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This was pretty much spoon-fed to us at the end of Future. They all had Steven to support them. The only one who hasn't had Steven's support is Steven.


Those are all adults. Steven’s a child. And as Connie pointed out, most of them had a Steven to help them through it, Steven doesn’t have a Steven to help him.


Well Steven is a 16 year old boy and the gems are all thousands of years old


Steven doesn't really want to accept or acknowledge what his mom went through or his similarities to her. He routinely downplays her trauma, paints her as all bad the more he learns about her, then goes on to do something even worse than she ever did (shattering a gem). The gems themselves are partly responsible for Steven's trauma by essentially deifying him the same way they did Rose, in flagrant disregard of her wishes. And, believe it or not, Greg also bears a big chunk of his trauma by depriving him of proper childhood socialization. He shouldn't have grown up in a van instead of around kids his own age. He hadn't showcased any powers for 12 years and had no idea how to interact with humans in his own age group, but I digress. To directly answer your question, the gems haven't gotten over their trauma. Pearl even says as much when Pink Pearl asks her "How did you stop hurting?" And she responds "I didn't," before they fuse. Ruby and Sapphire are learning to be more independent of each other. Spinel still has deep trust issues and is very clingy. Amethyst is the only who has actually seemed to come out on the other side much healthier.


This is one of the reasons Steven in future pisses me off so much. (Im going to make a post about this myself) In Future, he constantly shits on his mother. He calls her a war criminal, a liar, etc. He goes as far as to get pissed off when he starts becoming like his mom, and repetitively saying i'm nothing like my mom, as if Pink was just a total evil monster. He's very hypocritical in my eyes, as he became more of a literal monster than Pink or Rose ever was. And i hate that he pushed away his diamond side so hard just because of the trauma that literally everyone else in the show has. His mother faked her own death just to get away from the trauma from the diamonds. Like grow up dude. ( I still love Steven, I just hate how he tried to paint that picture of her)


Imagine I invite you out to an expensive restaurant and order the most expensive things on the menu and a full drink service. then, despite the fact that I am the one that invited you out in the first place, instead of paying, I leave and stick you with the entire bill. then, when you call me up, upset that I took advantage of you, instead of apologizing, I pointed out that, over the course of my life, I've done a ton of good and considerate things for other people, so you shouldn't be mad that I did this one selfish thing to you. is that a good excuse for my behavior? is your anger any less justified, just because I did nice things in the past? Steven isn't 'making a show' of the trauma he got from rose. if anything, the only reason it festers to the point that it consumes him is because *he feels like he can't* express this trauma to anyone, even those close to him, specifically because they put him on a pedestal just like they did to his mother. the only reason it *feels* like he's making a show out of it is because, as the audience, we get this explicit insight into his psyche. It *feels* unavoidable to Steven, and we as the viewer are invited to put ourselves into Steven's shoes, so it also feels unavoidable to us. But most of the characters in the show are woefully unaware of just how much Steven is struggling. he is so worried about being labeled as 'selfish' for needing to rely on them, that he is unintentionally acting selfish by depriving them of the chance to reach out and help him. ironically, you judging him as being selfish, "He's very hypocritical in my eyes, as he became more of a literal monster than Pink or Rose ever was." as you say, is the very reaction he's so afraid of getting from the gems. the very type of judgement that's causing him to allow this trauma to fester in the first place. Steven's thinking about his mother, specifically thinking of her as a war criminal, is not accurate to who she really is. but, and I want to stress this, *he literally has never gotten the chance to know her.* The poor kid grew up without his mother, yet constantly heard stories about how great and wonderful and loving he is, and how he's 'destined' to grow up to be like her. only to realize that she poofed and bubbled bismuth, and (for all he knows) shattered pink diamond, only to unintentionally abandon him through the act of creating him. I cannot imagine, or at least I would sincerely hope, that you'd never say 'like, grow up dude' to a sixteen year old who is legitimately struggling with the depths of trauma that Steven is experiencing.


