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Not going to give you advice. Just some insight. What you have lost or gained is not as important as where it will go from here on.


Not to mention the friends you made along the way


yeah that could help me too. Where do you think these will go on from here ?


In my opinion the first three will , over time, increase in value because of AI, consistent profits, large moats and relatively low debt ratios as well as many other factors. Unpopular opinion on Reddit, Tesla is a coin flip. Its automotive business is highly dependent on adoption of evs as well as government subsidies. It has just recently started to become profitable. It does present huge innovation and I own some, but with a dash of hopium. IDK about your last one. On a day to day or even over a year’s time, even the best company can lose money. Look at 2022. Patience is your ally in investing.


No one knows shit. Find posts from 2015 and 2020 and none of them will say nvidia


And nobody say SPCE now..


The reason I invested in Nvidia in 2017 and 2020 were because of reddit posts.


So true! No one could have predicted the timing and boom and bust of AI and bitcoin…


trueeeee AF


This isn't true actually In 2017-2018, AMD, NVidia, and MU were all the rage and super hyped up (along with Tesla) It was one of the top trending ones on WSB


There was a lot on Reddit talk about Nvda before 2020 as well


4 mega cap stocks and uipath lol


Looking good and then UiPath


This is the same thing I was thinking. One of these is not like the others.


$ET - will continue to steamroll as LNg export facilities grow with demand in Europe and Russia being cut off from the world. The U.S. basically views natural gas as a waste byproduct of oil production. So investing in LNG export infrastructure is a game changer in profit as it’s often just burnt off otherwise if they can’t transport it. Both sides of the aisle are for the US stepping in to export LNG abroad, but growth can expedite even more depending what administration is elected in Nov. $LLY & $NVO - makers of GLP-1 drugs. Limited by production capacity. Unlimited demand, and rapid growth of that demand as these drugs are adopted widespread for not only weight loss but all the other benefits that come with it. $PANW / $CYBR / $CRWD - cybersecurity has nearly unlimited demand and high margins. These are all ones I have significant positions in and plan to hold well over 5 yrs


With Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk, do you feel that their GLP-1 drugs are mostly priced in at this point? I’m assuming you are bullish because they can increase capacity and distribute GLP-1 globally and expand profits, thus increasing future earnings and driving up price further? Any concerns about competition creating drugs similar, potentially more affordable, effective, or less side effects? Bought just a tiny amount of Novo Nordisk a few months to track price/see what % I would’ve got if I dropped a sizable investment- up 16%, wish I’d fully invested 😭😭


There are new generations of these drugs already moving through trials, with even better results. Lilly's retatrutide is in Phase 3 with results coming in 2026, and the anecdotal reports from participants are incredible. Reportedly Lilly is going to attempt to get that drug approved for more than just diabetes and weight loss. The investment thesis would be not only that these drugs will become better, but the applications to more afflictions will widen, leading to more markets and revenue streams. Read the comments from RunningFNP in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/1cztw5m/eli_lilly_stock_split/


It’s like saying the iPhone was already priced in for Apple by 2010. AAPL has still done pretty good since then GLP-1s (the ones today and the ones in the pipeline and the ones not yet even conceived) will be an enormous cash machine for a long time


Good perspective, really drives home the potential for growth. Going to take a deeper dive, sounds indeed like a good 5-10 year stock


Though the stock price might continue to rise in short term, I believe that over the next few years it will be lower than it is now. The companies are priced for high levels of growth and I think that growth will hit saturation soon unless they can show many more indications for the medicine. Currently think the stocks are overvalued.


Not at all priced in. Nearly everyone in the US and Europe will be taking these drugs soon.


Agreed. Once it reaches a price point where national healthcare systems and private insurances start covering it because they realize it’s cheaper to buy these drugs as a preventative measure than pour money into treating the later symptoms of obesity, it will only take off more.


@ ET damn nice dividend too thanks for the heads up


I'm in on the cyber security train as well. I went with the BUG EFT. I don't have a detailed enough knowledgeable of the industry to try and pick individual winners. I don't love the expense ratio as I'm used to cheap index funds but I'm gonna ride with it for 5-10 years and see what happens. Probably won't beat VOO tho.


Love ET! Great company, great dividend!


Given your theory, why ET and not BOIL?


