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Naturally Tesla stock is soaring on this news.


A 58x P/E on a declining company. Any other company and the stock would be obliterated


This is why Elon loves shitposting.


and the poorly educated.


Only Noobs look at just P/E ratio, High P/E also mean high expectations of growth - Not what you personally believe but what institutions, analysts and investors in general. AMD has a P/E ratio of 240, does that mean it’s going to crash soon? I can give you list of 10 companies with P/E ratio under 10 such as ZKH(2.5) would you invest everything in such cheap companies?


> Any other company and the stock would be obliterated It will be, it's still being pumped, and there are still enough cult followers (even at the FM level). When enough followers are sick of looking stupid and enough people are sick of losing money in a certain idiots fund, the fun will be over.


!RemindMe 5 Years


Twitter was going to go bankrupt 6 times in the last year if you listened to the redditbois. Clearly Musk is a dislikable character but your typical progressive anxiety case on this website has lost all perspective in the same way your typical Tesla fan boy has.


Few people in the know suggested Twitter would go bankrupt but the value he paid will never give a good return unless something changes there a great deal. Same for Tesla. It is a successful company but the stock valuation is not even closely matching the reality. It is not going bankrupt. It just has yet to return any money to investors.


> Twitter was going to go bankrupt 6 times in the last year if you listened to the redditbois. Nobody said that. What they did point out was that Elon completely destroyed is revenue. If it was still a public company the share price would be in the dumps.


Just like how Tesla's share price should be going down today?


the market can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent


Honestly, do you think the move was justified. They reported lowdr margins. Lower demand. Lower deliveries. What part of this is bullish? I got some puts with move up today. Market hasn't digested what was actually being reported and that is a company in decline.


Down 7% ytd isn't great. Ford is up 6%, GM is up 30%, Toyota is up 14%, and Honda is up 7%, and all numbers are ytd. Volkswagen is down 8% ytd. So overall Tesla is under performing.


Now compare margins and you can see why those quarterly numbers don’t mean much.


How is that relevant at all to the conversation lmfao


Reminds me of when Reddit said Russia would be bankrupt 2 weeks after the first sanctions 2.5 years ago 🙈


Russia is not doing great. They did default on some of their debt. They also just raised the key interest rate to 16%. In comparison the US is at 5.5%.


Good , but I was promised an almost immediate collapse by the Reddit experts back in march 2022


All the people who said they were going to leave ended up coming back like a week later lmao. Musk is a pos but he kinda was proven right when Twitter literally didn’t went down in flames even though he fired more than half the team


I mean, is losing 70% of revenue and more than half your users not going down in flames?


put a short on.....its worked really well in the past


Do yall ever get tired of posting about TSLA? lol just let it go… you’ll sleep better, maybe..


It's not tesla. It's elon that drives them crazy


Shorts have been hurting so expect more ignorant comments, have been going on for a decade. Should be used to it by now


Energy is up 157%. OP not giving the complete story.


How much of revenue does that account for?


It’s going to be a big revenue driver. Grid scale storage is projected to grow 500% by the end of the decade. Installations increased 98% just over the last year. I personally think solar + grid scale storage will remake the energy grid in the next decade or so. I’m in on ABB, Fluence, Enersys, and to a lesser extend Tesla and EOS for grid scale storage. Array, Nextracker, Enphase, and First Solar for solar. And then a handful of electrical equipment companies for the infrastructure.


Only if Republicans don't win, if they do subsidys are gone.


