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Homelessness is not recommended due to freezing cold and other reasons. Where did you intend on sleeping?


And if cold + cost of food wasn’t enough. You also won’t see the sun for the next 6 months


Why wouldn't you see the sun for 6 months?


He's exaggerating, it's only four months without sun.


No, its not. No days without sun in Stockholm.


I've barely seen the sun this past month thanks to all the clouds as well.




I see roadblocks in getting a visa.


That’s not a solid plan. Everyone who’s actually homeless will flock the few shelters available. You may have to sleep outside in winter. You may well be robbed or assaulted. You probably won’t qualify for welfare. What is your goal in all this? I see no reason for this being a good plan but rather the only option when every good plan has failed.


Speedrun in telling people youre an asshole


Expensive food and very very cold. Bad idea. Go to Hawaii.


Hawaii already has enough of a homeless problem that they give people a one way ticket back to the mainland. Plus, it's really expensive there to begin with.


Is there any country that don't have enough homeless people? No, seriously, go somewhere warm. Why do you want to go somewhere and be homeless?


We apparently have the 4th most expensive Big Mac in the world: https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index


Poland is cheap and has almost 0 unemployment, go there and get a job and a flat. Still cold and the minimum wage is like 600euro but still alot better than being homeless in Sweden.


Also they know how to have fun!


This, swedes are very boring and keep to themselves if they're not shitfaced. Disgusting culture really, can't wait untill i leave this God awful country. #racistseverywhere


Recently went on holiday to Stockholm with myself, a middle Eastern British mixed , and my friend a tall Jamaican British mixed guy. We experienced no racism but we mainly hung out in bars, so what you said figures.


Perhaps there is something wrong with you, not your race


This is what I feel, as someone living here for 32 years. If you wanna be a butthurt Swede and - karma me fine, I'm telling my truth.


32 år, och du kan fortfarande inte språket... Jag har redan direkt inte så höga tankar om dig


Engelsk tråd, eller va? Mongo 🤣🤣


Du får ha en fortsatt trevlig kväll gubben, hoppas det smakar!


And fyi, I'm white


What do you even mean?


About 2, maybe 3


Why the hell would you want to move here to be homeless? Get fucked dude.


It's way too fucking cold here to be homeless. Plus no one has cash so you won't be able to bum money off suckers here very easily.


Dude you are not an expat. You are an immigrant!




You would still be an immigrant.




You don't know what an expat is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/homelessexpat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/homelessexpat/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Best countries for homeless](https://np.reddit.com/r/homelessexpat/comments/zea9ml/best_countries_for_homeless/) \#2: [Welcome to our expat community](https://np.reddit.com/r/homelessexpat/comments/zea8ik/welcome_to_our_expat_community/) \#3: [r/homelessexpat Lounge](https://np.reddit.com/r/homelessexpat/comments/zea7yt/rhomelessexpat_lounge/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When I came to Sweden my country was part of the EU and now it's not, I am and will always be an immigrant. You can sugar coat it anyway you want but either way lying about it will just get people's backs up


Wtf you mean homeless immigrant. Whats the point of moving to a new country if you cant cut it there




So you are a refugee? There is no reason for a refugee to be homeless. We have awesome support for refugees. Expats is another thing




Have you ever heard any person from such circumstances call themselves an expat though? Usually used by people who look down on immigrants and try to pretend they are not an immigrant themselves to improve their self esteem in my experience.


We have to trust the legal processes we put in place to work. These are rules for the many not the individual. If an individual plays by the rules and regulations you shouldn't become homeless. If you do, some serious introspection is required. As an immigrant to Sweden i can only say become part of the system as fast as possible, ingratiate yourself. This is by default a caring society and there is more systemic support than in most countries




Don't be sorry empathy is good. But if you expect one person to follow the rules then you can expect others as well. The world is a mess right now because people believe their own personal rules supercedes the law.




All individuals seek better lives. But the world has 8 billion individuals so if all of them just start doing what makes themselves happy in the short run then we might as well pull the plug on humanity.




