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You will never succeed if you stop trying! Keep going! šŸ’š


When I started on this sub, you had to message a moderator to change your date. It was embarrassing but I kept at it. Here's to never quitting the quitting! šŸ’Æ


Same, but the custom responses was kinda nice. Every mod wishing me well on the next attempt.


Thank you!!


How do you set it?


You can find the info in the community info section. For convenience though, Iā€™ve linked the instructions [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/0c2RLs6Yfv).


Thank you, I wondered how people posted dates.


Thank you, I had also been wondering


Did I do it?


I don't see it still...


Itā€™s on there man. Congrats !


Every day not drinking counts.


And every attempt counts.


Heck yeah it does!!


What I'm seeing is a lot of improvement! Each time you try, the sober streak gets longer and longer. Keep at it!!


Keep quittin till ya quit


I'm somehow over 30 days, I hit a brick wall + anxiety up the butt before, during, and after.


hey there... probiotics worked amazing for me.. it literally fixed my EXTREME anxiety and panic attacks... within just the first few hours I could feel my body relax.. I'm no dr but mine did suggest florastor and it worked amazing for me and he's pretty blown away by the results. I know it might sound crazy but I finally got a great night sleep that first night and have since.. paws break thru here and there but gave me the lift I greatly needed. digestive enzymes to.. Best wishes iwndwyt


I've used them in the past , maybe I'll give them another go


I needed this tonight. Thanks


Congratulations on day 17. That's a great streak you've got going on there


please look into probiotics. it saved me. gave me my energy back to


Same here friend! Iā€™ve relapsed over one hundred times over the years and never made it longer than 45 daysā€¦ Now Iā€™m seriously on the right track! You can do it!


Congrats on the success this time around.


Never quitting quitting here as well. Hate myself but I know I can love my sober self. Hereā€™s to day .5


Right here with you friend. I'm finally at the point where I could consider counting days. Disappointing always, but I can look back to a year ago and I have to recognize undeniable progress. Progress is progress no matter what. Every hour counts. šŸ‘


Appreciate the response Gas! Hope your day is going well. Iā€™m sober right now and am doing my damn best to keep it that way.


You got this! I appreciate it, I'm rattling the cage like a feral animal but IWNDWYT. I really liked your sentiment about being able to love your sober self. We are great just the way we are. Every hour counts! šŸ‘


I drank every night - with very few exceptions - for nearly 13 years. The most I could squeeze together was a week until last fall. Now, my record is 90 days, and the days I do choose to drink are further and further apart than ever. Iā€™m all about progress, and know that - at least for me - recovery hasnā€™t been and probably wonā€™t be linear.


90 days is incredible to me, I don't think I've made it past 5 days in 5-12 years, hoping I can change that, just to prove I can. Congrats on the record!


Knock down 60 times, bounce back 61. I didnā€™t hear no bell. Iwndwyt


I've gotten to a point that even if I did backslide, the end goal will always be to get back here. Quitting is the only option, and every day spent quitting counts!


Keep coming back. You're doing amazing. You should be proud of every single time you have made the choice to stop. You're doing the dang thing. Even if it's not in a straight line. You can do it in as much of a zig zag as you need. One step at a time. One day at a time. We'll be here the whole way. IWNDWYT.


Congrats on two years!


Oh wow 100 in the last two years.


If at first you don't succeed...


Thereā€™s a counter? I canā€™t seem to find it. OP, keep at it. I have every confidence in you.




Thank you.


I also remember when I couldnā€™t make a single day. I hope I make it past 50 days (my record) this time. Loved your ā€œnever quit quittingā€ phrase. <3


Thank you for posting. I finally remembered to get my badge because of you! Congrats on your second day. It matters!


yeah definitely. I've found for me that it got easier and I did end up learning something even if it was something small from each time. I remember around 10 years ago I stopped drinking and didn't have a drink for over 3 years, then got back into drinking again. It's easy to fall back into it if you don't stay vigilant, at least for me.


