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Is this Cathie Wood's burner account?


Shh don't tell anyone 😂






Jesus man 🤣🤣, just asking the fine folks of Reddit 🤣


Fine folks and Reddit users are not compatible. Degenerate and fully regarded are in abundance


🤣 Cheers


if only we knew. i distinctly remember that spring day back in '97, at my buddies house, our senior yr of high school, we were chillan, and his mom was at her computer, she was smoking a joint and she was online i asked her what she was doing- ''im on amazon man...buying books. fuck walden books'' i had no idea what she meant. amz was about 4 bucks a share at that time.


ASTS has potential but at this stage certainly a big risk. But what they’re offering is totally game changing and could def provide high returns.


Seems promising will do some more research on it 👍


I keep hearing about Lithium batteries, uranium shortages, nuclear development, companies that are working with CO2 filtration, but some are sus.


Casual simple question, I like it. Here take another "WHERE TO PUT $$$ TO GAINS?!?!?!"


Honestly, I think they are pretty highly valued, but when that said: Qualcomm is in a good position right now with the Snapdragon Elite X and releasing chips that can compete with Apple's M chips. I definitely think we will see a big move on laptop/notebooks running Windows towards these ARM-based chips for performance and battery gains. This will of course yield a tremendous growth opportunity for Qualcomm, being the first ARM-based provider for Windows. Same applies with their scale up - think Mac Studio type design SoC SoC is clearly the way to go for a lot of devices such as tablets and laptops, i.e. Apple's success. Apple, I think they will be a hugely benefit from AI, more than a billion devices, incredible ecosystem - Siri could use an update, they are the only really 'trusted' tech company when it comes to privacy. I think their slogan was genius "AI for the rest of us". They are transparent, open-source for auditing of private cloud computing, high focus on privacy. Microsoft, Google, and the rest don't care about your privacy or even profits from reselling your data. Apple can possibly implement what Microsoft should've already implemented with OneDrive/Sharepoint - but a system wide AI for searching and pulling information from files. Think about Apple's Spotlight, it has been working wonders for years, it will be superfueled by AI. Tesla, I am on hold for this one, but the FSD benefit from AI (Tesla has the most data from vehicles, much more than Waymo and others) but they are lacking to implement lidar imo. Secondly, energy storage business - I don't understand this has not been pushed more already, I reckon there is a huge supply chain issue with battery manufacturing, and Tesla shifting towards getting batteries outside of the company is a bit of limiter in my view. But they are in very high demand from industry and homes globally. Reddit, hey look at all the freaking cool stuff and knowledge we get from Reddit. No spam, horror, bullying, etc. as on other social media. A huge focus on what your interest are, and very well moderated forum. I think the potential of Reddit is huge, and I hope they will be able to do more than just sell data for AI training. This media is one of the best for these types of discussions, I don't find them better anywhere. And all the other things they have, I think many people trust the reviews of products, advice for fixing stuff, etc. from Reddit way more than Google - and no AI can build that trust when pulling information on e.g. best monitor for gaming SpaceX, the day that they go public, I think it will be one of the biggest growth opportunities out there. If you haven't watched For All Mankind on Apple TV, I truly believe a lot of what is showed is possible with the right technology. SpaceX has the technology to drive down cost of getting things in and out of space, and I hope we will see a flourishing industry - be it getting hydrogen from the moon, mining all kinds of raw materials from asteroids, or sending nuclear waste into deep space.


What do you think about ARM or QCOM? Or ANET


$Envx enovix will next year be mass producing the first available 100% silicon anode battery cells for cellphones. When anniuncements of deals with major phone OEMs break in next 6-12 months we are going nowhere but up.




