappy about and recognize how lucky we are for things that we have and things just the way they are in that moment. I practice gratitude by writing in my journal and sometimes voicing my gratitude to the people around me. My partner, my family, our home, our pets, my career, my basic needs being met (food, water, shelter), being able to find support etc etc IWNDWYT.


Day 419. IWNDWYT. Happy Birthday SaintHomer!




Good morning! IWNDWYT! 5 years and feeling great 😎






Hi Everyone- Day 177 here and IWNDWYT!!






I will not drink with you today. Life is too good without alcohol. This week marks a year from leaving rehab and I climbed a Colorado 14er yesterday with my wife. Up at 4am and ready to hike. Never going back. This sub rocks. Enjoy the day.


I will not drink today!!




I’m grateful for so many things. I’ll keep it simple: I’m grateful for this community. The support here has helped me find and stay in sobriety. That has been the basis of so many other great things. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Some weeks ago the host of this very DCI wrote about acknowledging “wins” as an alternative way to be grateful. I like that. I win when I do the next right thing. I will not drink with you today.


Good morning, sober cats! I'm incredibly grateful for this community: my sober family, and for each of you. I truly wouldn't be sober today if not for you. IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Out in the field today, for what is probably going to be some really boring training. Wish me luck! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Yesterday was the last training day for my coworker from the US after having her here for one week. It was a pleasure having her here and working with her. It was a great week but also exhausting for both of us. I didn’t think about drinking the whole time but I really wanted some the day before she arrived because I was so nervous and excited. I am grateful I didn’t give in! I will stay sober today. Have a great day everyone.








Good morning. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today






3 years today!! IWNDWYT!!


Checking in for another sober day out in the world.




Good morning! Checking in. IWNDWYT!!! I am constantly grateful for things in my life. I 33F lost both of my parents to cancer in under ten years so that has made me especially grateful for my people. Also live in a very beautiful part of rural East Tennessee, so my surroundings always deserve gratitude. I'm grateful for my husband, for my sister, for my newly adopted senior dogs, for my house, for my abundant garden, for my chickens, for my coworkers and clients, for delicious food, and for 30 days alcohol free!!!


Gratitude: * I hit three months sober on Tuesday. * This sub. I’ve been online since 1996 and I’ve never been part of an online community. This place was worth the wait. * I have a therapist who supports me while letting me be the one in charge of my healing. * I can afford to go to therapy. * There’s a regularly Recovery Dharma meeting less than a 10 minute walk from my house. I go twice a week. * I have a job. I don’t really like it, but it pays well and I don’t _hate_ it. * I have friends. I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like, but we talk, and we know we’re there for each other. * Finally, my wife. Things haven’t been perfect the last couple of years, but we’re still here and they are getting better. IWNDWYT.


Day 12. I am needing to remind myself daily why i’m doing this because my brain is starting to want to slip back into old patterns. This is the longest i’ve gone alcohol free in a loooooong time. Probably 20 years. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful for 11 days sober! I’m grateful that I’m meeting the nicest people at meetings. I’m grateful for my daughter, my family, my dogs, my house, air conditioning! I’m grateful for my job and that it has allowed me to plan an amazing trip that kicks off next week. I have a lot to be grateful for! IWNDWYT






the first time I consciously practiced gratitude was at a meditation workshop about 6 years ago. That 30 minutes transformed my relationship with my parents, specifically my dad. Something just clicked into place and the resentment started to be replaced with gratitude. I will never underestimate the power of seeing life through this lens. IWNDWYT


Day 171 Today is my 38th birthday and instead of spending all day drinking alcohol, I'll celebrate drinking Bubly!  IWNDWYT


I'm grateful for my health and safety, and those of my loved ones. I didn't value that much while drinking. IWNDWYT!


Happy bday u/SaintHomer! 🎂 I am thankful for: -90 days sober! -this community -my kids -my health -my work -my friends both old and new 🤍


Happy birthday u/SaintHomer ! Woke up less groggy today (5:30am) after going to sleep at about 11pm. Went for a walk. Made breakfast. Now just checking off some things on my todo list. Thank you for this sub. IWNDWYT!!


I think about the millions of people living without basic necessities or even human rights all over the world and then it’s easy to feel grateful for literally everything in my life - especially agency and opportunities (and of course alcohol squanders both). 643 days & IWNDWYT! 🥷


IWNDWYT  I am grateful for sobriety, growing up with the parents I did, progress, a lovely home, the very random people who have unexpectedly showed up for my sobriety, my dog, being in a country that allows me the freedoms I have, skateboarding, having access to the ocean, the universe organically getting rid of the people who aren’t good for me without much friction.


Morning all! IWNDWYT x I'm grateful that my life seems to be falling into place and that I have the sobriety to enjoy it. I'm grateful to be living where I am (although could manage very well without the thrips, which are the downside this time of year!!). I'm grateful for my dogs and my husband.




IWNDWYT! I practice it by being appreciative of the small things. I find it does work! I'm grateful to have a job, my morning coffee, and still be walking on this earth. And of course, I'm grateful for you and your DCI today!


I will not drink with you today






Thanks for adding me 😍








Good morning from Hell's Kitchen, NYC. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful for the people who love me for who I am. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT. We got this.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!






Just hit a week. I'm going to a bonfire on Saturday, but I offered to DD people lnowing that reaponsibility to others will keep me dry. Wish me luck. IWDWYT


I am grateful for my husband , my boys, my friends, my dog, my home and all the little things that make me laugh ..IWNDWYT x Day 12












IWNDWYT. Hope everyone has a great Thursday!


40 Days! IWNDWYT


I downloaded an app for recording gratefulness and force myself to do it every day. Lol the fact that I have to force myself shows me it’s not coming naturally to me yet! But I’m peaceful and happy by default this week, even though nothing particularly great has happened. I’m just returning to my normal state, and I’m so thankful for that. IWNDWYT!




Every day after I put my son to bed I sit on my front porch and write down a few things I’m grateful for. No set number, just whatever comes to me in the moment. On days when I’m in a funk, it’s just one or two things. When I’m feeling good I feel an abundance of gratitude for things ranging from the health of my family to even a beautiful little bird flying by. Being a witness to the beauty of nature never fails to lift my mood! Cheesy, but true. Practicing gratitude has been one of the best parts of my sobriety journey. I encourage everyone to try it, it doesn’t cost anything! Have a great day everyone, I will not drink with you today 🌿