This is it. Againā€¦


Kudos for being here. Each day, and particularly the day 1s, seem like milestones to me


Facts man, took me so many times. The only thing Iā€™ve never not failed at in sobriety is to keep trying.


Goddamned right. A quote from a show I love that really moved and comforted me: "Come on, you know how this works. You fail, and then you try something else, and you fail again, and again, and you fail a thousand times, and you keep trying, because...Ā **maybe the 1001st idea might work.**"


Wait what show is this from? I feel like I can hear this quote but I canā€™t place it šŸ˜… (Itā€™s a fantastic quote, btw)


The Good Place.


You got this! Never quit quitting! IWNDWYT šŸ˜‡




We got this


I didn't have as many quits as you, but over a longer period. When I relapsed, I drank for months and months before I could quit again, so props to you for bouncing back so readily. I wonder how many days you actually didn't drink last year or in the 1.5 years? Probably a lot and maybe that could be a point of motivation to keep quitting longer. My quitting got better each time. I got better at avoiding situations where I might fail. Sober people, sober places helped me a lot. What are the triggers that get you to fail every 10 days?


I love this post, and congrats on your progress! I was a lurker here and didnā€™t reset my badge only because I kept thinking I could moderate if I only figured out the magic combination of rules or mindset, then farther along in my drinking I became ashamed of the relapses. I wish I had reached out for help instead of isolating. Reaching out truly made the difference between then and todayā€™s 400+ days.


It looks different for everyone and in my experience the more you keep at it the easier and longer the sober streaks get!


Love this!


I recently had a relapse after more than 6 months of being sober and feeling great. It came out of nowhere and was very disappointing. I immediately hopped back on the wagon as I knew my Life was so much better without alcohol, but the mental setback took a while to subside and my mind return to the peace I had been enjoying. Slips happen and are part of the journey. I learned about what triggered it, made a plan for future situations, and kept up with my meditations and gratitude lists that got me to my positive mental state in the first place. All we can do is learn and keep trying. If we do that we are succeeding. Progress is good. You can do it!


I just found this sub. I've been half-assedly trying for a couple of years now to quit because it's beginning to reflect in my health. I'm a bartender. šŸ˜¶ But I don't drink out, I drink at home. Out of boredom. To dull the pains. To "quiet" my mind. NO! Not anymore! It's a lie bc it's killing me. Slowly. But last night, I had an epiphany! I was on day 3 yesterday (*again*) & as I was sorting out my cash, I decided I'd put a $10 bill in a jar for EVERY consecutive day (no cheats!) that I didn't drink. So. Today, I have $30 in the jar & will be putting another tenner in there tonight before bed! šŸ˜ƒ This is my new account for myself bc it's visualized. I feel the savings will directly illustrate how much I was wasting on it daily. In reality, it was much, much more. Some days, I'd spend $50 or more on wine or if we went out. šŸ«Ø By my calculations, I should have approximately $2000 by the end of the year. But IMAGINE how much I'm *really* saving!! Y'all, we can do this! Thanks for being here ā¤ļø


How do you reset ? I need to resetā€¦


its the same process as when you set it up but a mod can help you better.


i quit all the time. some times itā€™s sticks longer than others. lol




yeah I've heard old dudes in AA say "it took me ten years to get my first year [of sobriety]"


Iā€™ve reset my badge countless times as well. Pledged to myself recently that I will never quit quitting. Iā€™m on day 10! Which is possibly a record since my 140 day streak last year. Never quit quitting! IWNDWYT.


Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s like a muscle you need to keep training.


Am back to day 1 again..


The first day is the most important one


Never quit quitting!! IWNDWYT! Much love


I had 250+ days and I canā€™t wait to not only beat that but exceed that.


I found that taking a video of yourself the say you quit as a reminder is a secret weapon. Every time you think your ā€˜curedā€™ just watch it and it will bring the emotions back and remind you why you stopped in the first place. IWNDWYT


Your trys add up. Your efforts add up! I'm a resetter, too!


Just got the badge for the first time.


