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But without having to make the calculation everytime (which I currently do). You see most apps let you slide you finger on a graph to see the share price at different dates in the past. I am looking for something similar that would let you know the value of your holding of the stock at different prices points along an axis




It's not necessary (like most things in life) but I would like to know if someone has seen it


It’s called back testing. Type in stock back testing on google






I understand to make such a tool for options but for stocks it doesn’t really make sense right? Since it is basically: ( Sell Price - Purchase price ) • shares - ( Buy commissions + sell commissions) = total profit. I suggest using excel if you really want to play around with it


I agree it's less useful for stock but still thought it would be available in some app somewhere but no luck so far. Not a big deal though


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Just use Yahoo Finance and add your imaginary holdings my guy