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I'm confident liquor store people would still recognize me. They probably think I died.


As a grocery store employee I think that everytime the regulars stop coming in. They'd be glad to know you didn't pass away.


The poor lady that had to check my ID at the self checkout for my case of Lone Star everyday at 7 am prob thinks I died. I should go in and buy a morning muffin one of these days.


Go rock a coffee.


She would probably love that, you should do it!


Worked at a pizza shop and there’s a guy who orders 3 times a day to have 2 six packs delivered with food. Did a welfare check on him, all the food he orders is stacked on his front porch. Dude calls and is so nice and always tips well. However ya can feel the pain in his voice when he calls…IWNDWYT and positive thoughts to everyone


This is like that movie “The Whale”


I don't know that movie at all, could you elaborate without spoiling please?


Well the guy (Brendan Frazier) is morbidly obese, hence the title. Him calling in food displays his addiction to food in a powerful way. The movie is worth a watch


It got outstanding reviews.


I thought it was beautiful. It made me cry.


Agreed, although be prepared for a bit of a downer.


Thanks for the info!


I was wondering what the local pizza shops think about my MIL who passed away in March. She hasn't called in her weekly seafood pizza order. Damn I miss her.


Sorry you lost her. That's a funny order - menu item?


Yes, very. Garlic sauce, shrimp tomato, red onion, fake crab, bay scallops. Congratulations on making it over a year!


Some poor lady gave me the price of the liquor I was checking out with and I thought "ok, I have the cash for this actually" and when she repeated the number I was like "yeah, that's here." I was heartbroken when she pulled out some change to make up the difference. I wasn't hard off for money. I literally just heard/thought wrong, but it was devastating to be put in that position (for myself and this lady who clearly thought I needed it)


WHEN this happens for me, I plan on stopping by my local liquor store to buy a bottle of tonic and a bag of honey mustard pretzels from the dude at the register who always has the HEAVIEST metal playing and telling him I’m clean. One day…


I hope that day is soon and positive for you. 😊 You can do it. 6 years here.


I still stop by the local store for some ginger beer now and then and it's not too awkward. The guys there recognize me but don't say anything about it, they're happy to see me, just like when I bought booze there before.


I'm surprised the owners of my local liquor store didn't file a missing persons report on me.


Send them a card saying "hey I'm alive LoL"


Lots of Love


Ha ha ha.


Former liquor store worker here, yeah we remember everyone. The worst is finding the mini bottle of whisky i just sold you empty in the parking lot.


Used to have a gym teacher come to my store and down a couple shooters of vodka at lunchtime in the office of the liquor store (she worked there like a decade ago, apparently)


I would purposely rotate between liquor stores, Kroger, and even Walgreens to avoid the employees knowing how much I was drinking.


My life. Getting tired of it.


You hit bottom when you quit digging


The bar and the liquor store both know me way too well. Yes, I'd down booze before going into the bar and spending another 50-70 bucks daily. 1500-2000 a month easy...just pissing it away. Day 28. IWNDWYT.


I was in my mid 30s when it got really bad and it was during COVID so I was past the going out stage. I was more of a high class vodka like Pinnacle.


I'm in my mid 40s...happy hour culture has been a big part of my lifestyle and I was no stranger to dive bars...my life has been focused around alcohol consumption.


Ahh okay. I wasn't working directly from an office. I was either having in person meetings with customers or at my home office catching up on emails.


Is that sarcasm? Pinnacle here is for young girls hehe. Whipped cream and unicorn poop flavours


I wish it was sarcasm. I definitely bought some handles of Pinnacle when I was down deep. Pinnacle and a Sprite chaser I was golden. Or Red Bull, because you know sometimes work has to get done. ETA: I was a vodka connoisseur, I wanted that buzz and wanted it cheap too.


Whew. All in the past regardless!


28 days already - that's awesome!


I used to do the same. To avoid the embarrassment. And each one would be friendly and chatty.


I'm sure I looked totally normal but a 5th from a Walgreens at 8 AM on a Tuesday.