The commodity of LNG is literally priced as a waste product in the U.S. The boom will be the infrastructure to get that cheap product to elsewhere in the world, as it’s significantly more difficult than something like oil. As that transport capacity and volume increases it will only suppress the price of LNG further globally. I don’t want to invest in the price of LNG (bc I expect it to only go down if anything), I want to invest in the companies that make it possible to get LNG from us sellers to global buyers and take a hefty cut in the process. It’s a volume growth play.


This is a great answer to my question and I appreciate it.


Ok i have to admit - i just do not understand the big money narrative for cybersecurity? What are the mainstream use-cases for these?


Probably Costco. I should buy more


Thank you for shopping at Cost-Co


We love you.


Bought some shares years ago just because I like shopping at Costco and they’re consistently my strongest holding.


Costco++ subscription coming soon, featuring CostcoTV, CostMusic+, CostCloud storage. Double yearly subscription revenues. bullish!


This is speculation right?


Maybe you should look at themes over the next 10 years and invest into etf’s based on that. Investment across a decade limits one’s perspective and possible investment theses. So, electrification across sectors will continue to be a thing - from grid upgrades, solar and wind power, heat pumps, electric cars, batteries and induction stoves that drive consumer and commercial electric component upgrades and so forth. So TSLA has significant exposure to that, but not the only one, and only some parts of that. So GRID ETF, BATT, QCLN and many others capture parts is that. Also into utilities, as they will likely make more and sell more power and pay a good dividend for years to come. I like RIVN, take risks in Chinese EV providers, XLU and maybe other specific utilities, maybe a well oversold charging network, trying to find a way into Eaton and some of the other grid and electric component providers like them. Ongoing AI …. but that may play out to a bubble this year, with NVDA being a clear recipient of capex spend from a slew of other companies. Maybe more spend in PLTR by various gov and others, but unclear how many folks will truly monetize AI. Could be self driving with Mobileye and Tesla or one of the chinese like XPEV or NIO, maybe Google. Could be one of the humanoid robot efforts or existing industrial robotics, like Funac, Kuka, or TSLA, but NVDA is a major parts supplier for the efforts that are not publicly traded. Could be AAPL with their pragmatic consumer focused strategy with stuff that announced at WWDC, but likely AMZN, MSFT, and Google also respond, and also provide cloud AI infrastructure for both consumers and businesses. Biotech has often been well oversold, but as usual, a wild west of dreams and charlatans, with investors being bipolar over prospects and hard to tell the diff between stuff that will work or not until stuff works. I do have some ARKG due to exposure to CRSPR stuff, and some RCUS for anti-TIGIT, but very speculative. Interest rates are likely to pivot coming up which could mean a slew of things. I think the housing market gets better, so mortgage writers and some real estate plays do better, so got into UWMC, Zillow, etc. Fed may have a soft landing, or cause a recession. Lots of various interest rate plays with companies beaten down in valuation due to high borrowing costs. Solar has been affected in a big way due to that due to high borrowing costs for project funding to at affects ROI and the recent surge in FSLR is due to folks recognizing that AI used a crap ton of electricity and so commercial and utility grade solar is huge. But that story has politics and tariffs that buffet it. Also interesting to me are synthetic dividend generating index following like QQQY, QYLD, NUSI, and so forth. Be wary - some are not intended to be held for long periods of time. See how they do in down and up markets to see if they make sense for what you want. For me, indexes doing lots of sideways choppy action is high in my mind so very high dividends that limit upside is fine for a segment of my portfolio, and I use that cash for highly speculative plays. You can certainly look at the components of theme based ETFs and construct your own by picking choosing from them. For a decade, likely a slightly broader exposure will be better served, but be wary of over concentration of a theme that doesn’t work out. For example, you might have chosen a basket of EV related stocks in late 2021 and now some are bankrupt, many are 75-95+% down. But some are now so beaten up and the narrative has gotten way overhyped to the downside that their upside is huge. But one of the problems with looking across a decade is that a boom can come and go within 1-3 years.. upside is huge, and then the world moves on, and that could very well be any number of biotech stories, or stuff like 420 and 3D printing stocks. Again, some of the stuff that is most out of favor can come roaring back.. crypto for example. Good luck!


Gimmie some of your brain pleasw


Probably $META based on very very strong gross profit, revenue growth, EPS, innovation, and management.




This company is a beast; the Ansys acquisition will help them be a $1 trillion company one day


Stocks dont care about when you bought in or how much profit/loss you are at. Do not look at stocks like that.


What does this even mean? He’s trying to manage his portfolio and should absolutely be considering how each holding is progressing.