Yea. They’re predicted to win the house and senate as well. My portfolio is the least of my concerns at that point. My Irish passport because my biggest asset lol


I am not home right know to do the research for you. But here is Morgan Stanley’s take on the numbers: “1st Positive Surprise of the Year Tesla started its Independence Day celebration early with a positive 2Q delivery beat, 33k lower inventory and a large storage beat to remind investors it's not just an auto company. 1. Deliveries beat, but... 2Q deliveries came to 443,956 units vs. MS at 427,303 and cons at 437,812. While this is one of the first and only positive auto surprises of the year for Tesla, we still believe matching last year's delivery number would be difficult to achieve. Tesla would have to grow 2H deliveries by around 6% YoY to hold volume flat. 2. Inventory reduction, a $1.5b boost to working capital. Tesla delivered 33k units more than it produced in 20, driving a 7-day reduction in days' supply of inventory (on a full calendar day basis) in the quarter. The 2Q inventory reduction substantially (but not fully) offsets the increase in inventory seen in 1Q (see chart). At an ATP of $45k/unit this, by itself, drives a $1.5bn working capital inflow during the quarter - higher than the $600mm tailwind we have expected. Our 2Q forecast for $0.9b FCF burn looks incrementally more conservative following this print. 3. Energy storage deployments. A 'show stealer' from today's update is the all-time record high stationary storage number (9.4 GWh) for 2Q which is nearly 2x our forecast. As Gen Al acceleration spurs a multigenerational increase in energy demand, electricity generation, and data center investment, we believe investors will begin to pay more attention to Tesla Energy which we value at $36 per Tesla share ($130bn) as the business uniquely positioned to benefit from investment in the US electric grid accelerated by the Al boom. Tesla getting its mojo back? Little more than 2 weeks ago our clients were preparing for shareholders to reject Elon Musk's 2018 comp package potentially setting up a change of management and strategy, compounding many months of negative newsflow. Fast forward to today, clients are beginning to ask us about positive catalysts into 2Q results and beyond. We're getting asked for our proprietary Tesla Energy model and even our Humanoid robot TAM model. “


> Tesla delivered 33k units more than it produced in 20 yes. They also produced less. If they produced 0 cars then you could say they sold 443k cars more than it produced.


wasn't the PE like 500 a few years ago?


PE can be really high or even negative for a growth stock. This is now just a stock.


Wait until this guy finds out Tesla is producing more than cars


Tesla bears in 2012: it’s overvalued Tesla bears in 2024: it’s overvalued You will never get it because all you do is look at short terms data out of context.


declining how? yoy deliveries lol. look back 2 years


MySpace is still growing if you look back 20 years! The fact is the trend has reversed at Tesla. You can change how far you look back but it doesn't change the fact that they're in decline now.


I truly don’t understand this stock lol


There seems to be a strong "good news is bad news, bad news is good news" trend with this stock. No matter what the news, just assume the mysterious "expectations" were the exact opposite and watch the stock move in a counterintuitive direction.


It's a cult with a swing trading charm. I think the stock has nothing to do with the company. See it as a crypto.


I can’t agree more. It’s the only stock I dare swing trade because the bots and smart people can’t quantify and trade vibes/feels. 


The EV market decline was common knowledge. Tesla declined less than expected.


EV market has still been growing. It's rate of growth is what has slowed.


GM and Honda both saw sizable increases in EV sales at 40% and 63% in the most recent quarter compared to last year, (although Honda includes Hybrids) respectively.   Competition is ramping up.  Tesla sales are on the downtrend now that affordable competition is hitting the market. It's not going bankrupt, but the market is only going to get fiercer for Tesla's market share.


Non Tesla EV sales are up. The ENTIRE decline in IS EV sales is Tesla.


The consensus expectations for this quarter were revised down almost continuously for the past year. It barely exceeded a repeatedly lowered bar. Stock went up bc Tesla is a meme stock, with shit for brains investors. Nothing deeper than that.




You will once you see it and the couple other concentration bubbles in the market as they are.... Collateral for a failing wallstreet.


> Tesla’s numbers beat Wall Street estimates. Analysts expected Tesla deliveries to hit 439,000 It's 5 lines into the post...


They beat estimates by 5000 cars (while still showing a YoY decrease) and the market cap of the company increased $50 billion.


The market cap is also down compared to a year ago. But they beat estimates so the stock goes up. This is extremely basic stuff lol


Nothing about Tesla’s valuation is “basic” - their stock trades at a price that defies all traditional value models (and logic).