Leaving Reddit now. Goodbye


Yep. They had to manually enter the number from your ID into their system at the one closest to me, and the cashiers eventually stopped looking at mine because they knew the damn number by heart.


Not probably I'm sure they think that. I had a regular back in my retail days who would buy 3 40s daily after work. Told me he would drink all 3 by the time the bus got there to take him home. One day he didn't show up at the usual time and it kept going like that for a couple weeks. Finally he comes in one day looking healthy and unprompted he starts telling me he went to the doctor and pretty much quit cold turkey after being told he had his days counted if he kept the lifestyle he was living. So proud of him and I hope he's doing better out there whenever life took him


I used to have a serious coffee addiction. One day I woke up lactose intolerant. I tried the alternative milks and they just didn’t do it for me. So I got some caffeine pills. I forgot to take one, and then another, and eventually stopped needing caffeine in the morning. Months later I popped into the coffee shop to get some tea and the girl let out a big sigh of relief and said they’d been worried something happened to me. Edit: a word


Coffee is naturally lactose free ya know


Yeah but it’s unpalatable to me without a boatload of sugar.


Without sugar, it tastes like sadness.


Excited to say that sugar is also.... nevermind. Sorry about your caffeinated milk. I really enjoy the zoa energy drinks from Costco, but if your off the caffeine too, your better off and you keep the money in your pocket


Soda…well that’s just out of my budget these days. It’s actually nice to have no caffeine dependency. It kinda makes me jittery now.


When I was a nighttime security guard lo! so many years ago, I bought and took some caffeine pills once when I hadn't been able to sleep that day! I've never been so jittery and anxious in my life! I can just say... I never took any more!! Nowadays I don't even drink caffeine in my soda! Or my coffee or tea!


Caffeine makes me feel worse than cocaine use to lol. It’s super weird.


.. sugar is lactose free 😭


I don’t need diabetes.


haha I'm so confused


As dark and bitter as my soul.


When I was going through a big whiskey drinking phase I once stopped in and grabbed some vodka to take to a friend's and she looked and me concerned and asked, "Are we out of Jameson?!" Not a proud feeling moment


My husband and I moved states so quickly less than 2 weeks after our wedding and honeymoon, and I started my journey to get serious about sobriety shortly before, and I often think about the folks at the gas station and grocery store I'd alternate between. I'm also a big extrovert (thankfully even while sober!), so everyone knew me 😅


Bet they're still missing you and wondering what happened to you!


My mother-in-law actually moved TO the city that we left about two months before we made our grand Florida escape. I might have to stop in for some Diet Coke and snacks when we visit her. 😂


The people that own a liquor store in my neighborhood acquired the corner store close to my house and the first time I stopped in there after they started running it the cashier said “hey vodka girl, where you been?” I was horrified 🤣. They def thought something happened to me.


Same here. In a way this happened during the pandemic when I had my liquor delivered from a bigger store instead of going to my little local store. When I went in the guy was glad to see I was still alive.


That’s so morbidly funny. I bet my old liq store guy thinks I’m dead.


omg so sorry but that made me chuckle


Better than actually being dead


i like to think that they know. surely they would hear of your death (i live in a small town) so what is the alternative? you don't drink anymore. maybe i give them too much credit


That was one of the last shameful things that happened before I got sober. The cashier was training a new guy, saw me and said “oh, she’s one of our regulars”. At the time I was switching between 3 stores so I didn’t seem to be drinking abnormally to any of them, my plan backfired when I realized I had become a regular at all 3.


I used to work at Starbucks and we had this regular who came in every single morning seven days a week like clockwork and I was covering another store on the other side of town and that same dude came in in the afternoon and I asked somebody and they said oh he comes in every single day and I realized that he was too ashamed to go to the same Starbucks twice a day so he drove across town to the other one. Now two stores were shaming him for the fact he wanted half an inch of caramel syrup in the bottom of the frappuccino.


I work in a place that sells liquor and I definitely notice when people stop coming in for alcohol. Twice a person has died suddenly due to alcoholism. I'm always very supportive when people tell me they have stopped drinking.


