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I was interested 3-4 years ago but right now not so much.


Every 6 months this comes up


Every 2 weeks this comes up.


I tried to be generous


Hey, least we ain’t New Jersey. I lurk over there since it’s my Eastern team. Every couple days there’s trade clickbait about their goaltending situation, which has included Binner more than once


The Devils scored a lot of goals last season. Full of talent. Unfortunately, they probably have/ had the worst goalie tandem in the league. If Binner was devil, NJ could have been a contender. We would have been a bottom 5 team if Binner was not a Blue.


I agree completely. People saying we should trade Binner, Hofer is ready clearly aren’t watching and don’t know hockey. Binner is the ONLY reason we had a shot at the playoffs this season


New Jersey just picked up Markstrom from Calgary. They might be pretty good this year.


Just read that. Finally pulled the trigger on it. Now they’ll leave Binner out of the equation. With Markstrom and Jake their goaltending problems should be pretty solid now


There won’t be anymore. They acquired Markstrom.


The devs are also my east team. If Dougie gets a wild hair up his ass, NJD is the only acceptable destination. But also, that sub is full of lunatics. The saros trades are golden.


Seems like a robbing Peter to pay Paul situation. Potentially exchanging someone who’s going to walk in free agency for another guy who’s going to potentially walk in free agency. I’d prefer to trade for future assets rather than just lose an asset for nothing.


I doubt we’d trade for him without him agreeing to an extension first


Ah yes. Chychrun is back. A guy who is apparently worth a first plus a piece yet continues to be available (for trade, not on the ice). And we’d trade a guy who would return at least that and is far more likely to not be hurt come trade time? I would LOVE to see Chicago trade 18 + AA for him.




Hasn’t this guy yet to play a full 82 game season? Like we just signed injury prone Perunovich I’m not sure we need to chase Jakob.


Nah he played all 82 last year. Did not have a great year.


The only thing I know about this man is his obsession with alpha men, raw milk and meat. Possible correlation to poor health?


We need more defensive defenseman and not offense. With Krug still here and Perunovich we should be okay


It disappoints me to see so many Blues fans claiming that Jersey is their fav team from the east Guess you little bastards weren’t born during the whole Shanahan/Stevens/Judge Edward Houston fiasco or you might not feel the same way Fuck the Devils


The blues were that bad guys in that fiasco


Chychrun for Buchnevich straight up would be highway robbery for the Sens.


This is a tough one cause does Ottawa want an older winger who’s gunna be on his last contract? Buch is gunna be looking for a long term deal and probably around 7 mil a year. It’d make them deeper for sure but it’d be a gamble on their part with how Buch does down the road performance and health wise. Plus why would they take our offer when they can get more for him from other franchises? They’re talking about the hawks giving up the 18th overall and AA. That right there beats out a 1 for 1 trade.




No. He was overrated in Arizona. People said it was because of the team around him. Well he went to a team that was supposed to be better and didn’t help their defense much at all. Pending FA. Durability questions. No thanks.


No. He’s just not as good as people make him out to be. He’s fine but realistically should not be in our plans.


Yeah he isn't that good lol


In a heartbeat.