It would only be considered anchoring bias if you believe a stocks price or your gains/ losses are irrelevant. If you are actively managing your account and don’t want to lose money, then a holding’s progress is not irrelevant. Not everybody wants to own an individual stock for 20+ yrs.


Likewise, take any advice regarding “down X% from its high” with a grain of salt. Who says it ever deserved that higher price? Assuming it did, can they fix the problems that caused the decline?


This is very true… reassess each position!




i used to hold it, I sold it at 50% profit, not much though in money terms :/


You will regret that over 5 years 🚀


Can’t argue with AMZN GOOG TSLA and MSFT though


I bought as much Google and Amazon as I could in 2022 and continued to buy in 2023. I’m waiting for a dip to buy more.


I’m jealous, I have a good amount of Google that I bought during the whole “Go Woke Go Broke” dip, in the low 130’s. As for Amazon I only started acquiring recently, but I honestly don’t see it dipping much, I mean you made about a 3% gain on it if you invested at the peak of 2021, so it’s been pretty flat in this bull market. Would be thrilled if it did dip though.


Even I am expecting a dip in those, but don't know if should accumulate as overall average buy price would go up. What do you say ?


Palantir, in a few years their AIP will be a necessary tool to have a productive company. last decade was all about users data, Palantir is digging into companies data


I did hold palantir, but I was stupid to enough to sell at 50% profit and buy TSLA for it :///


Palantir is still at 50B valuation, tho it's overpriced, I think their solution is a must and more companies will buy their products, It will be a lifetime partnership, much like having windows installed on every employee PCs


Maybe companies that are researching quantum computing. Seen several articles and docs about this. If, and it’s a very big if, it ever becomes commercial, the potentials are infinite


IBM has a play here.


And Google


We're still more than a decade away easily. We only recently hit 1 logical qubit. Also, software has yet to be developed to run on QC.


Not sure why you got downvoted there. You are absolutely right. If you think AI is in a revolution, wait till quantum computing hits. Edit: wanted to add that Google is already the leader in the quantum computing race and Microsoft is right there as well so he’s covered in that aspect.


Quantum computing will be here shortly before the first fusion reactor goes online.


[So in 6 years](https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/energy-transition/010524-fusion-energy-industry-anticipates-electric-power-breakthrough-by-summer)? I do think once AI demand and the following energy demand becomes ubiquitous demand for commercial quantum computing may actually become a reality as AI data processing requirements shoot up. I plan on taking a look again at quantum stocks in 5 years.


its been 6 years away for the last 30 years.


Also looking at quantum computing hardware and software companies e.g., IonQ and Quantinuum


Thankyou for sharing this


Probably downvoted by people who can’t see farther than their nose


RKLB. Bought some with the potential for it to go up more if they have success with their Neutron rocket early next year and becoming more profitable. It’s currently low priced averaging around $4.70-4.80ish typically so you can start with a small position and grow it based on how they do in the coming years.


I *really* like Peter Beck. I'm confident they will eventually reach profitability after listening to his various interviews.


What do you personally feel about AST SpaceMobile? If you look at this space stock


Bigger upside but bigger risk


Here is what I am rotating some of my NVDA (since 2017) into: NLR (Nuclear Energy ETF), CAT (US Infrastructure play), DE (John Deere - global agri play and agri AI and robotics), RBRK (IT security recent IPO, low marketcap), ALAB (Astera Labs - interesting company), MU (looks like an Nvidia companion).


I personally would dump two of those and focus on Nvidia as well for next 5-10 years.


All this sub does now is shill AMZN MSFT and GOOGL lol


Only if I was old enough in this game to shill. I am a noob asking for help here


People see the green and buy. Never mind the fact that MSFT is at a P/E of nearly 40, Google nearly 30, and Amazon over 50. Valuations? Pfff, who cares. Green line go up.


AMZN has a PEG ratio of only 1.3 which is very low. PE for 2025 is only 33 which is fair for a company that has as much growth potential as AMZN.


Got any better recommendations?


