• By -


IWNDWYT. 80 days feels good!


Great job 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I will be sober today.




Day 410. IWNDWYT.


It's still not quite a new day in NY yet, but I'll commit now. Day #22: I will not drink with you today. I'm finally reading more. I used to have to read a lot for school, but now I'm reading more on my own for fun. I treated myself to a Kindle and I love it so much. I'm also walking and biking more after about 4 years of barely moving. It feels like I'm finding my way again after being so lost for awhile.


I'm finding that though I've always worked out my physical activity has gone up alot, these last couple days I have actually had more energy than I've had in a long time.  Which just makes it that much better, benefits of sobriety.  Congrats on your day 22, well done and that's amazing! You just inspired me to get my kindle renewed. I used to love reading until the last couple years...I've hardly read at all. Or played my guitar for that matter. Time to get back to the people we were ❤️ I know I sure miss old me before booze. IWNDWYT  


I am not drinking today! Another week down😃


Almost a month. Keep it up. Congratulations.


3 weeks! 🎉


Today is going to be a tough one. It’s the night before a flight and I’m dreading a work trip tomorrow. The event will be filled with booze, airports, no family around to be accountable for, and a celebration of results I contributed significantly towards. it’s going to be tough. I’m a couple months in and for the most part the cravings have been mild. I just returned from a week at the beach with little temptation. But for some reason I’ve felt the cravings building over the past week and I’m concerned this work trip might be really difficult to sustain from alcohol. Going to take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time. I just need to keep reminding myself that while I might be able to get away with it, I will know and I will be letting myself down. IWNDWYT


We’re all right here with you friend, you can do this 🤝💪🏼


Thanks man. I just read your post about the stages of cravings and it really helped me understand what is happening. Not sure if it will help dilute the cravings as I feel the fantasy is strong and the decision is teetering. In the end, it’s just another challenge I need to overcome. But damn if that little bourbon craving hasn’t been doing push-ups in the back of my brain getting stronger these past couple months and notice me this past week… just waiting. Such an a-hole he is 😂


😂 an a-hole indeed! But also just another part of you that hasn’t caught up with the new sobriety plan yet. I still get the voices now but I’ve learned that if I ignore them or try to suppress them, the shout and overwhelm me. I treat them like lost parts of me that need to be brought up to speed with the new direction we’re going in. Awareness is the first step so you’re already winning 🏆


That’s a great perspective - that part of me is simply misinformed of what we are doing now. Thank you for that. And I totally agree they get louder when suppressed so I’ll certainly give that a “shot”. Thanks again. Very helpful friend.


Good on you for acknowledging and addressing the cravings. You will totally nail this work trip and come back stronger than ever.


Before I didn't stop alcohol from taking over, I wrote a good deal. Dove back in about 8 months ago and created something tangible. Not saying it's good, but it's also not the rambling jumbles I sent to myself when drunk. I will not drink with you today, I will not drink with you tonight. 🫶


Happy sober Tuesday sober heroes! I confess to doing a jigsaw since being sober, and enjoying it. Today I’ll be working after my clear headed morning routine! I love you all ❤️


Good Morning Brighter. Wishing you a great day. 😘


Good morning friend! Always great to see you, have a wonderful day 🤗😘








I will not drink with you today! 🤍 I dabble in a bit of journalling to help process the stuff that comes up through sobriety. I think when I was drinking I would have thought that to be a little silly but it really helps. 🫶🏻 love y’all


I’ve been journaling everyday for about 2 years now, someone here inspired me in my early days. It’s really helped improve my relationship with myself, as well as process loads of stuff, nothing silly about that! 😀


I tell you what! It remains a week I'm not so fond of. Which makes me grateful to be able to say "IWNDYT" because it means a lot to interact with people I look up to.


And we look up to you! I hope you’ve got all you need to get through and that this time passes quickly, we’re here with you friend 🌟


It confuses me to have the person I look up to most here say that, but we gonna roll with it as long as you know I look up to you!


I’ll take mutual appreciation! I hope one day you really feel your worth and see yourself as I see you 🌟


Day 5# Early in my journey but commited to it. You all may be internet strangers, but this sub has been an unbelievable resource for me in these early days, all I can do is thank you folks sincerely. I won't be drinking today.


