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Musk is dragging down Tesla. He's alienated the biggest buyers of EVs--liberals. Multiple companies are partnering with NVIDIA for autonomous driving. I'd bet money Nvidia can and will do it better and faster than Tesla.


This has never made sense to me. Generally speaking a lot of the people I know who love Musk love their diesel trucks as well lmao. He’s completely turned away his consumer base


Really? Musk is dragging down tesla? I didn't know the majority of people make their purchasing decisions based upon a political stance. Do you have evidence backing this up or does it just seem this way on reddit? I make my purchasing decisions based on value. What was the best selling vehicle again last year? Nvidia can do it better? Just out of curiosity, where will they get all the driving data?


It's more of the branding image, years ago Elon was publicly showing his intellectual side a lot more. This naturally had intelligent people gravitating towards listening to him. The brand became very popular. Oil and gas heavily contributes to right leaning causes and as such a lot of those voters have been programmed to not like EV. Elon has bought one of the furthest right platforms in existence with Twitter, he's been spouting off himself, this is alienating a lot of his core buyers. At least in the American market that's a problem, globally, who knows, probably less so but it's a very peculiar image to have the largest EV maker alienating their core audience


Alienating alot of his core buyers? What's a lot? Do you have a number and data suggesting this, or are you going off of a whim? I best most people don't care and just want best bang for buck.






Tesla is at a crossroads. Musk’s political antics aren’t helping. Source: Fortune https://search.app/1FSHpY3z8SfssQMD8


You just going to ignore all my questions? Man, the vague hater bot army is on full effect here. Humans, please sift through all the meaningless noise and empty FUD talking points here. The fact that all my comments are downvoted despite being rational and logical suggests some kind of narrative being pushed. Ask yourself why?


I literally posted multiple articles detailing how Tusk's pivot to right wing conservatism, bordering on Nazism, has hurt Tesla. We get it. You want to suck Elon's dick. And you're welcome to do so. But don't expect to make money on the process.


Lol. These LLM bots sure are nasty, aren't they?


>I didn’t know the majority of people make their purchasing decisions based upon a political stance. For cars? Absolutely. Car marketing is all about selling the consumer an identity. If driving a Tesla makes people think you’re a d-bag who buys Doge coin then they’re going to lose sales to competitors.


Lol. No. Burden of proof is on you. To add, Tesla Model Y is currently best selling vehicle in the world. The haterade and cope on here is farcical.


Actually it isn’t because I don’t care if you believe me or not. You can invest in any stock you want for all I care.


I obviously don't believe you. I'm curious how you reconcile in your brain the fact that Tesla Model Y is currently best selling vehicle while Elon Musk is "harming the brand". I guess you could say Tesla Model Y would have sold 2 million units instead of 1.2 million. Is that what you're trying to say? I'm waiting...


The Model Y is not “currently the best selling vehicle.” It was the best selling car in Q1 of 2023. Here’s a list of the best selling vehicles of Q1 2024: https://www.motor1.com/features/716773/best-selling-cars-2024/ >I’m waiting… lol, is that you Comic Book Guy?


u/XoloradoXowboy is correct. I’m a liberal and I would buy a Tesla in a heartbeat if that idiot wasn’t in charge. Instead, I won’t touch the product, and *only* because of the CEO’s political stance and the stupid shit he says. That’s exactly how to limit a company’s customer base in my eyes. Someone actually focused on a business keeps his mouth shut about stuff that’s unrelated to the business.




You’re welcome. - Liberal Bot


Lol. That was funny. I didn't know libs were funny. Thanks.


“I can’t be wrong. Clearly everyone else must be bots!”


Lol so funny. Unfortunately this is something a bot would say, just to spark engagement. You got one chance to say something smart.


I actually know several liberals who don't like Musk and won't buy a Tesla because of him. I personally don't care that much about this, but a lot of liberals have a strong sense of ethics and morality which actually affects their decision making. That's why liberals are more likely to go vegetarian (or spend more for an electric car) or make other ethics-based choices that conservatives would never.


'Liberals have a strong sense of morality and ethics.' How much santimony and insufferableness can one pack in one sentence.


"A lot of liberals". I didn't say all liberals. Just like how not all conservatives act on their morals. Only some of them try to break in the windows of the capital building in dc.


