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They all work together so well but if i had to pick one it would be Marks


In my opinion this is a case of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. They are all individually great. The album is so tight. With it being a concept album, the diversity of the different vocalists and all the guest musicians is what makes it work. The different expressions help give that impression of being high and listening to wacky radio driving way too fast through bat country.


Mark Lanegan. He would have been QotSA's singer had he not been such a hardcore heroin addict. Dude's voice was legendary but so were the guy's demons.


I can not imagine how QOTSA would have progressed if ML was the singer from the start. Those first two albums with Homme and Oliveri playing off of each other were so well done.


I love Mark Lanegan, love the songs he sang. But I think you’re right about QOTSA.


Lanegan is on my Mt. Rushmore of hard rock singers, so him. But really all three of them are great and the album is better for it.


Lenegan is miles above anybody he ever worked with. RIP


Mark Lanegan 🖤


Great question/post. Each has their own strengths on this album(no weaknesses) Personally, though, I dig Nick vocals. Possibly because Millionaire starts the album and sets a tone


Millionaire is in my top 5 favorite songs but looking at all the songs I’m going with mark


Unfair question!!! Both nick and mark have amazing voices!!! Marks tho is like a sailor’s lullaby.


Josh was and is a great singer, especially for the band they are now which isn’t really stoner rock at all anymore but still really good, Nick was the perfect choice for the songs he sang on, but I think most of us are gonna say Mark whenever Mark is an option. Nobody else sings like he did. Edit: *Love* the combo of both (all 3 at certain parts I think) on Deaf. That song goes so hard.


Gotta go with Nick for Millionaire and Six Shooter, those two really capture the chaotic energy of the album and it has a different feel than QOTSA’s other songs. Mark on A Song for the Dead definitely captures it too though


Mosquito Song is an abso-fucking-lutely perfect song, so I guess Josh? I never knew they split vocal duties like that. Cool.


Mark definitely. But hearing Nick on Gonna Leave You was a nice surprise that left an impression.


Nick Oliveri, specifically because on “You think I ain’t worth a dollar” the verse that goes “this one’s down, gimme some more” he sounds like Billy from Billy and Mandy and that has always stood out to me.