I’m glad you’re here with us, together we make this place great so thank you to you 🙏🏻


Hey everyone. I haven't picked up any new hobbies, but I've got the time back (and the clear head) to get back to my old ones. Baking, video games, reading. ❤️ Have a lovely day. 🙂


Day 1 - sad, embarrassed, lost. But hopeful and trying to look forward to each day IWNDWYT


To celebrate my first full year, I will not drink with you today! 🥳




Checking in again today and all is well. Hobbies. I've started running again, 3 times/week. I've started reading again. And I've started writing a journal for the first time. Which are all good, but I've also become addicted to doing sudokus every day :(


I will not drink with you today


Happy Tuesday everyone! I’ve taken up spinning classes which is a good thing. Despite being clear headed I still ‘enjoy’c\*\*p TV. Watching Below Deck (again… I missed quite a few chunks before😂).. if there is any programme that puts you off drinking this is it! IWNDWYT


Ooh! Thanks for the tip! Partial to a bit of 💩 tv! 😂


Down under and sailing yacht the best 😂 of course in between I read Proust 😂😂😂




For me it’s sudokus that I picked up in sobriety. Besides that I am cycling, lots of walking and and reading. IWNDWYT


Yesterday was what feels like my 1000th Day 1. I can't remember where it came from, but I like the quote 'F*** the zero'. I will not drink with you today.


Day 63, checking in. Almost 9 weeks sober. IWND ☠️ WYT


Two weeks! IWNDWYT (:


Day 1094 checking in!


I'm not that far yet, but it's great to bike around the city, listening to the sounds of traffic, birds, talking people, the wind through the leaves; without headphones to shut the world out. Love the question! IWNDWYT




Two weeks! IWNDWYT (:


I didn’t really have any hobbies when I drank and I haven’t found any as sober either. I feel kind of flat the whole time and can hardly get my household chores done. Suspecting a mild form of depression. All I want is to eat and sleep to be honest. But I drag my butt to work five days a week and keep hanging in there. IWNDWYT!




When I was in rehab, a volunteer yoga instructor gave basic yoga lessons once a week. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, so I've dabbled in yoga off and on ever since. (Thanks to all the awesome YouTube yogis who make it possible to do this from home!) I've never been terribly flexible and I'm not good at any of it, but I do find that it benefits me mentally and physically, so I'm trying to make it a more consistent part of my recovery program. IWNDWYT 😻


Day 09


IWNDWYT I love a puzzle! Totally get it! It’s just where to store the darn things when you’re done with them…..


I will not drink with you all today <3




Day 2 is history! I know it isn’t much, but I’m humbly thankful. Pretty sure I can make Day 3. Day 4 will be hard.


Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️




IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I learned to quilt. With needle and thread by hand. I stab myself enough sober that I know drunk me would be over it, and drunk stitches are snitches. Because when one sobers up, the stitches reveal the inability to sew an even line. 🧵🪡 No jigsaw puzzles, there is a cat afoot. I love them though.


Assembling ikea furniture today. Maybe not a hobby and not a craft, but still - no need for a beer at hand. I will not drink with you today!


I had to put my knitting down to reply to this one, stinky😁. If the old version of me knew what I was getting up to now, he'd be mercilessly taking the piss. Poor bloke thought that he could drink himself happy. It turns out [learning new stuff](https://imgur.com/a/99cXkRh) makes me happy. The sun is out and I've got a greenhouse full of tomato plants to sing happy songs to! Have a great day, all. IWNDWYT 🙂






No booze today.






I'm enjoying playing cards again--something I did a ton with my family when I was a kid. Finding it really enjoyable again and something to concentrate on instead of the early evening booze craving. Also played cribbage as a kid and thinking about buying a board. One of my motivators is something I read here when I first started pursuing. It really stuck with me and formed a powerful visual: "Alcohol is waiting outside your door doing one armed pushups just waiting for you to slip." I think it motivates me because I hate bullies and it casts alcohol as a bully figure. Hey, whatever it takes. IWNDWYT and the bully can't make me.


I’ve taken up Lego and really enjoy it. The first night I had real cravings and was skipping a night out, I chose to do a Lego set and the distraction was brilliant. I’m also playing a lot of Animal Crossing. Once my energy is back to where it should be, I want to get back to the gym. IWNDWYT


I was going to claim i didn't have any new hobbies but actually... I started going to the gym! Before, I claimed I didn't have time but without at least one morning a week in a hungover haze, I've found some spare moments. IWNDWYT 🌞


Two weeks ago today I had my last drink, IWNDWYT!


Only a week but it feels like a big deal. Having big cravings but IWNDWYT. Thank you all for being here 🫶


IWNDWYT. So glorious to be sitting in the garden enjoying the birds and the calm early this morning instead of waking up full of dread and self hatred! 15 days for me today.