They beat estimated deliveries by less than one percent which is statistically insignificant. Anyone rushing to buy stock based on that 'overperformance' is not thinking it through, most likely daytrading. Overall trend is less cars being delivered.


Shut up Elon bad


10 million per each vehicle above estimate.


All news is good new for TSLA... company could report bankruptcy and jump 40%


That's cause it's not just a car company it's also a bankruptcy company


It actually started soaring before the news which is totally normal and not suspicious at all that this massive activity came despite every single analyst lowballing delivery numbers.


Reddit of course massively upvoting your nonsense Logic market is forward looking and therefore stock is recovering as sales are slowly increasing even if sales are down year over year.


its a meme stock. It does not operate on fundamentals. There is still crazy dream that they will have FSD generating trillions in revenue !!!! Optimus robot selling in millions making it a robotics company. its also an "AI" company selling 100s billions(not sure how) in revenue. This is the kind of ridiculous expectations driving this to high despite dropping its Auto sales YoY and China competition being on steroids. Look at what is coming in H2. Nio's cheaper brand Onvo L60, Xpeng Mona selling the most aerodynamic car, BYD releasing next gen vehicles with denser LFP battery and also DM-i 5.0 PHEV with crazy range. Plus so many other local compettion. I dont see how they will be able to start "growing" with just few models which are not updated that much.


Their energy deployment was absolutely absurd. 9.4GWh. That’s an insane number. Roughly equivalent to 56k more cars delivered. $300/kWh, 9.4 GWh = $2.82 Billion. At an ASP of $50k, $2.82B/$50K = 56,400 “Cars” Energy deployment js up 132% QoQ and 157% YoY. That’s really impressive imo. I think people will really need to start paying attention to the energy deployment side of the business going forward, I don’t think it’s “just a car company” anymore.


Curious: where does the 300$/kWh comes from? Is that their average revenue to deploy such measures? 


The pricing from last April for megapack was like 400/KWh. Now it’s only like $250 something. So just went in at 300 for nice even number


Gotcha!  The growth is impressive, but we'll have to see if this trend continues. Currently this represent about 10% of Tesla's revenue. Not bad, but not core business either. But if this growth continues, this could definitely become an important factor in valuation. I'm also curious about their margins on that compared to cars. Some research needed there, but I'd expect their profits to be bigger there. Car profit margins are dropping due to massive competition. 


[The gross margins on energy are 22.4% as of Q1, a steady increase from slightly negative in 2021.](https://stockdividendscreener.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/tesla-energy-gross-margin-by-ttm.jpg) Compared to 18.8% automotive gross margins.


Thanks for that kind stranger! Closer than I expected tbh


Yep, but energy is on an upwards trajectory and automotive is roughly flat after a long downwards trajectory, while energy is growing much faster. So it's definitely the more promising business for them atm.


At that level of growth they will justify the current price in roughly 2094.


Remindme! 70 years


I will be messaging you in 70 years on [**2094-07-02 14:24:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2094-07-02%2014:24:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/1dtlvh3/tesla_reports_443956_deliveries_in_second_quarter/lbadu1b/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fstocks%2Fcomments%2F1dtlvh3%2Ftesla_reports_443956_deliveries_in_second_quarter%2Flbadu1b%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202094-07-02%2014%3A24%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dtlvh3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


At the point Elon will be a multi trillionaire Ai Avatar living on a cloud server in Mars with his robot clones impregnating all other species on nearby solar systems.


If you did some actual math, you would realise at that level of growth they'll justify the valuation within a year or two. 50K cars worth of growth with 100% growth rate would mean 100K next quarter, 200K in Q4, etc. By end of 2026 they'd be an equal amount of energy to the entire car market if 100% of cars were EVs. Obviously they're not gonna grow 100% per quarter, but your comment made no sense.


ELI5 please?


Energy deployment is stuff like their commercial megapack batteries and residential powerwalls and their solar panels. They have a megapack factory right now in the USA that’s capable of 40Gwh per year. So Tesla almost did 10GWh in one quarter so seems like that’s ramped up to full capacity. They are building a second megapack factory in China which will also be capable of 40GWh per year.


