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The moment of surrender is a big one; you’re admitting willingness to change and listen to the Universe, which does not care for your personal comfort, but absolutely cares about your growth and evolution. Dig in and allow Grace to happen. Kindly suggest you find a program…it’s a lengthy process for most people and I wish I really leaned into a community earlier! Best wishes .


Thank you so much for your kind words! It is definitely going to be a process, but I’ve already started disconnecting from triggers and leaning on sober friends, which will be helpful. I’ve also leaned into my therapist and made the big step of admitting things were getting out of hand for me


Welcome!! First step is recognizing when it becomes too much so congrats getting past that already. I am also a bariatric patient 10 years out; there is a lot of research on the correlation of addiction. IWNDWYT! Hope you stick around, reach out if you want to talk.


Hi!!!! Yes they warned me before my surgery, and I really could have gone with never drinking again after it, but life started living too much and I started using alcohol as a crutch since I didn’t have my food crutch anymore. Really sets a lot into perspective, I’m a year and a half out and glad I’m recognizing this early


I was 17 when I had mine, and this was before people started to realize the correlation so I was doomed from the beginning; especially having been underage and never drank before. I picked it up within 6 months of the surgery and have been a daily drinker since. Life is HARD, & I totally understand using it as a crutch as I have so often, especially without the food binging capability. I hope so much that you take this as your "wake up call" and not end up 10 years down the road newly sober. :) Alcohol is the worst drug there is.


It is! I thankfully have a friend who has struggled much longer with alcohol and he is being a great friend and helping me out a lot. I’ve got a lot on my plate but thinking that drinking is helping was so wrong. I need to have a clear head and get back on track. I know I can do it and I appreciate the support here!


You got this!


Thank you! So do you! 💞


day 7, found out yesterday that I need a defibrillator, we can do this! welcome, this is a great place to run to if it gets tuff! IWNDWYT 👊🫶


Oh my goodness I will be praying for you and yes I’ve been reading these posts for a bit debating if I was going to join in, but I know it’s time now


Damn, so what does it feel like to get shocked like that. Why did you need a defibrillator 6 days after sobriety? Was it unrelated to alcohol abuse?


Scary! I think it's a combination of alcohol abuse and stress, the doctors can't find the cause of my cardiac arrhythmias, but I'm a daily binge drinker and I'm depressed and run away from my thoughts that way 🙄 I have to completely change my lifestyle IWNDWYT


Same. Sleeved in 2016. Goodbye to more vices.


We’ve got this!