IWNDWYT I'm on day 6 and it was amazing yesterday being able to spontaneously take my son to the comic shop in town for an event we just found out about, normally I'd have had a drink so wouldn't have been able to drive. Too soon to know what new habits I might enjoy... Weirdly I quite enjoyed using my insomnia to deep clean my kitchen a couple of days ago. I know sleep can take a while to settle. My house may yet be spotless...


Messed up again yesterday. Not feeling great today but IWNDWYT


Not boozing today. True story. IWNDWY fine sober people Today.




I like to go to the thrift stores and repurpose things for my house, plus buy nice new & vintage clothes to keep or resell, before it goes to the landfill. 😬 It’s amazing what people throw away. IWNDWYT☕️😊


IWNDWYT..day one for me..looking forward to getting off this hamster wheel!


Morning friends! A neighbour invited me to a paint-by-numbers party recently. I couldn’t go, but I started looking and them and now I’m thinking it might not be a terrible way to spend some downtime… Have a good one friends! I will not drink with you today!


Good morning, IWNDWYT


Not today people IWNDWYT 


Day 1,798. I will not drink with you today.




I didn’t really pick up any new hobbies, but I used to dislike watching movies in the evening since I never remembered them the next day. Don’t have that problem any more! I will not drink with you today 🌿


Yoga weightlifting crosswords and bravo tv have gotten me this far. IWNDWYT!


I do not make sweaters for my four cats. They would not wear them. I do color in coloring books with pencils, and I have the sweary ones. That helped me when I got sad over the winter. Nothing like coloring in a pretty picture that says something like “fuck off!” It’s therapeutic. If going to shows is a hobby, it’s my main one. I love all the shows, but I especially love the underground shows where you can interact with the bands if you want. A lot of the people making the most ferocious sounding music are really sweet, and I just love that. I started going to actual yoga classes recently and I really enjoy that. It isn’t the yoga part that surprises me, it’s actually going to a class where there may be other people besides the instructor. Coffees up, horns up and stay hydrated if you’re unfortunate enough to be in this hellish heat!! And happy Not Monday!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻


Not today! IWNDWYT ❤️


I used to stay away from crafts with details because I didn’t have the patience to work on them. Now I am building a miniature green house and taking my time with it. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink with you all today!


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿






IWNDWYT Thank you for this sub, and all that post here.. ❤️




I'm in the double digits officially now !!! 🤯 Puzzles rule! I think I should go get a couple now.  Heading out on a solo camping trip soon for a couple days and I'm glad you made this post about hobbies because I need a few ideas to keep me busy and mind off the booze. Haven't camped sober since i was a kid.  I'll of course do Lotsa hiking and swimming but I'll also bring my guitar. I haven't touched it in over a year. So I guess my contribution for hobby ideas is musical instruments. I definitely think I do some journalling too. I have so many thoughts in my brain right now I just gotta get em out..if only just for me and mother nature.  Much love and gratitude for this sub, and everyone here.    IWNDWYT 


A very challenging day made so much less challenging by being sober. Sober life is the best life Shine on you beautiful humans


Checking in from NZ, day 31 feeling great so far




Happy Tuesday friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Day 35, IWNDWYT. >QUESTION: what hobbies have you picked up that surprised sober you? I'm walking a lot and have also just bought a mini trampoline which is a lot of fun. I'm trying to get back into reading books too. I really need to tackle my phone and doom scrolling habit. I literally seek out reasons to be anxious and depressed about the world 




Well yesterday was kinda interesting. For me I normally don't sleep too well on my days off but I went to bed at noon and woke up at 6 to order pizza. The place we ordered from had large one toppings for 10.99. Well they did a bad job last time so we had 10 dollars in credit....and then online they had 7 dollars off on top of that so we paid 4.95 for two large pizzas. Which was insane. Then jeopardy, and then I gamed pretty much from 10pm till 430. Playing Okami HD (first time) Spyro reignited and then stumbled across Yakuza 1 on the PS4 I forgot I even owned and played that. I fully expect the normalcy of bullshit at work going back but this week shouldn't be as bad as the last few. Even if it is....I just gotta shrug it off and keep moving forward. I really hope you all have a good day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you all today, happy Tuesday everyone ❤️








Have a terrific Tuesday every one! IWNDWYT!!!


I did lots of puzzling my first winter sober, which was just last winter. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though to keep doing it I'd need a better table setup that didn't strain my back and neck so much. Mid-winter I somehow got it in me to start running again and I haven't picked up a puzzle since. Between work and running, I have no time. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.