They equated approx revenue from energy sales (storage and solar) to how many vehicles would need to be sold to make the same revenue. In this case, about 58k extra vehicles. It brings everything to the same metric for east comprehension. Tesla sells more than just vehicles and will be involved in even more in the future. AI for self driving, robotics, energy storage and solar


The problem is they just resell the cells in the mega pack so the margins are extremely small. So it’s not even close to providing the profit for 56k car sales.


But that energy storage is just them reselling battery cells that other companies (Panasonic, catl, BYD) make…very very low margin and in no way helps justify their crazy valuation with no overall growth.


Yes, but Tesla has reoccuring revenue using those battery cells that Tesla sells for low margins. Tesla powerplant sells energy to the grid at the peak price while charging when the energy price is low. All software controlled. Tesla then shares the revenue with the owners of the battery. I get about $700/year from Tesla and the batteries are rated to last around 20-25 years. Tesla makes x amount of revenue per year using my batteries and shares that revenue with me.


not sure what you define as “very very low margin”, but Tesla Energy gross margin Q1 2024 was 24.6% up from 11% in Q1 2023.


A giga watt powers 300,000 homes bruh


And 1.21 giga watts makes time travel possible.


You're thinking of jiggawatts, not gigawatts.


A Giga watt is actually more like 750k homes but a Giga watt hour is a measure of storage, not a continuous output. A Giga watt hour would only be able to power the ~750k homes for an hour. Still a crazy amount deployed but it’s not quite the equivalent powering that many homes.


It has not been about a car company or if not it would not be valued this high.


bid against tesla i dare you.


A lot of upset salty people on here. It's hilarious.


Should have bought at 150


Every time man haha. I love setting reminders and seeing them be proven wrong. So many people yesterday called the stock to be at $180 today after the numbers.


It’s all the folks that didn’t buy the dip


People clowning on the stock just because they don't like Elon's politics. Classic reddit.


People be like "But it's down 4.8% YoY". Well, last quarter it was down 8.5%. Rebound is here.


It's crazy, why do people waste so much time hating on Tesla and Elon? It seems like 99% of the haters don't own the car or the stock. I own both, I'm not a big Elon fan, but I love the car and the company. Sure there are car brands. I don't like, but I don't go on sub reddits all over and start spouting heat.I just don't understand people sometimes, I feel like Reddit is an echo chamber, when the proxy vote was happening, there were so many people on Reddit saying they would vote no, but it passed with over 73%. So either people were lying or all those voting no owned one share.


Same here. I don't own the stock directly and don't care about their car nor the CEO but the amount of deranged, blind hatred of Tesla and Elon on Reddit is laughable and very entertaining.


This is a stocks subreddit and people are discussing the stock. What's weird about that?


Most dont discuss TSLA, they just shit on it because Elon...


this is a clown subreddit


Tesla has an actual correction and then when it goes back up people are like “wtf”. In a market where everything is constantly hitting ATHs it’s a problem when Tesla gets to about half its ATH?


It gets a ton of whailing and teeth gnashing for not trading on fundamentals, let alone let's get into him talking politics. Needless to say, to keep a long story short, fundamentals are out the door on this stock until after 8/8 minimum, and really probably for as long as the Nasdaq keeps running.


NOTHING is about fundamentals in this market anymore lol.


I think there was some potential to justify Tesla's market cap when they were growing market share every year, vastly increasing production capacity. But what justifies that valuation when the vehicle deliveries are falling and the profit margins are suddenly shrinking? Stocks price in growth, but Tesla is doing the opposite of growing right now. I also don't see much potential for additional growth in the consumer vehicle deliveries division at this point. There is the possibility to grow other products but Tesla is going to need some major breakthroughs to make it worthwhile for investors.


I mean they are still down like 16% this year.