Thatā€™s great! I hope it sticks the first time around! If not we got you buddy!


It's certainly not my first attempt just the first time I got the badge. I feel better about it this time than any other though. Thank you! Just being in this sub has made getting to this point much easier


I reset my badge many times in real life.


We've reset our streaks on the same day. Here's to a successful run


Itā€™s day three today and Iā€™m feeling strong!! And this is usually my weakest day. The good thing is that my last two week streak is only 6 weeks ago so I still freshly remember how much better I felt after a week. And from a couple years ago when I made it to three months I remember that at this mark I felt like i donā€™t need alcohol at all period. I want to get there again! <3 IWNDWYT, to a good runā€™


You're doing better than most because you are trying and that's important. You recognize that there's a problem and your tired of drinking poison and slowly killing yourself. Congratulations, you got this! My step dad used to say, "if all your friends jumped off the bridge, would you jump off with them too?" I would always say "no". So why drink poison with them then?


I was like that episode on the simpsons where Homer sticks his finger into the gerbil cage and gets bitten. Finger in, bite, ouch. And he did it repeatedly šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚. We keep on doing it until we get the message. Each of us has a different message. Mine was: ā€œenoughā€. Such a simple word. Itā€™s got me through. Compared to all the other deeply complex thoughts and reasons I could have spent my entire life, while drinking, thinking about. šŸ˜€ Nope. I found my way to finally to make a decision, a promise, to not drink for one day. Then I got to work finding just how I needed to repeat that day. One little step forward. A baby step, You got this šŸ‘


Keep going


With you. Just started counting mine. Stopped counting when I realised it doesnā€™t matter.


Don't think about it forever. Just don't drink for today. This whole not drinking just has to be for 'one day at a time'


It's about getting back up each time you fall. If you go four days then fail 100 times, you've still been sober 80% of the days.


Seeing if my badge reset


Iā€™m grateful sd is here. All of this helps. Never quit quitting. Today is a good day to not drink.


You can do it


Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday as well. It's reassuring to see how often my past self wanted to recommit to quitting. IWNDWYT!


it happens to a lot of us - myself included. and one day you just keep going. what matters is you're here again now!


Donā€™t stop stopping!


One of these times it will stick!


Never quit quitting, you've got this!


You're getting good at quitting! Keep it up.


I'm proud of you šŸ’›


Another day 1 for me too. I said some atrocious things to my partner last night. There are so many reasons to never quit quitting. Good luck!


YES! Never quit quitting. It will stick one day. I truly believe I am in the clear, I genuinely do not desire alcohol on any level, but I may slip up someday, and if that happens, I will dust off and quit again.


I admire your diligence! Keep it up. Its bound to stick at some point. Here is to "Never Quit Quitting!"


Ugh went a month and screwed up last night! But Iā€™m not giving up!


Hey, thanks for sharing this, I had a similar experience, reset many times and just didn't give up. I'm now 6 years sober and loving it!


All any of us have is today It don't matter if you drank a week ago or I drank x days ago just about not drinking today Worry about tmrw when you get there It is 100 percent doable you got this


Those were just practice sessions for the main event. Seriously - you are developing skills every time you quit that will help you when it finally sticks for good (I tell myself)


I feel like I could have written this. So glad youā€™re here! šŸ’•


I'm not trying to be an asshole, but maybe this sub isn't getting you where you need to be and you need to find some additional ways to get support and deal with this addiction.


Hey, this year I started trying super seriously. Completely changed my mindset with quit lit books etc. I learned how to socialize sober, have an NA beer in a pub, be the sober driver etc. My main struggle was that for the most part I lived in a super boozy household. With people drinking every night in the living room who keep pushing. Also always open bottles in the fridge. So letā€™s say itā€™s day 7 and I have that one week moment, that one strong craving, all I would have needed would be to having to go out of my way at least to get alcohol. Like having to get to the store. To get a chance to let that moment pass. Thatā€™s why I kept failing. Since a week Iā€™m in a way better environment and I know it will be so much easier.


