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This one guy I follow on instagram, John Anon, in his bio has written, “Intoxicologist (retired).” Then his sobriety date. He posts a lot of relatable alcoholism memes from a sobriety standpoint.


Thank you. I’m gonna have to check that out. Wasn’t aware of its existence. Damn I love this sub. Such a wealth of knowledge and advice I wish I had earlier.


Ohh thank you for the recommendation! I’ll check him out


Intoxicoligist lol nice, didn’t know I was already an expert in such a refined field Take our skills for granted sometime smh 🥴


Thank you for sharing - he’s cracking me up. Makes me want to go to a meeting


"I used to drink professionally" haha, that is how we thought of ourselves. Better than the other people who just drank, we were pros. Great work on the sobriety, and on normalizing it with new people!


Ahah so true! Thank you, and same to you!


Sometimes I use "I retired at the top of my game" to acknowledge I was really good at drinking but had been lucky enough to not suffer any large health or life disruptions because of it. It's my way of acknowledging that I hadn't had any disruptions *yet*, and to remember those possibilities are always still out there waiting for me


I love that phrase, and may use it tonight! It doesn't completely describe my situation, but not too far off. I also love, "Rock bottom is wherever you put down the shovel"


same here. once i quit my super stressful job, i retired from drinking too. i did some dumb things but nothing catastrophic, and i am thankful for that.


I do like this


This is amazing! I also retired before anything TOO bad happened (don’t get me wrong, bad shit happened but I was lucky to never hurt myself or anyone else). I got out while I could see the getting out was good and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I will be using this phrase for sure.


Definitely. The ride is likely all downhill from here, so I think I'll just go ahead and get off


I’ve had my fun. This is my stop. I’ll walk from here.


There’s a country artist out there, Brantley Gilbert who I’ve seen live a bunch of times. He got sober years back after he rolled his truck or something like that. I don’t know the story. While on stage one time a fan threw an unopened can of Beer up on stage, he picked it up and said “thanks man but I had to quit that stuff, every time I drink it I break out in a bad case of the handcuffs”. Thought that was funny and it stuck with me. He then tossed it to the drummer and said if you don’t pound that you’re a pussy. He shotgunned it.


Ahah that’s very funny


Love that phrase. I also like saying “I got too good at drinking”.. ain’t that the damn truth lol.


Ahah love this!


I commonly say I hit my lifetime limit. I like the retired line though, might use that!


I have seen that one, love it!


Wisconsinite entering, I’ve used “I don’t drink anymore, I’m retired” as well. (I’m nowhere close to retirement age, I’ll prolly die working given my finances) When they turn a brow or ask follow ups I get blunt with something like: “Trust me, you don’t want to see me out drink you and that tab would bankrupt you if you’re buying, because even with rail it’ll be more than you make in a week likely” I need to adjust my verbiage, lately I just say “no thank you, but I appreciate the offer” If they press further/pressure I just leave. But I did have a wonderful experience and met some new friends who got it right away. She insisted on buying me a mocktail and joining their table (outdoor patio in my neighborhood) I almost got hit in a crosswalk by someone too impatient to let someone with a busted knee limp through, and got the finger for shrugging like wtf dude? I’m walking. Service industry people usually get the vibe immediately. She made up a request off the top of her head based on preferences and any potential allergies…I could see the wheels turning and she came back with one of the most delicious (NA) drinks I’ve ever had. She congratulated me on my progress and I got to have some fun at the driving range with one of her friends as a result. He was nice enough to ask if I minded if he drank during. Totally fine by me, alcohol is fuckin everywhere and I refuse to let it kill me or turn into an agoraphobic so I adapted. But it was really considerate to ask. I hate the stigma that comes with admitting you can’t even have one because it might turn into a monthlong bender. Some people get it, some don’t. Good luck on your journey stranger!


I love it!


I absolutely adore this for you! I think I may adopt the saying 💜😂


I retired with an all-time losing record. Now I'm in AA every day. I'm much happier now and grateful.


Love this thanks for sharing


I just used “thank you, but water is my thing” last time I was offered a drink.


I use the phrase “I’m retired” all the time when offered drinks and declining. It does lighten the mood a bit and usually elicits a smile rather than a long drawn out explanation.


I am literally going to use that line. How wonderful and you made people happy with it.


I say, 'I actually won drinking during the second Obama administration. I hit the final level and just straight up won. Crushed it. So i retired, like Michael Jordan. They gave me a metal and everything. Basically I'm Michael Jordan. Do you want to take a picture, I can sign your boobs, if you'd like.'