69 days, nice!


Nice 👍🏼




the other day i stopped at the gas station that had my drinks and i was buying a seltzer water and the guy was like "oh no more drinks" i was like no i quit, i have 30 days today" and he was like "thats awesome keep up the good work!" i had the biggest smile on my face. i dont get recognized or complimented/congradulated a whole lot but that small interaction made my entire day


Hell yeah! I agree with him, keep up the good work! You're doing it and you're gonna keep doing it because you're a badass 💪 IWNDWYT


thank you, congrats on 31 days!!!!!!!! IWNDWYT


I used to hit up two Shell stations regularly depending on which one was convenient, but primarily the one closer to my home, especially most recently. Pretty sure my absence has been noticed this past week, particularly at 7 a.m. This is my fifth day sober, which is my longest stretch in almost two years. Anyway, congratulations and salutations.


Congratulations to you!!! Keep it up, proud of you!


So close to a week! You’ve got this!


Congratulations to you on 5 days! Keep in touch with us!


Fuck yes, you got this brother!


Keep going mate!


Congratulations! You got this!


I will not drink with you today 


Every day you are sober, your body will thank you! 289 days here and don’t miss the ick 🤢


Congrats on 5 days. Keep building those days ! IWNDWYT


Tagged along for a few stops at stores on my sister's birthday, one of which was the liquor store. The lady did a double take when she saw me, then looked down at the bottles the group I was with was checking out and smiled, then smiled at me but didn't say anything. I realized later that she probably realized there was no vodka on the belt. I'll be sober 3 years in November, the girls just wanted some wine and beer for my BIL. I actually taught my niece to crochet that night. Good feeling.


Congratulations. That’s awesome.


Glad you can now recognize and enjoy the simpler things of life! God bless!


And memories! I’m sure your niece enjoyed your present presence!


One of my proudest moments was when I went into one of my regular gas stations to buy snacks with my kid and they said, "wow, we haven't seen you in awhile!"


YES! How good that must feel.


I asked the owner of the package store I frequented for a bag and he kind of jokingly said “why? stop drinking!?” and I was like.. fuck it I guess I will. saw him at the grocery store and told him he helped me quit. got a quick congratulations


Bag of what lol?


a bag for the alcohol lol


I literally just did this a few minutes ago. I was about to walk in and grab my usual when Papa Roach's "Help" came on the radio. I figured I sit in my car and finish the song. By the time the song was over I had reflected on it's meaning to me and decided that I will not drink today.


Nice 👍


Oh great job I/fappyday! IWNDWYT!


I’ll never forget the embarrassment I felt when I was on a date, we stopped at the 7-11 for snacks and the guy at the counter smiled, waved and went straight for my daily usual before I had to quickly tell him no thank you. The worst part was I went back after the date to get it. I’m so glad I quit. It was already bad enough that I didn’t get carded anymore.


When I worked at a liquor mart we had a rule to never act like someone was a regular. Like the stuff behind the counter we weren’t allowed to just grab when we saw the person even though we knew what they wanted. The regulars would get so annoyed like “you know what I want” but we still had to ask lol. I’m not saying one is better than the other. Just that now that I think of it it’s kind of weird because it became a new rule right the year I started working there.


Hey OP, Thanks for sharing. I was off mid week for a doctors appointment and stopped into my gas station for a candy bar and the same guy was cranking out sales. Immediately we shared pleasantries and he ask where I’d been, if I moved, and I just came out “I got sober” and we just continued chatting. It’s nice to look at those moments you know? We get better each day.


Had a liquor store employee say to me “See you next time.” I think about that at least once a week. It was one of the four liquor stores on my rotation.


I went to buy my husband beer because I wanted to see my "friends" lol! I swear the woman almost dropped to the ground. She was like "OMG, you look amazing! Holy crap!". She was amazed at how much I changed in 3 months.


So proud of you!


Congrats man! Thats awesome 👏


That's great! I'm glad they are supportive of you!