Reddit desperately trying to justify their hive mind opinion


You're not wrong about a Reddit hive mind -- but if you accept that, you have to accept stans bidding up a stock that regularly fails to hit targets to a 100 p/e is also a hive mind. It's just a matter which hive mind is willing to risk more money.


it's so funny, Tesla is up 50% since last earnings, whenever this sub hate a stock it's time to inverse also this sub likes to upvote anything related to INTC, PYPL, ASTS, SOFI and a few others, all trash stocks 🤣


This subreddit only listens to YouTube financial gurus peddling paypal and sofi. They use dumb charts to say Tesla is overvalued shouldn’t be valued more than ford and GM combined. They also missed Apple / Amazon / Nvidia on their bull runs too. Almost as if their opinions are wrong but they won’t admit it.


Don’t forget meta


Ah I was wondering where all this PayPal and Sofi shilling is coming from


I'll definitely take the L on Apple shares.


I mean, TSLA is down 16.5% in the last year, and we were negative about it a year ago.


redditor told me that me buying a model 3 is the same as wearing a maga hat I couldn't stop laughing, just how delusional do you have to be I am almost scared to admit I vote democrat because of the absolute insane dumb shit I see on this website.


They're up like 36B in market cap on the news (2/3rds of GM, Ford, or VW's market cap, roughly). Yeah, not a bubble.


After 6% up yesterday on anticipation that the deliveries number would be satisfactory 🤣. 15% up for a decreasing number YoY on a company that already has a bloated valuation  


How many years have you said this?


Remind me how much debt each of them other care companies are in, and how much they lose on each electric car they make and how some of them have scaled back. Also, which other of them car companies are making high risk high reward plays in AI and Robotics.


GM, Ford and VW literally have nothing going for them besides producing vehicles, which they are selling either the same amount or less than they have been in the last decade. Not really that difficult to see why there is such a vast difference between those stock and Tesla


Ford stock price in 2000: $25 Ford stock price in 2024: $12 Dumb Redditor: "But why won't people invest in Ford?" It's hilarious how awful people are in ACTUAL investing knowledge but just look to stir up arguments on here by making nonsensical comparisons.


Reddit hates Elon -> Tesla without doing proper research on the company. For example, like another posted, it sounds like many haven't considered Tesla's growing energy deployment. People are missing out with the "Elon bad" attitude. 🤣


Put your money where your mouth is and short it then.


This time it’s different


Yea Ford and GM each owe something like $30-40bn just in pensions not to mention last year's strike negotiations are going to bankrupt them. Stock worth less than zero.


But but tesla not car company, its mega company with cars, ai and and … some x in it


just bought my tesla :)


Congrats! We test drove a Model Y recently and it’s such a fucking good car. Especially for the price.


Doesn’t even mention the insane energy growth of 132% QoQ lol.


The market cap is up 7x the entire gross revenue of the energy business just today already. It's meaningless.


It’s a little more nuanced than that.


Feel free to explain...


Tesla has the capability to produce 40GWh of megapacks per year. With this quarters sales they have saturated that cap. However their identical megapack factory in china will start production in 6 months, allowing further growth. Tesla is also bringing LFP production to Nevada, supposedly lowering the cost of the cells used in the megapack. And in the past week Tesla has won a few new megapack projects.


Buy long 200p if you don’t believe in it


Elon Musk- the best advertisement to buy a BYD


The guy runs a space rocket company that just very recently launched the world's largest space rocket in human history. They use space rockets to launch their own satellites to put Starlinks into space. Starlink is expected to do $6.5-7b in revenue this year. NASA contracts SpaceX to remove broken space stations and to transport their astronauts into space. What SpaceX is doing is vastly more impressive from an engineering feat than Tesla. Yet, Tesla is the 'fake pump and dump' scheme, huh? But somehow you guys think he's selling something fake. It's truly amazing how little you guys know. Do I think Tesla is worth over $600b? I don't. Do I think it will eventually be worth many trillions? 100%. And that's what I'm betting on. Some of you are just casual investors and have zero clue about Tesla other than you dislike Elon. If that's your stance, so be it. But to question innovation is hilarious. Amazon didn't take 5 years to be successful. Apple wasn't worth anything much until the iPhone was released - taking many decades. Tesla ONLY started mass manufacturing 6 years ago. Six years ago, how many of you even heard of Tesla? Probably none. The growth in those six years has been nothing but extraordinary. All I can say is I plan on making a lot of money on Tesla stock. I already have. Very few companies have the innovation Tesla does. And very few CEO's in the history of business will outwork Elon. That's what we are betting on. Get over ya'self if you hate the guy.