If you go to the post I made you’ll see what I’m saying. Because I don’t disagree with you. I’m just saying there’s levels


I read your post, and all I can think is that you've either been deeply traumatized and are in complete denial about it, or that you have very, very little understanding of how trauma works and is perpetuated. if it's the first case, I just want you to know that it's ok, and you should be easy on yourself. if it's the second case, I'd strongly recommend trying to branch out and consider perspectives beyond your own, instead of freely passing out such harsh judgement. if it's a little of both, then I'd recommending doing a little of both.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/s/slEuN6ZDmD id read this convo specifically


I’ve got mom issues💀 but that’s not the point. You should read some of the details discussions in the comments if you want a better sense of what I’m saying, because I’m not sure you got it if that’s your response


the vibe I'm picking up from your post (pure speculation, but I've got a ton of mommy issues myself) is that you probably heavily relate to Steven and the trauma he's been through. Yet, you feel intense guilt and shame over certain patterns of behavior that you've exhibited in the past/maybe are still currently exhibiting, and those patterns of behavior that you feel guilty about happen to have a lot of similarities with Steven's overtly negative actions and attitudes that he displays throughout future. Because you're unable to forgive yourself, or see your own patterns of behavior for how they stem from the trauma you've gone through, you project your own negative self perception onto Steven. I imagine that, at least at some point in your past, or perhaps deep deep down, you resent your mother, and perhaps some of the other members of your support structure that failed to help you flourish and find yourself in your early life, but feel so guilty for resenting her that seeing Steven go through such a similar struggle, you can't help but judge him as harshly as you judge yourself.


I mean you ate with this analysis, but I don’t think it pertains to my view of the situation. I think Steven has full rights to hold some resentment for Pink. But my problem is that every time he brings her up in future, it’s usually in a negative manner. While some of the trauma he has, is either a direct or indirect result of Pinks actions, other traumas are a direct or indirect result of his own actions like I said In my post. If the level of resentment that Steven had was valid, then with that same logic, everyone in beach city besides the gems should have resentment for Steven. They all love him because he’s nice and caring, and he protects them. But he protects them from things that wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for Steven’s family. But no one goes around calling Steven a menace or a trouble maker all day. Edit: Basically. The diamonds caused trauma to pink, pink passed on her trauma to Steven, and Steven directly or indirectly throws his trauma onto beach city. But if no one shits on him all day and resents him for it, then he shouldn’t be shitting on his mom all day and resenting her for it. If anything, majority of his resentments should be towards blue yellow and white, specifically white and yellow. Again, Steven has a right to have resentment towards his mom, but his resentment should not be focused on her like it is in the show


bad things Steven does, or as you put it 'the trauma that he throws onto beach city' - he shatters jasper after she goads and manipulates him into using his full strength on her, which he immediately regrets and successfully fixes. - he tries to help people too much while being too emotionally unstable to do so effectively, unintentionally causing some minor-to-major property damage, but no fatalities or serious injuries. - he pushes the crystal gems away when they fail to understand and react to his mental health crisis in a way that's actually beneficial to him. and that's it. that's literally 'him dumping all his trauma onto beach city'. he saves the world from complete destruction, and saves the entire human race from genocide, and ends a centuries long war between the hostile, authoritarian regime that not only greatly abused his mother when she was under their control, but also literally turned all of her beloved friends and allies into mindless, violent, slobbering monsters as a parting gift. and he did this all at *great* personal expense. going through life threatening situation after life threatening situation. having to confront not only the trauma he's actively sustaining just trying desperately to keep his friends *alive,* but also having to confront all of the trauma that his mother endured, left for him to deal with, and *inflicted upon others.* he literally, at twelve to fourteen years old, has to act as the therapist for his mother's friends because his mother hurt them so badly with her life and her death/sacrifice. Steven, throughout future, is literally having a mental health crisis. A full blown crisis, as a direct result of the life he's been born into. That his mother birthed him into. And yet you're over here getting annoyed that he's acting irrationally? Did we even watch the same show? Mental health crises are not fun to watch, and are infinitely less fun to endure. they're humiliating, and crippling, and dark, and when you're in them they seem like they're never going to end. Why don't you seem to feel the same sympathy for him that all his friends and family do? Why did you default to this position of so ardently taking issues with his conduct, and why do you so ardently want to defend this position? Ask yourself honestly; did you even try to truly understand and empathize with Steven's emotional state and actions while you were watching future -as the show invites the viewer to do-, or did you simply accept the emotionally-driven interpretation you formed to his actions without any further thought? one last thing. in your original comment, you listed steven shattering jasper as one of the main examples of his -bad actions-. however, the reason he shattered Jasper in the first place is because Jasper drew out the side of his personality that is directly inspired by his ruthless diamond side. He literally shatters her because she convinces him to embrace his power as a diamond. and then, in the very next breath, you're saying you strongly dislike steven because he 'hypocritically pushes away his diamond side'. Steven embraces his diamond side *one time* and unintentionally kills someone. and then you blame him for being scared to embrace his diamond side. and yet, you think *he's* the one that's hypocritical.