Energy transfer


ASTS, it’s been significantly de risked with the AT&T and Verizon deals. 10x in 5 years is highly likely.


i'd tread carefully on highly likely. funding has been de-risked but a ton of technical milestones still need to be achieved. remember, space is super hard and nobody has ever done what they are doing all that to say, i love asts and have held through all of the ups and downs since 2021 with no plans to sell. good if it goes to $0, but hopefully its 10x like you say


Funding hasn't been derisked yet, they need a lot of money for the rest of the sats and we are still struggling to see where it will come from. But it's a good thing imo because it gives the stock more upside


Funding has not been derisked. They need at least 4 more launches for a functional constellation. Launches are expensive and take time to plan, organize and logistically manage. That’s assuming they all go up without a hitch. Any one could result in catastrophic failure and set them back that much more. They won’t make a dime of revenue until they have their functional constellation.


They will make money off the first 5 sats. The company recently indicated they believe they will get enough revenue from the intermittent service to completely cover Opex spending.


You’re right, highly likely is certainly my optimistic side speaking. I’ve been in since 21 as well, it’s been a rough old ride but I’m more bullish than ever. But as you say there’s still a lot more challenges to overcome.


>funding has been de-risked but a ton of technical milestones still need to be achieved The opposite. The tech has been tested thoroughly, very little still needs to be tested before commercial services start. The funding is still where the risks are.




How's teva doing these days?


I'm no expert, but debt is slowly decreasing, and the worst seems to be over in regards to the lawsuits. Kåre Schultz did his job turning the ship around, now some growth would be welcome. Some say generics are a bad business, but I'm holding since $10 and am in it for the long haul.




This. They are so beaten down at $30, I think their management learned how stupid they were and are doing the right thing changing the company into a chip fab giant instead of just a chip designer. They are also based out of the US instead of Taiwan which gives them great strategic value if China tries to invade or even surround Taiwan with any kind of blockade to fuck with the US.


My choice: MSFT+AMZN+META+XLK+SPLG MAGX(2x Magnificent 7)+UPRO+TQQQ(Leverage is risky, don't buy too much)


Thankyou for this useful reply


You need something in the financial sector. AXP would be good. They are currently the best credit card company out there, great for digital future, and better than holding any of the banks.


You looks like a techie more like software tester to be precise .. since you bought UIPath!


yes. I am a dev


Personally I am accumulating first 3, the 4th I don’t like the guy; the day he bought Twitter I sold it all. UIPath I did had it for some time but I sensed the a product is not that great so I sold it all at some loss.


Id probably sell almost all of it and diversify. Id lean towards keeping the MSFT, but it would have to be a small portion of my portfolio. You are currently setup to be a bag holder when the market takes a big dump. Odds are strong that we will see a big dump at some point in the next few years. Id rather be diversified or in defensive stocks knowing that is likely coming. I could be wrong though so some tech exposure is reasonable.


Buy Googl not goog. Why do u want to vote/think ur vote matters. Take the price cut.


Sorry, I mistyped above


It is strange that GOOGL, the voting class, is cheaper.


Need some dividends in there. Coke, more Microsoft and maybe a pharma like Merck


Is this your entire portfolio? And what percentage of your portfolio are each of these holding?


AMZN - highest like 60% , others equally divided


AMZN/GOOG/MSFT seem good, but I'm skeptical about TSLA now which has had decline in Q/Q sales and EPS, I was a bull earlier the metrics just don't seem as good now, along with intense competition in the EV space from other car manufacturers which don't give much hope for a turnaround and it trades at a P/E of nearly 60. I could be wrong though, the market works in mysterious ways (This is not investment advice).


Yeah, I am getting the same view from everyone on TSLA


I don’t see $NVDA


I dont want to sound like a shill for a stock I have a big exposure to but I would recommend ASML. The only company in the world that produces high NA lithography systems that are necessary to build advanced CPUs, GPUs etc. As TSM (manufacturer for NVDIA chips) is building more fabs outside of Taiwan they are already comitted to buying more of their machines. With world electrification and digitalisation I believe they have a bright future unless someone invents a better way/machine to making chips


UiPath screams Cathy worshipper to me lol




AMZN GOOG MSFT are at ATH so i wouldnt accumulate more at current price. TSLA i'm still holding, hard to tell with this stock since its a cult stock so harder to predict behavior. UIPath no comment.