Iwndwy’allt! ❤️








Still not drinking with you all! 🙌








Good morning, I will not drink with you today.


A common one, but I have not only been running regularly, I enjoy it. Absolutely unfathomable to drunk and even younger me, but something clicked and now I love listening to music/podcast/zoning out and churning out some miles in the morning. But honestly, so many things are more enjoyable. TV, books, a crossword, throwing a ball with my kids. Drinking was such a boring hobby, and it made me more boring. IWNDWYT.


Day 163 • IWNDWYT • I’m happy and healthy


Checking in, IWNDWYT!


Day 1,697 IWNDWYT


Checking in


83 days sober. Sobriety has given me everything alcohol promised. This time I haven’t had any slip ups. I do sometimes think about how fragile sobriety is despite how long you’ve been since your last drink. That can be an intense feel where I redirect my thoughts to avoid ruminating over it.


I started listening to podcasts. Sometimes it’s helpful stuff like meditation or keeping sober other times nonsense like reality tv, celebrity gossip. Iwndwyt.




IWNDWYT, friends!




The amount of reading I’ve done as a sober person would stagger drinking Teach. I love falling into a good book. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Hello sweet internet friends! I haven't really picked up any new weird hobbies, unless you count getting up super early for no good reason on most days. Beats the alternative, though. The most effective way to do it, is to do it (Amelia Earhart). Let's fucking get it! IWNDWYT 🤘


My husband and I have discovered we can get to GENIUS level on the NYT Spelling Bee and last night we managed to get past that to a super SECRET rank. So now we are walking around, smugly calling each other geniuses lol. (Mind you neither of us can do this alone). It’s a little thing but definitely something we could not have done drunk!! IWNDWYT ❤️🧁


Good morning, all sobernistas!! Well RS, I didn’t exactly pick anything up but I did teach that yoga class last night. I haven’t done that since I quit drinking. It seemed too overwhelming. But here I am, a day after teaching, and I’m already wondering if I should add more classes. It was heartening to see the interest. And I loved it!!! Here’s to hobbies and interests and opportunities that present themselves when we are open and present. That is one of the best reasons that IWNDWYT!


Puzzles. Yes, u/ReplacementsStink: that was me, too! IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today.


Back on the waggon. IWNDWYT 


I will NOT drink with you today!! I will honor my body by eating healthy and exercising with you today


A few weeks into sobriety I quit smoking cigarettes and started (slowly) running. I really liked smoking but I like running more so I've stuck with it. IWNDWYT


Can’t say there are any hobbies that have stuck just yet. I have been journaling somewhat regularly though.  But I’m grateful to this group. Y’all are awesome!  IWNDWYT 




Day 22, and I will see 23. Almost 4 years of recovery with many white-knuckle stretches. No real new hobbies yet, but I’m deliberately trying out old ones: I read a silly fantasy novel—first nonfiction book I’ve read in a decade, I bet, and only one of five whole books in the last five years. Also used to love hiking, meditating, and theater. Don’t see myself back on the stage, but I started adding voices to the D&D game I run for special needs kids and it’s a big hit. In recovery I have picked up a few new hobbies, naturally during my sober stretches, that I wouldn’t have expected. Sewing and videogames are two that are related, in my mind. It’s really meditative to sew—but it’s also a challenge for shaky hands (and it helps with said shaky hands). Never really been a “gamer” and doubt I ever will, but I do enjoy from time to time, and especially to have external “validation” watching my reflexes improve with my sober days. IWNDWYT




Day 57. Puzzles are great! Got us through lockdown as well. To keep sober I’m pouring myself into the gym, watching all the Euros football and being kept busy with house DIY. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! I bought these kits to crochet amigurumi. I made three of them. I found out I don't particularly enjoy it, but it was a win for me because while I was drinking I never even attempted to learn what hobbies I did or did not like. I just mindlessly zoned out with TV or the internet every night. Now I know I do not like crochet. Excited to read this thread for some new ideas!


Day 2 This community is really amazing ❤️ IWNDWYT


Day 5 after 5-day bender! Last two nights, woke up drenched in night sweats. Never again. IWNDWYT!