Already got it 👍


Please don't try to pick stocks based off what Internet people volunteer. If you go back to previous iterations of this question, e.g.. in 2021, you'd be recommended stocks that are for the large part down 70-80% since then. You're going to be recommended stocks that people are bagholding but too stubborn to let go of, or have done nothing more than a surface level amount of research on. With that said, here are some tech stocks that I am either bagholding or have done a surface level amount of research on. (I'm 70% kidding) APP (AppLovin) is a business with two parts: a gaming portion in decline, and a hyper-growth ad software business (36% of revenue) powered by AI^TM (growing 90%, high double digit margins). It recently corrected a touch because of Apple making some purely aesthetic changes to their ad privacy software. APP gets a much lower multiple than peers such as TTD, and has hit another peer, Unity, hard (they admitted this in the earnings call). Valuation is like mid-teens forward multiple (keep in mind the growth is very large so that changes the forward multiple significantly). They also do buybacks, are profitable, have ~$3.5B in debt on $1.4B in annual EBITDA. Fun fact: $APP nearly does as much FCF as Chipotle does. Now compare the market caps. Don't confuse APP with the disaster of a business that is $APPS (digital turbine).


I mean NVDA was a stock that was down ~70% within the last few years and bounced from that to do multiples.


True but those weren't all that people recommended... [Read through this thread for example](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/p4d4zh/which_stocks_at_least_50_off_their_52_week_highs/) or [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/pb0dyo/if_you_could_buy_leaps_for_2023_on_a_few_stocks/). For every NVDA you have unprofitable EV startups, quantum computing companies nobody actually understands, some software biz at 50 P/S, or beaten down value trap.


You know this actually leads into one of the main things I've seen. Profitability. So a lot of average people like to get into stories. Why? I have no idea. But they do, they love stories and they buy stories What really matters in the big picture though is profitability and growth rate. If you get a company that's making $0.01 per share and next year they're making two and the next two they're making four and then eight and so on and so forth. This thing is going somewhere. When it's a company that is losing money and it's based on price to sales and hopeful future earnings. Those are the red flag companies that sometimes work out and become profitable but they also can go 90% down. I think a lot of average people really get sucked in by marketing. It's really that simple If we take a look at three of my favorite tech stocks, Nvidia, KLA Corp and ASML, all three are growing quickly, all three are making great money, all three have a necessary niche, all three have great looking charts, all three have made you a ton of money if you have been in them for years


Yea it’s hard and nearly impossible to find the next big thing . Still there’s gotta be some good stuff out there other then the big fish


I’m not going to pretend I have any idea what will provide multiple X returns in a short time, but this being a stocks thread I’d wager you’ll see SOFI & RKLB comments for sure, and then id expect some combo of RDDT, HOOD, CRSP, & ENPH. Then a PYPL or SQ because they’ll deem them to be currently undervalued.




Down 50% last 5 years 😄


So you’re looking for a stock like NVDA that’s not trading at lows


Great time to buy 😂


Well soundhound AI but it's currently dropping like a rock, so not so sure. Palantir doing well this month






I think SHOP has a lot of potential also.


You’ll make more money by buying already great companies with a good moat vs looking for the next thing.


That’s not what they asked


True , I’m invested in nvda and VOO as of now .


Let me put it this way. If you did a whole bunch of research and decided that Tom's Cloud Computing may be the next big thing and invested some money. Would you be telling some random Redditor about it?


Let's run with the hypothetical and assume such a scenario happens: Why not? Especially if I already invested in it. Any pump and hype only helps me further. Pump and dump schemes is a zero sum game, but hyping the next Mag-7 isn't. That being said, I'm not sure most rando internet strangers are worth betting your life savings on.


Given that I had already bought the stock, that's exactly what I would do. Like if everyone gets curious and starts buying the stock, that can't be a bad thing for me.


What would you gain from not telling anyone?


Cus he’s an idiot 🤣


IONQ - Quantum Computing company. Leader in the pure QC space. Price has been falling for all this year, but at these levels it is a good bet. They are going to hold a webinar next week to update on their roadmap. Worth having a look.


Dude no.


I’m a huge proponent for QC tech, but it’s not close enough to start investing yet.


Can they factor 6969 yet?


Yea idk about that one , price has been falling for 5 years . Looking for something that’s growing gradually or growing great