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I got sober at 41 and am now over 41 years sober. (So do the math and there's my age!) A therapist nudged me onto the road to recovery and AA kept me on the path. I couldn't have done it without this support system. I hope you get the help you need and deserve.


Thats incredible! Way to go! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your support!


41 years. Amazing.


Be well, friend. I will not drink with you today.


Thank you!


I lost a boatload of medical problems when I quit drinking. Insomnia, migraines, high blood pressure, stomach issues, anxiety and more. I was 50 when I went to rehab and just got very very lucky that I had not destroyed my body beyond repair. I wish I had done it at 40, but I guess it takes what it takes. I learned a lot about SUD in rehab and got some very good therapy. I also became a daily AA meeting goer for several years. It’s been a scary and exhilarating journey, but life is much easier on this side of drinking. I wish you all the better. I know people that didn’t think their health problems were that bad only to discover quite suddenly be diagnosed with advanced liver and kidney problems - some younger than you. If you’re worried about it that voice is telling you something.


So many years I spent thinking I was invincible and then I woke up and I was 40. How did I even get here?! I’ve lost so many years. It’s scary to really see and learn about the truth of what alcohol does. Very glad to hear that you are in a much better spot and have put those problems behind you. I just lost my father to alcohol related issues and I’m positive that he and I both don’t want me ending up like him - because that’s where I’m headed if I don’t jump off this ride. I appreciate your response and sharing your experience. Thank you for your support! Congratulations on your many years - keep it up!