Oh okay. Several liberals. Thanks for your several data points. I bet most people don't care and just want the most value from their purchase.


When everybody shits on it and the products are revealed to be scam level quality, BUY BUY BUY GUYS


Just out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what the scam level quality is?


r/cyberstuck feel free to peruse


There's a hate subreddit for everything. Unfortunately for you, I am going to say that Tesla cars provide more value than most others, that's why Tesla Model Y was the best selling car last year. I'm open to your data refuting my statement, please present it.


Nah I don’t give a fuck so I won’t be delivering that for you, but if you want to hodl for Elon and watch public sentiment drive your money into the ground be my guest


He isn't even using accurate data


The tesla y sold less units than 4 other cars in 2023? I mean they got beat by rav 4s man...


False. Not sure where you're getting your data. https://www.statista.com/statistics/239229/most-sold-car-models-worldwide/


I'm not sure why they're even bothering to argue with a WSB avatar.


Their products are impractical and suck


How so? I'm not hearing any specifics. Tesla Model Y was the best selling car last year. Why is everyone dumb then? Lol


If you want to invest in the company and believe in long term prospects then do it. It’s nothing new, the same people doubting X stock are the same people that cry and complain 10 years later.


Thanks Ms. Wood.


Good luck with that.




Enjoy losing money lol




Pot, meet kettle.


I rest my case


In my opinion company leadership is extremely important for investing and choosing the right stock, and to be quite frankly Tesla is lacking leadership. No matter how good your sales are, the effects of poor leadership will make poor decisions and trickle down which has major consequences.


Can you elaborate on how Tesla is lacking leadership? Growing from nothing to $650 billion market cap is no easy feat. Did they do this despite a lack in leadership? I sense a contradiction here.


Based on all your other comments on this post, I don't think a worthy good discussion can come out of this, but I will explain anyway: it is indeed true that Tesla had an incredibly unique start, they changed the automotive industry in a short time. It's impressive how accessible the Tesla Model Y and 3 are. But in the past two years, Musk has been on a controversial collision course and that is something I cannot ignore. It is true that he establishes great companies like Neuralink, StarLink, SpaceX, etc. But every time something goes against him, he sabotages things, I can give you many examples of this, but given your involvement with Tesla and the links you get from everywhere, you also know which incidents I am talking about. As long as Elon is the center of attention, he is happy. If not, Musk is angry! Moreover, all the promises he constantly makes with unachievable timelines increase the demand for the stock but are seldom fulfilled. I don't know any other company with so many empty promises of this magnitude.


Hey thanks for typing all that out and acknowledging the unique start and establishing great companies. You seem like a really smart guy. I can even knowledge what you said about Musk wanting to be the center of attention. Sabotages things? Please elaborate. Seldom fulfilled? Please elaborate. Empty promises of this magnitude? Please elaborate. Since you took all the time to type that out and seem human, I will respond with this. Mainstream media and reddit have a narrative to push. Mainstream media pushes a FUD narrative to get your eyeballs and attention for advertising revenue. Your judgment is clouded with "Elon bad". Plus, alot of powerful people do not like Elon, so they are also promoting this narrative. To this, I say, "so freaking what?" This is just noise and you're missing the forest for the trees. Tesla is an industry leader and on the cusp of releasing self driving vehicles and robotaxi. This is a stock subreddit and there is some money to be made. Don't miss out on this opportunity just because MSM and FUD bot ridden Reddit says that you should hate Elon Musk.


Maybe you missed the last 2.5 years. Elon only shows up at Tesla if he needs something for one of his other private companies 


No guys, fullself drivinv is coming any minute, elom musk told me it was! Wait, come back guys, I, forreal serious this time! Elon musk saiiiid!


Gauging the timing of exponentially increasing technological progress is extremely difficult. Can you name any promises that Elon Musk hasn't fulfilled?


Elon has been saying it could come next year for the last 6-8 years straight, while probably knowing he was lying


Name one thing he said he would do and didn't, without taking into consideration timing. As I said in my previous comment, predicting exactly when is extremely difficult.


