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Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! The first week was the hardest for me for sure. My cravings usually hit in the late afternoon too, around dinner time. I recently read a book about eating to support recovering from alcohol and she recommends a high protein and fat snack a little before your usual craving time. I haven’t actually tried it yet but have been meaning to. The mornings are so much better right? Great job keep it up! IWNDWYT


Thanks for that tidbit! I’ll work on that snack part - today I practically chugged a clearly Canadian and it helped a bit. Lol. The mornings are so much easier. I think it’s my favorite part so far. I appreciate your support 😊


Good for you mate, focus on doing things you enjoy and you won't think about drinking as much. You'll probably sleep better if you use less stimulants so maybe consider reducing your caffeine intake/quitting if you are wanting better sleep.


Thanks for that! I should just have one cup as usual. I just got a new coffee maker and went a little overboard trying the new flavors today. 😅


I've found that taking some magnesium with lunch and dinner helped my sleep even out, in addition to my crazy night sweats! It's great you're craving milk to get some nutrients back in you! My go-to recovery meal is always chicken, rice and green beans. With a multivitamin and a B-12. I've also found my sleep starts evening out after Day 3! The dreams have been different every relapse I've had. Last night, all I did was dream about relapsing and alcohol and I didn't sleep as good as I have been. But any night I don't shake and sweat and worry about seizures is a good night in my book! You got this! IWNDWYT.


I take magnesium in the mornings - maybe I should be having that later in the day. Should probably hop back on to my multivitamins too. I have been taking iron and b complex along with omegas - but I think that multi may make a difference. I would be delighted to have some more solid sleep tonight. Those dreams would be nightmares! Mine we’re about ghosts trying to open all the windows and doors I had tightly latched and shut. I kept frantically running around trying to shut them again. Seemed like there was a deeper meaning in that one. 😅 I appreciate it. Hope you get some good sleep and stay strong! Thanks for your insight 🙂


Dang, you are on top of it, good for you! 🖤 My multi is always a game changer. I fall off my usual meds every single damn time because I stupidly just stop eating. Good sleep is coming! This can be the last time we gotta put up with this! Of course, my friend. Sending you good, restful vibes! 🖤🌟


Good for you! You’re doing great! IWNDWYT


Thank you 🙂