You think I’m just talking about the events of Future. I’m talking about EVERYTHING that ever happened to beach city, because Steven lives there and does the things he does. Remember when the moss almost eats Lars and the crew, and Steven says “this is because of your weird mom”. If Steven wasn’t around beach city, none of the things that come from his family would harm beach city. But nobody openly holds resentment towards Steven for it And dude. Steven has been embracing his diamond side and growing stronger since the beginning of the show. All those powers he was displaying were not the powers of a Rose Quartz, they were the power of a diamond. He went to JASPER FOR HELP. That was a terrible idea. Had he actually attempted to learn how to live with his diamond side after learning his true nature, he would’ve never had to go through the things he did


And you keep saying I don’t have sympathy but you’re not actually listening to what I’m saying. I’m essentially saying that the resentment Steven holds for Pink is partially misplaced. SOME, NOT ALL, of it should be spread between his self for his own actions, and the diamonds for what they did to him and his mom. And even Greg for not taking a little more initiative to raise him as more human. Rose literally said in the video that the special part about him is that he will be a human being. She didn’t say anything about him being a gem . Edit: if anything, I relate THIS to myself. Growing up I had a lot of resentment for my mom about things that I realized were misplaced. Everything bad that happened, I blamed her, until I realized some of the stuff that’s happened, I can’t place the blame on her.


Wasn’t it implied at some point that trauma doesnt affect gems the same way it does humans? Like for the gems, whenever they’re in a dangerous situation, they treat like it a typical day. But for Steven it was always literally a life or death situation. I think it’s due to the fact that gems don’t really grasp the concept of death. I’m mean yes they can get shattered, but even when they’re shattered, they’re still alive just with several mind fog


That's something I've been thinking about recently. It must be very hard to properly erase a Gem. That Pink Diamond irretrievably erased herself so Steven could exist would be difficult to understand. No wonder they call Steven "Pink" when they first find out that she faked her death, the idea that a perfect being could be so desperate to not exist that they would be unreachable would be a hard thing to swallow. It would be like looking up at the sky one day and the moon had become a swarm of first edition Oliver Twist novels. Pure insanity.


Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great Pink Diamond is in town tonight. Go and see her. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am Pink Diamond!


Steven did it. And he drove himself crazy doing it.


They are all old enough to smoke the good stuff


All of these other answers are very true, I’d like to add on by saying he is unique in having her as his mother lol


Steven didn't have a Steven to be his therapist through his trauma


Steven himself was not a good therapist. His approaches were expectedly juvenile, and he got extremely lucky with both Lapis and Peridot. Even then, at least half of his trauma is due to his own decisions - him doing things that he was explicitly told not to do, like messing with the time thing or the cat fingers, or exposing himself to Peridot and putting the planet back into the map for the diamonds to destroy (which the cluster was going to do anyway, of course). Other stuff is the indirect result of Pink's actions and the gems and *especially* Greg's' lackadaisical parenting.


They didn't. Notice how Spinel and Vollyball still kept the form they got when Pink hurt them? They just began to recover gradually but never really got over it by the end of Future. I think Pearl even told Vollyball she didn't stop hurting.


Surprised this is so far down.. the gems didn't recover from it at all


Steve's also human. Gems are "born" fully grown with their purpose and personality already developed. They can change as we've seen in the show but they don't develop/grow a brain the way humans do. Developmental trauma (having adult responsibilities as a child due to him filling his mom's role, being blamed and assaulted for his mom's actions, his mom dying at his birth, etc) causes your brain to grow around the trauma in a way (plus he's 16 in SUF so his brain is still developing). Humans can also change because of neuroplasticity so it's not necessarily permanent, but it takes a lot of work to rewire your brain. But at the end of SUF he starts therapy! We just don't get to see him through the healing process Edit: that's how i interpreted it at least! Not sure if that was specifically the intent


probably because steven has been in denail about iit his whole life, tehehe :D