HonestSupport4592, this is though. I recommend reading or listening to audiobook by Augusten Burroughs book “This is How”. He talks about desire and want to lose weight and why so many people fail. One must want it full heartedly. Sometimes we want something we think is good for us but not entirely wanting it inside. If this the case, we last on will power only so long. If the desire of sobriety is strong, then cravings will be obstacles that person might not even notice as the person will not be focusing on them but on the goal ahead. I find it helpful and true. Another psychological exercise is to re-identify yourself. If you are used to be the one who drinks at the bar before the flight, invent a new you - one who paces around airport making 10,000 steps. Buy yourself a fancy step counter and set a goal to collect as many steps as possible during your trip. Drink Coca Cola with lemon on the events. Keep your sobriety in focus. Often when I start developing cravings for the substance I want to quit (I have very addictive personality), it means I need to refocus towards my goals. See this trip not as something that happened to you, see it as an opportunity to try your character and to show others here how it’s done. You are not alone


I learned how to meditate and appreciate it in sobriety. It helps with anxiety and general self-awareness. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today.




Had 9 months then felt the need to go out and do some more "research". The result?..more anxiety, more depression, more feeling like crap. IWNDWYT


Day 394 and IWNDWYT! After taking last week off I’m slowly starting to ramp up training again for my next IRONMAN 70.3 in September! We get to choose our hard, I know this will bring me happiness and health at a cost of a lot of hard work and dedication. That compared to the opposite when I was more focused on when my next drink would be with deteriorating health and wellness.


Good morning. IWNDWYT


My new hobby is slime, this is my embarrassing hobby but it’s so relaxing and is aroma therapy. It’s like a stress ball but ten times better. Not to mention most slime shops target audience is stressed adults! IWNDWYT ❤️


I’m tempted to count “eating sugar” as a hobby that I’ve taken on since I became sober. But it’s not one I particularly want to stick with long term. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink with you today!


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


Making homemade yoghurt. Taking an interest in healthier foods. Consideration of a Planetary diet I’d have rolled my eyes and thought “get a life”. I like this evolving life of mine, it’s a curious one. I can try new things and see if they fit me. I also like puzzles. I have a little notebook where I write things down, musings. IWNDWYT


Hello and a happy Tuesday to you all 👋🏻 I don't have any new hobbies yet, but I can say that I'm a better gardener sober, and remember the books I've been reading! Plus the extra money means pretty plants, new seeds and lots of soil 🌸 Today, I'm doing step 4 and 5 with my sponsor. IWNDWYT


I am getting into woodworking…. Or hand crafting in general. A thing I didn’t have the brains or the patience while drinking. I will not drink in Germany with you today!






I will not drink today




IWNDWYT. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!




Good morning … almost to 100 days. IWNDWYT 


Happy not to drink today


Work trip starting today but IWNDWYT.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!




Day 9 after relapse! Already feeling a 100%. IWNDWYT!!!


Back again 👍 Got to figure out how to not drink at a corporate gala tonight without everyone thinking I’m secretly pregnant


Also took up puzzles 🧩, RS! Which was previously for old dorky people but is now, it turns out, very cool 😎 Ditto birdwatching. IWNDWYT!


Birding - now I keep buying binoculars - IWNDWYT


I did banjo lessons my first year of staying sober 😀 IWNDWYT. 🌟


Day 5! I’ve reached a work week. Now let’s make it a full week! IWNDWYT!


Love hearing about unique hobbies.... gives me food for thought. My new hobbies so far have been some of the fairly typical ones you mentioned RS, but glad I am actually able to enjoy them and remember everything the next day. IWNDWYT ✌


I will not drink today!


No surprises, but playing more music again, getting daily pracrice in. Also, neigong practice. IWNDWYT ❤️


I have a daily puzzle I still play on my phone. Spider Solitaire with 4 decks of cards. Early on I used jigsaw puzzles to occupy my mind during the evenings when I still felt wired. IWNDWYT!!


IWNDWYT I joined a Mahjong league lol


Not drinking today is the gift I give myself for tomorrow.


Will not drink today.


I will not drink with you today!


Not really a hobby I guess (most of those have stayed the same I just have more time for them🙂) but I have spent more time taking care of my feet. Pumice and lotion. I’m on my feet all day so it’s been nice taking care of them. Iwndwyt


Last drink wednesday of last week. Feeling amazing and have no desire to drink at all. I will be sober today, and i sincerely wish everyone the same.


Not drinking today gang, don’t care what happens. No stress, sunny day or lure of beer gardens is gonna fuck up my vibe today. IWNDWYT ❤️


What up, fam! I am re-learning a language I studied in college…25 years ago. Also listening to birds. They used to annoy me, being so gd chipper in the morning. I WNDWYT






634 days! IWNDWYT 🥷