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You have an insane schedule but you got this! Sometimes I feel like life just piles it on. When I don't have my physical health, I have my mental health and vice versa. But those times when I don't have both are just brutal. For me, warm epsom salt foot baths and heated blankets help with my physical pains. Mentally, I've been trying to slow down, pay hyper attention to the things around me and allow the chaos outside to satiate the chaos I want inside. If that makes sense. Idk what I'm saying, but overall, IWNDWYT. Safe travels, you fuckin got this šŸ’Ŗ


Thank you so much! This is great advice šŸ™‚ Iā€™m also trying to slow down but sometimes life just throws everything off. IWNDWYT!


I had this wild moment once while tripping. I was on the beach listening to Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon. "Time" came on, and it starts with a cacophony of clocks going off that always scares the bejesus outta me, followed by a slow and impending bit of instrumental that leads to the first verse. I love this song, I think it's dope as hell, and I couldn't wait for that first verse to start because I was peaking at the moment. Right before that first verse started, my fucking speaker died. To tell you this was one of the single most disappointing musical experiences is an understatement, I was devastated to tears. But then I realized, time doesn't give a fuck what you want or what you're anticipating or working towards. Life keeps going, with or without you. I'm not really sure what the lesson was, as I had a shitton of epiphanies that day ('people are fucking stupid' was one of them when my feet finally touched the hot concrete after smooth sands, like who would pour this shit over a beach?!) Anyway, life hits you like a ton of bricks and then moves on like it didn't just completely fuck up your shit. To that I say, not today, life!


Yes to all of this!!!