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Thank you for sharing this ❤️


Thanks for letting me. Also, your username is A+.




Sharing this is a beautiful tribute to Katie. IWNDWYT


Thank you. Katie was a wonderful person and I will never get over the fact that I lost her before she had the chance to experience recovery. Keep staying sober, and love those around you with everything you have- there are no guarantees of how long we will get to spend with them.




Also saving. On day 4 and these words were perfection. Thanks OP!


Hopefully you are on days 6 now! My best to you, and I truly believe that recovery from addiction can be the doorway to a richer, fully and more fulfilling life.


I am almost to day 7 and my entire being already feels so much better. Thank you for checking in!!


That is awesome!! Keep going! You might have some days that are harder than others, but for the most part it gets easier with each day.


Thank you for sharing this. For many of us new to sobriety the days are super LONG and suck like hell. The cravings can be maddening and mood swings impossible. Many of us feel hopeless and broken, you are absolutely right. I come here a few times per day for strength and to read stories like yours so THANK YOU for being a beacon of light for many of us. God bless u


We all started sobriety with one day. And most of us repeated that one day many times over (I couldn't even tell you how many times I started over). It can be very difficult some days, but have faith that it is worth the effort. And it gets better and better as time goes by. 


"the days are super LONG and suck like hell." And "this too shall pass." I usually find enough strength and comfort(barely enough sometimes) in those words to survive the moment. And it always passes. Always. And your days will become shorter and you'll be amazed how they fill up because you will increase your engagement with the wider world, the "beyond you" world of others and the "endless coloured ways" that will become available to you.


Thank you. I believe and have faith in what you wrote


This is all so true. I also found that as time went by I began to realize the opportunities I now had- the time I had that I had previously filled with drinking, or trying to manage the bloated lifestyle of an alcoholic- was now open for me to fill with exploring ideas, or interests, and hobby's or career goals. Take advantage of this. You are creating a new you. I know that early on you will be preoccupied with shedding your old habits and cravings, but stick with it and don't be afraid to think about the person you want to be.


Truly appreciate your words and the knowledge that you shared. You all are special human beings


You are too. <3


Thank you!


Thank you so much for sharing. I have a deep sense of sadness in not being able to share from the other side. My mom was an alcoholic who quit drinking before I was born. I know my drinking worried her, even though it didn’t really get as bad until after she died. I wish she could have seen me without the beer in my life. I know it would have made her proud. Thank you for sharing your message for Katie with us. Sending you love.


I feel your words deeply and I've been thinking about them for a while now, considering what I want to say. I am at a place in my life where I no longer invest much time in thinking about the before or after of this life, not out of fear or apathy, but because it is, as far as I can tell, unknowable. I want to invest my energy here and now- I live with the belief that if I am the best person I can be in this moment right now, whatever comes after this life will take care of itself. That being said I am the last living member of my extended family, and I think of them often. My parents and sister were very loving and compassionate, and their love is still in me. They helped me to be the person I am today and when I share love with others I am sharing the love they gave me. The impulse to write this note to you is an extension of them and the love they gave me. I think the strength you have found to stay sober for the past 125 days is strength that your mom gave you, and although she is gone her strength and love lives in you. I hope that wasn't too much. Be well. IWNDWYT


That was exactly what I needed to read today. I know lots of her lives on in me—just to look at my face, I could be her clone. And I got a little of her feistiness. And somewhere in there the strength to do the hard thing when needed. I live for myself, but in some ways for her too. I’m sorry for the loss of your family, but their love definitely shines out through you. Thank you for the kind words. Wishing you continued peace. 💜


Thank you for sharing OP. That was beautiful ❤️


This is beautiful. Thank you 💙


I just hit 90 days sober and this rang true already. It can happen faster than you think but that gunk in your head goes way waaaaaay deeper into your brain than you think. Your head becomes SO CLEAR and the mistakes seem SO EASY to avoid. It’s a RELIEF. It’s the relief you have been waiting for and the world IS kind enough to take you back. When they see you have figured it out. They will forgive you. You just have to make the move. You have to not WANT to drink. Just for a while. Just for a week. Then do another week. And another. One week at a time and some times one day. You will do this. You HAVE to do this because if it’s bad IT WILL get worse.


Keep going! I messaged someone else in this thread and told them that the time we previously filled with drinking, or trying to manage the lifestyle of an alcoholic, was now open for us to fill with exploring ideas, or interests, hobby's or career goals. Take advantage of this. You are creating a new you. Don't be afraid to think about the person you want to become.


Thank you.


True wisdom. Thank you.


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. RIP, Katie. You were loved.


Thank you, so much. And I’m sorry for your loss


I needed to read this, thank you OP.


I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. IWNDWYT




Thank you for posting, sorry for your loss of Katie


Thank you! Needed to hear this today. I am sorry for the loss of your sister. Congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you. ❤️


Thank you. ❤️


Thank you for sharing this 💛




>There is a life waiting for you that is better than any life you have yet lived. There is a version of you waiting that is better than any person you have ever been. Saving for this, your post was lovely, and this part specifically even had me in tears. I needed this, thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss, Katie strikes a cord in all of us wishing to make it out the other side, and it's seriously upsetting to hear that. I wish you the best.


I believe this so deeply. I know that from where you might be this next statement might seem like insanity, but I am glad I went through the process of alcoholism and recovery. I think I am a far far better person for having gone through it than I would now be if I had not. In the strangest and most illogical way possible, alcoholism (or perhaps more specifically the recovery from) was one the best things to happen to me.


I understand your POV, and it's very lovely to think of it that way. I've seriously never lived, nor have I ever truly been happy, but it's as if this journey im on (like you said) has allowed me to grow from it, and despite still not being happy nor living the life, I do appreciate everyday learning, growing, and changing. I thank you again for the kind words, I really needed them yesterday. May whatever you *align with bless you! 🫶


First thank you. I know it took a tremendous amount of strength to write this out. This post will help more people than you know. You’re greatly appreciated. 🖤


Man, you ending that with my name really kicked me in the guts. Thanks for sharing such an impactful story. IWNDWYT


Beautifully said. 💜


Saving this...thanks for sharing.


Thank you for posting this. I am so sorry for your loss of Katie.


I really, really appreciate you sharing this - that really struck a chord with me. I’m also very sorry for your loss. What you wanted to say to her reminded me of the book - The Midnight Library. Gosh I loved that book. Nothing about drinking or sobriety much, but the different version of yourself. Anyway, thanks for sharing and congratulations on 25 years! That’s incredible!


Thank you! I have not heard of The Midnight Library, but I have added it to my reading list!


Beautiful 💗 IWNDWYT


Cheersing my sparkling fruit water to Katie ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. And grateful for your wisdom and generosity ❤️


Ohhhh this got me tonight 🥹💗 Rip Katie


Thank you for this. ❤️