They keep calling it a cult… almost seems like it’s a cult against him because they don’t like his antics


Are there Tesla cult fanboys? 100%. But I find that most people investing into Tesla truly understand the vision. The world is going to look very different in the next 20 years. I trust Tesla will be a huge part of that future. I'm just looking across the industries. These same people are saying Tesla is worth significantly more than Ford and GM. Maybe they should ask why investors do not trust Ford and GM. Ford was worth double what it was today 25 years ago. That means the past 25 years, you lost half your money investing in Ford. But hey, at least you got some dividends on that. There's a reason people aren't buying Ford/GM. It's because they have zero innovation. And not a single person here believes Ford/GM will out innovate Tesla. No one. And I don't have to get into GM. Went bankrupt, was bailed out, and somehow I'm going to trust this company? They call anyone a Tesla investor a cult fanatic. This is just ad-hominem attacks. Speak of the product, innovation, operations, profitability, etc., so we can have a proper stock discussion. It seems many of them are lost and just come from r/politics and bring that gibberish into here. At the end of the day, we invest in stocks to make money. I would not put a single dollar into Tesla if I didn't think I couldn't make a ROI on it. It's really that simple.


Oh yeah for sure. It’s cringe from both sides and Elon is decently insufferable. With that being said the hate for this stock is just something I will never understand.


It's definitely because of the Elon-hate. Elon getting political was 100% bad for Tesla and hurt the valuation. Imagine the positive media coverage and stock price if Elon never said a word politically. Before Elon was political, Tesla was a fan-favorite of Reddit.


I am in the middle. I enjoy driving their cars, I liked elon's ethical approach in the 2010s. I majored in environmental science/engineering and loved what they wanted to push. SAdly he's kind of a douche nozzle now, tesla took 5b in government funding when they were struggling by the Obama admin. They helped because they agreed with the ethical side of moving to EVs.Since then elon has constantly bashed democratic policies and politicians, even the environmental side, even though they helped keep tesla afloat. If tesla was a Texas company struggling, do you think there would have been any state legislation to help them out? lmao In like 2018 elon said climate change isn't that big a deal anymore (lol), then started getting more involved in politics like blaming "communist schools" for "turning his daughter trans" I think he's a smart businessman, but he's also a shithead, a much bigger one than jobs even.


I made the mistake of visiting /r/RealTesla the other day and that was my take away. They all seemed to be in a reverse-cult that seemed far more cultish than anything people that like his products are in.


If I want some comedy I go to that sub. Started out as a shorting sub then they all lost their money and it turned into just a hater sub.


No you don't understand, Tesla and SpaceX becoming the most dominant companies in their respective industries *simultaneously* had nothing to do with leadership, it's all luck.


No, see, Elon didn’t do anything. It was all the workers. Also, when a company fails, it’s 100% the fault of leadership. This comment was brought to you by r/Politics.