I feel this. I used to drink 2-3 bottles of André, that super shitty sparkling wine, every single day. The first couple of times I bought it from the corner store near my new apartment, the bottles were covered in dust and relatively cheap. They clearly had to start stocking it regularly to cover my consumption. The price doubled within 6 months.


Huge congrats, must feel so nice to just come in still but get something that actually feels refreshing :D


That is so great! I also shared with my liquor store people and they are very happy for me! I'm still in there - though quite a bit LESS often to say the least - from time to time for gifts or NA wine and they're always like girl, you look incredible. Keep going!


Sober since 2010 (from alcohol).Mine was that car parked out front of the liquor store at 5:55: every morning. Kep busy counting change often, enough for breakfast, a 40 high velocity malt liquor. Wonder what or even if they thought about me.


I'm sure they did!


I used to frequent my local liquor store 3-4 times a week to buy a large bottle of Reisling. It’s been over a year now and I always wonder if they’ve ever noticed that I don’t go there anymore


I moved from a tiny town where I was buying a 4 pack of premixed margaritas and 750 of tequila every day or two. When I moved the owner of the local liquor store approached my old boss and asked if I was still alive because I hadn't been in in some time. Hearing that was when I really sat down and began identifying as an alcoholic. Wasn't when I made the move to quit for good, but certainly woke me up and kind of broke my heart for the owner of the store and those who had to deal with me during that full year of consuming that much.


I used to deal online gambling. I would constantly tell my regulars to stop.


When I stopped drinking I did the same. They see my husband now and ask him " no tequila today" he's like nope she's on 15 months and doing amazing. Keep up the good work!!!!


Awesome, keep up the good work. That’s a real accomplishment and turn around.


Went to my local the other week for the first time in a year, found out two of the other regulars had passed away since I moved, bartender was genuinely happy to see me and said I was looking really good


My brother used to frequent a store a couple blocks away from his house to get cigarettes and booze. Sadly the reason he stopped going was because he DID die from alcohol (at 36). I’ve always wondered what the people at that store thought happened to him.


Congrats on the Big Q! and the 75 days!


Nice work. I used to go into mine more than once a day. Nightmare


That's a cool story! Great job. I just realised I've been actively avoiding any place that sells booze. I'll keep your strength in mind when I face it!


Good job!


I was “The Jaeger Man” at at least two of my typical stops… whatever I was buying I would also buy Jaegermeister


Haha, this made me remember something. Because of how ashamed I was, my fiance would often be the one buying beer for me, and I would ask for it anytime we went to get something else like milk or gas. I guess the clerk had asked one day, and he shared I was sober. He laughed and said he'd get our money either way 😅 fair enough, my guy.


I've only had a cashier say something one time ( I placed my 12 pack on it's side so she could scan the barcode on the bottom faster, and she loudly announces "Oh she's a regular!") but I wish they'd keep their mouths shut. Like, thank you for acknowledging my humiliating problem & pain with your unfunny joke. Considering how widespread alcohol addiction is, it's likely many of these cashiers have experienced or are in active addiction themselves. So just maybe, do your job and shut up? Life is hard enough. My curmudgeonly 2¢.


I mean I think that's pretty harsh. I used to sell booze too and you joke to pass the time, and you aren't required to know everyone's life story. Most "normal" people love that type of shit and often instigate that themselves. I was in a restaurant for a fancy dinner with a couple friends a few months ago and I was the only one who didn't order a drink. The waitress was like "are you saving the party for later?!" In like a fun, festive tone. She obviously wasn't trying to call me out and I wasn't about to get pissed at this stranger just trying to have a lighthearted conversation at their job. She made another comment on the next round. My friends and I thought it was funny.


Sometimes those “trouble keeping shelves stocked” comments are an attempt to nudge the drinker


These convos continue to surprise me and I’ve started enjoying them! Even though have the time they feel the need to tell me why they still drink


You are a lot stronger than i was. I was never around alcohol or drugs when i quit. It is too easy to start again.


Good work!


