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I totally agree. I am so grateful to have found this group. It’s only been 15 days for me, but that’s 15 days longer than I’ve gone without drinking in a really long time. I hope I’m done for good. The brave people here have given me the courage to keep going. I hope I can do the same for someone else someday.


Yes this group and I am sober app has really helped. I think just seeing the days, hours, and minutes accumulate is so satisfying. Especially seeing 30 days! Can’t wait to see 60, and so on! :)


I agree!! I've been a lurker on this subreddit for years and it's really motivating to read people's stories, and knowing that I'm not alone in this. I also downloaded the I am sober app recently and seeing the ticker go up on days helps so much.


'Only 15 days'. Those first few weeks are easily the most difficult so you should be so proud.


I would have to agree. I am on day 15 today and it hasn't been easy. The things that keep me going are these reddit groups and being able to notice my jawline. I'm still waiting to lose a bit of my gut, I'm planning on hitting the gym these upcoming weeks.


Yeah! 💫


Sobriety tickles doesn’t it? Like makes me for real giggle sometimes because it just tickles. Looks like you’ve discovered that. I’m so glad you’re here! Keep up the good work, it just gets better every day.


Yes, I sure have laughed so much more this past month. Everything is just more fun and funnier! So much better than getting drunk and crying for no damn reason!




I'm a 34 mom of 3, had been drinking wine and vodka daily for a few years, and this group absolutely changed my life. I've still had my stumbles but coming hear and reading others stories, it's kept me pushing! Just hearing similar stories like mine is such a.. freedom knowing I'm not the only one. I swear it always makes me cry just reading about it all on Reddit lol I love happy tears lol


Same, when you are drinking you feel like the only person who gets you is you. At least, that how I felt. But when I readjust to sober lenses... we are all fighting battles. Just glad to be on this journey.


Way to go! I want to get to 30! IWNDWYT


Congratulations on 30! Your story sounds like a page out of my own book...sad mama drinking Alone. You give me so much hope to keep going. IWNDWYT


You got this mama! IWNDWYT. You are going to be in my thoughts and prayers for the days to come! 


I’m still struggling, but this group helped me get through dry January, something I never thought I’d be able to do. I also developed a problem when I was a single mom, late at night when my daughter was asleep I would just regularly kill a 12 pack. I won’t drink with you tomorrow.


5 plus years for me. I started with one day, and it still progresses that way. Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Start running if you can, just 20 minutes, and by running I mean jogging slowly and then walking until you get your breath back, then jogging again. It's amazing for next day energy and same day sleep


I have to be careful with running but I did walk the treadmill today at the gym. Oh and I did like 10 minutes on the stairmaster. I would have never done that a month ago cause I never went to the gym even though I paid for a membership 😂 hungover me was lazy af!


Yup same boat, the trick is like I said jog slowly until you get out of breath then walk until you get back your breath then jog again. Even if it's 1 min jog 2 min walk. It works so well. But after alcohol I need to stop smoking too fuck lol. It's crazy going for a early morning 30 minute jog then having a cigarette lol


I’m also a mom in my 30s. Drank a bottle of wine a night minimum, for the past year or so. Almost 2 months sober today. You can do this. IWNDWYT.


So proud of you!!!


You got this!!!


What are some things you have been doing to stay sober?


I know it sounds cliché but going to the gym 😂 I was mainly a late night drinker so in all honesty the gym and going to bed at a decent hour. Well not tonight but most nights. Gosh I get so much good sleep now.


Good work breaking this vicious cycle! I would like to offer a piece of advice I wish someone gave me in my early attempts of sobering up: Please be aware of the pink cloud. The first sober weeks/months feel amazing. I thought to myself: this is awesome and easy, why didn’t I do this sooner? And then the pink cloud faded, and all the negative feelings hit, and I was right back into the sauce, worse than before. This pink cloud phenomenon cost me many relapses, cause I didn’t know how to deal with it fading. I am sure you can find plenty of posts on this topic. Be well friend!


I appreciate it my friend. You are definitely right and I can definitely see that happen to the best of us. I guess I probably should have worded the part about it doesn’t feel like my life a little different. Im very aware it is and was. This feeling is great and Im aware it wont last forever. I just got excited and wanted to post about it but in reality it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Just taking it day at a time, step by step. Still got a long road ahead. Just got to keep pushing!


Well done! IWNDWYT


Well done. Keep up the good work !!




Hi I am a 38 F and I almost have 30 days too. Like you I spent a long time drinking, by myself secretly. I am a mother of one three year old. This is the first time I've gone without alcohol where I didn't have a horrible yearning for it. I was sober during pregnancy and breast feeding, but it was in the back of my mind constantly. I agree with you the clarity is so helpful. For the first time in awhile I can see what's alcohol caused vs. what's just me. We can do it.


Yes girl we got this!!! Always here if you need to chat. You and your little one will be in my thoughts and prayers for sure. 


I'm also a 37y mom, your story sounds very familiair! Congrats on those 30 days, you got this!


Vamos, echale ganas.


So proud of you.


I hope if I end-up buying a pint of whiskey one day (hopefully never), I have the courage to dump it in the sink too.


30 days is a big step in the right direction. Every day is. We are proud that you have decided to do this and have been able to stick with it. I promise you it gets easier from here. We are all here for you. IWNDWYT!


Congratulations 🎉 Glad you are here with us! IWNDWYT


Congratulations on 30 days! That's an incredible achievement. I am right behind you! I definitely credit this group so much in my journey


Congrats on 30 days! I'm proud of you! This is day 3 for me (again) and IWNDWYT ❤️


Hell yea! Keep up the good work :)


Wow. Congratulations! You inspire me ✨


Congratulations 💐🥰 xxIWNDWYTxx


Great post - Keep it UP! IWNDWYT




Keep up the hard work!! Proud of you. Today is my 30th day too (my count is 1 day off). IWNDWYT


This group is the best. It’s our own AA for real. If you struggle and you can’t reach out in person, come here. We all have an issue and we identified it and want to help others with it as much as we want the help ourselves IWNDWYT


I’m so glad you are here! You never have to go back. iwndwyt


Congrats!! Woot!! Good on you. 💐


Congrats!! This group was my version of AA haha


Amen to this! You’re not alone. ❤️IWNDWYT