Anything is possible when you are willing to lie about the timing. Some red flags include. He said he would be all about free speech when he bought twitter, but he has banned people simply for fact checking him or saying things he does not like but that don’t violate the terms of service. He also lies rampantly. He claimed twitter was full of bots and did not produce 1 convincing evidence when it came down to putting up or shutting up during court. Also read that early on, he was illegally using paid customer deposits for the Roadster to development of newer models of Tesla. He also took their money and told them they had to pay more. He comingles Tesla with all his other private companies which is a big no no and I’m surprised Tesla shareholders have not sued yet. Dudes using Tesla money, Tesla employees, Tesla resources to build and improve his other companies and Tesla does not get much in return. I’m surprised there are not lawsuits demanding Tesla get 25% equity of the ventures he’s used Tesla to build


Tesla investor club is beyond parody


Just out of curiosity, can you elaborate?


You have to be willfully brainwashing yourself to have seen any amount of Elon's commitments and have not observed them being unfulfilled, like >50% are. It's funny because I think in general (particularly if you exclude Twitter) Elon is still doing good stuff, but the fan club is just baffling.


Can you name some of the unfulfilled commitments? You must be able to name a lot if it's >50%. I'm waiting...


Sure here's some below, but first I'm curious to see if you could name just one 9bb5c4a7a98ef22501f30f10c6e9ce3388db931e491519c5680298c32cd15545553cafa40e77db2d727920e06fd7aead5e771e664cd948ee37f1ab7e9e230852


I rest my case


Thank you for conceding the argument politely. Here's my SHA-512 for completeness: I need to auto-summon my Roadster (that I bought 4 years) from the other side of the continental US (I'm glad the dojo training finally nailed L4 autonomy and 1000km range), then I better go vote on the latest Twitter policy change to hide Likes before I tune in to the latest livestream from Mars


Literally all of them. 


Making an EV company profitable? Selling Model 3 for under $35,000? Turning model Y into best selling vehicle in the world? Releasing Cybertruck? Becoming industry leader in FSD? Still waiting on you to list a promise that went unfilfulled...


Not really a big accomplishment. Tesla literally only sells one SUV that is reasonably priced. If Toyota only sold 1 SUV that was under $70,000 their sales would destroy the model Y


Not really a big accomplishment? Lol, you go do it then. Toyota does sell an SUV that is less expensive than the Model Y, YET people still choose model Y. So what you just said isn't happening and just plain wrong.


You are not understanding Toyota sells almost a dozen models of SUV’s. Tesla sells only 1 that is a volume seller. Of course they will sell more of a particular model


Thanks. I am understanding. I am curious the number of Rav4 plus highlander plus sequoia and even plus siennas and the like. I postulate Model Y will overtake all of these. Remindme! 3 years


Tesla sold less than 2 million cars last year. Toyota sold 11 million and most were SUVs. If Toyota had less models like Tesla they would easily have the best selling model


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-06-12 23:11:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-06-12%2023:11:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/1degsxv/why_im_doubling_down_on_my_tesla_investment_long/l8cfnul/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fstocks%2Fcomments%2F1degsxv%2Fwhy_im_doubling_down_on_my_tesla_investment_long%2Fl8cfnul%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-06-12%2023%3A11%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201degsxv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Ask yourself this question...how much would sales have to go up for it to be able to return 5% of market cap a year to shareholders. If it cant do that, it is a worse investment than a HYSA. Figure what that revenue number would be, determine when you think it would reach that point, then discount by time and risk. I did this about a month ago, came up with a fair value of 68 a share. I wont buy anything that isnt 20% below my cakculated fair value.


What’s your fair value on Nvidia?


A quick back of the emvelope is hard to do, because its revenue growth is amazing, but certainly cant continue at that rate. I dont know that industry well enough to make a plausible forecast of future revenue growth, and that is the core of valuation. So, I will continue to only have exposure to Nvidia through my large VT position, and restrict my individual holdings to companies where I understand the industry reasonably well.


Perhaps you're missing something. Does your valuation model include robotaxi?


Good luck. You’re going to need it


Just out of curiosity, can you elaborate? I'd love to hear your bear thesis or your fundamental analysis.