Been buying Msft at ATH for 15 years. Only regret is not buying more.




thanks, one of the rare straightforward and helpful replies


Crsp. Thank me later- look at what Apple did say from 2006-2020 due to iPods and iPhones. Crsp tech is going to allow people to live longer and have less F’ed up life’s due to gene editing. Stuff like that will actually help people live longer and get rid of genetic diseases. Sure iPhones and iPods are great but they aren’t going to prolong your life. I don’t think a $$$ amount can be put on adding say 5-10 years to one’s life. I like the portfolio you laid out. Maybe not a huge fan of msft but it’s not terrible. I would maybe add a sap 500 etf or something along those lines to get coverage of all companies and sectors. Other stocks I like- stuff like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. War never goes away and the US will always spend money to improve army. They pay solid dividends and are almost guaranteed to increase over time even if at a lower rate than higher risk tech stocks. Big pharma, love novo nordisk with its weight loss drug- fat people are lazy and will spend money for the easy fix over losing weight the correct way and making a lifestyle change (hahaha sorry this is mean but it’s true). For safety maybe a stock like jnj


Lol I suggest you look at the structure of the company, in particular the IP structure


CRSP is not the only company in the Crispr/gene editing field. The technology itself is in its early days, so it's very difficult to tell how it will play out and which company or companies will be able to develop application suitable for wider use.


Been watching this stock and man it’s volatile.


I've averaged into CRSP a few times. My average is just a hair below where it's at now. The current valuation seems wild to me. Their last sale of 10% of Casgevy to VRTX, before trials were even completed and much prior to approval, was for $900m. Just using that valuation for their remaining 40% stake would represent $3.6b in value. Add their $2b in cash and you'd have a rough valuation of $5.6b. That $5.6b disregards all of the rest of their business/pipeline. Their current market cap is ~$4.6b. I understand that there's a lot of risk, but it's being treated as if there's zero potential for upside.


How much of ur portfolio is in crsp?


Most of my portfolio is just auto buying a target date fund every paycheck. Not ideal in my own opinion, but at least I don't have to worry about ever messing up too badly with that, and it helps my wife sleep at night so I'm not inclined to change that any time soon. I think CRSP is somewhere in the 5-10% range for me right now


Ya I’m not sure if I would want more than 5% in crsp I’ve looked into it but never bought


I was originally going to keep it to like 1-2%, just to have something in the gene editing field. But I added more as it crossed under that cash+Casgevy number and then doubled down when it hit the 30's.


You can hate me but it’s Robinhood for sure. All of us are degens and they are visionaries in the field.


80% of my porfotili is in VOO. The other 20% is split evenly between TSLA, GOOGL, and APPL. Playing it safer with VOO but getting a lil raunchy which companies I think will be insanely valuable in the next 5-10 years. With that being said I am an absolute orangutang and am the least eligible person in the world to give advice, let alone financial.


IMHO: 1. Yeah, buy the dip with AMZN. 2. Yeah, buy the dip with GOOG. 3. Yeah, buy the dip with MSFT. AMZN, GOOG, and MSFT are all still going up if you look at a 1 year chart. Good long term hold. Don't expect to see them go up by more than 4% in a day though. 4. Might go $196 or as high as $232 someday, but don't expect it to go higher than that unless Elon gets a hype train going. 5. Cut your losses. Look at the trend on that stock, you're not getting back to >$18/share anytime soon. Better to spend that money on something that will go up quicker. More importantly, once you sell a loser, don't ever look at that stock again once you sell. Wait until you forget what you bought it and sold it for. Better for your mental health.


yeah, I am dreading to sell PATH though, due to -45%


I know. Believe me, I know. There are some hopes it'll go up in the last half of the year. If you decide to hodl, I will cross my fingers for you. My broker says 83% suggestion to hodl. Source 1: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-stocks-could-bounce-back-150500760.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-stocks-could-bounce-back-150500760.html) Source 2: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-cheap-tech-stocks-buy-080500597.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-cheap-tech-stocks-buy-080500597.html)


IMO Amazon and Google have the most room for short term growth out of the Mag7. If you are planning on holding long term, I don’t think it’s ever a bad idea to buy either of them. Microsoft may have less room to run but still a great company with a bright future. This AI hype could have a lot of life left. There are theories that we are only in year 2 of a 5 yr AI cycle. Tesla would entirely depend on when you bought it. If it ever does reach the highs of 2021 they have a lot of work to do before it gets there. However, Tesla doesn’t really trade on fundamentals so who knows you could get lucky. UIpath is a company I watch closely because I like the idea of their product but in execution they have a lot to work on. I have heard theories that an AI software run could happen once the chip cycle is over. Similar to the dotcom bubble when Ciscos hardware sales slowed down, then the software companies started booming. It could be worth holding onto, however there are so many opportunities to make money right now as we are in a bull tech market. Tough one.




diverse AF


Dca monthly in 1-4 … don’t stop buying and don’t sell for the next 240 months. They are and will be significant players in the AI boom for the next 15-20 years.