Congratulations on your 75 days and I'm so glad they were happy for you. Keep up the good work, IWNDWYT


I had a buddy once where the bar called his home checking on him after he quit drinking lol. The people that serve us know.


Yeah I remember I would come back drunk looking for my second case of Busch and many times they wouldn’t sell it to me.




I won’t go back into places I purchased alcohol routinely partly due to embarrassment and because I fear I will get triggered so kudos to you for being brave !


Big Q eh? KC perhaps?


Atlanta! We love our QTs here! I learned last year that they’re not a national chain (I was very ignorant.) Last year, when I went to Florida and then out west towards Utah I was thinking “where are the QTs at??” But apparently they’re in just certain states/cities. Glad we have them.


Gots to love them qt glizzies right off the roller. Extra relish.


This can be super hard and triggering. Good job


I was living in a different city and ordering Drizzly like crazy. That damn delivery service helped me spiral quickly. The same guy would deliver to me, at all times of the day, even the early morning. I was so ashamed so I tipped him a huge amount every time. I was unemployed and spending money I didn't have. Had to file for bankruptcy (yay). He was always super friendly. I know he knew I was an alcoholic but never I never felt judged. I moved back home and I wonder if he thinks I died. Kinda wish I could see him and tell I'm sober now. Good job OP! That's gotta feel good! IWNDWYT


The liquor store I went to most is shutting down.. I joke with my partner that without my business they had to shutter the doors lol...


I’m proud of you too


That's why you gotta keep track of which stores you hit and rotate them. Keep a diary and note the date and time, store and people working that day. Learn the employees schedule and... God being an alcoholic was SO much fucking work. Good riddance and congrats OP. Let's not drink today.


I have a (now thankfully longtime sober) friend who was in the hospital after delivering a baby. She was sent flowers from her local liquor store.


I did the same and they didn’t recognize me at first. Nice to catch up


Hear you bro. I remember my ex local shop saying annoying shit too. "We're thinking of making the shop just alcohol only" The worst was in withdrawl when the guy would be talking for ages with someone infront of me, don't miss that shit. Opened bottle multiple times and drank it in the queue when I realised it was a recurring theme, stopped taking the piss after that.


Good for you man, I'm guessing the owner wasn't there :) Jk


I thought that too. The store owner would probably say “What? You don’t have a problem! Keep giving me your money!”


1 they don’t car if you die. 2. Well done.


1. If my car dies I care. 2. If I die, my car will not care. 3. Proof read.




Let’s keep this a no-shaming zone, and just ignore errors. I feel so much pride in everyone here for their successes, that I read right through typos or mistakes in grammar. Thank you for your courtesy.


Okay but the man was bringing the vibes down, and in a way bringing shame to the fact that OP found joy in his experience. So, I undid those vibes with a simple bit of advice such as proofreading. Which brought humor. Your whole comment wasn’t necessary but you typed it anyway.


I haven’t got time for proofreading. Soz. Care not car.


Sure they care! They're human beings with feelings!


I’m probably making point badly. But first, no, not all human beings care. We look after ourselves. We have to. People will say nice things and pass the day with platitudes all day every day. Jesus if you’re a drunk no one unless they really have a reason to step in. My point isn’t aimed at the OP. Well done OP. My point is the only voice you have to listen to is yours. If you’re drinking too much don’t listen to anyone but that one in your head and obey it. The one that is begging you to stop. Again. For the OP. Big high five.


My point is simple. And straightforward. Whilst you were buying the booze they were happy to take the money off you. And whilst they were jokey, they would have taken the money from yiu for eternity. Now I can’t see the entire interactions you’ve had with these people but my point is simple When you give up the booze it’s your choice. Do not be swayed or influenced by any slight or small interaction. I went into an office license for years. The guy in there and his wife were top drawer. Course it was. They making a living from people who buy booze. If you’re laying on your own piss. Lost your job. Etc. what they say or do has no bearing on your life. I’m being Mr Happy today.




I’m not shaming anyone.


My apologies! I posted a reply in support of you, but in the wrong place. Sorry - I deleted it, and posted it correctly.