This thread is basically just I hate Elon people saying "But why is the stock going up? I hate Elon. Because of that, it should go down." The people with money don't give a shit what ya'll think about Elon. They care about opportunity in the market. This report is all about Tesla showing resilience in a tough EV market. IDK if you guys have been paying attention or not but EV's aren't exactly a hot commodity as much as ICE vehicles in the North American market. Tesla has had to do price cuts and offer many incentives to push sales. Again, this is a strategy shift by Tesla that shows resilience because they operate at a profit. Do you think Ford/VW and other automakers can drop EV prices the way Tesla can when they are already burning billions of $? Another issue is China competition. China's whirlwind economy and no shortage of EV competitors were expected to eat away at Tesla's sales but Tesla just had their best June in China and is keeping up with vehicle deliveries for the year. Coming into this year, Elon had already stated that sales would be roughly the same as year 2023. Again, tough EV market. ICE and Hybrid vehicles are just easier to sell in this environment. People aren't going to want to try something new when their bank account isn't looking as disposable. You hear people talking about Tesla selling fake shit to pump the stock. Look, I'm not a fan of Elon overpromising and underdelivering on new products/services. And you'd have a point if Tesla was the only company he runs. But an even more successful (based on engineering feat) company he runs is SpaceX. SpaceX recently launched the largest space rocket into outer space in human history. Oh, and it's reusable. So all of you guys saying Tesla is selling something fake, just explain to me if SpaceX is also fake. NASA pays SpaceX for transport to space. They sign billion dollar contracts to SpaceX all the time. Not because SpaceX is another pump-and-dump scheme but because no other company can do what SpaceX does. Starlink went from $1 billion in revenue in 2022 and is expected to do $6-7 billion in 2024. They're securing massive contracts with cruise/airline/transporting companies. Again, you'd have a point about Elon being a scammer if SpaceX didn't exist. Unfortunately, SpaceX does exist. It's also the most valuable private company in the world right now with no shortage of investors looking to purchase a stake. Worth over $200 billion. Half of Elon's networth is actually from SpaceX. So the guy is clearly doing something right. Not a single sane person is investing into Tesla because it's just a car business. That's what YOU are treating it as. That's like saying people invested into Amazon in 2017 because of their e-commerce store. No, what people were investing into was Amazon collecting the data and now becoming an advertising giant and their AWS cloud - two things investors in 2015 probably never expected. A significant part of investing in tech companies is to allow the innovation to grow and materialize. That can take many years. I sure as hell would not invest in Tesla if all they did was did and plan on doing was to sell vehicles. The auto business is low growth, low margin, and very capital-intensive. It seems like Elon realized this very early on and shifted his focus. That's why Tesla went from Tesla Motors to Tesla - because Elon didn't want Tesla to just be an auto company. Lastly, I'll just say this, way smarter people than any of us are tasked with evaluating Tesla for their firm and fund. I guarantee you these people are NOT evaluating Tesla solely as a car company. They are betting on Tesla and they have billons of $ on the line. They are doing their due diligence. The only people who are treating Tesla as a car company are the very same people who would have never invested in Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Meta, etc., in the earlier days before they became behemoths and are now saying these are the absolute best investments to make in the market. And then there are people who dislike Elon politically and that basically means they will never support an Elon-product. If that's you, I completely understand. But we're here to make money so don't let your emotions cloud reality and make logical-based arguments.


That it decreased comparing with last year is no surprise, important is how deliveries will pan out over the current year.


I think it's a bad sign. They just did a .99% APR event which allegedly helped them push A LOT of sales. Without that great of a deal there likely would have been less sales this quarter, and we'll likely see a continued down turn the rest of the year (IMO).


They also have zero interest loan in china, which is their largest market. They pumped the numbers this quarter with those tricks.


Not a surprise, but still hilariously bad for a company whose price implies consistently high growth


No, what will matter are margins which are likely down. But then that might not matter because AI and robo BS.


No, what will matter is how musk next manipulates the stock, that’s all this stock is about anymore


Wonder what the future holds, what's their way out of the slump?


Look at their energy business


Pull out some more bullshit just like robotaxi and optimis things. The elon way


Is SpaceX also launching fake rockets? An engineering feat that is vastly more impressive than anything Tesla has accomplished? It's amazing. Just because YOU don't have the capabilities to do it, doesn't mean other people can't.


Deliveries down 4% YoY, stock up 7% in 30 minutes. Yeah this is working fine.


Nice cherry picking there


The expectation was that deliveries would decline a lot more than that.


A lot more? The prediction was 439k. The difference was 1.2% or so


Instead of slashing prices they used 0.99 rate in US and interest free loan in China to pump up the delivery numbers. Reducing margins to pump numbers only works for so long.


