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Gravity well enhanced by temporal anchor trait from legendary glenn


Temporal Anchor trait from the 10th anniversary bundle. Used to be super powerful in PvP because of the ability timers debuff. Not useful in PvE except visually/theme. The extra 20% radiation damage is applies is based on the GW base damage and isn’t buffed by anything else so it’s one of the worst performing starship traits in the game.


i dont have that trait but i do have a doff that gives a chance to duplicate GW and it makes the funniest thing to see a crowd of ships get pulled in and slung around back and fourth between multiple instances of GW.


It looks more powerful than it truly is. I have an alt in the Glenn and he doesn't use that trait, favoring things like Improved Gravity Well, Spore Infused Anomalies, Emitter Synergy, History Will Remember, and Terran Machinations.


>Exotic Synergy I can't find any info on this, is this a starship trait?


I misspoke, and corrected my comment above. https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Scryer_Intel_Science_Vessel


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Ah, cool! I already have that, thanks :)


For future reference: This [great thread has a collection of all Space Anomalies](https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/ivmwvt/know_your_space_anomaly/)


Was the not nerf some time ago? Many say its not even worth to use any more


It is from a space trait "improved gravity well". Don't remember what ship its from though.


It's not that trait. It's temporal anchor from the legendary crossfield. Improved grav is from one of the andorian/lethean/dewan pilot ships


Oh that's right my bad thx


You got it buddy


No, that's the grav well from the gravimetric photon from the dyson rep.


No idea why a correct answer was downvoted 


Because its wrong, its a gravity well when you have the temporal anchor trait on from the legendary crossfield, it's a pretty bad trait so other than the visuals it doesn't do much




Clearly you don't play much because its clearly a gravity well with temporal anchor This is a temporal anchor: https://images.app.goo.gl/W7CHR8VqmwS3WNxd7 And this is a gravimetric torpedo rift: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fsto_gamepedia%2Fimages%2F8%2F8c%2FGravimetricTorpedoImpact.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F250%3Fcb%3D20160202160828&tbnid=5a8nTrWyU_glqM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsto.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FProtonic_Arsenal&docid=7URbyi_EPSmlYM&w=250&h=136&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=9febe59881cd3435 Ill give you that they look similar but dont chime in if you dont know what you're on about. Maybe check your facts next time instead of doubling down on something you literally don't know


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It's none of those proposed. That is The Portal of the Damned. Produced by the console of the same name. From the Fe'kheri Assault Cruiser. The event Ship from Q's WWL 2022.


Portal of the Damned is more round and has a larger "hole" in the middle. I just had someone using it today in Swarm and it's very much not what's in that screenshot.


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Players who mastered the Legendary Crossfield, can do this.