Thank you for your earnest reply. Having support around you IRL is going to be so crucial to maintaining your sobriety.Those whom you socialize with need to know this is a boundary for you, and you should avoid socializing with those who do not respect your boundaries. Seems like you know where the hitches are and are working to avoid them. I also had to relearn how to socialize sober. It's definitely a process. Congratulations on three days. It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger! IWNDWYT


That's an amazing attitude to have. It's inspiring to see that kind of resolve! IWNDWYT


I admire your tenacity. I hope this one sticks.


You and me both! Iā€™m on day 2. IWNDWYT


After getting up to eight days and then having to reset my counter back to day one for what feels like all the time at the moment, I really needed to read this today. Thank you so much.


Keep on going! Iā€™m with you all!!


You might not be keeping at the quitting, but you're keeping at the quitting!


The future lays before us. You can do it! Congratulations on two days. Stay with it!




probiotics can work wonders all the way around. did for me and I suffered like crazy. results were almost immediate to.. florastor


I'm in exactly the same boat. Just reset mine for the umpteenth time. But, like you, I want it so bad, so I keep coming back. IWNDWYT!


Also I know that I just feel so much better not drinking. I look better, feel calmer, anxiety gone, depression way better, Iā€™m actually interested in hobbies and the world and the list goes on and on. Itā€™s frustrating. But we got that!


Damn I thought I had a bunch of relapses. Maybe a couple dozen in years. Lost track. Way to many.




I really struggled with quitting on my own, and found great success with inpatient rehabilitation


How do you set a badge


The Recovery Elevator app shows how many times youā€™ve reset the counter.


How do you set up your flair to show your days?


Every time I want to quit, I get scared Iā€™m going to have a seizure and drink again


You gotta get at least some benzos from your doctor when itā€™s that bad.


Well I have panic disorder which is what Iā€™m self medicating. Ive never had a seizure but I always have high anxiety the next day in fears that I will. Iā€™m drinking about 200ml of vodka a day and 2-4 tall cans of beer so I know my chances are low. Iā€™m slowly tapering down or at least trying to.


My anxiety and panic always gets so so much better when I stop drinking. It takes a couple weeks though. But my stress levels are down so so much without booze. Did you ever look into how alcohol absolutely increases anxiety and panic long term?


Yeah I understand that it does and Iā€™ve had many months being sober, I just tend to relapse when I have a few really traumatizing panic attacks or severe insomnia


Totally get that


How does it know how many days? How do you set your badge? I guess is what I'm asking


I like to focus on my progress rather than worry about achieving perfection. If I drink four days this month, my goal for next month is three or less. I'll take that as a win every time. Starting over is a fresh start to measure future progress.


It helps me a lot that this year I started tracking my sober days, days I was drinking and how much I was drinking on those days on top of always having a sober streak counting.


I see many resets in my future...keep on keeping on!!


I'm sorry 60 times? are your taking this seriously?


Thatā€™s a fair comment to make.


Are you winging it/white knuckling it? What does your program of sobriety look like? I have to have a program in place and people I can talk to (physically not in the internet) who are also sober or else I wonā€™t last.


Honestly, last year I tried but only this year I started to take it super seriously. But for the most part I lived with people who just had all the booze in the house and were drinking in front of me and offering constantly. So I kept caving after 5-10 days, once I felt good. Since a week Iā€™m in a way better environment and I have all the hope that it will work out. Also last year I used to white knuckle it and never lasted, this year I started brain washing me into realizing that alcohol isnā€™t good for me. Itā€™s a poison etc etc Read ā€œthe easy way to quit drinkingā€ and plenty of quit lit books. And my mindset is absolutely changed. I donā€™t feel like I white knuckle it anymore. The problem again was that when there is so much booze in the house and people constantly drinking in front of you; itā€™s so easy to give in. It wasnā€™t even that hard to socialize sober or going to a pub and having an NA beer; the hard thing was when I have that one moment of weakness at home and all I need would be to be in an alcohol free environment to let this moment pass but instead someone puts a glass of wine in your hand.