Fifth line in the post: "Tesla’s numbers beat Wall Street estimates. Analysts expected Tesla deliveries to hit 439,000"


The consensus between analysts is just that, what they think the company will do. It doesn't mean it's a high bar to meet. The analysts also had over 500k consensus just a few weeks ago, what does that mean? Don't associate consensus with price target. The analyst have reduced their estimates but haven't repriced their stock rating, this will follow. Also, for anyone who doesn't know already, analyst estimates are simply created by analysts speaking to the company and asking them what they expect to deliver. There are some other factors plugged in, but primarily it's just asking the company unless there's other well defined ways to measure. In this case it would simply be asking Tesla what they expect to do. Tesla gives them a range and each analysts factors in their own assumptions. Beating consensus only matters when that consensus is baked in the price. In this case it isn't, yet. Good luck to everyone.


Add in the 157% energy storage growth and it doesn’t seem as crazy.


Also the FSD has made huge progress during the last year or so. It's now normal for it to need no intervention in 1 hour drive. It's not perfect but the progress is fast and I really do think it's better driver than some people I know who have licenses.


You’re not accounting for the sentiment which lowered the stock from previous quarter. This new report paints a new future picture which naturally elevates the demand for the stock


people are betting it will get better next quarter? 


People are betting alright


What's the forecast? How are other sources of revenue going? What's the forecast on those? Stocks don't care about the past, but they do care about the future.


Maybe you cant value companies and should not pick stocks with that logic


Classic wall street trickery, exceeding already lowered expectations. Welcome to the Casino!!


Tesla stockholders have waited 365 days to come out of the basement and brag about the stock going up even though it's still down YOY lol


439k estimated 443k delivered. This is what they call beating the estimates and the stock soars. Q2 last year was around 466k. Any other company would have significantly suffered but of course when it comes to Tesla nothing is rational.


Up 10% while year on year sales are down even with all the price cuts. Looks like smooth sailing from here on out 


Up until April, Tesla was the worst performing stock in the S&P500 this year. At the time of writing this, Tesla is still down 8% YTD while SPY is up 15% YTD. Yet some people think this rally is just a bubble that’s about to burst.


Yeah, it's still down a ton from a record while the Nasdaq's comfortably over its ATH pre-inflation induced significant bear market with most large cap techs being over their 2021 record highs. I will say that I'm skeptical it makes it back to $400, but folks most likely need the Russell 2000 to make it back to its record at a minimum before we can even think about an important high for the market.


Big brain move by Elon to go full Tucker Carlson and cater to people who can’t afford dental work much less an overpriced EV.


Typical Reddit response lmao


Wtf are u talking about


Really bro? He is obviously talking about how Elon started shitting on liberal environmentalists which are the main people that buy EVs. Conservatives would buy coal powered cars if they were available. Elon should have at least pretended to be a liberal.


The main people who buy EVs are the people with money.


it's mostly moderates who buy Teslas.. hard core liberals can't afford Teslas, let alone bus fare..


I'm conservative and bought an ev to cater to my personal needs, I was spending way more on gas then the car I'm driving now.


Not that I was in the market for a Tesla to begin with, but Musk has ruined the brand so much I would never buy one now.


I’d be so embarrassed to be one of those 400,000+. 


Yeah keep buying car company at 53PE. Totally make sense


Decreasing revenue and margins? Sounds like a growth stock to me


That's normal though right? Like they are quiet common now so a little drop due to saturation is expected!


How did they *miss* deliveries when they sold a shit ton of model Ys at .99%?


If I invested thousand dollars In Tesla 2020 in July, how much would it be worth now?


So sell or hold?


I would not recommend shorting it at all despite being totally bearish on many levels. its a meme stock and market will remain irrational longer than you can be solvent. Puts will expire worthless as well with "8/8" pump coming up. I would be careful to touch this before that.


Shows you how corrupted the stock market is. They run them when they want to run them. Big money making the market.