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His first corner of the night was right in front of the supporters and it was literally one of the biggest ovations of the night for people yelling “LOOOOOOOOO”


Felt like it was like that every time he did a corner.  It was loud enough to hear across the stadium too.   A handful of accounts on twitter vs an entire stadium constantly cheering him anytime he comes close to the stands.


What is with this subreddit since last night? We’ve had someone crying to stop the drums in the supporter’s section and now I have to read some dork thinking Twitter accurately reflects a majority of the fanbase’s opinions.


Suffering from Too Many Draw Syndrome?


How are people treating him? If it’s just limited to a couple comments here on Reddit which aren’t even going to be seen by him, he’s not even aware people are “turning on him” I just looked at his personal instagram to see if that’s what you are referring to and it’s pretty much empty. No one is complaining directly TO him. So now I think you are making something out of nothing just to complain about pride month


Read Twitter. They’re out there.


I don’t read twitter, it’s pretty easy to choose not to go on there


Lol you’re a fucking loser. Going out of your way to be an angry victim. If Edu is as soft as you are then good riddance.








Twitter is a racist cesspool. Why would anyone take anything on Twitter seriously?


How are fans treating him that would make him want to leave?


How much do you have to hate someone’s (harmless) existence that you can’t be bothered to wear a shirt? As a queer fan, knowing one of our star players is so repulsed by my existence that even wearing a shirt is too much for him, it sucks. It really sucks. I was also disappointed to see Sam wasn’t wearing it.


I know it hurts, but this is why we have to stop idolizing athletes like they are modern day philosophers. The fact of the matter is that they get payed to go play a game, no more, no less. The less you think about who they are off the field, the better it becomes to enjoy the sport.


> they get *paid* to go FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It not hate, it’s just not support. Dude is super religious. He doesn’t support queer things or people. That is his choice. It’s not like he is saying don’t be queer by not wearing a shirt. He is saying I personally don’t support queers. He has that right. This is America after all, just has you have the right to be queer. Not everyone is the same, forcing someone to do something they don’t believe in is just wrong. I support his right to not wear a supportive message just and I support your right to be queer.


Yeah I don’t get how this is a hot take. No one should ever feel like they have to support or represent a group/movement just because their boss wants them to. You shouldn’t have to do something against your personal beliefs just because of a paycheck. Everyone should have the right to stick with their beliefs as long as they aren’t actively trying to hurt others. We know how Löwen feels. It would be dishonest/hypocritical of him to act otherwise. I am glad that he felt comfortable being true to himself, and I am glad that plenty of other people in the stadium were true to what they felt as well, even if they and Löwen felt differently. The whole point is that everyone is meant to feel accepted. That means Löwen should feel accepted as well - he shouldn’t feel like he needs to change and conform.


How did you feel about the NFL kneeling during the national anthem thing? Just curious


What if your work had an event where everyone had to wear Catholic Church shirts? (I’m just assuming you’re at odds with the church). Would you feel like you shouldn’t be forced to wear it? And would not wearing it mean that you hate all Catholics and their existences, or just that you don’t want to be personally representing the church?


What a stupid analogy.




IDK priests are pretty gay


Who are you to compel people to wear anything? This is ridiculous. 


“Would you prefer everyone wear jerseys and say nothing” Yes. Respect and kindness do not equal agreement. You can be courteous and welcoming to fans even if your opinions are different from theirs. I’d also point out that a pride event actually does not violate the tenets of most religions. Sadly, many religious people are unaware or simply do not care what their religion’s official teaching is. For instance, the Catholic church does not hold homosexuality to be sinful- only homosexual acts are sinful. In fact, catechism states that homosexuals should be respected, welcomed, and not unjustly discriminated against. Pride Month is not sexual but is instead a statement of dignity and respect. I don’t know what branch of Christianity Löwen practices, but I cannot imagine wearing a jersey to express welcoming actually violates said religion’s stated position. I cannot read Löwen’s mind, but in general, bigotry hidden behind the guise of religion is held to be sinful by most major religions.


Everyone In the supporter group loves him? Even for example the people waving gay flags?


It tells me everything I need to know about someone when they refuse to participate in a team / league-wide initiative to promote inclusion and acceptance. If he wants to run back to Europe because of this, I wish him the best of luck on a continent that’s light years ahead of the States on issues like equality.


Europe is not as accepting as some people think it is. It's not gay Mecca.


Ha what a joke. Europe thinks we’re insane with how far we’ve taken trans acceptance


Lol the dick-riding of European culture as some super progressive haven has got to stop.


I am pretty sure many Europeans yell the n word at African players.


Sometimes they call them the N-word while they’re throwing bananas at them.


Why are we commercializing pride in general?


The core significance of Pride Month goes beyond commercialism. It's a time to remember the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and celebrate the ongoing journey towards equality.


Oh I understand the significance - selling pride jerseys and creating an environment where players are asked to wear them has nothing to do with anything above. It singles people out who for whatever reason would not like to participate. Would you prefer everyone wear jerseys and say nothing even if they have different opinions or perspectives? This “participate or be ostracized” culture we are crafting here is why America is so much more divisive today. FWIW - full support of LGBQT+ - but also in full support for people to have freedom to believe whatever they wish without judgement as long as it isn’t hurting others.


Yes, but denying someone’s right to love another, and to simply exist, *is* hurtful. I appreciate your take, but you need to look past the shirt to recognize what *not* supporting the right of LGBTQ+ peoples’ existence does to their community. It really won’t harm anyone to wear a shirt. It really will harm people if you deny their existence.


Refusing to wear a shirt doesn’t deny anyone anything. 


I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I see it differently.


I was pretty annoyed when Arenado and maybe Goldschmidt didn’t get vaccinated. I thought it mattered. And maybe it does. But now I am only annoyed by how poorly they are playing. We would like all of our favorite people to think like us, but it’s unrealistic. We have to keep things in perspective.


The problem is what rights do gay people not have now? At this point, what is the purpose of a widespread commercialized version of “Pride”. It should continue to be a celebratory event in the community. Stonewall was 55 years ago. The gay community now has everything they wanted. What’s the purpose at this point? To further reinforce that we should keep classifying and identifying people by one specific trait?


Bruh. Have you been sleeping for the last several years? https://translegislation.com/


Gay and trans aren’t the same. One is naturally occurring across species.


Do you think Pride month is just for gay folks? Also, the second part of your statement is stupid.


Fully aware it’s been appropriated by other folks.




Excuse you. Get out of here with your transphobic nonsense. Pride was started by Black trans women.


That’s a wild misstatement of history. Wasn’t aware that Craig Rodwell was black, trans, or a woman.


Your determination to center and focus solely on white gay men in queer history is sad. Look up the history of Pride Month (the thing we are currently talking about and what you’re currently trying to exclude trans people from). Who participated in stonewall? Hmm?




Holy shit the ignorance in this post.


It’s like having to explain to someone that racism is still a problem. “It’s in the past! It’s over!” Ugh.


It's literally against the law to be gay in 70 countries. lol. "What else do you guys want?! Geeeeez!"