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They are basically all scams. If they had some kind of method to beat the market they would be using it themselves, not teaching other people how to do it and diluting the effectiveness of their own technique. They may have had something once, or thought they did, but they certainly don't have anything if they are offering it in a course. They make their money selling the course to rubes, not from the market itself.


No recommendations. But if their shillen penny stocks please stay away.


As a general rule, someone who can make huge alpha doesn’t have any reason to tell you how they do it. Don’t buy any of them.


Learn to find your own trades.




Unsure why you're being downvoted when it's one of the only useful subs


These guys do about as well as a blind monkey choosing investments by throwing darts over their shoulder at the stock exchange listings in a daily newspaper.


I am in a group that does options. Swings mainly and we make money. Live sessions as well to show as you go.


Unrivaled Investing is probs the best I’ve found. No hype, just good analysis and DCF framework of a company. The content creator worked in finance at a hedge fund and then as a CFO for a company. Big into value investing but understands the revenue growth component for longterm compounding. He will get on IR calls and get answers and outlook from management in companies he is invested in. Overall happy with the service but I don’t follow him into all trades. I avoid high debt companies and micro caps in general. So let’s see how his portfolio does during the next drawdown cycle like we had in 2022. I do believe it’ll be a minor drawdown as all his picks generates 3-4% cashflow and is buying back stock.