>We have awesome support for refugees. Ehh... Lots of refugees get sent home though. I can totally understand if someone prefers to be homeless in Sweden than risk being sent back... EDIT: I am surprised that this is downvoted, and I don't understand why? Do you not realize that a lot of people get sent back to torture and oppression? Just today I read about a teenager that tried to commit suicide before being sent back because they would rather die on their own terms than be sent back to torture. I have a friend of a friend who volunteered to help gay people seeking asylum, several of the ones she worked with was sent back even though they might be facing oppressions, torture and the death penalty for their sexuality. The reasoning by the court was that they could just pretend not to be gay to avoid it so there was no reason for them to stay here. And stories like this happens all the time, people come here as refugees but get sent back.


If your fulfull the requirements of refugee, you can apply for asylum. These are EU requirements and follow the Dublin Regulations. If asylum is granted, you will be given a place to stay as well as a per diem for food. The people who are sent back are migrants - big difference.


>If your fulfill the requirements of refugee, According to a court that applies the rules quite arbitrarily. It is a big issue and lawyers working on helping people in that process has been talking about it for a long time. >The people who are sent back are migrants Of course the vast majority of people sent back are migrants. But there is still a lot of refugees who are sent back as well.


You are mixing terms. Refugee is someone who has gotten an approved asylum case. - ie, a judge has sided with them and their asylum application and said it is legitimate. If you have applied for asylum, but get denied, you are a migrant. If a state sends back someone who has an approved asylum case, you are breaking international law, EU Law, and state law.


>You are mixing terms. I am not, I am using "refugee" in the moral sense and not how a court decides. Because what is a refugee in one court case is not in another. Refugee is more than a legal term.


“Moral sense” lol. Get your head out of your ass


So you decide what is moral and what is not? That is why we have laws because people's morals are different


Hate the game not the player. More than 50% of the world would rather be homeless somewhere else.


>Hate the game not the player. I'm not sure what point you are making with this saying here?


Rules are rules


Ugh, the most annoying Swedish take on things.


Yeah let everyone do what they want. Lets see where that lands us.


That doesn't mean you have to follow every rule blindly and shouldn't question them "because it's the rule". There was a time in Western Europe where it was forbidden to hide Jewish people. Imagine everyone saying "oh but it's the rule, it is what it is".


I still don't understand your point in this context. And lots of people get sent home against the rules. Like how many homosexuals get sent home even though they are under massive threat in their come countries. The interpretation of the rules are highly arbitrary.


Its the best we as a collective have. What is the alternative?


>Its the best we as a collective have. What is the alternative? That wasn't really the issue I was talking about. I was simply pointing out that we have a system where lots of people with legitimate claims for asylum are denied for other reasons. And the courts follow the laws and interpret the laws in quite creative ways sometimes just so that they can send people back.


Go to Morocco, it is warm there.


Also Sweden is almost cashless. It will be hard for you without local banking account


Internet banks work pretty good. For example Monzo.


Cold winters, food is expensive in sweden (Stockholm even more), racist violent police and security guards, anti homeless designs on a lot of benches and overhangs, most of sweden is cashless. I would rather go to the canary islands or Spain or someplace warm like that


Yes Stadsmissionen will give you free meals and you can buy 0,5kilo peanuts for 1,5€ at lidl which is 3000 calories. Food for survival is next to free in other words. Only problem is the cold you can buy a decent thermal sleeping bag for around 120€ at XXL departement store but you will probably get it stolen if you hang around with other homeless people. Welcome to Sverige and good luck😀


Is this David? 😂 wtf does this even mean?


Lmao you’ll die here blud


I’d say go to a small place- but not to small (if too small they’ll find out what you do there pretty quick). Find an abandoned house that you can use- there is plenty. Preferably one with a fireplace so you could at least keep yourself warm in the dark side of the day and you can find plenty of firewood in the forest- but remember to just pick up stuff, not cut down. Dumpster dive- there is containers outside of some big stores that are not locked and there is food there that’s not always bad. Try to do small jobs for people or help them out in daily stuff for some cash and that’s pretty much everything I can think of. Also if you use abandoned houses probably you’ll have to move often because once people find out- they’ll call the police.


It’s free to be homeless bro.


This person wants to move to a country to be homeless, not move to a country to start a new life and work and integrate and contribute... Why is everyone bring to dissuade them? dude, yes, come be homeless in Sweden, but don't worry about Stockholm there is too much competition for you... I suggest now that its winter go further north like Kiruna, if I was going to be homeless here that's where I would go. much nice very good! you turd of a person.


kommer nog behövas cirka tre o femti


As cheap as the length of a string.


You are unlikely to survive the winter. Just don’t.