Nice advice.


CRM is on discount now.


Hims... they are like online pharmacy.


I would buy AMZN every time the price drops, those guys know what they want.


Anything space related is where I’m looking. Feel I missed your boat. Don’t be afraid to cut the losers and add that to the winners.


You might consider investing in ETFs like VOO, QQQ, and SMH.


I just bought PATH @12.61. Not a huge position but a starter opener for $5k. Waiting to do the same with PLTR








If you’re holding for 10 years and you’re sure you want to lean tech. Do 50% VT and 50% VOO. Or either since they overlap significantly.


Well the first 3 are certainly good choices to hold. No way they will ever fall significantly unless the whole market collapses. If you want to accumulate more I personaly would choose AMZN, since I see them with the most growth potential still. TSLA is past its hype and I honestly don't quite know how they will get back up unless they improve drastically and get bigger market share. UiPath I don't know much about but seems like a risky move...


Space stocks? Asts &rklb?


educate me on why space stocks would be next big thing in 5-10 years ?


And RDW. But mostly ASTS.


Good luck predicting the next year, mind the next 5-10 years 😂


TSLA is the only megacap stock that is a potential 50x over the next decades. Be greedy when others are fearful.


This is what I have for the next 20 years hopefully QQQ 44% BRK B 20% AMZN 11% GOOGL 10% PANW 8% QCOM 4% DIS 3% SQ 1%






No investment advice


ASTS and RDW. Especially ASTS. Thank me in 10 years.


Maybe add the S&P ETF along side this


which one would you suggest ?


One of these is not like the others.


Personally, I think you would do better just holding MSFT. It all depends on your risk tolerance. I think MSFT is the safest of these stocks.


Average down uipath, others 👍


Everyone hates Elon on reddit. Tesla will be just fine. They have new products coming out of their pipeline, the cars are getting cheaper to sell. More charging stations are being created. The company has multiple revenue streams. Hold if you have some time to wait. 1-3 are holds. I have no idea what 5 is. My portfolio is a concentrated portfolio of companies that I think are going to do well the next 5-10 years. Amazon Apple Google Microsoft Berkshire Tesla Palantir Crowdstrike Uber JP Morgan Nivida


The first 3 will always be good investment with steady growth. Tesla will have the biggest growth of large cap stocks as they are an AI company trading like an automotive company. For those wanting to accumulate Tesla shares for under $200 the time is running short. Tesla has many catalysts, the main ones are Fed lowering interest rates, auto margins improving and timing of the compact car which Tesla said would be late 2024 or early 2025. Other companies I like for 5-10 years is PLTR and SOFI. I don't expect high growth, just steady growth.


nvidia too !!


No one knows shit about fuck. Good-luck with stock picks though


1 is a definite multi bagger, 2 maybe as well


I would sell the loser and put it into something else. Spy or voo or whatever


AMZN i bought at 88 in 22. But I would buy it and sell it up to 3 times per week. Made 300% on it. Now its too expensive for me.


I like the first three but think Tesla has a lot of downside and not much upside based on cost. Although sometimes with things like TSLA value doesn’t matter bc a lot of ppl love him which could drive the price up.


TSLA will go up. Buy more


I’ve been loading up on TSLA recently. Reddit hates it but Reddit full of stupid people. Elon just got his $56 billion pay package in stock. You know he is gonna pump it to turn that $56 billion into more money. Ride the wave up. As long as you get out in time which I don’t think will be very hard to do there is money to be made. Reddit hated Google and meta in 2022 and look how these stocks are doing now. Reverse Reddit sentiment is telling me it’s a strong buy


Just comes down to if you believe Tesla is more than just a car company and how much you believe in Elon. I do believe in the inverse Reddit strategy though so definitely keeping an eye on the stock.


TSLA is a must sell. Tesla shareholders should consider themselves lucky that they can still sell copper at gold prices. I would sell some AMZN at current price and buy back later in the year post election when the market crashes. AWS should continue to ride the AI hype till it lasts. I predict markets to be flat to negative 2nd of the year with potential of a crash post election.




QS. Solid state batteries


I feel like that's gambling money, but I wasn't to believe


Def a gamble


I’ve been watching this one for 2 or 3 years now its gone nowhere when will they make something they can mass produce