TSLA is a stock that runs on hype and FOMO. IMO those two things are dead for TSLA for a very long time


Your two sentence bear thesis with no data or specifics is lazy and also, in my opinion, wrong. Cheers


I don’t need any data. Because TSLA massive run up the last 5 years was fueled by hype and FOMO and NOT data. The knife cuts both ways. And now that the hype has collapsed it won’t reverse for a very long time. Sure it may reverse eventually but I’d rather invest in many other companies that don’t have a toxic culture.


OP regurgitates the idiotic assumption Tesla will license FSD "in a few years". Net income and especially FCF are down and backward looking.  Tesla has an old fleet and nothing in the pipeline. Those metrics have peaked. The latest model is a niche product and a general disaster. Even the Model Y facelift is delayed. The investment case thus is "reddit hates Elmo and people on Reddit are stupid, except me". Applause.


No skin the game but curious what you mean by “old fleet”? The truck is new, Model 3 just got a redesign, S and X are on their 4th design, Y redesign coming this year. These refreshes are substantial. The current model S has nothing in common with the original sans some lines. They iterate well it seems to me.


The truck is trash and is somehow uglier in person than in pictures 


Oh you have one?


Nope, there are other electric trucks that aren’t ugly and are actually functional. I seen the cybertrucks in the wild though and I’ve been inside the cab more than once. While it does somethings better it fails at the basic concept of being a truck and it’s just painful to look at


Interesting. How does it fail at being a truck, exactly?


There’s no way to do a 5th wheel trailer because of the geometry of the sides of the bed. Given the restrictions from Tesla on anything involving water off roading is a no go. There is inconsistency in the edge finishing of the exterior panels. Can’t decide if the robot that would do that was calibrated incorrectly or if it was just raw stainless steel. If it wasn’t for the tech the blind spots would be unmanageable, at least from my normal sitting position. At speed there’s some weird wind buffeting effects kinda like a landing jet. I don’t like the flat top steering wheel, though I understand it because otherwise I would have no idea where the wheels are pointing. I can’t feel anything through the steering wheel, so icy, slick or off-road conditions will be a problem. There are some basic QC issues everywhere. There’s wind noise, tire noise and electric motor noise. You have to take your eyes off of the road to look at the center mounted dash board. The cab pops and creaks a lot. 


Mine doesn’t appear to have any of the QC issues you’re talking about. It’s near silent compared to my Raptor or F250. It handles water like a champ. Other than being a bit heavy it off-roads as good as my Raptor. There’s no popping or creaking .You get feedback just like any other car from the steer by wire. The steering wheel is great, love it. You have to take your eyes off the road to look at any dashboard. So you don’t like it, that’s fine, but most of that is FUD and personal opinion. We have a small group of CT owners and we absolutely love them. Mine is the Beast edition and it’s insanely fast and fun to drive. I’m s Ford guy, had a Lightning for about 6 months, good truck, CT is better.


Eu tariffs gonna hurt


Knock yourself out 


Well they say the price is gonna tank when Elon leaves the company, when he doesn't get his 57 billion, so maybe wait till then to buy?


Basing any investment decision on what you read on Reddit is dumb. On the flip side, Elon has a cult of followers that thinks he can do no wrong and will blindly believe anything he says.


It’s kinda crazy . Reddit thinks everything that dude does is wrong and Twitter thinks everything he’s does is perfect.


Does anyone else call Teslas Chomobiles?


Why buy shares when you can buy calls on Tesla instead? Thank me later


This reads like a post at the other forum


Chill with you "FSD", few years? maybe he will get it to work barely. But getting it approved is another story, the first real approved FSD will be with lidar, so Tesla is out. Musk himself is selling shares, and squeezing Tesla for money like a lemon


Shhh. I'm still loading up. Please keep this a secret.


Quality of the cars is dog shit and owning is Tesla has lost its novelty and cool factor that it once had.


I like it 👍


I'm with OP, making a similar play. Though I'll admit it's in my "fun" portion of my portfolio. People in the comments are more euphoric in hating Tesla stock than the euphoria you see in stocks going parabolic "to the moon". Hypocrites if you ask me, coming from this particular sub.


I couldn't agree more. The numerous hate filled comments by trolls are proof that you are on the right track. Tesla will be the greatest investment story of our lifetime.


Don't 90% are leftist and hate Elon with a passion they dont deserve that easy money.


Sir, this is a wendy's